Some transcripts about dark companion and comet cluster

I don't think this is going to be a 50/50 type of deal going by what Ra and the C's have said, the reason why this has not happened even though we are due for the so called transition according to Ra from what I recall is that people are not unified, and consciousness of people and inhabitants of the planet is going in every direction.
For that reason the planet will experience some "problems" in this transition, symptoms of these "problems" are the ones reflected on climate change and the social climate and the many other events at various levels.

I think in a sense the wave is here but the planet isn't ready yet to come to a full transition into another density, maybe some individuals are making this jump, maybe others choose not to partake on the coming events and exit this world but all in all, the concept of people's consciousness going in every direction applies in practice when we see society and the world and its people.

I think that people whose FRV and polarization is that of STO or STS AND are ready for the next density will make the jump and not by default.

The materialization of the event of in the cosmos, i guess will take place in its natural form, and also taking into account the interruptions of 4D STS and their agenda with this planet.

I also think that comets and meteors can come at any given point, the thing is that unless they are close enough to the sun and the information is made available we won't know until it's up on our faces, though it is important to begin to move in the direction of our lessons and grow in awareness in order to graduate into the world we want to live in.

But from what i understand it won't be the whole of the population regardless of polarity, those who choose the STS path will go into a STS world and those who choose STO will pass into the the "renewed earth".
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