Something EVERYONE can DO to RESIST the Psychopaths

Joshua said:
If I was going to organize something. My campaign would start with holding US Senators accountable for their voting on the issues. This would involve organizing people around an issue, building cache in the system so that
a group could go to, lets say Ms. Feinstein and say;

"Hey, if you vote yes on the Iraq Invasion there is a good chance you won't be re-elected next term because we've got 500,000 people in your district that will vote against you as we don't support this resolution.

This is just an example of some simple logic that takes into account how the 'Game' is played.
There is no possibility of playing the game that way any longer and hoping to achieve anything.


Simple: The Bush Regime and the Zionists (joined at the hip for various reasons) have a chokehold on literally everything. As I wrote on my blog recently:

So, back to the 911 Scholars Symposium. I was watching and listening to the four guys... Steve Jones, Bowman, Tarpley, and Fetzer, and each of them were good in different ways. Fetzer was impassioned from his depths, I think, and Tarpley had a lot of info at his "neuron tips," and Prof. Jones was just bemused and really kind of out of his natural environment and it showed. He acted like a kid who has discovered a new toy and doesn't realize it is a loaded gun with the safety off. Bowman was politicking - maybe he's sincere, I don't know.

Anyway, combined, they did produce a strong impression that might sway a lot of people to their view which includes arresting Bush and the whole gang for treason. Bowman even says that if he is elected to congress, he'll make it an issue "on the hill."

So, the question is, of course, why are they being allowed to have even a toe in the door?

That was my first question and as I was listening to all of them pat themselves on the back that they were NOW getting a lot of attention, that people were opening up and seeing the truth, and it was just a matter of time before the whole thing blows wide open, I could only think: You don't know what you are dealing with. Facing down psychopaths isn't going to be that easy.

For example, they are all talking big about arresting the Neocon gang en masse and "taking back the government."

Okay, try to imagine the steps by which this might be done.

Go ahead... think!

The first thing is: who is going to do it?

Alex Jones? Webster Tarpley? A group of 911 researchers?

Do you think that, if they had the remotest chance of doing such a thing that they would be allowed to leave their houses on the day they plan to execute said warrant in anything other than a bodybag?

I mean, get real!

Oh, they'll have "back-up" you say.

Who, pray tell, is going to back the fearless 911 gang with plans to arrest the President and most of Congress? A gang of NRA aficionados armed to the teeth? What do you think will happen?

Come on now, think! Think ARMY vs. rabble with hunting rifles and maybe an odd AK 47 here and there.

And even if you did manage to actually take the perps into custody, who is going to try the case and before what judge that hasn't been bought and paid for by the Neocons?

Picture the scenario: a group of U.S. citizens band together and start REALLY pushing to go after Bush and Cheney...

Can you give me a script here? I'm having a hard time getting beyond the idea that all of them would be immediately arrested as "enemy combatants".

So now it is time to have a peek at some of the reality - the context in which this Alex Jones Dog and Pony show is being set up.


Shield sought for US personnel from 1996 war crimes act

Charges feared in detainee cases

By R. Jeffrey Smith, Washington Post | July 28, 2006

WASHINGTON -- An obscure law approved by a Republican-controlled Congress a decade ago has made the Bush administration nervous that officials and troops involved in handling detainee matters might be accused of committing war crimes and prosecuted in US courts.

Senior officials have responded by drafting legislation that would grant US personnel involved in the terrorism fight new protections against prosecution for past violations of the War Crimes Act of 1996. That law criminalizes violations of the Geneva Conventions governing conduct in war and threatens the death penalty if US-held detainees die in custody from abusive treatment.

In light of a recent Supreme Court ruling that said international conventions apply to the treatment of such detainees, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has spoken privately with Republican lawmakers about the need for such protections, according to someone who heard his remarks last week.

Gonzales told the lawmakers that a shield was needed for actions taken by US personnel under a 2002 presidential order, which the Supreme Court declared illegal, and under Justice Department legal opinions that have been withdrawn under fire, the source said. A spokeswoman for Gonzales, Tasia Scolinos, declined to comment on Gonzales's remarks.

Language in the administration's draft, which was prepared by officials in the Justice and Defense departments, seeks to protect US personnel by ruling out detainee lawsuits to enforce Geneva protections and by making US enforcement of the War Crimes Act subject to US -- not foreign -- understandings of what the Conventions require.

The aim, Justice Department lawyers say, is also to take advantage of US legal precedents that limit sanctions to conduct that ''shocks the conscience." This phrase allows the courts to consider the context in which abusive treatment occurs, such as an urgent need for information, the lawyers say -- even though the Geneva prohibitions are absolute.
Now, read this next one - this ought to shiver your timbers:

Bush Submits New Terror Detainee Bill

By Anne Plummer Flaherty The Associated Press Friday 28 July 2006

Washington - U.S. citizens suspected of terror ties might be detained indefinitely and barred from access to civilian courts under legislation proposed by the Bush administration, say legal experts reviewing an early version of the bill.

A 32-page draft measure is intended to authorize the Pentagon's tribunal system, established shortly after the 2001 terrorist attacks to detain and prosecute detainees captured in the war on terror. The tribunal system was thrown out last month by the Supreme Court.

Administration officials, who declined to comment on the draft, said the proposal was still under discussion and no final decisions had been made.

Senior officials are expected to discuss a final proposal before the Senate Armed Services Committee next Wednesday.

According to the draft, the military would be allowed to detain all "enemy combatants" until hostilities cease. The bill defines enemy combatants as anyone "engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners who has committed an act that violates the law of war and this statute."

Legal experts said Friday that such language is dangerously broad and could authorize the military to detain indefinitely U.S. citizens who had only tenuous ties to terror networks like al Qaeda.

"That's the big question ... the definition of who can be detained," said Martin Lederman, a law professor at Georgetown University who posted a copy of the bill to a Web blog.

Scott L. Silliman, a retired Air Force Judge Advocate, said the broad definition of enemy combatants is alarming because a U.S. citizen loosely suspected of terror ties would lose access to a civilian court - and all the rights that come with it. Administration officials have said they want to establish a secret court to try enemy combatants that factor in realities of the battlefield and would protect classified information.

The administration's proposal, as considered at one point during discussions, would toss out several legal rights common in civilian and military courts, including barring hearsay evidence, guaranteeing "speedy trials" and granting a defendant access to evidence. The proposal also would allow defendants to be barred from their own trial and likely allow the submission of coerced testimony.

Senior Republican lawmakers have said they were briefed on the general discussions and have some concerns but are awaiting a final proposal before commenting on specifics.

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England are expected to discuss the proposal in an open hearing next Wednesday before the Senate Armed Services Committee. Military lawyers also are scheduled to testify Wednesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

The legislation is the administration's response to a June 29 Supreme Court decision, which concluded the Pentagon could not prosecute military detainees using secret tribunals established soon after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. The court ruled the tribunals were not authorized by law and violated treaty obligations under the Geneva Conventions, which established many international laws for warfare.

The landmark court decision countered long-held assertions by the Bush administration that the president did not need permission from Congress to prosecute "enemy combatants" captured in the war on terror and that al Qaeda members were not subject to Geneva Convention protections because of their unconventional status.

"In a time of ongoing armed conflict, it is neither practicable nor appropriate for enemy combatants like al Qaeda terrorists to be tried like American citizens in federal courts or courts-martial," the proposal states.

The draft proposal contends that an existing law - passed by the Senate last year after exhaustive negotiations between the White House and Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. - that bans cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment should "fully satisfy" the nation's obligations under the Geneva Conventions.

Sen. John W. Warner, R-Va., chairman of the Armed Services Committee, said Friday he expects to take up the detainee legislation in September.

Now, we already know that the Neocon/Zionist consortium has control of Congress. No matter how many questions or doubts they say they have about this bill, they will roll over and pass this legislation. In fact, any discussion at all is just for show. We know that already because we have seen it happen again and again.
Now, consider what Paul Craig Roberts wrote about Bush's illegal spying...

Bush's acts of illegal domestic spying are gratuitous because there are no valid reasons for Bush to illegally spy. The Foreign Intelligence Services Act gives Bush all the power he needs to spy on terrorist suspects. All the administration is required to do is to apply to a secret FISA court for warrants. The Act permits the administration to spy first and then apply for a warrant, should time be of the essence. The problem is that Bush has totally ignored the law and the court.

Why would President Bush ignore the law and the FISA court? It is certainly not because the court in its three decades of existence was uncooperative. According to attorney Martin Garbus (New York Observer, 12-28-05), the secret court has issued more warrants than all federal district judges combined, only once denying a warrant.

Why, then, has the administration created another scandal for itself on top of the WMD, torture, hurricane, and illegal detention scandals?

There are two possible reasons.

One reason is that the Bush administration is being used to concentrate power in the executive. The old conservative movement, which honors the separation of powers, has been swept away. Its place has been taken by a neoconservative movement that worships executive power.

The other reason is that ** the Bush administration could not go to the FISA secret court for warrants because it was not spying for legitimate reasons and, therefore, had to keep the court in the dark about its activities. **

What might these illegitimate reasons be? Could it be that the Bush administration used the spy apparatus of the US government in order to influence the outcome of the presidential election?

Could we attribute the feebleness of the Democrats as an opposition party to information obtained through illegal spying that would subject them to blackmail?
When Roberts suggests

"What might these illegitimate reasons be? Could it be that the Bush administration used the spy apparatus of the US government in order to influence the outcome of the presidential election? "

... he doesn't really go the full distance.

What if the illegal spying is to gain complete control of government and judiciary? Everybody has dirty laundry, and if you have that information, you can control about anything. The only people you can't control are those who are "clean" and we can guess from the way things are going in the U.S. and UK, just about everybody is "dirty."

Americans turned out in record numbers to vote in the last election. They NEVER do that unless they are unhappy with the status quo. The exit polls and evidence of vote tampering suggests strongly that Bush did not win the election... (which is not to say that Kerry was any better choice!)

So, not only do they have control of congress and the judiciary, they also control the votes... As Stalin said, it's not who votes that counts, it's who counts the votes. And with control of congress and the judiciary AND the support of the Israeli owned media, there is NO possibility of them being made accountable for ANY of their crimes.

So, considering the cards that the Neocons are holding in terms of illegal spying, I think we need to be realistic and understand that even the next election is not going to change anything.

Oh, they may make a show of running Jeb Bush for president, or even some dark horse we don't know about. But with the controls this cabal has already, there is ZERO possibility of fundamental change in course.

And that means that all those folks getting up and speaking out about 911 may very well be the first to be rounded up as enemy combatants under Bush's new law once it is passed.

In the third rank we shall set up our own, to all appearance, opposition, which, in at least one of its organs, will present what looks like the very antipodes to us. Our real opponents at heart will accept this simulated opposition as their own and will show us their cards...

When a pulse quickens these hands will lead opinion in the direction of our aims, for an excited patient loses all power of judgment and easily yields to suggestion. Those fools who will think they are repeating the opinion of a newspaper of their own camp will be repeating our opinion or any opinion that seems desirable for us. In the vain belief that they are following the organ of their party they will, in fact, follow the flag which we hang out for them. ...

The first rule of warfare is: KNOW your enemy and the whole 911 crowd is so focused on their theories, blinded by their egos, and unaware of the larger context in which 911 must be placed that they are little more than sheep being led to the slaughter by the Pied Pipers of the "Third Rank Alternative Press" and 911 Truth organizations - people like Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, Gerard Holmgren, Rosalee Grable, Alex Constantine, and their associates and fans.

'They saw a Samaritan carrying a lamb and going to Judea. [Jesus] said to his disciples, "Why is he carrying the lamb around?" They said to him, "So that he may kill it and eat it." He said to them, "He will not eat it while it is alive, but only after it has been killed and has become a carcass." They said, "it cannot happen any other way." He said to them, "So also with you: seek a place of rest for yourselves, that you may not become a carcass and be eaten." Gospel of Thomas
Some days I feel like Cassandra...
In short, without MASS support - and that means finding ways and means to get the IDEA of driving out the Bush Regime out there and circulating - there is ZERO POSSIBILITY of doing ANYTHING.

Read your history!

Oh, indeed, eventually Hitler would have faced the millions of Germans marching against him if they all hadn't been bombed into oblivion and Hitler and his regime had not been destroyed by the Allied bombing.

In other words we actually have two choices, like it or not: To rise up en masse... or wait until Bush has brought the fires of the wrath of the rest of the world down on America's head... and the latter option means a lot more death and destruction than the former.
Joshua said:
My original question was merely what Laura found of value in this media campaign, and why she was promoting it so prominently on SOTT, as I'm not seeing anything that special.
What is it that hinders you from seeing the value in millions of Americans taking to the streets together in a show of solidarity? You are aware of the Butterfly Effect, aren't you?

"The flapping butterfly wing represents a small change in the initial condition of the system, which causes a chain of events leading to large-scale phenomena. Had the butterfly not flapped its wings, the trajectory of the system might have been vastly different."

Joshua said:
I'm a media producer. I'm looking to create content that will move and inspire people;
Move and inspire people to "what"?

Joshua said:
If I was going to organize something. My campaign would start with holding US Senators accountable for their voting on the issues. This would involve organizing people around an issue, building cache in the system so that
a group could go to, lets say Ms. Feinstein and say;

"Hey, if you vote yes on the Iraq Invasion there is a good chance you won't be re-elected next term because we've got 500,000 people in your district that will vote against you as we don't support this resolution.
A huge uprising of the American people taking to the streets will show everyone, including Ms. Feinstein and her cohorts, where they stand. On the off chance that voting still counts for something in this country, then they will get the message loud and clear that they won't be re-elected if they don't comply with the will of so many people who feel strongly enough to be Doing something to show where they stand. Such Do-ers are not apathetic, but are people who may also Do something when it is time to vote, don't you think?

So, the question of American 'apathy' versus 'action' seems to loom large in this situation. How many people are awake and aware enough to even truly 'see' the mess Bush has wrought? How many people may 'see' it, at least to some degree, but are hesitant to speak up? How would people react if they realized that many, perhaps even most, of their neighbors, coworkers, friends, etc., feel the same way they do? What kind of an inspirational effect could this have? After all, as the old saying goes, there is strength in numbers, so people can be inspired to take a stand when they realize they won't be standing there all alone.

And then there is this idea, condensed and slightly adapted, from "How Brave Are You?"

"Anyone still sitting on the fence, or looking the other way, because it's easier or less painful for them or because they simply don't know any better, is actually giving de facto support to this president and what he stands for. Like it or not, everyone is responsible until they choose to make a personal decision to oppose George W. Bush with every fiber of their being...and continually be Doing something, anything, whether it be large or small, to back up their decision.

Most Americans are evidently living in a place that could be named The Land of Denial, where wishful thinking is a dangerous epidemic disease creating a nation of apathetic people who can't see the darkness that's creeping closer every day threatening to engulf us all.

Dare to let youself break out of The Land of Denial. "

So, while you, and others like you, may prefer to stay on your perch up on that fence that separates The Land of Denial from The Land of Objective Reality, giving Bush the de facto support mentioned above, others will decide to get down off that fence, follow their conscience, and remove that support by Doing something. They will Do whatever they can, with no guarantees of positive results, simply because they know it is right and an indication of where they stand...of 'who and what' they are. They know that to do nothing is to invite certain doom. By being Willing to take such a step they will also be sending a message to the universe of the level of their COMMITMENT to what they believe in and stand for. And once the universe gets that message, amazing things can happen.

As Goethe said:

"Until one is committed, there is always hesitancy, the chance to
draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative
there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless
ideas and endless plans: That the moment one commits oneself, then
providence moves, too.

All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have
occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising
in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and
material assistance which no man could have dreamed would come his

Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it! Boldness has genius,
power and magic in it. Begin it and the work will be completed."
As I wrote on my "myspace" blog today, the issue that I have with Bush and his power-grabs is that they keep doing whatever they want, and people sit around a cheer (like one of the ending scenes of Episode III) becauser they are keeping us "safe" from "terrorists".

But, what exactly *IS* a terrorist to this gang? I'll bet all of us here are considered terrorists under some provision or another.

They keep re-defining what words mean, and as their "definitions" get more and more broad, more and more is taken away from us.

Wow, great points and expression all the way around. I really appreciate Laura and Lucy's input; stong embodied vision.

Now this is what I call a discussion.

To much to respond to point by point at the moment but:



No, problems with folks out in the street, merely wondering then what. Which Laura and Lucy both
responded to, which was all I was looking for in my intial question; thank you both for taking the time!
Your input has been very stimulatory.
In the winter of 2003, there were marches the world over against the invasion in Iraq. I participated, not because I was delusional enough to think we were going to stop the war, but because it was the right thing to do. It was necessary to stand up for the truth, to align oneself with the truth. That is why we do these things.

If, after the fact, others are touched and moved, so much the better. The butterfly wings may have their non-linear effect. What is important at the start is simply to create a position where the truth exists to which others can be attracted.
henry said:
In the winter of 2003, there were marches the world over against the invasion in Iraq. I participated, not because I was delusional enough to think we were going to stop the war, but because it was the right thing to do. It was necessary to stand up for the truth, to align oneself with the truth. That is why we do these things.

If, after the fact, others are touched and moved, so much the better. The butterfly wings may have their non-linear effect. What is important at the start is simply to create a position where the truth exists to which others can be attracted.
Another great point. I really appreciate the input as it has made me see my cynicism all the more clearly.

Thanks Henry. As well, KUDOS in general for the efforts of the SOTT site, which is one of two that I read daily.

There just isn't much out 'their' in terms of 'GeoFarcitical' analysis that smacks of much value.
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