SOTT-inspired desktop image package

JonnyRadar said:
d'oh! artivist is already in use - _ and _

Just a quick remark : is there the need for a website ?
Wouldn't a blog be easier to update with many contributors if needed ?
Tigersoap said:
Just a quick remark : is there the need for a website ?
Wouldn't a blog be easier to update with many contributors if needed ?

yep, that probably would be easier. i had intended to set up a blog using MODx and my server as hosting space, but for now that may be too much work to complete in any reasonable time-frame, what with all that's going on work-wise already... also i hadn't taken into full consideration the amount of work to set up a back-end for multiple contributors. all in all probably better to go with an existing service.

slapping the orions! :lol: ok as far as the name goes, how about a vote between the names already proposed, or more suggestions as well if they are out there...

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Through the Mirror, Off the Wall
Images of Truth
The Mad Tea Party
Third Line Art Collective
Red Pill Art
Shocking The Octave
Shared Truth Optics
Slapping The Orions ( ;))

- - -

ok i'll bite first, just because Artivist is already used for a couple different organizations, my vote would then be for "Shocking the Octave"
Hello everyone,

I would like to make some last suggestions for a name that came up while playing with the word "art":

Wake Art (from wake-up)
Artchemical (from alchemical)
artimatter (from antimatter)
Art of Work (instead of the usual "work of art")

Just some more ideas on the table... Thank you!
SeekingtheTruth said:
I like Artropy- the creative process of giving order to chaos with an ever increasing signal/noise ratio! :D

i like that too... ok i'm setting this blog up at the moment, and narrowing in on that name, and a variance of one of the others spyraal suggested:



The Artchemical Matter

we're pretty much ready to go, just need to settle on the name and then get artists signed up as contributors. thanks Tigersoap for the suggestion about the blog, it is much easier that way...

ok, so, *drum roll* final votes on the names! feel free to throw a vote in on another name as well if you think it would work better, the two i mentioned are certainly not the end-all be-all...
My final vote goes for Artropy i guess... :) But The Artchemical Matter is also good and fine for me, but maybe it could be just a bit "long" if we were to split hairs on this!

Thank you very much JonnyRadar on setting this blog up, and all other members for their suggestions and ideas.

I am preparing something special on the occasion of this blog! ;)

Hey- Ho- Let's go! :P
ok i've registered three names at wordpress:

The Artchemical Matter
(kindly suggested by a good friend, thought it sounded cool)

the reason i'm vacillating a bit about Artropy is the play on entropy. i get the concept, like you'd add art to entropy to give order to chaos, but it still sits weird. we wouldn't want to imply that our art is entropic would we? perhaps i'm confusing the terms... but those three names are registered so barring many more responses, i'm gonna wait a bit and then just pick one so we can get started...

the next step to this would be determining the direction of the blog. i know a few people here are interested in participating, so i'm wondering if we should just get it going, get some work up there and then figure it out as we go? the question being: will it just host art that the artists created, or perhaps also inspiring images from wherever, like an "art journal" or something... also music, maybe? there are some musicians here, perhaps that could also be an aspect of it.

JonnyRadar said:
the next step to this would be determining the direction of the blog. i know a few people here are interested in participating, so i'm wondering if we should just get it going, get some work up there and then figure it out as we go? the question being: will it just host art that the artists created, or perhaps also inspiring images from wherever, like an "art journal" or something... also music, maybe? there are some musicians here, perhaps that could also be an aspect of it.

Yeah you definetely need some clear focus, otherwise it's going to lose momentum.

For starters I'd suggest a part where people can post their own creation (keep the quality high guys ;)) / sott oriented and an other part which could be like an other art blog (all forms of art, from old paintings to modern street art) that seems interesting on a Sott like point of view for example.
What could maybe make it different is if each person tries to make a meaningful connection to the material or the work if possible.
I don't think it needs to be necessary all the time but I suppose it would be more interesting in the long run.

and make the blog visually nice ;)

My two cents the matter.
Tigersoap said:
Yeah you definetely need some clear focus, otherwise it's going to lose momentum.

For starters I'd suggest a part where people can post their own creation (keep the quality high guys ;) {snip}

This is really usefull advice Tigersoap. ;)
And trying to add to this intent of a clear focus, i will quote some interesting words of Gurdjieff about art, written in Ouspensky's book the Fourth Way, to provide some food for thought. Emphasis (text in bold) is mine.

The Fourth Way said:
In Moscow, at the same time, we also had several interesting talks about art. These were connected with the story which was read on the first evening that I saw G.
"At the moment it is not yet clear to you," G. once said, "that people living on the earth can belong to very different levels, although in appearance they look exactly the same. Just as there are very different levels of men, so there are different levels of art. Only you do not realize at present that the difference between these levels is far greater than you might suppose. You take different things on one level, far too near one another, and you think these different levels are accessible to you.
"I do not call art all that you call art, which is simply mechanical reproduction, imitation of nature or other people, or simply fantasy, or an attempt to be original. Real art is something quite different. Among works of art, especially works of ancient art, you meet with many things you cannot explain and which contain a certain something you do not feel in modern works of art. But as you do not realize what this difference is you very soon forget it and continue to take everything as one kind of art. And yet there is an enormous difference between your art and the art of which I speak. In your art everything is subjective—the artist's perception of this or that sensation; the forms in which he tries to express his sensations and the perception of these forms by other people. In one and the same phenomenon one artist may feel one thing and another artist quite a different thing. One and the same sunset may evoke a feeling of joy in one artist and sadness in another. Two artists may strive to express exactly the same perceptions by entirely different methods, in different forms; or entirely different perceptions in the same forms—according to how they were taught, or contrary to it. And the spectators, listeners, or readers will perceive, not what the artist wished to convey or what he felt, but what the forms in which he expresses his sensations will make them feel by association. Everything is subjective and everything is accidental, that is to say, based on accidental associations—the impression of the artist and his 'creation'" (he emphasized the word "creation"), "the perceptions of the spectators, listeners, or readers.
"In real art there is nothing accidental. It is mathematics. Everything in it can be calculated, everything can be known beforehand. The artist knows and understands what he wants to convey and his work cannot produce one impression on one man and another impression on another, presuming, of course, people on one level. It will always, and with mathematical certainty, produce one and the same impression.
"At the same time the same work of art will produce different impressions on people of different levels. And people of lower levels will never receive from it what people of higher levels receive. This is real, objective art.
Imagine some scientific work—a book on astronomy or chemistry. It is impossible that one person should understand it in one way and another in another way. Everyone who is sufficiently prepared and who is able to read this book will understand what the author means, and precisely as the author means it. An objective work of art is just such a book, except that it affects the emotional and not only the intellectual side of man." "Do such works of objective art exist at the present day?" I asked. "Of course they exist," answered G. "The great Sphinx in Egypt is such a work of art, as well as some historically known works of architecture, certain statues of gods, and many other things. There are figures of gods and of various mythological beings that can be read like books, only not with the mind but with the emotions, provided they are sufficiently developed. In the course of our travels in Central Asia we found, in the desert at the foot of the Hindu Kush, a strange figure which we thought at first was some ancient god or devil. At first it produced upon us simply the impression of being a curiosity. But after a while we began to feel that this figure contained many things, a big, complete, and complex system of cosmology. And slowly, step by step, we began to decipher this system. It was in the body of the figure, in its legs, in its arms, in its head, in its eyes, in its ears; everywhere. In the whole statue there was nothing accidental, nothing without meaning. And gradually we understood the aim of the people who built this statue. We began to feel their thoughts, their feelings. Some of us thought that we saw their faces, heard their voices. At all events, we grasped the meaning of what they wanted to convey to us across thousands of years, and not only the meaning, but all the feelings and the emotions connected with it as well. That indeed was art!"

So, creating real art in that context is the true creative challenge. I am not suggesting that this is easy of course, but the above G's thoughts can provide a very good roadmap for all that have "artistic worries" and/or would wish to participate in this blog. Thank you Tigersoap and you all.

ok, we are up and running!

after much internal hemming and hawing, i decided to go with "The Artchemical Matter". don't know quite why i have such a hard time making a decision, but that definitely needs to be worked on.

so here's the blog, with two of my own pieces to start off with:

for anyone who wants to participate, shoot me a private message with a link to some of your work and your email address and i can send you an invite as a contributor, then you just follow the link in the invite and you're good to go! (mods, please let me know if this is not acceptable or permitted)

right now there are categories for original work and found work, per the suggestion from Tigersoap (thanks for that). you can set, when you make a post, which category it's in. i'm also totally open to suggestions for categories - may make it easier for those visiting the site to browse the work. i think for now each contributor can keep an eye on their own image quality (dpi, size, etc...) but perhaps some guidelines should come into play in the future.

spyraal said:
Hey- Ho- Let's go! :P

:D :D :D
Beautiful indeed! It's some time ago that I drew anything, but I'd like to pick it up again and participate!
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