SOTT Radio Network en español is moving!

Hello guys,

Yesterday we had a conversation about the sad state of affairs in the West with all of our leaders, first there was that peace summit, that everyone sent their B squad to, then we had the G7 where poor Meloni had to babysit Biden, all in the context of the recent parliamentary elections in the EU which seems to have caused some ruckus in some circles, and Putin's proposal for peace in Ukraine.

We touched upon Gaza, the psyops that the US is performing on everyone making them believe that they have all the intentions to pursue a ceasefire but Hamas are the ones who do not want it, the UN added Israel to their black list and Tel-Aviv is thinking about sanctioning the UN.

We touched a bit and the Hunter Biden case in the US and what some are saying about it, and about the fact that Saudi Arabia decided not to renew the Petrodollar deal, Moscow not using the Dollar any longer and the US sanctioning them.

The world continues to move in an inevitable direction, that some are attempting to stop yet continue to exacerbate that change and some are simply learning to navigate the wave of change.

For your consideration here's #480

Terremoto electoral el Europa, “paz” en Ucrania y se derrumba el petrodólar​

Hello everyone,

Yesterday we had a discussion about the collective west loosing its mind over Vladimir Putin going to visit some friends, which is practically what it all looked like from he footage and the statements made by everyone. Putin and Kim were having a grand ole time and the West was freaking out about the immense disrespect to no proliferation treaties and the UN, yep...

We also discussed Israel, and their move against Lebanon, seems suicidal but who knows.

Then, the peace summit left us with several interesting signs of how underwhelming it was... no one important signed, and no one important attended, even Harris left before the whole thing was over. Zelenski's utility seems to be coming to an end, and Moscow knows it.

For your consideration, here's #481

Putin visita a Kim Jong-un, Israel planea atacar Líbano​

Hi guys,

Quite a few topics to cover this week. We started with the debate (?) in the US and how Biden seems to have become immune to whatever they had given him on the SOTU address he gave earlier this year, sleepy Biden was so hard to ignore that even some of the democrats have begun to consider a different candidate.

We also discussed the coup attempt in Bolivia, and its implications and possible origins. We mentioned the attacks in Russia, Dagestan and Sebastopol, and the reactions to them from both Russia and the West. Things are heating up.

Finally we had a discussion about Julian Assange finally being free after making a deal with the US. We touched on Israel and Gaza and then we had our tiny gossip section.

For your consideration, here's #482

El ocaso del imperio: Debates, terrorismo y golpes fallidos​

Hi guys,

We had somewhat of a follow up to the show from a few weeks ago, about the elections in Europe. This week Sunak is gone after Labor took over the country, and Le Pen is poised to take over France.. The media is freaking out about the "extreme right" take over and we discussed the value of those claims, there seems to be something else going on in Europe at this moment.

We discussed Putin's statements in Astana, and Orban's visit to Kiev and Moscow, and how everyone in the EU freaked out at the leader of the European commission making diplomatic efforts in the direction of peace.

We then crossed the ocean to discuss Biden's own little fall out and his isolation, where even democrats are now calling for his replacement as the presidential candidate.

For your consideration, here's #483

Elecciones en Europa: una clase política envilecida y el enfado de las masas​

What a week!

We had a lot to talk about, and we did, for one and a half hours, we discussed the isolation that Biden seems to be experiencing, everyone calling for him to resign and give the opportunity for anyone without Parkinson's or dementia to step in and take on Trump at the elections, and we did hold a conversation about that.

We also talked about the elections in France, we talked about the rebel Orban going around the world upsetting Borrell. We discussed the chaotic western world, contested against BRICS, and Modi visiting Putin.

We even had a conversation about Israel, Gaza and Jordan Peterson.. and that was here, for your consideration:


Biden en caída libre y la OTAN quiere guerra​

But then...
As we set off to have the rest of our week, Trump gets shot and we decided to hold an emergency show to sort of discuss things live, some of our impressions and some of our thoughts about what was transpiring.

So, here's the first ever "Edición Especial":

Edición especial: Donald Trump sobrevive un atentado contra su vida​

Split the post into two, so that each show got it's own, of special interest, look at the image of both videos.. on the one you have a sleepy Biden, messing it up at the NATO summit, on the other, you have Trump capitalizing on almost being killed, that's kind of epically adequate.
Hi everyone,

Yesterdays conversation covered up some, and I do mean some because there's a lot, of the chaotic level of information that we've received about Trump, mostly from citizen's research actually.

The RNC and Trumps official candidacy from the Republican Party was discussed to some degree.

And the the global IT outage and what it means, and some of its own chaotic information coming out of everywhere.

for your consideration, here's #485

Trump sobrevive al atentado y pánico mundial por las tecnologías de la información​

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