SOTT Site - New Layout

Although I visit SOTT daily, I haven't posted on the forum in quite some time, HOWEVER, I wanted to comment on how I am totally taken with the new layout and think this is showing the true colors of the team who puts it together with much more purpose and growth potential. So, having read some of the comments of the naysayers, just wanted to put in my comment in order to convey my gratitude and admiration for the creativity, expanded thinking and service from you, Laura, and the entire team.

Thanks! :clap:
Really do dig the site, however the one thing I do miss is the picture of Al Gore with the comet smacking into his forehead. That always gave me a grin. ;D
Devar said:
Really do dig the site, however the one thing I do miss is the picture of Al Gore with the comet smacking into his forehead. That always gave me a grin. ;D

Same here! :D Wish we could put that somewhere on the site!

I'm also loving the category changes; thanks SOTT Team for all of your hard work! I like the new direction SOTT is taking as well.

Quick question: Will there be any more SOTT Reports and the like? I was under the impression that the target audience was for those who are still stuck in the mainstream (or people like me who miss important articles occasionally). Will they not be necessary anymore, since the new direction is primarily for those who are partly awake (i.e. at least somewhat familiar with the material here)? Or am I missing something here?

Apologies if that has already been asked. Thanks in advance. :)
zlyja said:
Quick question: Will there be any more SOTT Reports and the like? I was under the impression that the target audience was for those who are still stuck in the mainstream (or people like me who miss important articles occasionally). Will they not be necessary anymore, since the new direction is primarily for those who are partly awake (i.e. at least somewhat familiar with the material here)? Or am I missing something here?

Sott reports will continue. Is there a topic you would like to see discussed?
The two things I'd like to see would be a big report on this whole Giffords mess. I've been doing my best to sort out this nuttiness and I'd like to see if someone has a different perspective on this whole thing. They tend to reveal a lot of the preconceptions I have.

The other is a small something on the splitting going on in Sudan. From the best I can tell its just more dividing and conquering. Especially with this whole good cop bad cop thing going on with China and American corporations in Africa right now.
Perceval said:
zlyja said:
Quick question: Will there be any more SOTT Reports and the like? I was under the impression that the target audience was for those who are still stuck in the mainstream (or people like me who miss important articles occasionally). Will they not be necessary anymore, since the new direction is primarily for those who are partly awake (i.e. at least somewhat familiar with the material here)? Or am I missing something here?

Sott reports will continue. Is there a topic you would like to see discussed?

Definitely agree with blindpsychic about the whole Giffords mess. Maybe mention the whole Greenbauming thing, how people are increasingly being set off and how the psychopaths in power are taking advantage of that.

Or, maybe you could go about dissecting the whole Tea Party / Survivalist movement, the signs of civil war in America, which might be a hot topic to discuss with the coming Earth Changes and SOTT's new direction.

I know absolutely nothing about Sudan, except that there's a civil war and George Clooney was talking about Darfur a while ago. I didn't even know about a split until I looked it up! I better get up to date on that one.

Sorry if these have already been discussed before; there's just so much material to go through! Thanks, Perceval. :)
Three categories weren't immediately clear to me:
-The Science Of The Spirit (took a stab in the dark that it meant psychic phenomena)
-Society's Child (that could mean a number of things)
-Gaia's Children (that could mean a number of things)

Also, Serpent In The Sky would seem obscure to a non-regular SOTT reader.

Does it matter that some of the category names are not obviously titled?

That aside, I like the new categories and setup.
Nathan said:
Three categories weren't immediately clear to me:
-The Science Of The Spirit (took a stab in the dark that it meant psychic phenomena)
-Society's Child (that could mean a number of things)
-Gaia's Children (that could mean a number of things)

Also, Serpent In The Sky would seem obscure to a non-regular SOTT reader.

Does it matter that some of the category names are not obviously titled?

That aside, I like the new categories and setup.

Changes are on the way in line with what you mention.

blindpsychic said:
The two things I'd like to see would be a big report on this whole Giffords mess. I've been doing my best to sort out this nuttiness and I'd like to see if someone has a different perspective on this whole thing. They tend to reveal a lot of the preconceptions I have.

The other is a small something on the splitting going on in Sudan. From the best I can tell its just more dividing and conquering. Especially with this whole good cop bad cop thing going on with China and American corporations in Africa right now.

The problem is that politics is off the agenda, so it'll have to be something reflecting the new focus of Sott.
Perceval said:
The problem is that politics is off the agenda, so it'll have to be something reflecting the new focus of Sott.

What about doing one on Earth changes and/or cosmic weather? There seems to be a lot of good, recent news that could be used to put something like that together.
Shijing said:
Perceval said:
The problem is that politics is off the agenda, so it'll have to be something reflecting the new focus of Sott.

What about doing one on Earth changes and/or cosmic weather? There seems to be a lot of good, recent news that could be used to put something like that together.

Yeah, space weather: 25 comets plunging into the sun, Comet Elenin, and an overview of the problem including explanation about the twin sun and Oort cloud.
Sott reports will continue. Is there a topic you would like to see discussed?

I am myself in love with SOTT and I really appreciate the big work you are doing to inform us.

Can I propose a subject? What is the importance of dreams in the here and now? We are living a BIG change, physically (the earth) and mentally, how dreams can help us in understanding what is happening? In the History, are dreams have been studied for that purpose? Mrs. Laura knows very much about myths and culture, and all of you also. But maybe this subject has been worked?


Mod's note: Edited to add the quotation boxes
loreta said:
Can I propose a subject? What is the importance of dreams in the here and now? We are living a BIG change, physically (the earth) and mentally, how dreams can help us in understanding what is happening? In the History, are dreams have been studied for that purpose? Mrs. Laura knows very much about myths and culture, and all of you also. But maybe this subject has been worked?

Hi loreta,

Perhaps this topic would be more suitable as a podcast than a SOTT report. You can listen to all previous podcast here or you can read their transcripts. :)
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