Well, here is a weird and true story. I was camping with a few people in Joshua Tree National Park, located in the Mojave Desert in southern California. Joshua Tree has long been known as a place of multiple vortexes...a place of increased energy and healing besides being beautiful and unique. We climbed a butte and found a spot at the top that appeared to have been a sacred space where people had gathered. The stones were laid out as seats in a circle with one flat one in the center...maybe an alter of sorts. We took a moment to meditate and suddenly I was taken over by an energy and began speaking but not making any sense. The words came so quickly that they were just garbled and out of my control. This went on for a few seconds when several others began to do the same. There was only one woman present who was unaffected by this phenomenon. She stood there in shock, watching and not understanding. The experience was short and we were unaffected but we all wondered what brought it on. Why did everyone, except for one person, experience it? It was too intense and too quick to conjure it up just to be one of the crowd or call attention to oneself. Furthermore, none of us, especially myself, has a personality that would enjoy that kind of display.
Previous to this experience, I had never wondered much about speaking in tongues, nor was I at all fascinated by the idea. It was the furthest thing from my mind and hearing about it as a young person, I thought it was strange. I grew up Lutheran and the goings on in some of the more demonstrative churches were foreign to us and frowned upon. I certainly at that time, because of my upbringing, would never have ventured into the territory of speaking in tongues and risk the playing with darkness as taught by my elders. But the main point is that it just was not in my consciousness at all, never having witnessed it. Presently I have no judgement on it, only remembering and curiosity as it is being discussed here.
So, what was it? It didn't feel negative...more energizing is what I recall. Was it the same as speaking in tongues? I do not know...but it happened and never has happened again.