On 28 Oct 2005, the below comment on SOTT was made in relation to this article about Mars and bright twinklers.
Last week I was sitting and reading in my room, which is on the top floor and has access to a rooftop deck, when at around 11:30 pm I heard what I thought was the loudest and stranges cat fight I've ever heard. It lasted for about a minute and died down and then picked up again. I went out on the deck to see what was going on and made out some birds (probably geese) in the sky and that the noise was coming from them. "Really spooky" is right.Comment: A QFS member in California said:Last night I was awoken by strange sounds in the sky. I listened and listened trying to figure out what they were. The clock said 12:37am. It was loud and scattered sounding and right over us. The only thing I could think of was geese honking only it sounded so strange...like they were running scared. I got a little tense when the noise came real close and then faded away. It sounded like geese but didn't have that same rhythm I have heard many times... Really spooky...since I thought they didn't fly at night.