Spine injury


The Force is Strong With This One
Well, since I cannot help a friend with his problem, I wonder if I could get any advice regarding my own. Short backstory, almost two weeks ago, I was about to do push ups, like I always do. But that night I was tired, but I didn't wanted to skip the exercising, since I almost never skip. So, I made a huge mistake, when I was about to do push ups, I let my necks muscles relax, and my head wen't down, and this is where it started. Right away, I felt weird, like my hand had a feeling of needles, and if I were to move my neck down, then the feeling spreads to my both legs. I wonder if injury I had when I was in school in my neck area, could possible had contributed to the problem I have right now.
So every time I want to move my neck downwards, the needle effect becomes sharper and affects my left hand, both of my legs and butt cheeks. Something else I have noticed, since this injury, my sex drive is almost gone. Not only my brain doesn't react on seeing pretty women anymore, but I can't seem to get a proper erection like I could have before this incident. Not only this, but it seems that orgasm doesn't give me any pleasure anymore either, only uncomfortable feeling. I waited two weeks since the incident, and the needle feeling, if not provoked by moving my neck downwards, is small but still there. Sex drive haven't improved, can't get a proper erection yet either. One of my friends told me to go straight to neurologist, which I am considering. My father told me that I must have just tensed the muscles in my spine, but then, why would have my sex drive gone all of the sudden. Of course, after the incident, and when I was reading information about spinal cord injuries, things didn't made me feel better. It made it worse, that such a simply and stupid mistake that I have made, could possibly cripple me. I have been quite depressed lately.
I would like to hear your opinion regarding this problem I have.
Hi Awerlord, I'd suggest either going to your doctor or finding an osteopath or chiropractor ASAP so they can diagnose and try to treat the problem. From what I understand, nerves coming from the thoracic and lumbar spine innervate the reproductive organs. If there is an injury to the area it could affect the function of the organ which could explain the loss of sex drive.
I don't know if we have osteopaths or chiropractors in my country, but I will look into it, thanks.
In that case I'd say go to the doctor or neurologist, they will be able to do an X-ray/ MRI and other tests to see what's going on.
Something else I have noticed, since this injury, my sex drive is almost gone. Not only my brain doesn't react on seeing pretty women anymore, but I can't seem to get a proper erection like I could have before this incident. Not only this, but it seems that orgasm doesn't give me any pleasure anymore either, only uncomfortable feeling. I waited two weeks since the incident, and the needle feeling, if not provoked by moving my neck downwards, is small but still there. Sex drive haven't improved, can't get a proper erection yet either.
This particular side-effect of your injury should be seen as a positive... An opportunity to concentrate on developing your higher conscious-potential and focusing the intellect - without the distraction of lustful thoughts and sex-drive clouding your thinking.

In a way I envy you.
Aren't we all 3D STS at this moment? Man, at some point, I wouldn't mind if it came natural. Come to think about it, didn't Cassiopeia guys said that the period where people won't want to have sex is comming? I know that things that happened in my life, likely happened for a good reason, this must be a good reason as well, question is, what am I here to learn? Half a year ago, I thought I would be deaf in one ear, and after awhile, the problem fixed itself. What I learned is that orienting around without proper hearing is difficult. Also, listening to music was not very pleasant anymore either. Things I learned so far without a sex drive, is that looking into a woman is the same as looking into a stone wall. Second thing I learned, that if this realms pleasures are tied to the spines network and a dopamine release in the brain, for things like achievements, food, music, sex, or anything really, then all things that make us feel good, is nothing more then chemical reaction in our brain. I wonder, if someone is to be cut from all pleasures of the 3D world, could they achieve happinnes, if so, how would it happen, and what would it be? Just food for thought.
I wonder, if someone is to be cut from all pleasures of the 3D world, could they achieve happinnes
I suppose it depends on the state of mind. Its like that saying goes: "A fools heaven is a wise-mans hell".
But... You have a point. The moving through the densities to get to the next all the way up to 6D, 7D 'All is One'... To then what? Start the 1D/7D STS/STO 'Lessons' cycle-experience all over again? Maybe let the Wave take me come what may. Do we really want to skip this cycle's round of 4D STS-STO level playing-field experience, to jump from 3D STS straight to 5D STO?... I have yet to be sure about that one...
Awerlord, the symptoms you wrote about in the first post are not to be ignored! I agree with Jenn, contact a specialist as fast as possible, spine injuries are no joke.

This particular side-effect of your injury should be seen as a positive... An opportunity to concentrate on developing your higher conscious-potential and focusing the intellect - without the distraction of lustful thoughts and sex-drive clouding your thinking.

In a way I envy you.

I do not understand, the immediate lose of sensing pleasure in several domains including sex is the real red alert here.
What is there to envy in an injury that makes a male body unnaturally not function as it should? IMO A healthy sex drive is nothing evil.
Awerlord, the symptoms you wrote about in the first post are not to be ignored! I agree with Jenn, contact a specialist as fast as possible, spine injuries are no joke.

I do not understand, the immediate lose of sensing pleasure in several domains including sex is the real red alert here.
What is there to envy in an injury that makes a male body unnaturally not function as it should? IMO A healthy sex drive is nothing evil.
"In a way" being the operative words...
Assuming you are equating my "STS" remark with "evil"... No, in and of itself its not "evil", but its certainly not pius either. What state of mind does sex drive govern?
Just seen some your early posts regards 666. Two overlaid perfect triangles are 60 60 60 degree angles per triangle x 2. Zero the zero's = 666 , ok. Upright triangle = basic male-phallic symbol. Up-side-down triangle = basic female-vulva 'chalice' womb symbol. Overlapping = Hexagram (Star of David for example) or Sexagram, you see the word link?
Six = Sex = Hex.
666 = sex sex sex. Hex = spell, and Sex is most powerful enchanting of Spells. You see?
I suppose it depends on the state of mind. Its like that saying goes: "A fools heaven is a wise-mans hell".
But... You have a point. The moving through the densities to get to the next all the way up to 6D, 7D 'All is One'... To then what? Start the 1D/7D STS/STO 'Lessons' cycle-experience all over again? Maybe let the Wave take me come what may. Do we really want to skip this cycle's round of 4D STS-STO level playing-field experience, to jump from 3D STS straight to 5D STO?... I have yet to be sure about that one...

Well, if someone dies, they would go to 5D since it was a resting place, heaven or whatever. It is not STO or STS, I think? More like a neutral zone. If we were to advance, we would only go to 4D, be it STS or STO. Those who didn't made it to either really evil (95%) or at least more then half selfless (51%), would be repeating the cycle of 3D. Don't remember in which transcript I read that, it was few years ago. Either way, I wouldn't say we would be skipping anything, more like simply graduating to the next level.

Awerlord, the symptoms you wrote about in the first post are not to be ignored! I agree with Jenn, contact a specialist as fast as possible, spine injuries are no joke.

I do not understand, the immediate lose of sensing pleasure in several domains including sex is the real red alert here.
What is there to envy in an injury that makes a male body unnaturally not function as it should? IMO A healthy sex drive is nothing evil.

Thank you, I will try to see neurologist in the monday. I need to know if my nerves are simply pressured too hard together, or there was some serious damage. Oh by the way, dunno if related, but when I move my right shoulder, I can hear a bone move, audibly, could be dislocated shoulder, or could be related to spine, I don't know. If only I could stretch my spine like in sympsons episode when Homer used trash can to fix his and his friends backs.

"In a way" being the operative words...
Assuming you are equating my "STS" remark with "evil"... No, in and of itself its not "evil", but its certainly not pius either. What state of mind does sex drive govern?

I can answer that, sex is not STS thing necessarily, but during sex, the energy that is being made and released is what lizzies use for their sustenance, since it comes from low chakra, forgot which one. Sex could be good thing, to expierence greater connection with someone special, but the said sex is what holds us here in 3D plane, where we can be used as a food source for them.
Just seen some your early posts regards 666. Two overlaid perfect triangles are 60 60 60 degree angles per triangle x 2. Zero the zero's = 666 , ok. Upright triangle = basic male-phallic symbol. Up-side-down triangle = basic female-vulva 'chalice' womb symbol. Overlapping = Hexagram (Star of David for example) or Sexagram, you see the word link?
Six = Sex = Hex.
666 = sex sex sex. Hex = spell, and Sex is most powerful enchanting of Spells. You see?

Yes man, I see it, although hard to imagine without visual image. Sex indeed could be the greatest spell that keeps us trapped here.
Well, if someone dies, they would go to 5D since it was a resting place, heaven or whatever. It is not STO or STS, I think? More like a neutral zone. If we were to advance, we would only go to 4D, be it STS or STO. Those who didn't made it to either really evil (95%) or at least more then half selfless (51%), would be repeating the cycle of 3D. Don't remember in which transcript I read that, it was few years ago. Either way, I wouldn't say we would be skipping anything, more like simply graduating to the next level.

Thank you, I will try to see neurologist in the monday. I need to know if my nerves are simply pressured too hard together, or there was some serious damage. Oh by the way, dunno if related, but when I move my right shoulder, I can hear a bone move, audibly, could be dislocated shoulder, or could be related to spine, I don't know. If only I could stretch my spine like in sympsons episode when Homer used trash can to fix his and his friends backs.

I can answer that, sex is not STS thing necessarily, but during sex, the energy that is being made and released is what lizzies use for their sustenance, since it comes from low chakra, forgot which one. Sex could be good thing, to expierence greater connection with someone special, but the said sex is what holds us here in 3D plane, where we can be used as a food source for them.
I think 4D is highest STS can go, but thought-centres are 'STS-reflected' at 5D (I think) - though I need to check myself.

Yes, sexual union can indeed be a good 'pure' thing I believe - but not lust, and that is what inevitably sneaks in.
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