Prometeo said:
SMM said:
May I ask what you mean by "step our own fear for vulnerability and sensibility and speak our minds"? A little confused at the use of the word 'step'.
Having spent the past couple of days with my family, I 'experimented' exaggerating whilst observing.
Noticed little things that irk me - the sound of my mother's voice, lack of organisation [phone charger & phone going missing] - that a probably triggered by something else. It seems to have the effect of dredging other things up... not necessarily bad when just observing & being able to laugh about it.
Was under the impression that, by expressing negative feelings or anger, one feels justified in sprouting off that rage & it sort of becomes addictive or rationalized - whenever someone ticks them off they need more to dissipate the energy?
My little siblings know not to take much I say seriously. Interesting though how one person splitting can cause another person to split.
Yeah, if you feel wronged or think you've been wronged, a lot of people do not express that they've been hurt, instead they do what has been discussed, hold a grudge or resentment, withdraw and start having negative thoughts about others. So sometimes we have to talk with that person about why we feel like this, or share our feelings. Most of the times, everybody hold them in.
I've done enough holding in for eternity! Been thinking about splitting manifestations in time's passing. Here are some of the things that came to mind, initially written without really thinking about posting. It's a bit unedited so I'll try & highlight parts.
Those times I used to look at 'thinspiration' & make goals in conjunction with weight loss aspirations, being skinnier, hoping to one day get to 98lbs like J [someone I identified with as ideal in terms of image]. I also thought about the hoarding, the messy room I maintained, the focus on clothes & what I was going to wear that day to show how individual & unique I was so that I could
garner attention from other(s) & they'd want to be my best buddy forever & everyone will consider me popular, cool, perfect like J, want my advice on important matters & I'll have the whole social gamut eating out of the palm of my hands. In essence, the over focus on materiality & appearance at the expense of health & my innards - what was felt, needed, wanted, what signs were indicating or my true purpose.
As a youth I was good or praised highly in school, all subjects particularly maths & science, & had an active inner masculine/animus osit [like a man in woman's body? A little like wildfire, as soon as I thought something I was probably halfway to doing it]. The part that enjoys creating & problem solving, thinking freely using imagery & free association, relational or rational thinking, to speculate concepts & then implement ideas. It also seems to be the same part that
hijacks other centres, plots revenge or colours everything rosy when in actuality it's far from. My love for astrology, graphic & web design gave me some vestige of control, in getting to know more about people, archetypes & the psyche. I would add music to that sphere but it also has the element of the persona who wants to be heralded as popular & usurps energy towards ends that are wishful thinking - hence associations with L.E. [a band participated in], identification with music to dissociate from how I truly feel [the subconscious] - from to Spotify - & writing nonsense on LiveJournal to emulate some wisdom such as I had read from J, K or others who abated inspiration [or sources of it].
An apparent block or vagueness in communication seems related. I used to fear stating anything as certain so that people can take it in whatever way they wish & I can
amend my response so that it wouldn't be damaging to my ego in the event of a perceived negative reaction - in short, internal considering, not considering context. I would withdraw from fully divulging, or even understanding, what I truly intended to achieve in communication due to a lack of structural understanding. In other words, semantic aphasia? When I was younger it confused the hell out of me that people didn't understand that what I said was what I meant, or thought I meant [reminds me of Ark's "if this, then this; if not, then that" in his journal entries; not to mix concepts, came to mind].
This for me was pointing to arbitrary nature of language; how, particularly when intentions collide, common understanding is rare. When I used to say how I felt & people didn't make the necessary changes, seemingly unwilling to consider my state, I would
place blame or responsibility in their hands for the way I felt. I placed others before me in a detrimental way when I recognised our interests weren't the same, as though my autonomy or peace of mind lay in their hands. At first I was perfect,
they were the ones who needed to change to rectify the situation or something along those lines - when that approach failed I was all wrong. Or rather, I felt invalidated so
sought total validation from one source where I could return again & again to get my feeding, to satisfy myself with certainty that the response would be as desired. Turning it inwards with an unwillingness to consider my own state [so ultimately another's] - perfection, control & shame - lead to addiction, neurosis [how many times have I written that?] & self-undoing. I don't know what attracted me to self-injury websites other than attention-seeking; part of the uniform of desire, a veil of darkness & unfiltered wishful thinking, the alternative culture... I put on a mask so I could feel validated & say "I'm one of you guys!" or something because 'it hurt too much not to belong anywhere'. Before getting into food dilemmas & perhaps pre-medicated mind set, I was more forthcoming or less ambiguous/uncertain with my feelings - venting more & forgetting about it in seconds as, being practical, I embarked on some new escapade. I still held things in but not on a plethoric scale. I don't think the vague communication had kicked in to the extent it did afterwards.
How I used to obsessively look at people's Myspace or social networking pages, or talk on MSN, was in an attempt to be more like a Western kid, be accepted by changing myself essentially into whom I thought others - target audience - wanted of me. I had no friends, no inner circle or group that I identified with because I never let anyone in on how I felt, so never felt the feeling of belonging that I thought I was striving for when in fact I was splitting & attempting to
manipulate circumstances to my own ends, feeling emptier after every encounter with a worldview that I attempted to thwart essentially but was trying to plug myself into by force & deception against everything that took place internally. In short the trauma, schisms [one of which being between what was & what 'should' be] or pain was stuffed & pitted as weakness, so I
couldn't let anyone in on it & put up a brave front in the hope others would go 'look how amazing you are!' which apparently would remedy the sourness. I thought the
problem was me wholly, or others wholly, which is probably a pretty decent example of black and white thinking.
The bottom line is I didn't have any aim suitable to me or regularity to develop discipline & organisation - we lived here one minute, there the next & parents were more interested in whatever else was going on in their lives. I made a living considering myself
complete enough to determine the needs of others, & would alter my aim in accordance to what I thought others wanted in the hope that its fulfilment would fulfil another, thereby fulfilling me even if the aim was nefarious or evil or against inner knowing. I remember the first time I 'split' severely was subsequent to persistent decriminalisation or harsh judgement & not knowing or feeling as though negative emotions were not permitted - by & large feeling unsafe, unable to trust anything/one [self included] & without direction. I was pretty heavy on the dissociation [naturally to a certain age] - viewing myself & events, in my mind's eye, from a third-person perspective. Like envisioning an ideal future, projecting it into the now then working towards it - which in other words was placing grave judgement on the present & past.
I was perpetually angry & didn't believe in compromise, hated myself & couldn't afford to have others hate me too & resolved to fix it by wearing the guise of someone who claimed herself perpetually angry & a disbeliever in compromise because - from the outside lookin' in - she seemed to be doing something right. Many others did unjustified things for selfish reasons, I concluded, for their own personal sake without considering others, so somehow ill intent [cloaked as good intentions, with a lack of knowledge of evil] for the sake of determining the needs of others was justified.
Apologies for any noise contained above... how communication, boundaries & internal consideration were related, or an "us vs. them" mentality, crossed my mind whilst writing this. I want to say it's different for everyone, though from what others have written it seems more likely the reason or trigger for occurrence is different, as opposed to its actual manifestation.