Star Trek goes full Communist - Declares it openly

That is an interesting point. Having watched as a young teen i didn't really make a distinction between communism and collectivism. Maybe because there is no demarcation in-between - it rather seems like a continuum, with collectivism as the distilled 'will' of the Party - technocratically enforced communism. Compared to the Borg, the Federation felt positively libertarian.

In fact, I'd say the Borg are rather a closer metaphor even than jackbooted communist countries which really happened. It's a high-tech, medical authoritarian 'utopia' being aimed for, after all.

I remember.., phoo, 15 years ago now or so, walking home in the early evening one Autumn, so it was dark out. There was this blocky appartment building on my street, and in the fading light it appeared like giant dark cube. All the windows were flickering with that eary TV light. It instantly reminded me of a Borg cube, and then I realized the similarity went beyond just the visual...

All the occupants had returned to their personal creches from their labors and were downloading the day's "Programming".

My blood froze for a moment, and then I shook it off and continued on my way, but the memory hasn't left me.
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