Starting a dream where I left off - 1st time

Menna said:
What do you think it means if there was no intent for lucid dreaming but it just happens? What does it say about ones physiology, psychology, being and so on?

Lucid dreams seem to be very similar to Self-Remembering. That is, if you want to 'stabilize' a lucid dream and not lose it, it is necessary not to become identified in the objects around you. One way this can be done is by looking at your hands. Some people also like spinning as a way to stabilize the dream.

Spontaneous lucid dreams are a good sign that you are more aware and present in daily life, which to some degree carries over into the dream state. From what I understand, lucid dreaming is not really necessary, but they can be fun to explore - especially interactions with dream characters.

People have done all sorts of experiments in lucid dreams, eg. asking a dream character to tell them that they are dreaming the next day and apparently that can work. You can also ask your Higher Self for help in a lucid dream or even meditate. I've done this a few times and the effect can be quite profound. There is also a Buddhist tradition called Dream Yoga that deals with meditation in lucid dreams.
Menna said:
Hi fellow dreamers,

...I am less interested in the dream itself but more interested in asking has anyone else continued a dream on separate non consecutive nights?

G'day Menna,

Yes a recurring dream populated my childhood that not only repeated but was also immediately re-entered - even after purposefully waking to escape it.

Many years later recognisabe as a profound 'lesson' and indicator that dreams can be more than the random firing of synapses.

Menna said:
The main reason why I am posting about it here is because in this other reality during my dreaming state I had an awareness that I have never had before in this other reality in this dreaming state. This is why I feel this is worth posting here because I had an awareness a feeling a sensation that I have never had before in a dream. It was almost like a 3D waking state awareness transferred to my dreaming state.

Interesting sensation isn't it :)

'Waking' being very much the correct term too imo.

Menna said:
This has never happened before and the feeling that generated in my body once I became self aware in the dream forced me to wake up.

Annoying but entirely natural mate, this will take practice to get the hang of.

Menna said:
What do you think it means if there was no intent for lucid dreaming but it just happens? What does it say about ones physiology, psychology, being and so on?

Personally I think this is the only qualifier that counts !

Intent = Ego = STS opportunity in my experience.......

Thinkingfingers said:
Not sure what it means. I'm no dream deciphering exprt (just an expert at sleeping :zzz:) but if I were to guess I would say that it may be due to the change many of us are undergoing at the current moment.

+1 to Thinkingfingers comment also

Good luck and welcome to the other side of the looking glass my friend ;)

I look forward to reading more.


Last week I had a dream where I was sweating and water dripped from my face onto my foot and I had a sensation/feeling. A few days later I was awake in real life and was getting into the shower. As soon as the water touched my arm I had the same sensation that I had in the dream. This is starting to get interesting.
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