The Living Force
Menna said:What do you think it means if there was no intent for lucid dreaming but it just happens? What does it say about ones physiology, psychology, being and so on?
Lucid dreams seem to be very similar to Self-Remembering. That is, if you want to 'stabilize' a lucid dream and not lose it, it is necessary not to become identified in the objects around you. One way this can be done is by looking at your hands. Some people also like spinning as a way to stabilize the dream.
Spontaneous lucid dreams are a good sign that you are more aware and present in daily life, which to some degree carries over into the dream state. From what I understand, lucid dreaming is not really necessary, but they can be fun to explore - especially interactions with dream characters.
People have done all sorts of experiments in lucid dreams, eg. asking a dream character to tell them that they are dreaming the next day and apparently that can work. You can also ask your Higher Self for help in a lucid dream or even meditate. I've done this a few times and the effect can be quite profound. There is also a Buddhist tradition called Dream Yoga that deals with meditation in lucid dreams.