Martina, I don't think of it in this way, my idea is rather something like little help in our live, when some bad forces try to push you away, when the problems comes and you fight with them, and you feel that you are exhausted and everything went wrong you could just look at this and see the arrow is up, that means that it's hard but this is it. Maybe it will not be the best advice or help but In hard moments I say to myself that "hello there hard times, you try to defeat me? So lets fight" and "Maybe it's bad right here, but life without good/love would be empty" I think that you doing very well Refering to others messages, sorry about that this idea could made some bad feelings. I know that every lesson is indyvidually and also I think that C's know that and if they want to do something like those arrows they know what they do and when we done something good but maybe we don't see this, I don't have on mind that could be easy algorithm or something like that, but I see thanks to you that this idea isn't good And sorry for my pure english skills.
Hey Kmicic, I can certainly relate to wanting to have some point of reference, a scale to measure myself against. But as Jordan Peterson said in his 12 Rules for Life, "Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today."
I think that networking here on the forum is in fact a pretty good indication of whether we are doing well or if we are diverting from the path. If we're going in the wrong direction, we are offered other viewpoints to help calibrate our thinking. This conversation is in fact a good example of this.