Statistics about growing up

Martina, I don't think of it in this way, my idea is rather something like little help in our live, when some bad forces try to push you away, when the problems comes and you fight with them, and you feel that you are exhausted and everything went wrong you could just look at this and see the arrow is up, that means that it's hard but this is it. Maybe it will not be the best advice or help but In hard moments I say to myself that "hello there hard times, you try to defeat me? So lets fight" and "Maybe it's bad right here, but life without good/love would be empty" :-) I think that you doing very well :-) Refering to others messages, sorry about that this idea could made some bad feelings. I know that every lesson is indyvidually and also I think that C's know that and if they want to do something like those arrows they know what they do and when we done something good but maybe we don't see this, I don't have on mind that could be easy algorithm or something like that, but I see thanks to you that this idea isn't good :-) And sorry for my pure english skills.

Hey Kmicic, I can certainly relate to wanting to have some point of reference, a scale to measure myself against. But as Jordan Peterson said in his 12 Rules for Life, "Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today."

I think that networking here on the forum is in fact a pretty good indication of whether we are doing well or if we are diverting from the path. If we're going in the wrong direction, we are offered other viewpoints to help calibrate our thinking. This conversation is in fact a good example of this. :-)
Kmicic, I think that one way to "measure" when we are at is by networking, and by the results we have in our lives, the feedback we receive, etc. It doesn't matter where you are at in terms of a scale or a ladder, but that you keep doing your best to grow, and help others do the same.

Don't worry about your English, it's good!
Thank you very much for information! :-) So it should be like C's say that looking in to the past and compare how much we achieved from that starting point, as I understand from your answers it should be good way. In the case of falling morals we should just remember where we begin?
Martina, I don't think of it in this way, my idea is rather something like little help in our live, when some bad forces try to push you away, when the problems comes and you fight with them, and you feel that you are exhausted and everything went wrong you could just look at this and see the arrow is up, that means that it's hard but this is it. Maybe it will not be the best advice or help but In hard moments I say to myself that "hello there hard times, you try to defeat me? So lets fight" and "Maybe it's bad right here, but life without good/love would be empty" :-) I think that you doing very well :-) Refering to others messages, sorry about that this idea could made some bad feelings. I know that every lesson is indyvidually and also I think that C's know that and if they want to do something like those arrows they know what they do and when we done something good but maybe we don't see this, I don't have on mind that could be easy algorithm or something like that, but I see thanks to you that this idea isn't good :-) And sorry for my pure english skills.
I completely understand your yearning for objective feedback from the C's. I have often thought that would be helpful as it has been for some members who have asked personal questions during some of the channeling sessions. Everyone has made some excellent points so far in this thread. I just want to add that it seems like a central aim of "the Work" is to learn how to observe ourselves, in order to give ourselves that objective feedback you desire from the C's. So they'd likely say something like "network with others, discover, learning is fun, etc.".
Thank you very much for information! :-) So it should be like C's say that looking in to the past and compare how much we achieved from that starting point, as I understand from your answers it should be good way. In the case of falling morals we should just remember where we begin?
Take encouragement from just the fact that you may be seeing "falling morals". That in itself is evidence of growth. "Doing" begins with "seeing", which is an ongoing challenge. Especially because there can be a long period between seeing some area in ourselves that needs improvement, and doing consistently whatever's needed for that improvement. In fact, the struggles during that "long period between" are the bulk of what composes our life. One of the benefits of learning and gathering knowledge is to understand this process, struggle productively, have good aims--and accordingly, be helpful and kind to ourselves (vs. discouraging and harsh) during our struggles. As Jeanne DeSalzmann says in one of my favorite books ("The Reality of Being") we can do little, and we will fail, but we must keeping trying--just as the C's told Laura, the searching for answers is of even more value than the answers themselves.
I think the simplest solution is to always assume you're going in "wrong" direction, or in not an optimal way, and to look how you can improve it. But for that, you need to know where you want to get to - not with a fluffy, idealistic and blurred image of your future you, but as concrete an precise as possible. And since it's only you who can know what you want to achieve, no one can tell you whether you are getting closer to your aim or moving away from it.

As one wise man told me years ago, don't worry too much about short time deflections from the chosen path, there always be such; what counts is a "low resolution" picture of it and keeping the general direction you want to follow. In other words, each day try to do better than you did the previous day, but to asses your progress compare where you are at today to where you were six months or a year ago.
And yet despite all those challenges and burdens you still come here, do EE and I see you in the SOTT radio chat quite regularly too. This doesn't seem like a person who sucks at all Martina. More like someone who keeps pushing on, onwards and upwards. :hug2:
Hang in there girl and :rockon:
Thanks Ant🤗
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