Steven Universe, gender fluididty, and crystal aliens

While meandering thru assorted topics on the forum and articles on Sott, I ended up w/ this past article by Pierre w/ it's connection to his book, Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection:

From the article:

It's amazing how different the world was less than a century ago. Homosexuality existed of course, but when Grandma was a young lady, things were simpler, much simpler. In most cases, children had one mummy and one daddy, men loved women and women loved men, family members lived together under the same roof. Men were manly and women were womanly.

I guess it had been this way for centuries if not millennia and there was no reason for such fundamental and natural principles to ever change. Well that was until the 1960's and its 'revolution'. Then, pretty much everything changed.

Revolutions are rarely the spontaneous, popular, liberating movements depicted by official history. Some are organized from the beginning by a pathological clique to further its own interest at the expense of the people that they hystericize, instrumentalize, sacrifice and use as a democratic smoke screen. Some other movements start with a genuine popular insurrection to be soon infiltrated by one of the above mentioned cliques that will implement their 'counter-revolution' leading to even worse living conditions for the common people, that is, you and me. See for example the so-called 'French revolution' that was followed by the aptly named 'the Terror', one of the darkest periods of French history.

The 60's revolution is no exception. While it initially may have shown some signs of authenticity (black civil rights movement, anti-war movement) and a genuine attempt by some to establish a better society, it soon became co-opted and derailed.

The deliberate injection of massive quantities of drugs, media lies, the control of the music industry, the infiltration of activists groups, the use of violence, the rise to power of double-agent leaders soon led to results diametrically opposed to what was originally envisioned.

If there is one individual who perfectly illustrates this whole period of history and the role played by double-agent 'leaders, it is: Daniel Cohn-Bendit. Most of our U.S. readers have probably never heard of this peculiar individual, and it's a pity, because the details of his 'career' are rather edifying.

Overnight, the mediocre undergraduate student born in a rich German Ashkenazi family became the leader of the French May 68 'revolution'. While French President De Gaulle was being pressed to resign and the whole country was on the verge of a civil war, Cohn-Bendit was invited by the mainstream media to present his twisted vision of the new world.

He focused on freedom in general and sexual freedom in particular. Sexual freedom is not necessarily a bad thing, but his interpretation of the topic is rather singular and doesn't actually have much to do with freedom.

To give you an idea of Cohn Bendit's inner landscape, in his 1975 book The Great Bazaar he wrote extensively about his interest in pedophilia. A few years later while speaking on a national TV channel, in front of millions of viewers, he described in detail the 'interactions' he had had with a 5 year old girl! [Talmud anyone? She was 3 yrs and a day old after all.] Of course he blamed the victim and accused the child of taking the initiative, although he did admit some personal liability to the extent that his good looks made him irresistible to this little child! Bendit made these statements 40 years ago, yet no part of his depraved confession has ever been deemed legally actionable by French authorities.

On the contrary, during the subsequent decades Cohn-Bendit went on to occupy prominent political positions: deputy mayor of Frankfurt, party leader, founder of a European party, member of the European parliament, etc.

When the system systematically grants key political positions to such an individual, you realise how 'anti-system' the person really is.

For several years, Cohn Bendit was the leader of the Green party, which, in a nutshell, gives more importance to animals and plants than to humans [i.e. Agenda 21], supporting for example bio-fuel development: feeding cars instead of humans, drastically reducing the surface of agriculture land dedicated to food production while billions of people are already starving.

Interestingly, Cohn Bendit, leader of the 'revolution' movement in France was not even French, but German. But do nationalities really matter at this point? As Gilad Atzmon describes in his book The Wandering Who?, the 'wandering' Jews have no nationalities. Unlike the vast majority of Jews who are fully integrated into the society in which they live, the 'wandering' ones use countries as hotels, and serve only the interest and twisted psychology of an elitist [Zionist?] community. [Perhaps some 'non-wandering' Jews do the same]

Since the 1960's 'revolution', in the name of freedom, reform and progress, the very foundations of our civilization have been steadily undermined. Far from peace activism, and anti-racism, one of the main topics of this on-going transformation has been the gay rights movement.

What are the odds that the gay rights movement has been 'evolved' to the transgender rights movement w/ exactly the same players behind it? Me thinks me smells a rat! And note that the 'everything changed' reboot was put into motion w/ President Kennedy's assassination > Johnson & Nixon - dupes & foils for the actual perps advancing their agenda.

Have to add this last bit - Pierre wrote:
"At first it aimed at stopping homophobia and discrimination" ...
So now is the aim stopping genderphobia and discrimination - I'm not even sure if that's supposed to be funny or serious. :/

I am sure that it's a rerun from the same playbook - these guys simply can't come up w/ anything new and keep using the same tactics over and over. No wonder it seems like a really bad time loop as the cold war gets resurrected along w/ race war and all the other 'pokes' to keep humanity from unifying.

In rereading Pierre's article, it's clear he was way out in front on this issue. Many parts are stomach churning to read and yet, this is what's been happening and is being further accelerated by what has already been shown in previous posts. Jews/Zionists/NWO organizations hard at work corrupting our moral perceptions in order to make their deviance acceptable:

The homosexual community has been used as a Trojan horse, infiltrated by a clique of pedophiles who lobbied for the promulgation of the adoption law under the guise of equality of rights in order to further their plan to own children. As a result, today, it is perfectly legal for two pedophiles to 'marry' and then buy children. It is not only technically possible but also confirmed by numerous real life cases of pedophile couples buying and abusing the adopted children ...
The Gender Theory

The gay rights movement described above was only one of the tools used to change the very foundations of our societies. Gender theory is another one. This theory was created in the 1920's by John Money, a New Zealand sex therapist, who repeatedly and publicly advocated for homosexuality and pedophilia. (Notice how the one advocacy appears to be linked to the second. This is a clue that the individual is not a true, 'normal homosexual.')

Money is famous for having 'treated' two twins, forcing one of them to change sex, shooting pictures of the twins simulating sex, encouraging them to engage in 'sex play' with each other, and molesting both of them. Both twins ended up committing suicide.

Today, Gender theory's most ardent advocate is a feminist lesbian called Judith Butler. Butler is also Jewish.

To get an idea of how much Butler's ideology is supported by the 'elite' of this world, you can check her substantial list of awards and honors and the number of prestigious Universities that have honored or hosted her (Princeton, Columbia and Harvard to name just a few).

Gender theory is based on the (wrong) postulate that, at a very early age, children already have a very active sexuality that should be encouraged and also that sexual orientations and gender are purely a matter of choice and social conditioning.

You might be surprised to learn that Gender theory is already taught and applied in numerous schools throughout the world. You might also wonder why there is so little mention of the topic in the mainstream (or other) media.

In Germanic Switzerland, as early as kindergarten, children are taught about masturbation and encouraged to practice it. School kids are given a 'sexbox' that includes stuffed toys in the shapes of penises and vaginas and wooden dildos and are encouraged to play with them.
[Please see the article for all the lovely pictures/illustrations - approvingly rated mostly G since parents really aren't part of the process; will the 'sexbox' become a part of the American "gender fluidity" curriculum?]

Six year-old schoolkids are also taught about heterosexuality and homosexuality and, of course, they are told that both orientations are just that, and effectively exactly the same (remember it's all about freedom, sexual orientation being only a matter of choice, never mind that the gay rights folks have been saying for years that it is a normal genetic variation!)

In Germany, many parents refused (and rightfully so) to have their young children exposed to such material and removed their kids from sex education classes. As a consequence, the German authorities jailed ten sets of parents for forty days. You see, kids must be free to have homosexual relationships at the earliest age, if they so choose, and they have to be informed if they are to choose. Parents, on the other hand, are not free to remove their kids from brainwashing classes, and the state will enforce this policy up to, and including, imprisoning parents for dissent.

In Sweden, children between 13 and 17 have to go through the compulsory viewing of a pornographic animated cartoon that liberally uses words like '-kunta kintay-' and 'dick'.

The official objective of this cartoon is to fight against sexually transmissible diseases, but statistics show that STDs have actually increased since the beginning of the use of this animated cartoon.

In France, the minister of education has issued a list of recommendations titled ABC of equality (again the equality and anti-discrimination mantra) based on the Gender Theory including:

- Widespread sexual education for all students as young as 6 years old
- Viewing of the movie Tomboy, where 6 to 8 year old children are invited to identify with a girl who pretends to be a boy.
- Use of 'non-gendered' books like Papa wears a dress.

Meanwhile, other gender-bending experiments being tested include:

- A not-so subtle animated cartoon depicting two male fish (Felix and Leon) who happen to love each other. The cartoon is shown to 10-year old schoolchildren.

- 'Neutral' nurseries where boys have to play with dolls and girls with toy cars.

Older French students don't have to worry though, the enforcers of the Gender Theory haven't forgotten them. For example, May 16th, 2014, was declared skirt day where school boys between 10 and 17 were encouraged to wear dresses as proof of their open-mindedness.

n Ontario, Canada, the owner of a sex shop was invited to explain and encourage the use of dildos to schoolkids.

In England, sexual education classes start as early as 5 years old. Parents are not officially informed of the content of the 'classes', they eventually find out from their kids that the lessons include topics such as 'sodomy' and 'blow jobs'.

Not only is Gender theory applied at national levels (the above only lists a few examples) but it's also the central theme of a report titled Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe published in 2010 by the World Health Organization.

In this report we find explicit recommendations on how our children should be brainwashed. Here are a few interesting examples:

- Before 4 years old, our children must learn about masturbation. The child has to express his "needs and desires" in terms of sexuality. It is advised to do so by "playing doctor"

- When they are 4 years old, children are encouraged to "explore different sexual identities," and especially "the friendship and love towards people of the same sex."

- At 6 years old, the child must master the "different standards of sexuality", he also has to learn about "ejaculation and menstruation" and "methods of contraception."

Along the same line, the United Nations organized a conference titled Gender in school: a fundamental point in education.

Similar to the gay rights movement, the real objective of the Gender theory movement being forced upon society has nothing to do with freedom or equality. In reality Gender theory helps normalize and even impose upon our minds and societies the fundamentally deviant and destructive practice that is pedophilia.

Indeed, under the guise of sexual freedom, Gender theory spreads the sick and wrong belief that young children should effectively have an adult sexuality and that their sexual orientation is purely a matter of personal choice. Bring those two points together and the result is that young children having sex with a male adult is a perfectly normal thing.

I encourage all to read/reread the rest of Pierre's article on this very topical subject.
Another article discusses the report published in The New Atlantis journal:

Study Finds No Scientific Basis for Transgenderism

The Left often likes to use science — or rather, a modified version of science — in arguments related to atheism, evolution, abortion, climate change, etc. But just how it will deal with a new scientific study on transgenderism remains to be seen. According to a new report published in The New Atlantis journal, transgenderism — the latest hot button social justice “ism” — is not supported by science.

The report was co-authored by former Chief of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins Hospital and Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University Dr. Paul McHugh and Arizona State University Professor of Statistics and Biostatistics Lawrence Mayer. They concluded that “gender identity” is not separate from biological sex.

"Examining research from the biological, psychological, and social sciences, this report shows that some of the most frequently heard claims about sexuality and gender are not supported by scientific evidence,” the report prefaced.

“The hypothesis that gender identity is an innate, fixed property of human beings that is independent of biological sex — that a person might be ‘a man trapped in a woman’s body’ or ‘a woman trapped in a man’s body’ — is not supported by scientific evidence,"
stated the researchers.


Photo is of Bruce Jenner in persona of "Caitlyn" Jenner

This is not exactly groundbreaking news to those who exercise common sense, of course. Simply because an individual purports to identify as something doesn't make it true, particularly if it is biologically impossible. It does not take a scientific study to confirm that a person who identifies as a horse, for example, is not a horse, or one who identifies as a chair is not in fact a chair. But the study should provide some weight to the common sense approach to transgenderism, while simultaneously exploding the beliefs of some social justice warriors who may have difficulty reconciling this scientific study with their own sense of reality.

The New Atlantis
report is sure to provoke some controversy, as it challenges a number of theories that have been readily accepted by the general public in recent years, including what the authors dub the “born that way” hypothesis: “The notion that homosexuality or heterosexuality is in any given person unchangeable and determined entirely apart from choices, behaviors, life experiences, and social contexts." According to the authors, that view is not “well-supported by research.”

The authors also take issue with the criteria found in the fifth edition of the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) for diagnosis of gender dysphoria in children, and the interventions used in the treatment of gender dysphoria despite the lack of scientific evidence behind them.

At particular issue for the researchers is how transgenderism is being foisted on America’s youth, as the scientists note that most children outgrow gender confusion, and efforts to advocate transgender acceptance are sure to create further confusion. “Children are a special case when addressing transgender issues. Only a minority of children who experience cross-gender identification will continue to do so into adolescence or adulthood,” the report stated.

“There is little scientific evidence for the therapeutic value of interventions that delay puberty or modify the secondary sex characteristics of adolescents, although some children may have improved psychological well-being if they are encouraged and supported in their cross-gender identification," wrote the researchers. "There is no evidence that all children who express gender-atypical thoughts or behavior should be encouraged to become transgender."

The report argued that enabling acceptance of transgenderism through medical intervention is particularly harmful. “An area of particular concern involves medical interventions for gender-nonconforming youth. They are increasingly receiving therapies that affirm their felt genders, and even hormone treatments or surgical modifications at young ages,” the authors observed.

These sentiments are similar to those found in a position statement released by the American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) on March 21 entitled “Gender Ideology Harms Children,” in which the writers observed that any policies that foster the belief that gender dysphoria is anything beyond a psychological problem are in fact harmful.

The authors of that position statement made several scientific observations, including that human sexuality “is an objective biological binary trait." Children who use hormones to attempt to mimic a sex that is not their own have a number of dangerous physical and mental risks, the position statement advised, adding that “conditioning children into believing a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful” can be classified as child abuse.

According to The New Atlantis study, in fact, conditioning anyone to accept impersonation of the opposite sex via surgery or chemical influences is harmful. The authors observe that adults who choose to have sex-reassignment surgeries have “a higher risk of experiencing poor mental health outcomes.” They cite a study that found that sex-“reassigned individuals were about 5 times more likely to attempt suicide and about 19 times more likely to die by suicide.”

Interestingly, PJ Media did a piece earlier this week on some of the real-life victims of what it dubbed the transgender “cult.” These” victims” were encouraged to embrace their gender confusion in their youth and are now living with the repercussions of those decisions. "I am a real, live 22-year-old woman, with a scarred chest and a broken voice, and five o'clock shadow because I couldn’t face the idea of growing up to be a woman. That’s my reality," Cari Stella confessed in a YouTube video. "Gender was done to me, gender was traumatizing to me, I don't want anything to do with it anymore," she declared. She admitted, "When I was transitioning, I felt a strong desire — what I would have called a 'need' at the time — to transition."

Stella now contends that her transition only made things worse. "It can be damn hard to figure out that the treatment you're being told is to help you is actually making your mental health worse. Testosterone made me even more dissociated than I already was," she said.

Stella is a prime example of an observation made by the authors in The New Atlantis study. They wrote, “The potential that patients undergoing medical and surgical sex reassignment may want to return to a gender identity consistent with their biological sex suggests that reassignment carries considerable psychological and physical risk.” The report ultimately concluded that politics and culture have been far too influential in the understanding of transgenderism and LGBT-related mental health problems, and encouraged individuals to take a more scientific approach to these issues.

The researchers wrote, “While there is much controversy surrounding how our society treats its LGBT members, no political or cultural views should discourage us from understanding the related clinical and public health issues and helping people suffering from mental health problems that may be connected to their sexuality."

They readily admitted that better research is required to determine the best ways to help lower the rates of poor mental health outcomes in the LGBT community, but noted that despite the scientific uncertainty behind sexual orientation and gender identity, “drastic interventions” continue to be prescribed and delivered to patients.

In June, McHugh noted that despite the lack of biological or physical basis for sexual identity, scientists struggled to persuade others that transgenderism is a psychological disorder because “there is a deep prejudice in favor of the idea that nature is totally malleable.”

The authors of the article welcomed “spirited responses” to their report, and it is likely they will be barraged with exactly that.

JEEP said:

Gender theory is based on the (wrong) postulate that, at a very early age, children already have a very active sexuality that should be encouraged and also that sexual orientations and gender are purely a matter of choice and social conditioning.

You might be surprised to learn that Gender theory is already taught and applied in numerous schools throughout the world. You might also wonder why there is so little mention of the topic in the mainstream (or other) media.


Six year-old schoolkids are also taught about heterosexuality and homosexuality and, of course, they are told that both orientations are just that, and effectively exactly the same (remember it's all about freedom, sexual orientation being only a matter of choice, never mind that the gay rights folks have been saying for years that it is a normal genetic variation!)

In Sweden, children between 13 and 17 have to go through the compulsory viewing of a pornographic animated cartoon that liberally uses words like '-kunta kintay-' and 'dick'.

JEEP said:
Reaching new depths of absurdity:

If Kids Aren’t Gender Confused Yet, They Will Be When School Is Done With Them

An elementary school in Albuquerque, NM has a new policy to go along with the new school year. Just in case kids are gender confused, teachers are no longer allowed to address children as “boys and girls.”

After the Bathroom Hullabaloo of 2016, you would have thought that things might settle down and we could go about our business, peeing wherever we want to pee and that would be that.

But no.

No, now children as young as kindergarten age are being taught in classrooms in which teachers have been ordered to “eliminate gender.” According to a local report:

A letter was sent to teachers at Carlos Rey this month titled “Gender Identity Procedural Directive.” It tells teachers they can no longer refer to their students as boys and girls, and they are to eliminate gender in their classrooms.

Amazon is loaded with 16 pages of books for gender-confused children:

Well, here's a recent article from RT showing measurable results of this madness:


Number of children wanting to become opposite sex doubling each year in Sweden, say doctors

The number of children feeling the anxiety of being trapped in the wrong body is doubling each year in Sweden, with children as young as six wanting to become the opposite sex, doctors have said, according to local media.
Last year, a Swedish gender investigation team saw some 197 children and young people keen to undergo analysis to determine their gender identity and become the opposite sex, Louise Frisen, child psychiatrist at the Astrid Lindgren Children’s Hospital in Stockholm, told Swedish daily Aftonbladet.

There’s a 100 percent increase in numbers each year,” Frisen said.

“There [are] more and more young people, and more children coming at very young ages. The increase is identical on the adult side too,” she added.

The country has six clinics for people seeking gender investigation. The overall increase in the number of people who believe they were born in the wrong body indicates a "greater openness" in Swedish society, Cecilia Dhejne, chief of the gender identity investigation team at the Karolinska University Hospital, said.

Dhejne warned, however, that healthcare resources are already overstretched. “The problem in Sweden is that there is a long queue for people both for initiating an investigation into their gender identity and for the different stages of treatment across the country. It is worrying.”

She added that waiting lists can be critical for young people. At a clinic in Lund, southern Sweden, people may have to wait for up to a year just to come and begin an investigation. “Having to go and wait aggravates the mental health of transgender people," Dhejne noted.

"You put the lives of young people on standby, and it's not good," she added.

The country's public health minister, Gabriel Wikstrom, told Aftonbladet that “deficiencies in care for transgender people at every stage of treatment are totally unacceptable.”

The official pointed out that the government had set up a commission to keep close tabs on waiting times and gaps in care, noting that authorities “had no clue that there is a huge problem.”

Last year Gothenburg resident Charlie Lyrehed told the Local that he had been verbally abused and physically assaulted after two men saw his tattoo of a transgender symbol as he was heading home from the Stockholm Pride festival.

“Anyone who breaks what is seen as some kind of norm is a potential victim,” Lyrehed said.

“It points to a tendency of coldness, hatred, incomprehension and prejudice sweeping through our country right now.”

The American College of Pediatricians has meanwhile urged healthcare professionals and legislators to scrap all policies that condition children to "accept as normal" a life of "chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex."

"Conditioning children into believing a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse," the group said in an open letter.

"Endorsing gender discordance as normal via public education and legal policies will confuse children and parents, leading more children to present to 'gender clinics' where they will be given puberty-blocking drugs,” the statement said. That in return might result in “unnecessary surgical mutilation of their healthy body parts as young adults.”
This recent article sheds a new light on the issue of transgender - excerpt:

Doctor - 'pharma drug caused transgender'

DES (diethylstilbestrol) is a synthetic version of estrogen that was given to pregnant women from 1940 to the 1970's. It was marketed by pharma as a medication which would alleviated morning sickness and prevent miscarriages. It was a load of 50,000 times the normal amounts of estrogen. Women were told they were taking "super vitamins."
But one of the most interesting effects of the drug might well be in boys of mothers who took the drug. There seems to be a large occurence of transgender, transexual and intersex men who were subjected to the DES in utero.

Last year, a report by 10 News out of Tampa, Florida, examined the links between DES and sexual identity occurrences.

[See video:
_ ]

An excellent article re the DES drug tragedy:

"It was a load of 50,000 times the normal amounts of estrogen."
What WOULD be the effects to a developing MALE fetus of 50,000 times the normal amounts of estrogen?!

Definitely a new fly in the ointment!
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