Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

Today one of my staff members who had her booster (by choice) 5 days ago came in to work this morning with a very badly bloodshot eye. I asked her if she was oaky and she replied that she has had an adverse reaction to her booster.
I was surprised because she has been very pro jab since the start, even taking her 14 year old (against her ex husbands wishes) to get 2 doses.
I pried a little bit and she said that she realised that it was a reaction straight away because her current partner has had a similar reaction with them both suffering poor vision.
Subsequently she has started reading the Pfizer papers which I had shared with my staff as soon as they were released but no one commented on my share so I figured that they had all pushed them aside as one of my 'conspiracy theories'. Of course now that she is suffering she has picked up the Pfizer study only to realise that maybe she should have taken notice sooner.
As well as the blood shot eye she showed me a badly bruised finger that she got at work just by hitting it on the door on the way past and mentioned that her feet were badly swollen from jogging (she's a semi pro triathlete).
Blows me away that we work in the health industry and she's just now putting the dots together of all the adverse reactions we are seeing in clients now that she's actually started looking into things and its taken her this much suffering to admit she was blind.
I'll let you know if she falls down dead at work any time soon - seriously :rolleyes:
Blows me away that we work in the health industry and she's just now putting the dots together of all the adverse reactions we are seeing in clients now that she's actually started looking into things and its taken her this much suffering to admit she was blind.
I'll let you know if she falls down dead at work any time soon - seriously :rolleyes:
I think it is quite noticeable that unless the side effects are affecting the individual or their family members they tend to shrug off any conversations or realisations about them. It seems to be necessary for them to suffer the experience themselves before they consider that maybe the harm has been done by the vaccination. Sadly by then it is often too late. I also think that many more people are experiencing side effects but are keeping quiet about them due to embarrassment. No one wants to hear "I told you not to have the jab" ringing in their ears. It is not a nice thought that you have brought your health problems on yourself. A few times I have chatted with folk about their health and they happen to have mentioned some problem which I suspect is probably related to the jab but I am not able to really say so. On further conversation it is obvious that they are also "not connecting the dots".
Today one of my staff members who had her booster (by choice) 5 days ago came in to work this morning with a very badly bloodshot eye. I asked her if she was oaky and she replied that she has had an adverse reaction to her booster.
I was surprised because she has been very pro jab since the start, even taking her 14 year old (against her ex husbands wishes) to get 2 doses.
I pried a little bit and she said that she realised that it was a reaction straight away because her current partner has had a similar reaction with them both suffering poor vision.
Subsequently she has started reading the Pfizer papers which I had shared with my staff as soon as they were released but no one commented on my share so I figured that they had all pushed them aside as one of my 'conspiracy theories'. Of course now that she is suffering she has picked up the Pfizer study only to realise that maybe she should have taken notice sooner.
As well as the blood shot eye she showed me a badly bruised finger that she got at work just by hitting it on the door on the way past and mentioned that her feet were badly swollen from jogging (she's a semi pro triathlete).
Blows me away that we work in the health industry and she's just now putting the dots together of all the adverse reactions we are seeing in clients now that she's actually started looking into things and its taken her this much suffering to admit she was blind.
I'll let you know if she falls down dead at work any time soon - seriously :rolleyes:
Perhaps she should go for a health check-up? Swollen feet tends to indicate the possibility of the heart not working properly, especially in a young fit person. Indeed, I'd be surprised if she lasted another 5 years.... but I wouldn't tell her that.... Just get her to go and get a medical check up.
Perhaps she should go for a health check-up? Swollen feet tends to indicate the possibility of the heart not working properly, especially in a young fit person. Indeed, I'd be surprised if she lasted another 5 years.... but I wouldn't tell her that.... Just get her to go and get a medical check up.
I recommended a herbalist who has been working with adverse reactions. My staff member has already been to her optometrist and her GP. The GP told her it most probably wasn't related but the optometrist encouraged her to report it.
I recommended a herbalist who has been working with adverse reactions. My staff member has already been to her optometrist and her GP. The GP told her it most probably wasn't related but the optometrist encouraged her to report it.

At the very least, she should consider having a D-dimer to check her clotting factors.

Here in the US, they are now pushing a second booster for people over 50! I don't think people are lining up for that, but they are probably jabbing the nursing home residents. 😕
The Australian football season is fast approaching. I'm wondering how many of them are going to drop dead on the pitch. It is completely necessary to be superfit to play, I kid you not. In addition, if they've all been vacca vaccaed as well as boosted - Will this game be the same? Because if there is heart damage, then heart performance will be effected. I wonder - will anyone notice?
He died in Ireland aged 21.
North Melbourne is mourning the shock, sudden passing of former Kangaroo Red Og Murphy in Ireland.
Murphy, who died aged just 21, was on the Roos’ list in 2019 after being taken as a Category B rookie from his home club in county Sligo.
Over a dozen tennis players withdrew from the Miami open.
With both Badosa and Sinner retiring in the first set, ticket holders for the Stadium seats didn't witness a full set for the day session.
In total, there has been 15 withdrawals/retirements during the Miami Open.
Fans were left shocked at the double retirement from two stars in a bizarre day of tennis.
Bizarre day of tennis indeed! You ain't seen nothing yet!
I'm very confused about this: HIV tests or AIDs tests? Is there a difference between how these two things are tested? I imagine there would be, or should be. One is a syndrome, the other is a virus. Could one be used as an excuse to test for the other?

It raises more questions for me than answers. For example, if someone "tests positive" for HIV, is it because of a "false positive" generated by parts of the HIV virus being in the Covid shot, or even the original virus? And, if someone tests positive for AIDs, does that mean the syndrome has been caused by the vaccine..... and they don't want anyone to know.... so they come up with an excuse to test people....

I learned last week my mother is having gallbladder issues and needs to have surgery. Only catch is apparently there’s so many gallbladder surgeries in her area that she has to wait until the end of the month (Boise, ID area).

She’s generally healthy although when she was having issues years ago that allopathic medicine couldn’t resolve I mentioned keto and the book Keto Adapted by Maria Emmerich. So she hired her and went keto. It worked. Yay, holistic/alt medicine for the win, right?!

Well, not so easy ‘cause a couple months ago she nonchalantly mentioned she got the Moderna vaccine (she’s very spellbound by genetics and technology). I wasn’t that surprised and she knows my stance as well although I didn’t press at the time why.

Anyway, during the conversation about the gallbladder issue she joked how a friend said that it was probably everyone who had gone keto. 🙄 I didn’t have the heart to suggest maybe it was something experimental that you injected into you rather recently? She has the pride of a lion…

It’s hard to watch people learn their own lessons. I try to help without interfering, but I suppose I can find a subtle way to get through next time we talk - maybe bring up Maria Emmerich.

Wondering, has anyone heard of increased gallbladder issues in their area or as a suspected side effect of the vaccines? I haven’t come across it in any articles; thought I’d ask before researching more.

Another family member suffered a stroke back in December - my 89 year old grandmother. She’s a fierce old baba and I love her dearly. During the antifa riots she was the only one I could talk to and who understood the parallels between it and the Bolshevik revolution because of our family history. She even said, “oh yeah all the Russian newspapers in California are talking about it.” We even joked about how stupid mask were and the first thing we do when leave a store is tear them off.

I say all this ‘cause before being vaxxed she was very cognizant and defiant as always, but afterward she seemed more forgetful and sounded very tired — then the stroke happened. Amazingly, it didn’t affect her speech so I can still talk to her fine but now she cannot walk and is bedridden.

We drove two days to see her a couple weeks after it happened in December. She was miserable being bedridden and cared for by 24hr nurse, but we got to laugh at how awful Biden is and she met her most recent great grandson. And I’ll never forget that she was adamant how she was already vaxxed and didn’t need a booster.

Well, last time we spoke she said she didn’t feel so well because — the nurse just gave her the booster 😔 I told to keep taking her vitamin C and zinc. She would always tell me that when I was younger and she kinda perked up over the phone when I mentioned it.

While she has help from her 3 sons and nurse, they all seem clueless to Covid-1984 sham and family dynamics don’t make it any easier for me to step in. I’ll need to stay strategically enclosed to certain extent, but hope I can have a few more conversations about the “old times”.

I worry there will be many more in my family that start to suffer side effects, but then everyone makes there own bed in the end…

I’ve been wanting to share an update for a couple weeks, but the energy around my area got kinda turbulent to say the least…

So my Mother was able to get squeezed into the schedule of the best gallbladder surgeon in the area - not sure how turn of events happen for her like this, seems to be a regular thing. Although was very good news because I was worried since she sounded in agony. And once the procedure was over apparently they found 50 gallbladder stones in her tiny gallbladder!

If that doesn’t seem weird, it gets a little weirder. She kept the stones because she said they can come in all kinds of shapes and sizes - round, triangle, square and found them interesting, ok fine. But then she mentions how her husband said he was a gallstone expert because when he worked at the cattle process plant the gallstones were extremely valuable and kept in the vault then sold for 20K and shipped to places in Asia for medicinal treatments 🧐

Here’s an article that discusses more about its uses - had no idea it was so highly coveted:

Bovine gallstones are worth more than their weight in gold

I can’t say for sure that it was mRNA vaccine, but don’t want rule it out either - that it could have some how triggered the accumulation of so many gallstones so fast… anyway she’s better now.

Now my Grandma, when I spoke with her again her arm is still sore and can’t move because it’s so bruised. She said some test were run and the doctors said it was arthritis, but she thinks that’s bs. Well, I was just more angered and sad. Not at her, but that no one is listening to her.

When I visited she said “I don’t need the booster, one’s enough for me.” Well someone convinced her or coerced her into having it. I was so sad and worried she was going to die any day.

While crying trying to fall asleep I couldn’t get the idea out of my mind saying - they’re killing her slowly. And then the inner rage of my Great family saying to my uncles - you had one job - make her comfortable! It was a very intense feeling and vivid as this family drama played out in mind.

I have suspicions around certain motives of some family members that I hope to get some clarity on - something’s up and my Great family is trying to tell me something, I think. I had the same feeling when my Grandpa passed too…

I’m kinda stuck on how much I intervene. I plan to send a care package with some vitamin C, Arni-Care and a crystal in hopes to make her comfortable and maybe see Mother Russia get the last laugh.

Anyway, thanks for reading :flowers:
I'm very confused about this: HIV tests or AIDs tests? Is there a difference between how these two things are tested? I imagine there would be, or should be. One is a syndrome, the other is a virus. Could one be used as an excuse to test for the other?

It raises more questions for me than answers. For example, if someone "tests positive" for HIV, is it because of a "false positive" generated by parts of the HIV virus being in the Covid shot, or even the original virus? And, if someone tests positive for AIDs, does that mean the syndrome has been caused by the vaccine..... and they don't want anyone to know.... so they come up with an excuse to test people....

Interesting, the mention of retinal detachment. I have a vaccinated friend suffering with this right now. The repair surgery did not go as well as hoped.
Where I work, there are a couple of people who are now having health problems. A man in his 40’s got both vaccines when they were available. He was fine for a few months and now he has dangerously high blood pressure. I had asked him if he had blood pressure problems before and he said this is new to him and a shock. It was so high he had to go to the emergency room, and in the following couple of weeks they have kept raising the dose of the medication and his blood pressure is still high. He is definitely worried about this.
Another woman in her 50’s has been all gung ho for the vaccines and of course got both shots. Just last week she woke up with a giant goiter on her neck and it was hard for her to swallow, breathe. Her husband took her to urgent care, and so far, it seems she’s getting a little better. When I asked her what may have caused this she said, “ the doctor said these things just happen.” 🙄
A man in his 40’s got both vaccines when they were available. He was fine for a few months and now he has dangerously high blood pressure. I had asked him if he had blood pressure problems before and he said this is new to him and a shock. It was so high he had to go to the emergency room, and in the following couple of weeks they have kept raising the dose of the medication and his blood pressure is still high. He is definitely worried about this.
This is the part of conventional medicine that makes my blood boil. Cover the symptoms, but never look for the root cause. Could be micro clotting or something else, that has shot up his blood pressure. Which is the body's natural reaction to this, and suppressing this could end up being very dangerous. Certainly won't fix the problem.
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