Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

Alert from Dr. Dave Cartland, British virologist​

David Cartland.jpg

English video with French subtiles:

Just wanted to kind of really speak to my colleagues who are also preparing for their shift today, you know, getting their scrubs on, you know, getting their medical equipment ready and just begging you, just imploring you to do the right thing. That's all I'm asking.

In the last couple of weeks really, you know, well, in the last couple of months really, it's become blatantly obvious what's happening here with these jabs. I've been speaking about it for months and months now. Guys, I'll put it to you straight really, you know, even in this last week, I'll give a few examples. I've seen people in their 30s having strokes. You know, they've had strokes, I'd say, after 24 hours after the jab. I've seen two really tragic cases this week.

One when I was working in London where a lady's 31 and she's got metastatic cancer, fully jabbed. I think she had four. I didn't see this lady directly, but that doesn't happen. She leaves behind two children. Two children. Even this week in the practice that I'm at today, you know, we've had a chap who three weeks after his first jab went from marathon running to dilated cardiomyopathy and he's now on at least 10 drugs and had further jabs despite going into acute heart failure and has been told it's genetic. I also saw a child that was given the influenza jab intranasally and was given the COVID jab without parents' knowledge at another surgery.

These things are stacking up now and I'm seeing tragedies. I'm seeing blood clots in young people. I'm seeing heart problems in young people. And it's just got to stop. As you put your work gear on today, look yourself in the mirror, ask yourself, what do I want to achieve from today? Why did I choose this career path? I'm begging you guys. I'm begging you. Even in the last month, I've seen four men trying to conceive, four men at different places and they have a condition called azoospermia, not one single functioning sperm. The amount of fertility and memory issues I'm seeing in young people. These people are fully jabbed every single time.

The winter I've just experienced, every single one of the cases on one particular day, 16 chest infections, intractable chest infections were in the fully vaccinated with a mean vaccine. All day long I'm told that I'm spreading misinformation, conspiracy theories. That's the line my regulators have taken. But no one, yet no one, will debate me, rebut me, show me the error of my ways, show me, put that arm around me and say, Dave, you've got it wrong. Which I'm more than prepared to be. But it's beyond all reasonable doubt now. It's time to speak out guys. Let's do it, please.

This one or two doctors speaking out is not good enough. It's not good enough. We're strong and safe in numbers. What are they going to do, strike us all off? At the same time, they can't do that. I beg you guys. The amount of tip-offs I'm getting from doctors, midwives, nurses, even just last week the midwives telling me what they're seeing at our local hospital maternity unit. The babies are having problems. I mean, the one midwife said that the babies were coming out underweight and syndromic, which was a concerning phrase to use. Placentas being delivered, unhealthy placentas, intrauterine growth retardation, cardiac problems in mothers having normal vaginal deliveries. It just doesn't happen. Just doesn't happen. The amount of fetal distress and emergency sections. It has to stop guys.

I beg you as we start this week. I beg you to please speak out. Have the bravery. Stick to facts. Stick to clinical experience and you cannot go wrong. That's all I will say. Please guys, today, consider it. Consider joining those brave doctors that have spoken out across the world. The momentum's building. There's been a massive shift, particularly in those vaccinated, and have realized in the last few weeks and months that it is the vaccine that has caused their ill health.

I pray that you realize that it's the right thing to do and it's time to stop as we consider rolling out yet another spring booster campaign. I'm hearing it across the land in Cornwall. Spring booster campaign. Some people really considering eight and nine of these novel gene based, I'd say therapeutics, but there's not a lot therapeutic about them because they don't work. Please consider what you're seeing.

Ask your patients how many vaccines they've had when they present to you with a terminal cancer in their 30s. Ask your patients how you know how many they had when they present to A&E with ST elevation at the age of 27. How many jobs did they have? Please guys, I'm begging you stand with us. The few people that have risked it all.

Long Covid and post-injection infections - Dr. John Campbell and Robert Clancy, retired Australian clinical immunologist​

Robert Clancy

English video with French subtitles:

- My great pleasure, John, as always.

- So we want to talk about post-vaccine and post-infection long COVID. Now both of these syndromes you've been seeing, you've been seeing patients with these. Can you just tell us roughly what you see? Patients with long COVID, patients with long COVID vaccine injury, what do you seeing?

- Well I think the first point, John, is that there's no great mystery to these conditions. What happened was with the infection, initially people were seeing ongoing symptoms and came up with a diagnosis that was vague and confusing and it was called long COVID. Now long COVID was anybody who had symptoms following COVID infection that persisted for more than three months. And the confusion for this is that it included a number of different problems and every patient had a different mix of these problems.

It's been known really since the late 1800s that people who get particular infections have a chance of getting a persistent fatigue illness that follows it. And that's quite, there's nothing different about COVID. And so the essential component of long COVID is what is essentially post-viral infection fatigue. And it has two central components.

The first is what I call energy activated fatigue, which means that if you do something then you pay for it, you get more fatigue.

The second character, the second feature of this chronic inflammatory state is cognitive defects. And most people don't say, "I've got a cognitive defect." They say, "I've got brain fog." And it comes in many different forms. So brain fog is a terribly incapacitating problem. But when we came to long COVID, patients had these symptoms, but they had other sets of symptoms which were more structural damage. And so while in classic chronic fatigue illnesses, you don't have so much in the way of structural damage to tissues, the brain, the heart, in long COVID you did. And that's because if you look at the underpinning cause of all of these, it's the antigen is persistent. In classic chronic fatigue, it's commonly, not always, but commonly the Epstein-Barr virus, which is the virus in my country we call glandular fever.

A number of patients will have that incarcerated into their cells and under various stresses, the virus escapes and you get fatigue illness, maybe a sore throat, big lymph nodes, things like that. And so we've known a lot about that, but along came long COVID and the patients had damage to their peripheral nerves, often small fibre neuropathy with burning feet, burning legs, major problems in the brain, cardiac issues, a whole range of structural abnormalities. And they got all thrown in together.

And then more recently people are saying, wait a second, I'm seeing people who have had vaccination who have never had COVID. And these people are developing very similar symptoms. And I see, and I don't see a lot of patients these days, but I certainly see a number and I have a number of patients who have had vaccines, never had COVID, but they've got essentially long COVID syndromes. And again, it's a mixture of classic energy activated fatigue, brain fog, together with certain structural problems. So and the reason that it's very similar is that the persistent antigen is the same antigen. It's spike protein.

So you're getting spike protein from the infection COVID, and that can persist at least 12 months, maybe a lot longer in some of these patients. Whereas with vaccine, we know that the spike protein, the messenger RNA vaccine that is given disseminates through the body. It provides expression of the spike protein on potentially any cell in the body. And that can go on for months or year, at least a year. And remember, these are new syndromes. We didn't know about them until the last couple of years. So we don't know how long these conditions go. But the bottom line is that there's the same cause for the post vaccine long COVID, if you like, and the post infection long COVID.

- It's really quite hard to understand this. So when someone's vaccinated, if they get this long vaccine COVID situation, instead of producing the antigen for a few hours, they're producing the antigen chronically over a year or more? What is happening there? How can the vaccine, which is a single dose, go on and produce spike protein for a year or more?

- Well, I think that's the big question, isn't it? And the answer is fairly straightforward, that if you have a messenger RNA vaccine, that messenger RNA, we know in the way in which it's packaged and presented, will go throughout the body and can be taken up into essentially any cell in the body. Now when it does that, the messenger RNA expresses through the ribosomal system in the cell, the factory for proteins.

It expresses spike protein, which is represented on the surface of the cell and can be detected in blood for a length of time. Now when it's expressed on the cell surface, in most people, it's probably only a relatively short period of time. But in some people, in fact, a significant number of people, they'll express it for a long period of time and they get an immune response. Remember, that's what you're trying to do with messenger RNA vaccine. You're trying to stimulate an immune response. But what was not understood, and sadly had not been properly tested right at the beginning, was that this antigen can persist for a long period of time and be the focus of a self-destructive immune response, very similar to autoimmune disease.

Full original video:

Repeat COVID-19 vaccine boosting may impair immunity​

Between 2013 and 2021, rates of immunosuppression in adults have doubled, according to estimates from a Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) research letter.


Studies have shown that the COVID-19 virus can disrupt the function and order of the immune system, leading to immune dysfunction and possible immunodeficiency.

One 2023 study published in Nature Reviews Rheumatology found that people with a COVID-19 infection are at a greater risk of developing autoimmune diseases, which may be linked to potential immunodeficiencies.

The COVID-19 pandemic may have been particularly challenging to those already immunocompromised.

Immunocompromised people tend to have an increased disease severity if they become infected with COVID-19, and the vaccine appears to be less effective for them. Public health measures put in place during the pandemic may also have created obstacles for these people to access health care and therapies for their immunosuppression, said Mr. Razzaque.

Other researchers and physicians argue that the COVID-19 vaccines may also contribute to immunosuppression and deficiencies, though some research has opposite findings.

Research from Cleveland Clinic suggests that repeated boosting of COVID-19 vaccinations has been shown to put a person at risk of future COVID-19 infections. Another letter to the editor from Columbia University authors published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that people with higher vaccine antibody levels after vaccination were more strongly associated with breakthrough infections.

Most recently, an Australian review suggested that repeat COVID-19 vaccine boosting in immunocompromised individuals may impair immune activation within this population, possibly making them more vulnerable to infections and cancers.

In a research paper, Mr. Razzaque pointed to increased influenza infections reported in people who receive repeat influenza vaccinations, speculating if frequent boosting may be linked to immunosuppression.

Dr. Schaffner said whether increased infections linked to repeat vaccinations are a sign of general immunosuppression is debatable.

It’s a very debatable issue,” he said, adding that even if there is an increased risk of COVID-19 infection linked to repeat vaccination, there does not seem to be “serious evidence” indicating a “general suppression of the immune system.”

However, works by Nordic researchers Drs. Peter Aaby and Christine Stabell Benn suggest that non-live vaccines, including COVID-19 and influenza vaccines, tend to make the immune system “lazy” and less equipped to fight an infection. In contrast, live vaccines train the immune system to become better fighters.

Gastroenterologist and CEO of ProgenaBiome, Dr. Sabine Hazan, has said that the COVID-19 vaccine may cause immunosuppression by reducing good Bifidobacteria in the gut. She showed that after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination, Bifidobacteria levels dropped by half among her trial participants.

Bifidobacteria are essential for boosting intestinal immunity. Dr. Hazan’s earlier work showed that people with reduced Bifidobacteria in the gut were at risk of severe COVID-19 infections, and therapeutics that replenished the Bifidobacteria, such as vitamins C and D and ivermectin improved patient survival rates.

“The pandemic appears to have influenced what the public thinks about their immune system. There has been a big jump in perceived weakness in the immune system. More research is needed to determine if either SARS-CoV-2 infection or COVID-19 vaccine indeed has impaired human immunity according to these perceptions,” Dr. Peter McCullough, renowned cardiologist and internist, told The Epoch Times.

David Rasnick PhD, about Turbo Cancer​

David Rasnick PhD
"...anybody else who's ever seen this phenomenon in humanity before. We're basically doing to human beings what we did to laboratory animals. We're destroying their immune systems to the point where, they can't resist the cancer and the cancer cells are now growing like they are in the cell culture. They don't have anything impeding their ability to proliferate.

But the turbo cancer thing, which is new, is that instead of taking a decades for the cancers to develop all the way from nowhere to stage three and stage four, which are lethal cancers, we were seeing this happen now in the order of months. And in young people, like in their twenties, and they get really when it develops, they get late stage cancer and they're dead really, really quickly. That is new.

The only time we have ever seen this rapid or so-called 'turbo', that's what they call it now. We just call it, accelerated cancer in the animals or things because they were immune deficient by design. And now what we're doing, I think the simplest, best explanation, and I'm convinced the true explanation of what's behind turbo cancer is that these injections, these genetic injections, they're not vaccines. These genetic injections are devastating the immune system.

We know that's happening already, but now we're seeing a consequence of that devastated immune system. It's an acceleration of tumors that were probably already in you to begin with, but were benign, probably go away on their own, you'd never know you had it. But once your immune system is really, really depressed, now these things could develop rapidly. And we know that in animals, we caused it in animals, you know, for decades, I personally didn't, I didn't work with the poor things.

We're basically doing to human beings what we did to laboratory animals. We're destroying their immune systems to the point where they can't resist the cancer. And the cancer cells are now growing like they are in cell culture. They don't have anything impeding their ability to proliferate. And, that, that in a nutshell, it is what turbo cancer is."

David Rasnick site: David Rasnick, PhD - official website
Passenger deaths on or connected to flights

I daily check the site called which lists news revolving aviation. Out of curiosity i searched for articles in which passenger died on flights or related to flights (i only searched for words like "dies", "died" and "dead") . The articles are by no means covering all the deaths of passengers around the world, not even close - but simply wanted to see if deaths increased (on their site).

They did.

Neither included are the HUGE (!) number of smaller airplane crashes during the past years, because the articles don't really reveal the true cause behind them (such as jabbed pilots dying in flight) I also suspect that the reports of passenger deaths were at first avoided (2021-2022), until it became more "legit" to report them.

• 2016 (1)
• 2017 (2)
• 2018 (0)

• 2019 (1)
• 2020 (0)
• 2021 (2)

• 2022 (4)
• 2023 (10)
• 2024 jan - 10 feb (5)

Year of 2021

Year of 2022

Year of 2023

Year of 2024 (until 10 Feb)
Additionally: Medical* events

I searched the same aviation site for "medical" events, but this time going though the articles manually (2016-2024) because i wanted to filter out* events such as jetblast injuries, fights, stowaways, scorpion bites, epilepsi, pregnancy etc. Also: the deaths* i listed in my previous entry are not included in the first section below (but in the second)

Here are the results of medical events / articles. Again, we see a significant increase since 2022.

• 2016 (0)
• 2017 (4)
• 2018 (2)
• 2019 (1)
• 2020 (1)
• 2021 (2)
• 2022 (12)
• 2023 (15)
• 2024 jan- 25 Feb (3)

Deaths + medical events put together

• 2016 (1)
• 2017 (6)
• 2018 (2)
• 2019 (2)
• 2020 (1)
• 2021 (4)
• 2022 (16)
• 2023 (25)
• 2024 jan- 25 Feb (8)

Comedian Chris Gauthier dies suddenly aged 48​

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The sad news has been made official by Chris Gauthier's agency. The actor passed away at the end of last week: "We can confirm that our friend and client passed away Friday morning, February 23, at the age of 48," Tristar Appearances/Event Horizon Talen told Fox News.

According to Deadline, his death was due to a sudden illness. However, those close to the actor have not confirmed this.

Over the course of his career, Chris Gauthier has appeared in a number of American series, including Once Upon a Time and Supernatural. The British artist, who has Canadian nationality, also took part in Smallville, about the youth of Superman.


Midnight North cancel shows after Elliott Peck, 38, receives major health diagnosis​

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I’m writing to share some difficult news. Last week I was admitted to the hospital after experiencing severe stomach pain. After getting a CT scan, the doctors determined I have a large tumor located in my abdomen. While I’m still waiting for the biopsy results, I will regardless have to have a pretty complex surgery to remove the tumor. Unfortunately this will be putting me on hiatus from touring & local shows for a while I get through this process & recover. Please send all your positive thoughts & prayers as I work through this difficult time. I deeply appreciate your kindness & support.
Much love,

Study Finds Increasing Time Between COVID Vaccine Doses Reduces Risk of Myocarditis, Yet Cardiologists Raise Concerns​

New research suggests increasing the interval between vaccine doses or using a single dose may significantly lower the risk of heart inflammation caused by mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Yet some cardiologists are concerned about asymptotic myocarditis and say any risk of heart inflammation in a population group that’s not at risk of experiencing severe COVID-19 is too much.

In a February peer-reviewed paper published in NPJ Vaccines, researchers in Hong Kong observed a significantly lower cumulative incidence of carditis, or heart inflammation, among adolescents who received their second vaccine dose more than 56 days after their first dose compared with those who received their second dose within 21 to 27 days. A second analysis showed that increasing the time between the first and second vaccine doses decreased the risk of heart inflammation by 66 percent. Researchers compared the risk of carditis between standard and extended interdose intervals in 12- to 17-year-olds who received two doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.

Among 143,636 adolescents who received at least one dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, 130,970 (91 percent) received a second dose. Approximately 43 percent of these adolescents received their second dose at an extended interval. During the study period, a total of 84 adolescents were hospitalized for conditions related to heart inflammation within 28 days of the second vaccine dose. After implementing exclusion criteria, 49 cases remained and were attributed to COVID-19 vaccination.

The incidence of heart inflammation was higher in males than females.

In a subgroup analysis among male adolescents, the incidence of carditis was significantly lower in the extended interval group compared with the standard group, with 22 versus 88 cases per million, respectively. In contrast, the incidence of heart inflammation was similar among females vaccinated at standard and extended dose intervals.

The researchers said their findings are consistent with other studies that show young males are at a higher risk of mRNA vaccine-related heart inflammation, although the absolute risk is low and that an interval between vaccine doses greater than 56 days could help reduce the risk of heart inflammation in adolescents.

Cardiologist: Vaccinating Healthy Adolescents Is ‘All Risk’​

Pediatric cardiologist Dr. Kirk Milhoan told The Epoch Times that he doesn’t necessarily disagree with the study’s findings, but even a small risk of heart inflammation for adolescents who are not at risk from COVID-19 is too much.

Before we do any procedure like a medicine, vaccination, or surgery, I look to see if the benefit outweighs the risk or if there’s any benefit at all. A recent paper out of the Cleveland Clinic showed that with more vaccines comes an increased risk of experiencing COVID-19. Once data is available from a reputable study, we must then ask if there’s any benefit to vaccination for the majority of people,” he said.

Referencing the current Hong Kong study, Dr. Milhoan said researchers only looked at myocarditis among hospitalized patients, but he is concerned about people with silent myocarditis from the COVID-19 vaccine, which is why he checks troponin levels. Even a slightly elevated troponin level can be indicative of heart damage.

If you spread out the doses of the Pfizer product, which has a pseudo mRNA that may have asked the body to make a spike protein we now know is cardiotoxic and directly correlated with myocarditis, fewer people got hospitalized, but people still got hospitalized,” Dr. Milhoan said.

“If you get a large dose of toxin very close together, that’s probably harder on your body than if you spread it over time, but what I believe is that we don’t need the vaccine for this very, very healthy cohort that doesn’t have trouble with COVID. We’re basically giving them all risk even if it’s less risk with no benefit,” he added.

Heart Inflammation Is Higher Due to Asymptomatic Cases​

Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine was first made available in Hong Kong in June 2021 with a recommended dose interval for adults and adolescents of 21 days. After a local pharmacovigilance study in January 2022 showed an increased risk of heart inflammation among adolescents who received two vaccine doses, the Department of Health in March 2022 recommended the interval between the first and second vaccine doses be increased to 56 days.

Although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) originally recommended a three-week interval between the first and second COVID-19 vaccine doses, it recommended the interval be increased in 2022 to eight weeks for Pfizer and Moderna to reduce the risk of heart inflammation.

In a Feb. 15 hearing by the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, Dr. Peter Marks, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, said myocarditis, or heart inflammation, is one of the “rare” adverse events the agency identified with COVID-19 vaccines, but with “mitigation strategies in place,” the occurrence has decreased.

“After the first COVID-19 vaccine where the primary series given two doses three or four weeks apart, there was a risk in the younger age range of males that was about 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 20,000 individuals got myocarditis. Now, with the spacing out of the vaccines, that risk is almost undetectable,” Dr. Marks told the committee.

There was a signal for myocarditis or pericarditis only after the primary vaccination series with the Pfizer mRNA vaccine in those 12 to 17 years of age, and that now that signal is not being seen more recently. So I think we’ve learned something with how to deploy the vaccines and I think that’s why the CDC ... has changed their recommendations for how they be used,” he added.

In an email to The Epoch Times, cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough said he believes Dr. Marks and the FDA have failed to keep up with the evolving medical literature on COVID-19 and vaccine-induced myocarditis.

After reviewing multiple peer-reviewed publications on myocarditis, Dr. McCullough made the following conclusions:

1. Vaccine myocarditis occurs in about 2.5 percent of vaccine recipients per administration—and half of the cases are asymptomatic.

2. The incidence of myocarditis is heavily influenced by age and gender, with young men ages 18 to 24 being most at risk.

3. COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis is fatal in cases examined at autopsy.
MSM has reported the adverse effects of getting the jab from the huge companies that manufactured them.

In 2020, we all got on here, scoured alternative media and the sott pages for information to help us against this raging inferno of hysteria.

While he's not usually my go to source for information, I thought his delivery of this "I told ya so" video on what would eventually happen was clever. So, without further ado here is Russell:

A new Norwegian study confirms: Corona infection can lead to poorer memory. For some it will be long-lasting.
Researchers have compared the memory of the same people before and after they became ill with covid-19. That it got worse, there is no doubt. This is shown by new findings from the Norwegian corona study. Ny funn fra norske forskere: Folk har svart om hukommelsen før og etter koronasykdom. – Ingen tvil om at den ble dårligere.

The study:
MSM has reported the adverse effects of getting the jab from the huge companies that manufactured them.

In 2020, we all got on here, scoured alternative media and the sott pages for information to help us against this raging inferno of hysteria.

While he's not usually my go to source for information, I thought his delivery of this "I told ya so" video on what would eventually happen was clever. So, without further ado here is Russell:
I have never been a great fan of Russell but he seems to have the bit between his teeth now. I enjoyed this. He is very well known and perhaps people will listen to him and get their unused brain cells clanking together. As you say CelticWarrior - his delivery is good and he is articulate and clever.

Just as an aside...I was in a shop yesterday and overheard the girl behind the counter chatting to a customer..."I am definitely never having another vaccine. I had one but that was enough. Never again". The customer was also in agreement. I couldn't hang around to find out details as to why she wasn't having another vaccine but just the fact that two humans had seen the light really made my day :clap:

Musician Mom Cat Janice Dead at 31​

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In January, Janice went viral on TikTok after releasing the song "Dance You Outta My Head" inspired by her son.

The Washington, DC local's cancer journey began in November 2021, when she first felt a lump in her neck, as she explained on TikTok. At first, she thought nothing of it, but in March of the following year, she realized the lump was still there. "It was larger and it was very hard," she said in a video at the time.

That prompted Janice, who celebrated her 31st birthday on Jan. 21, to see a doctor. Following the visit, she was diagnosed with sarcoma, a rare malignant tumor.

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