Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

Extremely sad state of affairs when this is the first study that I see that acknowledges a thrombosis complication after 5-10 days following a mRNA vaccine. The patient had a thromboembolic event. Even though it's worded in such a way to go through ponerogenic censors, at least it should raise the question in those that are yet not totally asleep, that events within a week or two, should still raise suspicions of vaccine complications. How many thousands of people have had either a heart attack, stroke or deep vein thrombosis and nobody raised the question that the vaccine from a week or two prior to the event could have been the last straw that broke the camel's back?

Thrombosis With Thrombocytopenia After the Messenger RNA–1273 Vaccine
How many thousands of people have had either a heart attack, stroke or deep vein thrombosis and nobody raised the question that the vaccine from a week or two prior to the event could have been the last straw that broke the camel's back?
My brother, very 'intelligent' (~160 IQ) but, as could be expected, who can't see the forest for the trees, had very similar events happen to his wife when they both got jabbed. They felt superb right after the jab (having been under the weather in previous weeks), so they told my parents they must've gotten some long COVID symptoms from the young kids in kindergarten, and the vaccine 'worked instantly to make them feel better'.

Okay, great, so the jab was somehow instantly effective. Let's not ask questions. Next thing that happened (i've just heard that from him) was that his wife had dizzyness, stomach upset, generally feeling unwell 10 days after the jab. We all heard those before, that'd line up with the clotting/thrombocytopenia combo, wouldn't it?

I'm not kidding, their explanation is that they must've gotten Covid from the baby just before getting the jab, so it took a while before symptoms came out and you couldn't expect the vaccine to work right away.

So, to summarize the incoherent response, they felt like they had already developed mild, long covid symptoms before the jab, which cleared up instantly as soon as they got it because the jab was so effective, but really they only recently contracted covid just days before the jab so it took over a week to develop symptoms, 'you can't blame the vaccine for not being effective against an underway infection'.

His conclusion? The partial immunity was too weak to last more than a few days, clearly they have to get their second jab ASAP.

I'd laugh at the absurdity if I didn't want to cry, and I'd cry if I didn't want to check out emotionally. I'd rather care, but he's made it clear that he believes in vaccines, even after his youngest son turned catatonic for a few days when he received his first vaccines years ago, when his most recent daughter was born he got her scheduled jabs either way. At this point, I consider it both plausible and likely that his children are at risk of being genetically castrated, or worse - and there is little for me to do but to depersonalize and witness with compassion from a distance.

Challenging, but better than the alternative.
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There is an older gentleman on our homeowner association board that I’m on. He is a doctor, but I’m not sure of what. He has kind of been a ‘petty tyrant’ for the board since the Fall when he was voted onto the board. Those details aren’t important other than to mention that 2-4 months ago he was trying to get the board to organize and encourage all people in the community to get the vaccine. That we should be looking after everyone’s well-being by helping people get the vaccine, etc. So I’d imagine that he has likely had two rounds of some Covid vaccine, since he mentioned getting the first round back when he was talking to other board members about his push for vaccines and was encouraging them.

He emailed today that he was in the hospital this past week with a serious clot in one leg and a pulmonary embolism. Although he has been a pain for the board, I feel bad for him and really all people that have been lied to and manipulated and out of ignorance are possibly having their health affected and possibly passing from the vaccine. I guess one way to start to learn about the evils of this world and those outside of the reality we can perceive is to be seriously affect and/or destroyed by their machinations.
I did not know, that your daughter would not listen to your advice. I am sorry to hear that. I was quite enthusiastic to write the previous post, because no matter how gloom it might look, there appears to be an accessible solution to it i. e. ivermectin. What I suggested to you was to clear up the mess created by the hydrogel first, and only then try to "call the soul back", if it did not come back by itself. I am really sorry to cause you more distress instead of help. Please try to find the way to get through to your daughter to try ivermectin, it could possibly help her a lot. I wish to not cause you even more distress, but it seems to me, that what I am going to talk about can be helpful to others and I feel I need to continue.

In my previous post I was talking about strict correlation between the etheric/soul body and physical body and presented my hypothesis that something contained in the vaccinations may work in such a way as to push the soul out from the body or loosen the connection between the two. Basically what I think is that all things in the vaxxes put together make such an incompatible with the the spiritual body witch brew, that there is no way to say, which one does what to it. But I was concentrated on the Darpa hydrogel, because I see a good chance, that this particular substance can be unbearable for the etheric/soul body and push it out, and yet there is a known antidote to it, i.e. ivermectin.

Now I want to develop farther my hypothesis about the possible workings of hydrogel and about possible goal that PTB want to achieve by using it. So I intend to present the whole thing with hydrogel from different perspective.

Darpa hydrogel appears to be one of the ingredients of both, PCR tests and vaccines. There is not that much talk about the hydrogel in connection to vaccines as it is about the other stuff, like mRNA, spike proteins, nanochips, etc.

That is because we were basically officially informed that the vaxxes are untested gene therapy, even though it was not put in such a way, that the side effects are yet unknown and might be severe, and by doing so PTB basically conditioned us to some extend as to where to look for the main culprit, if something goes wrong, for example if somebody drops dead. Yet we were not officially told, that vaxxes and PCR contain hydrogel. And it might be so by design. Maybe they do not want us to look too closely to what it can do to human body and maybe they do not want us to concentrate too much on another goal they wish to achieve, and which must be a first and primary goal for them, if the rest of their plans are to go on according to the design.

Most people who to a greater or lesser extent see through the game, think of the vaxxes in terms of the depopulation, but I do not think, they want too many people die at the moment, because it would scare many others away, and they want to jab all of us. They will have all the time needed for depopulation later on, once they achieve what they plan.
We see many deaths, but not that many, we see many damages, many horrible side effects, but not that many. We all know a lot of people who are vaxxed and yet appear to be unaffected. I personally know quite a few vaccinated people, who appear to be fine.

If they really intended to just kill us, they would have no problem with that, but then how many would they manage to kill before the rest of us would turn against them; and there are very few of them compared to us, they would have nowhere to hide. It must be a nightmarish thought for them.

I think what they are really doing is changing the structure of human bodies, preparing them for some future project, and the deaths etc. can be really mostly side effects of that. I think mRNA and nanobots are part of that, but not only. For now they need to vaccinate as many people as possible as fast as possible. It's kind of a race, the more so, that I think it is possible that many vaccinated people will start dying during autumn and winter season, then the rest might start waking up.

Then what can be this prime goal for them to achieve? Control. And better still, total control. My hypothesis here is that this Darpa hydrogel together with lithium plus perhaps some other stuff in the vaxxes are there to serve exactly this purpose, and if achieved, this will totally change the rules of the game. Even if it is not the hydrogel in the vaxx that is designed to serve this purpose, then there is something else, but the purpose remains the same.

I will be repeating some of the same quotes from my previous post, I am sorry about that, but I want to keep the line of thought clear.
Dr. Pierre Gilbert in 2012 was talking about vaccines containing liquid crystals:

I will go back to the the analysis of the swabs from the Slovak Republic, as it seems reliable to me.

It states at the beginning:

Maybe somebody here with a microscope and some skills and knowledge would wish to try and verify it?

The analysis talks about hydrogel, which looks like something similar to those liquid crystals.
Few sentences from this document.

So what we understand from the above is that the very structure of the body tissue changes, some artificial crystals, alien to the body, grow through it and form some kind of a web, kind of being fused with our own tissue. Check the photos to see what it looks like.
Human saliva with antibodies causes its permanent disintegration, (though ivermectin looks still more efficient) which means that people with a strong immune system are more able to fight it. How about destroying the immune system with mRNA and/or other ingredients in the vaxx?

Depending on how durable these crystals are, and if they are cumulative, as I suppose this is the case, finally human body could become permeated by such a crystalline web. Note, that they are pushing for many vaccinations, in some countries they already talk about third ones, and next ones, or every half a year...

Why pushing for so many PCR tests, they made it a daily or weekly routine in some schools. Is it to cumulate more and more of this stuff in the head? Why putting the swabs deep into the nasopharynx, would it not be enough to take samples of saliva from the mouth? Why so close to the pineal gland, our window to the spiritual? Could it be so in order to close the window up? And to permeate the brain?

The characteristic feature of the hydrogel is its electromagnetic properties.

I cannot confirm, that all the above conclusions made by the authors are correct, that it works exactly the way they say, I do not have enough knowledge in the field, but my mind made immediate association with magnetic people. It might be The reason or one of the reasons of humans attracting magnets and other stuff. The crystalline structure can spread slowly through the body, beginning from the place of injection, or from PCR test, in cases where people attract magnets to the forehead.

It looks like they do not necessarily have to jab us in order to magnetize us, some people are magnetic without being vaxxed, it might be through shedding, it might be through food, there are videos now showing meat from shops attracting magnets.

There are some people talking about hydrogel, one of the first ones was Dr. Carrie Madej, you can easily find her videos on Bitchute, they all vanished from YT.

You might read this article, it attempts to explain exactly how it works,
the author says:

I think people speculate a bit trying to understand how it works, and present their hypothesis as facts, but whether this works exactly this way or another way is not as important as the thing itself, that this hydrogel is contained in the vaxxes, it forms crystalline structure through our tissue and is magnetic. If people are becoming magnetic, there must be something magnetic added to them.

PTB were working on the subject of remote control for a long time. The Slovakian document mentions the beetle injected with Darpa Hydrogel into its nervestructures which became controllable via a radio. There was actually such a beetle controlled by radio, I did not manage to confirm if it was done through the use of hydrogel. But that demonstrates that they successfully experimented on controlling living beings from the distance.

You might have a look at the radio controlled beetle here, with nice photos:

And another article about DARPA's cyborg insects:

That is even enough to check in Wikipedia, though obviously they would not say much:

Now they are coming for us, humans, and they are doing this with the vaccines, me think.

Am I making too much of it all, I hope so, but I am afraid I am underestimating it.

They are actually telling us, what they are doing. It is all about transhumanism. Just read the whole text on the web of government of Canada: "Exploring Biodigital Convergence. What happens when biology and digital technology merge?" written in February 11, 2020

I know it was covered in SOTT and there was some discussion on this forum, but I do not think it brought enough attention.
I will quote just same sentences from this website, and only those in connection with human body, biology. There are many more aspects to it all.

I do not know about you, but for me even the term "biodigital" sounds ominous.

Now read this:

It is funny to see, how they changed the meaning of the world "vitalism" After the Wikipedia:

Now that we have progressed in evolution and in our understanding, this old belief became obsolete and now we know better, that there is not any fundamental difference between 'living and nonliving organisms' and that we are not governed by any different principles. That was a joke, of course.
And more seriously, there is no place for the soul or any higher consciousness in the so called 'biodigital age', which they are attempting to impose on us and now.

I think that the vaxxes have multiple purposes, depopulation is definitely one of them, but it will not start in really serious way, before enought people are vaccinated. It might be soon enough. My take on it all is that humanity is supposed to be gradually rebuilt in their body structure, turned into biodigital entities, so that they can be connected as elements into the internet of things and controlled by AI, or something along this line. And this is what I think might be the real task of this Darpa hydrogel. In any case it is well worth some farther research. Because if it is not the hydrogel, then there still is something in the vaxxes causing people to become magnetic.

And the coming zombie apocalypse can be more real, then we think, just you wait till they activate all the created soulless biodigital humans, for example with 5G technology and most probably other "higher" technologies. And if that happens, they can be directed against us, the unvaccinated ones.

I need to add, that I do not think, that all vaccinated people are immediately becoming such soulless biodigital humans, I think vaxxes differ in content, the hydrogel or this something else needs to accumulate, so more jabs are needed, some have stronger immune system, so they can disintegrate the hydrogel, some have stronger souls, that can manage to do something about it. And some can help themselves with ivermectin, if it really is that effective.

But yes, I believe, that all those who will go with the flow and take all the jabs offered and many PCR tests, will sooner or later end up as such soulless biodigital humans, if their bodies will adapt to it. Many will not. And I do not know, how much it takes.

Now you can amuse yourself a bit and read how they envision our brave new world.

The original virus was hacked by STO forces to reverse the outcome. Instead of more obedience via a kind of frontotemporal dementia (the intended goal, suggested by Pierre's article), suddenly a plague of critical thinking swept across the planet!

I think of the hydrogel hypothesis you've laid out here as a cell-phone tower grid growing inside us. Rather than the immune system simply disintegrating it, maybe it's also possible that it will be 'kept' by the body and 'hacked' to further enhance the STO signal reception in certain individuals.

I'm not going to get too optimistic, but anything's possible at this point...
Look how people continue to line up for this shot, after they wheel a young man out having seizures.
And noone is leaving!!! They keep on waiting in line, good little sheep they are! More - they keep coming!!! I have no words….
Extremely sad state of affairs when this is the first study that I see that acknowledges a thrombosis complication after 5-10 days following a mRNA vaccine. The patient had a thromboembolic event. Even though it's worded in such a way to go through ponerogenic censors, at least it should raise the question in those that are yet not totally asleep, that events within a week or two, should still raise suspicions of vaccine complications. How many thousands of people have had either a heart attack, stroke or deep vein thrombosis and nobody raised the question that the vaccine from a week or two prior to the event could have been the last straw that broke the camel's back?
What I'm encountering repeatedly is that people are "hypnotized", "under a spell", "brainwashed". The first two descriptors were uttered by Dr. Lee Merritt in her recent interview with Mike Adams. When I heard her say those words, I recalled I had just read the exact same words elsewhere, but couldn't remember exactly where - quite the coincidence though. Lastly, in this excellent interview with Dr. Peter McCullough, he proclaims outright that people are brainwashed when asked why everyone is going along with this obvious scientific fraud! This interview is really compelling as he calls out the media and the medical complicity involved including individual physicians recommending these genetic vaxxes even for pregnant women - "they should be ashamed!"; "they refuse to look me in the eye!" - while asserting his rigid defiance against this horrid, global ruse that appears to be all about "getting a needle into every arm!" - the real goal of it all!

When the Cs said the programming was complete, did we even remotely think the masses were mind controlled to the extent we're seeing?!! That we more or less have to stand by as this continues to play out, is heartbreaking especially when it hits home. I'm so sad for fellow forum members who have already lost family or fear they will succumb at some point due to the vax. 💔
I am going to put this sad and morbid info here, on the Covid thread.
This past week, a heat dome moved over western Canada, and broke heat records in many places in the province of British Columbia.
The death toll is still being added to, but as of this morning it was at 719.

The elderly people in this province were the first to be targeted with the injections, and they are the most fearful and trusting.

So many of them have been wearing 2 or more masks when ever I have seen them in the local stores or alone in their cars, and probably while alone IN THEIR HOMES.
The media is labeling it "Sudden Death".
What about "Delayed Euthanasia, via Big Pharma"

"The BC Coroners Service has reported 719 sudden deaths in the past week, triple the number that would normally occur in the province.

"We are releasing this information as it is believed likely the extreme weather B.C. has experienced in the past week is a significant contributing factor to the increased number of deaths," Lisa Lapointe, chief coroner said in a release.
Lapointe says the coroners service received an unprecedented number of reports of sudden and unexpected deaths throughout the province from last Friday to Thursday.

She says B.C. had seen only three heat-related deaths in the past three to five years before the heat wave.
"She says many of the deaths reported over the past week were among older individuals living alone in private residences. "

The coroners service says it plans to investigate the circumstances of each death to determine the role the heat wave may have played."
I was told by an acquaintance in the emergency field, that many of the DRT(dead right there) calls that were witnessed, the bodies exhibited a strange surface blood bruising effect, like large strawberry red splotches. I assume that the elderly experienced severe capillary leakage in their final, lonely dying moments.
But, hey, they were fully Vaxxed, and they died knowing they followed their Doctors orders and did "the right things".

I friggin have no words anymore.....
The coroners service says it plans to investigate the circumstances of each death to determine the role the heat wave may have played." I was told by an acquaintance in the emergency field, that many of the DRT(dead right there) calls that were witnessed, the bodies exhibited a strange surface blood bruising effect, like large strawberry red splotches. I assume that the elderly experienced severe capillary leakage in their final, lonely dying moments.
But, hey, they were fully Vaxxed, and they died knowing they followed their Doctors orders and did "the right things".
Recently, a friend of mine who had at least one vaccine shot was playing golf and fell on a small incline on his right arm. It wasn't a bad fall and didn't have any serious pain, but later developed this exact "strange surface blood bruising effect, like large strawberry red splotches" . This strange bruise extended from his wrist up to his shoulder! I saw him a few days ago and the bruise was gone and he seems fine.

It's scary to see this up close. 😞
A few days ago, someone who just had his second shot of Phyzer came around here and spent some time hanging around. I hadn't understood that he had just done that. The previous month he had come also, after his first shot and then 2 of us in the house got a sort of flu right afterwards. This time I got a serious flu-like happening for over 3 days now? So I believe that there is credence in the sweating of jab onto unvaxxed individuals... Big time!
The one thing I can say for certain is that no one can predict how they'll react to the vaccine. You could be one of the lucky ones who gets no or a limited reaction or you could be one of the very many unlucky ones. J&J also has an endless list of victims - all it takes is to look through Facebook or Telegram.
It's good to also keep in mind QUALITY CONTROL on manufacturing, transport and in the end delivery into the body. There are so many variables that can effect things along this chain that it boggles the mind. Especially when you involve millions of people who are to get this stuff, and you mass produce as well as mass deliver.

The EU EMA knew in the 4th Quarter of 2020 that quality control of the "magic potion" was bad.

Leaked documents show that some early commercial batches of Pfizer-BioNTech’s covid-19 vaccine had lower than expected levels of intact mRNA, prompting wider questions about how to assess this novel vaccine platform, writes Serena Tinari
As it conducted its analysis of the Pfizer-BioNTech covid-19 vaccine in December, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) was the victim of a cyberattack.1 More than 40 megabytes of classified information from the agency’s review were published on the dark web, and several journalists—including from The BMJ—and academics worldwide were sent copies of the leaks. They came from anonymous email accounts and most efforts to interact with the senders were unsuccessful. None of the senders revealed their identity, and the EMA says it is pursuing a criminal investigation.

The email identified “a significant difference in % RNA integrity/truncated species” between the clinical batches and proposed commercial batches—from around 78% to 55%. The root cause was unknown and the impact of this loss of RNA integrity on safety and efficacy of the vaccine was “yet to be defined,” the email said.
I'm willing to bet that this continues to be an issue. If they couldn't get their act together when doing small amounts and show their best results, now that they are free to do whatever QA is going to go out the window. What is in those ampules is anyone's guess. This is just my guess based on past behavior of these guys who are mainly only interested in Profit and not good results.
IT'S HAPPENING: Army Tells Commands - Prepare for MANDATORY Vaccinations in September Despite Recent Adverse Effects


"It’s a terrible time we’ve been going through as a species and it’s only going to get worse. They know what these jabs do, so the fact that they want to do this to our military should tell you all you need to know about what they have planned for us."
How many thousands of people have had either a heart attack, stroke or deep vein thrombosis and nobody raised the question that the vaccine from a week or two prior to the event could have been the last straw that broke the camel's back?
Yeah, and one may well imagine that this accounting in the EU alone, is just a drop in the bucket - and may well propagate after the second shot (as many are in the queue) or with time.

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