Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

Indeed. My personal observation, based on just talking to people, is that the plebs are fully rejecting the vaxx. Phrases like "Mark of the Beast" come up a lot.

A logistical core is an important part of any military. But so is the spear-tip. If they lose the edge of the latter, possessing the former is of little utility. That's especially true if the shaft of the spear is operated by low-competence affirmative action hires and, it seems will be the case, vaccine-damaged individuals. That logistical support might not need high-testosterone, high-aggession young guys like the tip of the spear requires, but it does need technically skilled people who are good at what they do and aren't taking every other day off due to illness.

But one thought has struck me. What about the AI Robots, so widely promoted by Boston Dynamics, as a benign, almost friendly and amusing, with there gymnastic flexibility, mirroring human movements. Are they envisioning a non human military force, to police nd herd humanity. After all, soldiers have faced PTSD, brought on by the devastating effect of causing harm to others, and with robotics, there are no moral, ethical, and social implications.
What if they allow Covid jabbed personnel with progressive brain damage to control / operate the drones? Or missile systems? Those operator errors will have vastly greater consequences than mere traffic accidents caused by possible brain damage in the vaxxed motorists.

Therefore, I agree, they must be thinking about investing into a completely autonomous drone army = Skynet. But who will repair those complicated AI brains built into drone planes and robots?

Surely if they were able to plan ahead plandemics and running a MIC they are perfectly capable of figuring out that brain damaged vaxxed engineers shouldn't be allowed near any AI circuits. Therefore its logical to assume they plan to keep a large force of permanently unvaxxed army of AI-engineers, who will be able to repair their AI drones / planes / robots in the future.

One thing - I think - is important to note: the Hollywoodian Skynet universe did NOT have a hyperdimensional Lizzie presence. Therefore, I think, the Lizzies will never allow a human-built Skynet AI to become aware, take over and start to annihilate the human race: Earth, perfectly organized for the pecking order with excellent human-energy production coming from [I think] a very desirable human population level numbering in the billions.

Nearly 4 billion souls on Earth are powering the Lizard Planetary Feeding Machine. I have a hard time accepting that the Lizzies are willing to drastically reduce the output of their 'human-energy refinery planet' by any mass population reduction initiated from their side. I would even shoot down the bigger, extinction level space rocks on collision course to my favorite factory, if I were in their place.

But one thought has struck me. What about the AI Robots, so widely promoted by Boston Dynamics, as a benign, almost friendly and amusing, with there gymnastic flexibility, mirroring human movements. Are they envisioning a non human military force, to police nd herd humanity. After all, soldiers have faced PTSD, brought on by the devastating effect of causing harm to others, and with robotics, there are no moral, ethical, and social implications.

Some quick notes on "AI" before we get back to discussing the effects of the experimental injections ostensibly intended to lessen the effects of COVID-19:
  1. Current "AI" / "machine learning" technology is nowhere near 'completely autonomous drone army' - ML these days is all pattern recognition, there is no ability to abstract or even truly generalize.
  2. As of now, 'object detection' is pretty good - they can programmatically identify targets if trained to identify targets - and they can have self flying drones in open unobstructed skies. But - simultaneous localization and mapping is still quite challenging and rapidly accumulates errors over time - if you have a self flying drone in the forest, well, it is going to eventually think a tree it has already seen is three feet away from where it actually is, and then bonk, the drone smacks the tree and goes down! Of course, then there are also the computational and power demands!
  3. Deep Reinforcement Learning, i.e., having an AI (deep learning) agent in some arbitrary scenario learning to solve an arbitrary goal tends to not work out so well in practice, as reality does not have the rules that games do; poor specification results in unintended consequences! If they decide to turn "Spot" into a killing machine, say, Spot gets 100 points for every dead dissident, but Spot also gets 100 points for returning 'home' safely, then Spot is simply going to walk in circles about the line delineating 'home' and 'not home', and maybe Spot confuses one of 'them' for a dissident in the process, racking up another 100 points. IIRC, there's some commentary from the Cs regarding how these things have their own soul imprints - which then leads to whatever being having a little free will!
And, back to enjoying the show!
What if they allow Covid jabbed personnel with progressive brain damage to control / operate the drones? Or missile systems? Those operator errors will have vastly greater consequences than mere traffic accidents caused by possible brain damage in the vaxxed motorists.

Therefore, I agree, they must be thinking about investing into a completely autonomous drone army = Skynet. But who will repair those complicated AI brains built into drone planes and robots?

Surely if they were able to plan ahead plandemics and running a MIC they are perfectly capable of figuring out that brain damaged vaxxed engineers shouldn't be allowed near any AI circuits. Therefore its logical to assume they plan to keep a large force of permanently unvaxxed army of AI-engineers, who will be able to repair their AI drones / planes / robots in the future.

One thing - I think - is important to note: the Hollywoodian Skynet universe did NOT have a hyperdimensional Lizzie presence. Therefore, I think, the Lizzies will never allow a human-built Skynet AI to become aware, take over and start to annihilate the human race: Earth, perfectly organized for the pecking order with excellent human-energy production coming from [I think] a very desirable human population level numbering in the billions.

Nearly 4 billion souls on Earth are powering the Lizard Planetary Feeding Machine. I have a hard time accepting that the Lizzies are willing to drastically reduce the output of their 'human-energy refinery planet' by any mass population reduction initiated from their side. I would even shoot down the bigger, extinction level space rocks on collision course to my favorite factory, if I were in their place.
I think the Lizzies, as powerful as they are can't control universal phenomenon like the wave for example. If indeed something like that exists and allows souls to evolve then I can see it may be a problem to Beings like them as it has the potential to disrupt their control over lesser Beings.

They didn't have to jab people to increase output, the earth was a well functioning factory of mass suffering before covid. This current drive smells of desperation or maybe new management has taken over and they are demanding a maximisation of the planetary suffering output. Who knows 🤷

For sure, if 4D STS exist, what is happening now with these jabs wouldn't be possible without their approval and rubber stamp. So it can't only be human players involved for something this big and all planet encompassing. Heck, even Putin can do nothing but has to fall in line.
I noticed our [with high probability] vaxxed neighbors very frequently coughing since the plandemic began on a continuing basis. Since mom became a 2x vaxxed Pfizer GMO, she is also coughing the same. As opposed to pre-Plandemic: elderly only coughing in the winter months.
I noticed that too. :-(
Mask-wearing is another aggravating factor.
Next winter is going to be 'sick'.
If the plan is a world gov't (which is already a fait accompli) centered in Chinese power, the concerns about the US military are moot: the USA (as the world hegemon) is being shown the door. Any war fought by drones, AI or bio-botic humanoids will be just "for show" to implant a certain world view illusory reality that is "believable" (in synch with all the past lies) upon what remains of humanity. IMO, of course.
I personally think there is an off world connection here. To me it's an overt alien takeover in progress.

I wouldn't be surprised if certain things in these jabs are actual alien technology that aims to control the living beings it has been injected in once the programme gets switched on. Inject the whole planet or the majority of it under the guise of a health crisis, either severely weaken them as a result or be able to control them. Move in, take over in a more real way.

Sure looks like it if one reads the analysis of what is, possibly, contained in the swab tests and vaccines. The swab tests, supposedly contain "DARPA Gel" which, among other "things" they are capable of, seems to make nano-antennas grow towards your pineal gland.

It could possibly also have something to do with the wave - maybe this is there way of grounding us to 3D and ensure no evolution takes place.

Yes, this thought also came to my mind. Maybe thats coupled with some "pain maximizers" for squeezing out some extra "nutrition" before "the wave" does its work.

Then the vaccination, allegedly, contains graphene oxide which, supposedly, will form a kind of mesh throughout your body.

See La Quinta Columna: Comments about the confirmation of graphene oxide in vaccination vials

I suggest to readers here to research "graphene oxide" and "darpa gel".

I note for the time being there seems to be a huge amount of coercion but it hasn't yet gone into physical force. Interestingly it shows free will is kind of being respected albeit the coercion is off the charts.

I cant use any planes or ferries anymore where i live. VaxxID mandatory for domestic travel now. And the vaccines is supposed to be infectious. So i dont really see a lot of "free will" here.


In the end though, looks to me like a massive con job and we'll all be faced by controllable zombies soon enough when all these mambo jambo portion in people gets activated in due course.

Yep... Interesting times :)
I noticed our [with high probability] vaxxed neighbors very frequently coughing since the plandemic began on a continuing basis. Since mom became a 2x vaxxed Pfizer GMO, she is also coughing the same. As opposed to pre-Plandemic: elderly only coughing in the winter months.

One of our workers and her husband got the Astrazeneca vaccine a couple of weeks ago with the Husband becoming sick after this and his wife now regulary is showing flu like symptoms.

Since about 1 1/2 months Astrazeneca is offered "for free" to the population. The government here now offers "free vaccination" to foreigners and, believe me, they make foreigners allways pay for "everything else" .
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At our workplace there have also been more and more coworkers to take the jab. Fortunately, none of them is running around yet asking everyone else about their stance on the vaccinations, while this could also be because there's still lots of work from home going on.

So far, only one coworker reported the following: he took the biontech jab and said that after the first shot everything was fine. Immediately when he got the second shot, he felt "like someone had pulled the plug" on him. For hours afterwards, his ears felt "like they were opening and closing, opening and closing, on and on". What's also new for him: since then, at around 4 - 5 pm every day he feels sapped of all energy, which has never been the case for him before (he's around 60 yrs. old and very energetic).

The reason for taking the jab? He said, "I don't really believe in these vaccines, but I want to travel'. Just like another coworker, who has been and still is very critical about the masks, the tests and the regulations, and still he said: 'I want to travel without any of the fuss'.

Still another coworker, who'd been scared from the beginning of the 'outbreak' and was thus extremely relieved that by now, he's taken two doses of the m-rna variant, hasn't reported anything, but he looks quite unhealthy suddenly; most of all, his face looks bloated. Yet another coworker, however, when asked by the one who reported these symptoms, said that he hasn't noticed anything out of the ordinary.

There have been a couple of situations in recent months, where, after I was in contact with jabbed people, I felt either nauseous or was feeling a little out of sorts, nothing serious, though. Taking zinc and D3 helped with these quickly. Now, it could be related, but I cannot be sure, as I also could've primed myself.

In any case, something that's been on my mind and I wanted to say: I think it's important not to be scared mindless of vaccinated people, spike proteins, etc. That would be like jumping on the fear-wagon, only 'from the other side', so to speak, and doing just the same as people, who've been scared into getting jabbed. As Gaby has said in other posts, in the end, this situation is a training for our immune system and what's important is to concentrate on supporting and taking care of our system. Since we can't change the situation 'out there', it's important to remind ourselves that whatever comes our way, a lot will be influenced on how we handle it: fall into fear and go bonkers with it (= added stress to our immune system) or become active, take measures accordingly, and maintain that PMA (the C's abbreviation of 'positive mental attitude') as much as is possible? That's what I've found to be a good reminder for myself at least.
But one thought has struck me. What about the AI Robots, so widely promoted by Boston Dynamics, as a benign, almost friendly and amusing, with there gymnastic flexibility, mirroring human movements. Are they envisioning a non human military force, to police nd herd humanity. After all, soldiers have faced PTSD, brought on by the devastating effect of causing harm to others, and with robotics, there are no moral, ethical, and social implications.

Without doubt, they envision precisely that. But the technology is a long, long way from being able to replace human soldiers.
Nearly 4 billion souls on Earth are powering the Lizard Planetary Feeding Machine. I have a hard time accepting that the Lizzies are willing to drastically reduce the output of their 'human-energy refinery planet' by any mass population reduction initiated from their side. I would even shoot down the bigger, extinction level space rocks on collision course to my favorite factory, if I were in their place.

More like 8 billion.

I wouldn't be so sure the Lizzies aren't willing to let the population be culled. The farmer jealously protects his herd right up until it's time to bring the animals to the slaughter.
A few days ago, someone who just had his second shot of Phyzer came around here and spent some time hanging around. I hadn't understood that he had just done that. The previous month he had come also, after his first shot and then 2 of us in the house got a sort of flu right afterwards. This time I got a serious flu-like happening for over 3 days now? So I believe that there is credence in the sweating of jab onto unvaxxed individuals... Big time!
As stated above, once again my friend downstairs also is in bed with serious flu like symptoms. The third member of our household has not gotten any reactions?
Another publication that is phrased in a politically correct manner, but should make anyone who is not totally asleep re-consider:

First case, metastatic melanoma in the brain in a patient who was considered cured of an excised right arm melanoma. Second case, a Grade IV glioblastoma (brain tumor) in a patient with a history of breast cancer (considered cured).

Einstein E H, Shahzadi A, Desir L, et al. (June 15, 2021) New-Onset Neurologic Symptoms and Related Neuro-Oncologic Lesions Discovered After COVID-19 Vaccination: Two Neurosurgical Cases and Review of Post-Vaccine Inflammatory Responses. Cureus 13(6): e15664. doi:10.7759/cureus.15664
A 58-year-old woman with a remote history of an excised right arm melanoma with negative axillary lymph nodes presented to our hospital’s emergency department with slurred speech and worsening left facial droop over two weeks following her second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. She had received no further chemotherapy or radiation after her resection eight years prior and had appropriate follow-up. Following the second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, she developed high-grade fevers and malaise and new-onset left facial weakness. The patient’s symptoms were attributed to a post-vaccination Bell’s palsy and she was recommended no further workup. Fevers and malaise resolved spontaneously over the next 24-48 hours as is typical with post-vaccination symptoms, but the facial weakness persisted until approximately two weeks later when she developed acute worsening of her facial droop with associated slurred speech, drooling, and new-onset left arm and leg weakness. She was taken to the emergency department and underwent stroke evaluation including computed tomography (CT) of the head which demonstrated a 3.4 cm right intraparenchymal hemorrhage with a 3 mm midline shift. CT angiography of head and neck did not demonstrate any abnormalities. Complete blood count, comprehensive metabolic panel, and coagulation factors did not demonstrate any overt abnormalities. Contrast-enhanced MRI of the brain demonstrated a large hemorrhagic cavity in the right frontal lobe with an enhancing focus along the right superolateral margin representing a hemorrhagic mass (Figure 1). The patient was taken promptly to the operating room for hematoma evacuation and excisional biopsy of the enhancing lesion. Final pathology was consistent with a metastatic malignant melanoma, with immunohistochemical profile demonstrating positive staining for HMB-45, Melan-A, and S100.

A 52-year-old woman with a medical history of hypothyroidism and breast cancer presented after developing severe headache and neck stiffness associated with intermittent high-grade fevers to 102ºF four days after her first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. Her primary care physician initially recommended monitoring of her symptoms and the use of over-the-counter analgesics which provided relief of her fevers. Her headaches persisted and the patient was prescribed a short course of methylprednisolone which reduced their severity. Symptoms returned two days after completion of the steroids and the patient was prescribed a second course of steroids and was sent for computed tomography (CT) of the chest and head which demonstrated a lesion arising within the corpus callosum. Contrast-enhanced MRI demonstrated a 5.8 cm heterogeneously enhancing mass with cystic and necrotic changes centered within the splenium of the corpus callosum (Figure 2). Pre-operative laboratory tests were overall unremarkable except for a mild anemia (hemoglobin 10.1 g/dL) and mild decreased calcium at 8.2 mg/dL. The patient underwent a biopsy which demonstrated an IDH-wildtype, World Health Organization Grade IV glioblastoma, with positive staining for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), negative staining for IDH-1, and rare positive staining for p53. The patient was ultimately transferred to our facility for definitive treatment.
At our workplace there have also been more and more coworkers to take the jab. Fortunately, none of them is running around yet asking everyone else about their stance on the vaccinations, while this could also be because there's still lots of work from home going on.
A large percentage of my workplace have now been vaccinated. I know this despite working remotely because they boast their vaccination status like it's some sort of an achievement. When asked, I say I'm liaising with my GP to tell me if and which vaccine I can take safely. I have a number of health conditions (which I put on the health questionnaire when I got this job in September last year) that make me at risk of serious complications and I want to know if I can avoid them. I had to put on quite a show a few times and say how jealous I was of anyone who could just take the jab without any issues, how scared I am that I won't be able to travel even when things return to normal for the vaxxed ones, and how left out I feel. They feel very sorry for me but kind of consider me as one of them, an honorary vaxxer :lol: I guess that's not very honest of me but at the end of the day I must continue to make a living so I have to maintain strategic enclosure.

The reason for taking the jab? He said, "I don't really believe in these vaccines, but I want to travel'. Just like another coworker, who has been and still is very critical about the masks, the tests and the regulations, and still he said: 'I want to travel without any of the fuss'.

My experience is similar. I know very few people who took the jab due to covid concerns. It was either wanting to avoid travel restrictions, wanting things to get back to normal, wanting to see family who demanded they get the jab, or in Poland wanting to be allowed to stop wearing a mask (fully jabbed don't have to wear them in public indoor places and in the office). I think the pro-vaxx propaganda and laughing at anti-vaxxers for years have done their job. People are genuinely convinced vaccines are safe.
My niece is the first in our family to get the vaccine as she is a nurse in NICU. She's sick, but not sick enough to be admitted to hospital. She is apparently very pale and listless. She didn't have the energy to walk her pup to the dog park today, so her fiancé did and my sister drove my niece down to watch from the car. We had a barbecue planned for my sisters birthday tomorrow to be held at my nieces place, but we're waiting to find out if it will be cancelled. No news yet as to what the exact symptoms are. She had the Pfizer vaccine. It's really hard to watch those you love believe in these vaccines. She's only 25 and loves kids, hence her chosen field. She hasn't started planning her own family yet because she and her fiancé wanted to get ahead on their mortgage first. It will be heart breaking for her if this vaccine does interfere with her fertility.

Further developments with my niece. She has often complained about general tiredness and it was understandable because her job often requires 12 hour graveyard shifts. However since her vaccination it has been bad enough that she sought medical advice and she has been diagnosed with celiac disease. The stand out thing for me and from what I understand is that celiac is considered to be hereditary, yet there is no-one on either side of her family that has it even though it probably hasn't been a good thing for any of them to eat gluten containing foods. In any case it's suspicious that some Drs were claiming that the vaccines would induce autoimmune conditions and my niece is now the outlier of the family who now has it.
Nearly 4 billion souls on Earth are powering the Lizard Planetary Feeding Machine. I have a hard time accepting that the Lizzies are willing to drastically reduce the output of their 'human-energy refinery planet' by any mass population reduction initiated from their side. I would even shoot down the bigger, extinction level space rocks on collision course to my favorite factory, if I were in their place.
I do not see it when it comes to vaccines as a culling being primary but control, and culling as a side effect. But when it comes to climate and cosmic changes they can do little in that regards. And when it comes to planned large culling they are thinking better to have smaller population and keep control and food then having large population and high chances of losing it because there is strenght in numbers and most of that souled ones awakening with earth changes is bigger threat, not saying the population can grow again and they have contigencies like squeezing population max now to get max reserve energy prior bigger culling which is I think happening for years now. And did not C s say they also grow humans elsewhere.
The reason for taking the jab? He said, "I don't really believe in these vaccines, but I want to travel'. Just like another coworker, who has been and still is very critical about the masks, the tests and the regulations, and still he said: 'I want to travel without any of the fuss'.
He will travel alright, straight to the afterlife.
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