Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

At our workplace there have also been more and more coworkers to take the jab. Fortunately, none of them is running around yet asking everyone else about their stance on the vaccinations, while this could also be because there's still lots of work from home going on.

So far, only one coworker reported the following: he took the biontech jab and said that after the first shot everything was fine. Immediately when he got the second shot, he felt "like someone had pulled the plug" on him. For hours afterwards, his ears felt "like they were opening and closing, opening and closing, on and on". What's also new for him: since then, at around 4 - 5 pm every day he feels sapped of all energy, which has never been the case for him before (he's around 60 yrs. old and very energetic).

The reason for taking the jab? He said, "I don't really believe in these vaccines, but I want to travel'. Just like another coworker, who has been and still is very critical about the masks, the tests and the regulations, and still he said: 'I want to travel without any of the fuss'.

Still another coworker, who'd been scared from the beginning of the 'outbreak' and was thus extremely relieved that by now, he's taken two doses of the m-rna variant, hasn't reported anything, but he looks quite unhealthy suddenly; most of all, his face looks bloated. Yet another coworker, however, when asked by the one who reported these symptoms, said that he hasn't noticed anything out of the ordinary.

There have been a couple of situations in recent months, where, after I was in contact with jabbed people, I felt either nauseous or was feeling a little out of sorts, nothing serious, though. Taking zinc and D3 helped with these quickly. Now, it could be related, but I cannot be sure, as I also could've primed myself.

In any case, something that's been on my mind and I wanted to say: I think it's important not to be scared mindless of vaccinated people, spike proteins, etc. That would be like jumping on the fear-wagon, only 'from the other side', so to speak, and doing just the same as people, who've been scared into getting jabbed. As Gaby has said in other posts, in the end, this situation is a training for our immune system and what's important is to concentrate on supporting and taking care of our system. Since we can't change the situation 'out there', it's important to remind ourselves that whatever comes our way, a lot will be influenced on how we handle it: fall into fear and go bonkers with it (= added stress to our immune system) or become active, take measures accordingly, and maintain that PMA (the C's abbreviation of 'positive mental attitude') as much as is possible? That's what I've found to be a good reminder for myself at least.
I had the same symptoms (feeling nauseous, belly / headache, cramps, coughting) when my colleagues started being vaccinated. I take also zinc, vit c and d, so I'm doing better, although I am coughting more than usual and tend to be more easily tired (but that must be the effect of the mask).
We have to wait it out, but it feels endless sometimes.
Our cleaning business has been getting busier as businesses are opening up to letting outsiders in. The college town I'm referring to in this account has been ultra cautious in mask requirements, in-dining and social distancing. The business I went to service a couple of weeks ago allowed me to do work on inside for first time since before March2020, and the woman at the front desk and I did some catching up while I worked.
She and her husband own the business and she explained how cautious and careful they were to follow all the guidelines from Day 1 of lockdown, and she was very proud of the fact they never contracted a covid-like illness that whole time. After the vaccination became available, they decided to get the jab in April '21, and would wait 2 weeks before relaxing and opening doors to public. She told me that within 48 hours of vaccinating, they both became ill, she ended up spending two days in hospital with respiratory distress. She said the doctor was emphatic that it wasn't a jab reaction, but they had gotten covid. Her husband, who had other co-morbidities, didn't require hospitalization. Huh!

I've been curious about this since. So if the doctor was correct in not blaming the jab and it WAS covid, then where did they acquire the illness? Could it have been because they were never exposed to the wild variety due to their overly cautious measures, therefore they didn't build up any antibodies and the vaccine's spike protein gave them the infection(ie. doctor was wrong, or couldn't tell definitively)?

It sort of makes sense given this recent article that came out:
Scientists identify natural SARS-CoV-2 super immunity against 23 variants
A team of international scientists has recently identified ultrapotent anti-severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) antibodies from convalescent donors.

The antibodies are capable of neutralizing a wide range of SARS-CoV-2 variants even at sub-nanomolar concentrations. In addition, the combinations of these antibodies reduce the risk of generating escape mutants in vitro. The study is published in the journal Science.
The majority of therapeutic antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 have been designed based on the native spike protein sequence found in the original Wuhan strain of SARS-CoV-2. Thus, novel viral variants with multiple spike protein mutations may likely develop resistance against these antibodies. In this context, studies have shown that antibodies developed in response to currently available COVID-19 vaccines have less efficiency in neutralizing novel variants of concern (VOCs) of SARS-CoV, including B.1.1.7, B.1.351, P1, and B.1.617.2.
If I'm understanding this correctly, naturally acquired immunity against covid19 protects you from the variants, while the current vaccine will not, despite what MSM and medicine is saying. In addition, the vaccine specific for the Wuhan strain's spike protein sequence are most likely creating the situation for spike protein mutations to develop which are resistant against those vaccine induced antibodies.

Was excited to find this article since it sounds like great news for those who've remained in "the control group" for this ghastly experiment.
I'll post a link to this article in SOTT's suggestion box.
Nearly 4 billion souls on Earth are powering the Lizard Planetary Feeding Machine. I have a hard time accepting that the Lizzies are willing to drastically reduce the output of their 'human-energy refinery planet' by any mass population reduction initiated from their side. I would even shoot down the bigger, extinction level space rocks on collision course to my favorite factory, if I were in their place.
Think of all the negative emotion that this travesty is causing. Surely that's an upgrade in 'output' as far as the "Lizzies" are concerned? They do have to cull the herd as well and causing misery and destruction. I would say their main desire is to cause misery and destruction (negative emotions). They are not wasting energy, they are just 'killing two birds with one stone'.
A few days ago, someone who just had his second shot of Phyzer came around here and spent some time hanging around. I hadn't understood that he had just done that. The previous month he had come also, after his first shot and then 2 of us in the house got a sort of flu right afterwards. This time I got a serious flu-like happening for over 3 days now? So I believe that there is credence in the sweating of jab onto unvaxxed individuals... Big time!
Hi @guimondaniel.

Clif High, an interesting commentator (and original thinker) on Bitchute who I've been listening to lately, recommends something called C-60 for detoxing the spike proteins we are all coming into contact with from the vaccinated (it's good for the mRNA die off as well). I had thought it was a type of cannabis, but no, it's Carbon 60. So, you can read up on that. Here's a good overview, including its health benefits: 12 Health Benefits of Carbon 60 & Superfood Rich in C60!

Purple Power is the company High recommends for this. I believe the founder is also the one who discovered C-60, in fact. High says this is top quality:

I haven't tried it yet, but I intend to. It is pricey, but you can start with the tincture.

Also, if oxalates aren't a problem for you, High recommends Chaga Tea, also for aiding your immune system especially in dealing with the spike proteins. Liposomal Vit C he also recommends.

I've been having this Chaga Reishi Tea by a company called Baikal, which is where in Russia the Chaga comes from. Amazon has it. I find one cup a day to be enough for me, or else it can lead to a detox headache. My husband got a headache right away, so it's powerful stuff. No more than three cups a day is recommended.

This is a different brand with information on why Chaga and Reishi make a winning combination:

Actually, for detox headaches, even stomach upsets -- for after you get them, or to prevent them -- and for a gentle way to detox when taken every day, something called Takesumi Supreme is my favorite. Speaking of carbon, it's made from bamboo which is carbonized under very specific conditions. It can be found on Amazon, as well as from the company, Supreme Nutrition. I recommend looking at all of their products. It's a very good company. But the Takesumi, as I said, to me is a staple. It can detox heavy metals, as well.

My brother, very 'intelligent' (~160 IQ) but, as could be expected, who can't see the forest for the trees, had very similar events happen to his wife when they both got jabbed. They felt superb right after the jab (having been under the weather in previous weeks), so they told my parents they must've gotten some long COVID symptoms from the young kids in kindergarten, and the vaccine 'worked instantly to make them feel better'.

Okay, great, so the jab was somehow instantly effective. Let's not ask questions. Next thing that happened (i've just heard that from him) was that his wife had dizzyness, stomach upset, generally feeling unwell 10 days after the jab. We all heard those before, that'd line up with the clotting/thrombocytopenia combo, wouldn't it?

I'm not kidding, their explanation is that they must've gotten Covid from the baby just before getting the jab, so it took a while before symptoms came out and you couldn't expect the vaccine to work right away.

So, to summarize the incoherent response, they felt like they had already developed mild, long covid symptoms before the jab, which cleared up instantly as soon as they got it because the jab was so effective, but really they only recently contracted covid just days before the jab so it took over a week to develop symptoms, 'you can't blame the vaccine for not being effective against an underway infection'.

His conclusion? The partial immunity was too weak to last more than a few days, clearly they have to get their second jab ASAP.

I'd laugh at the absurdity if I didn't want to cry, and I'd cry if I didn't want to check out emotionally. I'd rather care, but he's made it clear that he believes in vaccines, even after his youngest son turned catatonic for a few days when he received his first vaccines years ago, when his most recent daughter was born he got her scheduled jabs either way. At this point, I consider it both plausible and likely that his children are at risk of being genetically castrated, or worse - and there is little for me to do but to depersonalize and witness with compassion from a distance.

Challenging, but better than the alternative.
I like your position in all of this. It is wise to observe with compassion from a distance. I always try to remember that we do not help unless they ask because we all have a lesson to learn and a path to our evolution. I am in your same situation with my brother. He and his wife got the injection, despite the fact that they had Covid--pretty badly. My brother came out of it with Ivermecting and busodenase also zinc, vitamin C, and antibiotics. You'd think that he knew that he and his wife have developed immunity, but nope; they are pushing my parents to get the injection and I am fighting so they leave them alone. Our relationship broke, the arguments are heated. I am only asking them to leave our parents alone, they do not want the jab. I am sure many people are going through this situation with their loved ones, the powers that be want these confrontations. I refuse to be food for the lizzies and a subject of (more) experimentation, so I will also try my best to observe from a distance and be there when they need me.
I bumped into this article from the Daily Mail reporting that UK health chiefs have quietly issued a warning about possible heart damage after the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. An interesting piece to see in the MSM. I'm not holding my breath it will discourage people, or scare those who have already taken the jab. When I mentioned this to my friends they replied that even paracetamol can have bad side effects and they have never had any so there's no reason to think they'd suffer any bad reaction from the jab.

I guess the next winter season will be interesting. If ADE, or any other mechanism, really kicks in there will be a lot of very sick vaccinated people around. I wonder how they're going to spin the narrative to explain that little fact? Unless they'll come up with a strain that's resistant to the jab. But then the vaccinated would have to fall ill at similar rates and this may not be the case.

British health chiefs have quietly released a warning that Pfizer and Moderna's Covid vaccines may cause heart damage, MailOnline can reveal.

Fears about the mRNA jabs' links to myocarditis have grown in recent weeks, following a string of cases in young adults and children in Israel and the US.

Now the UK's drug watchdog has updated its safety information to accept that the condition is a possible side effect of both vaccines, without a formal announcement.

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency insists the complication – inflammation of the heart muscle which can damage the organ over time – is still 'extremely rare' and 'typically mild'.

But it wasn't listed as a potential side effect until last week, when the MHRA released its most up-to-date safety surveillance data.

Cardiologists say the benefits of both jabs still clearly outweigh the risks for the vast majority of the population.

However, they say it 'completely changes' the debate about vaccinating children in Britain. They won't get AstraZeneca's jab because of its links to deadly blood clots in young people.

MHRA statistics dated up until June 23 show 60 cases of myocarditis have been spotted among Pfizer vaccine recipients.

There have also been 42 cases of pericarditis – a similar condition that affects the protective layer around the heart.

Five instances of myocarditis and two of pericarditis have been detected in over-18s given Moderna's vaccines, the same figures show.

But fewer than 900,000 doses of Moderna's jab have been dished out, compared to nearly 30million of Pfizer's.

Both complications have also been spotted in patients given the AstraZeneca jab, but it is not occurring more often than expected.

Almost 45million doses of the British-made jab, which works in a different way to the mRNA jabs, have been administered.

The MHRA says the conditions are 'occurring more frequently in young males and shortly after the second dose'.

It says: 'There has been a recent increase in reporting of these events in particular with the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines,

'These reports are extremely rare, and are typically mild with individuals usually recovering within a short time with standard treatment and rest.

'People should come forward for their first and second vaccination when invited to do so, unless advised otherwise.'

Product information leaflets published by the Government now both say myocarditis and pericarditis are possible side effects.

But experts say there is an urgent need for more detailed data on the risks, especially given fears it may be more common after second doses. Around 8million Britons are waiting for top-ups of Pfizer or Moderna.

The MHRA only says that there are around six cases for every 100,000 people in the general population every year.

There is not enough data to estimate exactly how common the complications are in vaccinated people yet. But the change in stance was based on a 'thorough review' of international data.

Britain's historic inoculation campaign is currently reliant on Pfizer's jab, given the limited supply of Moderna and the drive to offer jabs to over-18s.

AstraZeneca's jab is not routinely being offered to under-40s because of its links to blood clots – and no other jab has yet to come on stream.

Johnson and Johnson's Covid jab – also linked to blood clots – has been approved in Britain but No10 won't get hold of any doses until later this summer.

If health chiefs make the same ruling for that vaccine, it means under-40s will still only be able to get Pfizer or Moderna until other candidates come on stream.

With hopes of vaccinating children this summer before they return to school in the autumn, it could also mean Pfizer and Moderna's jabs are given to youngsters.

Pfizer's jab has already been given the green light for over-12s in the UK and Moderna is seeking approval.

Dr Aseem Malhotra, a former NHS cardiologist, told MailOnline: 'Its important that the regulator is transparent both with doctors, healthcare workers and the public regarding the potential risks of vaccines.

'Although the number of reports are very small, its important to quantify that risk to try to figure out whether there is an increased harm vs benefit [ratio] for younger people – especially children.

'This will completely change the discussion and the management of children when it comes to vaccinating against Covid.'

The US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention last month said there was a 'likely association' between the Pfizer and Moderna jabs and myocarditis and pericarditis in young adults.

Health officials found that the very rare side effect mostly occurs in men aged between 18 and 24, with 233 reports in that group after 3.6million second doses.

In that many people in the average population, two to 25 cases would be expected.

The US Food and Drug Administration, which is responsible for protecting public health, said it would add a warning about the risk of the condition to information sheets for mRNA Covid vaccines.

Dr June Raine, MHRA's chief executive, said: 'Over 79million doses of Covid vaccines have been administered in the UK, saving thousands of lives, and our advice remains that the benefits of getting vaccinated outweigh the risks in the majority of people.

'We have carefully reviewed reports of suspected adverse reactions involving types of heart inflammation known as myocarditis and pericarditis and we have concluded that the Covid vaccines made by Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna may be linked with a small increase in the risk of these very rare conditions.

'The cases tended to be mild and the vast majority recovered with simple treatment and rest.

'The available evidence for AstraZeneca's Covid vaccine does not suggest an increased risk of myocarditis or pericarditis.


And the very last paragraph says:
'No medicine is without risk, and in this case the risk appears to be small. We will continue to monitor this issue closely.

'The benefit risk balance for the Pfizer/BioNTech and for the Moderna vaccine remain favourable. It is still vitally important that people come forward for their first and second vaccination when invited to do so, unless advised otherwise.'

I guess the author had to throw that in to comply with the narrative.
My parents are fully vaccinated and now we are staying in the same household with them. Since it is summer, we spend almost all the time outside in the yard.
I haven´t noticed any effects of this shedding jet; although note that we are only 5 days now here and I did take round 10mg of Ivmct before the arrival here because I had to do quick test and didn´t want to risk being positive. Maybe because we are outside 99% of the time and we sleep in my brother´s house next door (my brother and his girlfriend are not vaccinated).

Just wanted to post my observations... I´ll see how will it develop...
This morning, at 5:50 in the morning I found my mother completely dizzy, nauseous and in pain (I’m visiting her summer cottage). She complained about stomach pain, headache, not able to stand or sit up because of the dizziness, and vision problems.

First I thought she might have some kind of brain thrombosis, but her speech was coherent enough and she could lift her both arms. But boy was she in bad shape, so I decided to call an ambulance. While waiting for them she started to throw up and complain about heart pressure. Long story short, they took her to the nearest central hospital, and the diagnosis so far is some kind of tachycardia/heart problem. Might have been a heart attack, but so far they’ve not said this. Magnetic scans didn’t show any thrombosis in the brain or lungs.

I am not saying that this is definitely vaxx related, but she had her ‘second jab’ almost exactly a month ago. The medics didn’t of course even raise the question. It’s weird, the couple days before I had a strong feeling that “soon lightning will strike” at someone near me because of the jabs. So far I’m surprised of how calmly I acted during the whole thing. It’s almost as if I had prepared myself for exactly this event.

Still, I do feel angry at those bastards pushing these vaccines. It might not be the sole cause in mother’s case, but I’m pretty sure it’s at least a contributing factor.
Some controversy in the Netherlands. A survey was done to look for side effects from the vaxx. Then it was retracted, for it could not be ruled out that the side effects were coincidental. The study showed that 2 people would die from the vaxx for every 3 people saved. All this within the "normal" assumptions, overcounting Covid and undercounting side effects. Here is the report: The Safety of COVID-19 Vaccinations—We Should Rethink the Policy
We checked the Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) database of the European Medicine Agency (EMA:, accessed on 28 May 2021; the COVID-19 vaccines are accessible under “C” in the index). Looking up the number of single cases with side effects reported for the three most widely used vaccines (Comirnaty by BioNTech/Pfizer, the vector vaccination product Vaxzevria marketed by AstraZeneca, and the mRNA vaccine by Moderna) by country, we discovered that the reporting of side effects varies by a factor of 47 (Figure 1). While the European average is 127 individual case safety reports (ICSRs), i.e., cases with side effect reports, per 100,000 vaccinations, the Dutch authorities have registered 701 reports per 100,000 vaccinations, while Poland has registered only 15 ISCRs per 100,000 vaccinations. Assuming that this difference is not due to differential national susceptibility to vaccination side effects, but due to different national reporting standards, we decided to use the data of the Dutch national register (; accessed on 29 May 2021) to gauge the number of severe and fatal side effects per 100,000 vaccinations. We compare these quantities to the NNTV to prevent one clinical case of and one fatality by COVID-19.

My comment: This is not to say the reporting of side effects is accurate in Holland, there are many stories of wiping cases under the carpet. But maybe its better than elsewhere.

5. Conclusions​

The present assessment raises the question whether it would be necessary to rethink policies and use COVID-19 vaccines more sparingly and with some discretion only in those that are willing to accept the risk because they feel more at risk from the true infection than the mock infection. Perhaps it might be necessary to dampen the enthusiasm by sober facts? In our view, the EMA and national authorities should instigate a safety review into the safety database of COVID-19 vaccines and governments should carefully consider their policies in light of these data. Ideally, independent scientists should carry out thorough case reviews of the very severe cases, so that there can be evidence-based recommendations on who is likely to benefit from a SARS-CoV2 vaccination and who is in danger of suffering from side effects. Currently, our estimates show that we have to accept four fatal and 16 serious side effects per 100,000 vaccinations in order to save the lives of 2–11 individuals per 100,000 vaccinations, placing risks and benefits on the same order of magnitude.
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Haitian President Jovenel Moise was shot dead by unidentified attackers in his private residence overnight in a "barbaric act", the government said on Wednesday, stirring fears of escalating turmoil in the impoverished Caribbean nation.

The assassination coincided with a wave of gang violence in Port-au-Prince as armed groups have battled with police and one another for control of the streets in recent months, turning many districts of the capital into no-go zones.

The 53-year-old president's wife, Martine Moise, was also shot in the attack that took place around 1 a.m. local time (0500 GMT) and was receiving medical treatment, Interim Prime Minister Claude Joseph said in a statement.

From the Straits Times

Haiti is the only country in Western Hemisphere without Covid-19 vaccines

Haiti, the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere, has earned another grim distinction: It is the only one that has not vaccinated a single resident against Covid-19.

One of a handful of nations worldwide still awaiting vaccines, Haiti was among the 92 poor and middle-income countries offered doses under the Covax facility. But the government initially declined AstraZeneca shots, citing side effects and widespread fears in the population.

"Haiti did not reject the offer of vaccines from Covax," Haiti Ministry of Health General Director Dr Laure Adrien said in a telephone interview. "All we asked was that they change the vaccine they were providing us."

By last month, the equation had shifted. Fears about AstraZeneca were subsiding just as Haiti was seeing a surge in cases. When the country finally agreed to receive the doses, production issues in India and a spike in global demand made them unavailable.

The United Nations' Vaccine Market Dashboard - which processes information provided by Covax - has no scheduled delivery date for Haiti. And Dr Adrien said it is unclear when the vaccines will arrive. [...]

While Haiti has reported 15,435 coronavirus cases and 325 deaths due to Covid-19, the true scope of the problem is obscured by the lack of widespread testing, she said.

"We are seeing a high mortality rate and facilities are overloaded," she said.

Concerning the mortality rate: 325 deaths out of 11.3 million people makes 0.003%.

It strikes me that Haiti has only reported 15,435 cases while Austria (pop. 9 million) has racked up 646,864.
The difference lies in the maniacal testing, of course. It seems that Haiti is only reporting cases of real illnesses.

Austria reports 10,700 deaths related (more or less) to Covid-19.

So why would Haiti want to vaccinate its population anyway?
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I guess the next winter season will be interesting. If ADE, or any other mechanism, really kicks in there will be a lot of very sick vaccinated people around. I wonder how they're going to spin the narrative to explain that little fact? Unless they'll come up with a strain that's resistant to the jab. But then the vaccinated would have to fall ill at similar rates and this may not be the case
At the mass level (large mass media) only what is "authorized" is disseminated.

Then it will be the terrible variant (some letter of the Greek alphabet) and it will be covered up and completely hidden that those who get sick are the vaccinated people.

The dark lord yells: "Absolute power!"
A family friend has died recently in a ”falling”accident where I believe it looked like he just fell out of his chair one evening and hit his head and died. The coroner’s report will not come for another month or so. First I thought his death was alcohol-related because he was struggling with addiction, but yesterday I learned that he had been vaccinated 3 days prior. He was 47🤷🏻‍♀️
A personal update

Within my married family, of those who took the genetic injections - everybody seem fine in Sicily (knock on wood). Both my husbands ex wife/friend, as well one of our daughters - they are constantly taking vitamin-C in their daily drinking water - so no primary adverse side effects this far. In photos, they look vital in their faces.

A bit of a surprize to me i did not know, was, that my husband brothers side of the family in Adrano, Sicily, all have avoided/refused to vax.

Wow !

My husbands sister, staying strong, aware of the evil in those jabs - is not taking it, of course. But on her side of the family all took the jab, including the sons and their wives of which one just gave birth to new life.

My best friend, who took one jab, seems fine this far. My close colleague at work at the subway in Stockholm, who felt ill after his second jab with Astra Zeneca, is fine, too.

Albeit he never gave response back to me - i met him after 2 weeks; he just suddenly stood there in the lunch room.

I was so happy to see him, that i went to him and gave him a big hug - without asking. Gay or not, I didn’t care (He is not gay and i usually don’t hug straight or not guys just like that 🤣 !)

Well, I was so worried earlier and now so glad to see him being fine. So did his resonance, too. He was continuing to take vitamin C two-three times a day - knowing that it counteracts blood clotting, so at least something of advice did stick.
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