Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

Testimony of a French woman:

Good evening everyone, I am doing this video course to thank all the people who have witnessed a lot of support, all the people who have called me on this day, who have sent me messages, thank you.

I would just like to call on the Minister, sorry, the former Minister of Health Aurélien Rousseau, as Marie Doyer did a little bit.

Two years ago, my mother developed a cancer at the rectum, a tumor of 6 cm, whose first signs appeared at the gastric level a few days after her third injection.
Today, it is around my brother, 50 years old, a prostate tumor, a state 4 cancer, whose first signs, in particular at the urinary level, also appeared a few days after his injection.

When he went to see his doctor to tell him that he had so many effects, and that, in particular, he said, "but you know, this cancer, it happens, the first signs appeared just after, it's still weird and since then I feel very tired."
The doctor looked at her, she said to him, sir, Mr. Darle, you are not the only one. This is what his doctor said to him.

So, while Aurélien Rousseau treats us as criminals, as assassins, publicly on Sud Radio, while Jérôme Marty in (the French TV program) 'Les Grandes Gueules' tells us that the anti-vaxxers are all criminals and that we should all be thrown into jail.
While Aurélien Rousseau publicly declares that there is no undesirable effect, while victims today are re-judged, are recognized, are even indemnified by the Oniam, too few. It would be a good time for Aurélien Rousseau to open his eyes and open his ears.

The board of directors of Pfizer has admitted to the European Parliament that these vaccines, what you call vaccines, did not fight against transmission.
The first serious undesirable effect that transpired in the data bases of the ANSM, the raw data of the ANSM, was the vaccination failure. It did not fight against transmission and it was not effective.
What you call the bone of mortality, all bones confused across the European countries, you say that this is the problem of under-vaccination.
Since when do young people under the age of 20, in particular, die from the flu? Since when? It does not exist. And it's not me who says it, it's the INSEE.

So it would be a good time to stop. Why on the one hand could we be treated as criminals, treated as criminals as victims, treated as criminals as their families, families that have even been vaccinated?
Why? And on the other hand, why couldn't we say that some decision makers, they, on the other hand, are? Why? In the name of what? In the name of who?
In the name of what could we not say in one direction and not in the other? In the name of money, in the name of corruption, in the name of what? I ask questions. These are only questions.

So, of course, Aurélien Rousseau believes he can stay in his dogma, prefers to stay in his dogma, because the truth, obviously, bothers him, it bothers him a lot.
But the truth, however, comes. It comes with the nomination of Robert Junior Kennedy to the Ministry of Health, it comes with the nomination of Bhattacharya, it comes with the fact that Donald Trump begins to say everything that many here in France or in Europe think low.

Yes, you have made mistakes. And these mistakes, the real question was whether these mistakes were perfectly, could be perfectly anticipated?

And given the data that the ANSM has, given the data of mortality in certain European countries, such as, for example, I think of the United Kingdom, where it is very clear that young vaccinated people die more than young unvaccinated people, with the same age gap.
You have completely ignored it, except that you will not be able to silence the victims, you will not be able to falsify the numbers of mortality. All European countries combined, you will not be able to, you will not be able for a long time.

So continue to treat us publicly, as conspiracy theorists, as murderers, as criminals, as mental disturbances and so on, continue, continue to insult us, to drag us into the mud.
Because it will only make things worse, the day when the non-biffed contracts of Pfizer will be visible through social networks and publicly.
That day, Mr. Rousseau, Mr. Véran, it is that day, you will not be able to say that you did not know.

Good evening to all.


22/12/2023 - "No further action taken against Aurélien Rousseau's comments on anti-Covid vaccines"​

"The former Health Minister had assured us that mRNA vaccines against the coronavirus did not cause any side effects"
Here is a comprehensive article on the most recent research into mRNA vaccine shedding.

Story at a Glance:

•After the COVID-19 vaccines hit the market, stories began emerging of unvaccinated individuals becoming ill after being in proximity to recently vaccinated individuals. This confused many, as the mRNA technology in theory should not be able to “shed.”

•After seeing countless patient cases which can only be explained by COVID vaccine shedding, a year ago, I initiated multiple widely seen calls for individuals to share suspected shedding experiences.

•From those 1,500 reports, clear and replicable patterns have emerged which collectively prove “shedding” is a real and predictable phenomenon that can be explained by known mechanisms unique to the mRNA technology.

•Likewise, after being blocked from publication for over a year, recently, a scientific study corroborating the shedding phenomenon was finally published.

•This article will map out everything that is known about shedding (e.g., what are the common symptoms, how does it happen, who does it affect, does it occur through sexual contact, can it cause severe issues like cancer) along with strategies for preventing it.

What We've Learned from a Year of Vaccine Shedding Data
Scientists call for more research into Covid vaccine side effects after unexplained spike in heart conditions.

Scientists call for more research into Covid vaccine side effects after unexplained spike in heart conditions

Canadian experts are calling for more research into heart damage linked to Covid vaccines.

They fear the scale of the issue remains 'under-documented' because they say studies have been too narrow and haven't looked at the risk of these injuries months and years after receiving the shot.
Vaccines and autism, some numbers:

Unfortunately, the fact is that the frequency of autism diagnosis in children has increased for years,
quite in parallel with the number of vaccinations.

Exception. Where do the most healthy children in the United States live?​

The groups that reject vaccines in general, such as the Hamish, are however exception to this trend.
The Hamish form an Anabaptist Protestant religious community, who mainly lives in the United States.
They are known for rejecting modern techniques.
They currently count nearly 400,000 people in 32 American states.
Typical chronic diseases of American children, such as autoimmune diseases, heart disease, diabetes, asthma,
TDAH, arthritis, cancer and autism do not exist among Hamish.

Steve Kirsch, founder of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, confirmed during a Senate hearing in Pennsylvania.
"We cannot find autistic children not vaccinated in the Hamish community."

What is autism?​

Autism is a disorder in the development of the brain.
Autism is generally manifested in small children by communication problems,
social contacts and abnormal behaviors.
Many people need help and support because of these disorders.

Increase in the rate of autism.​

In a transversal study, however, on the American health and health insurance electronic files of more than 9 million people per year,
and on a period ranging from 2011 to 2022, the increase in the rates of diagnosis of autism in children was considerable.
The frequency of ASD diagnosis, Autism Spectrum Disorder,
was higher among children aged 5 to 8. This tripled between 2011 and 2022.

Annual Autism Diagnosis Rates Among Members at MHRN Sites From 2011 to 2022, Stratified by Age Group

The following graph was established from documents analyzed by the Federal Association of German Conventional Doctors.
John Gilmore, executive director of the Autism Action Network, said,
"This study confirms what we have seen from many other sources of data,
namely that there is a catastrophic and persistent epidemic of autism."

Autism cases for 2016-2022

The famous American scientist and doctor, Professor Peter McCullough,
said the same thing as follows.
"When I was a child, the rate of autism was 1/10,000.
Then, according to the CDC, the rate is an emergency, it is 1/36. It is an epidemic."

Is autism one of the consequences of the number of vaccines?​

"In the American study mentioned, vaccines were not cited as a possible factor.
Older people only received a few vaccines when they were children.
Today, the various national vaccinations already contain up to 50 vaccines during the first 15 years of life.
Vaccines are grouped and therefore increasingly intense.


These are the additions of vaccines, this grouping which seems to be quite clearly linked to autism.
More and more scientific studies confirm that it is generally poisons,
and their components which are the origin of autism, and more particularly the amplifiers of the effects of vaccines."

A quote from the doctor, Peter McCullough.
"A vaccination is therefore a deregulation of the immune system.
Indeed, there are about 200 works on the deregulation of the immune system and the development of autism."

So, autism is a disease caused by brain damage.
Highly toxic aluminum adjuvants are the main responsible for this.
The CDC, which promotes vaccines in the United States and monitors their safety,
has never revealed that an old medical expert from the government, neurologist Andrew Zimmerman,
had concluded that vaccines could cause autism.

How a pro-vaccine doctor reopened debate about link to autism

Conclusion. A very lucrative commercial model.​

"Do you recognize once again the lucrative commercial model of the pharmaceutical industry?
First, we sell to the population as many vaccines as possible supposed to protect health,
and then, if possible, for life, the drugs to treat all kinds of side effects harmful to health.
According to a rather low estimate from the study cabinet, Fortune Business Insight,
the global market for the treatment of ASD should double by 2030
compared to its current level of about $ 7.5 billion.

Isn't it criminal that the profiters of the pharmaceutical industry, covered with health care,
ruin children and adults, both in terms of health and in terms of mental and psychological, for the love of gain?
Obviously, it is not the well-being of the people who count, but the profits and the power more than anything.

In this category, we also find the bellicose and their arms industry.
This includes all kinds of hidden exploitation.
It is necessary to put an end to these criminal acts by revealing them
and by making sure that the people ask the accountants to be held accountable.

You too, get in touch with people who love the truth to impose a global ban on the profit of crisis together.

Typical chronic diseases of American children, such as autoimmune diseases, heart disease, diabetes, asthma,TDAH, arthritis, cancer and autism do not exist among the Amish.
Yes wrt health issues due to vaccines - but not true at all among the Amish population in general. I live in the midst of a large population of (very strict) Amish, and have seen diabetes, cancer, leukemia, mental problems and other chronic conditions.

Based on my own survey over the years, less than 5% observe organic, chem-free farming. I have seen them send their children to spray growing produce with no protection at all. The livelihood of many of these Amish depend on fine looking produce at auction - and chemical Ag is the best way for many to ensure this. These folks rely on the general (mistaken) impression that "Amish-grown" is as good or better than organic.

Many of these Amish can be found shopping for food items in Walmart and Krogers - many of their choices are cheap garbage.

Amish shuttles which run from my area into the Nashville area carry many to medical complexes where they see a host of Amish-friendly doctors.

I'm not saying the above is true of all Amish - just the large community in my area.
I am happy for you that you have always had the right knowledge and your children have been safe at all times.
Instead of using sarcasm (which is what it looks like), maybe you can simply say what you mean.

Yes, many people are brainwashed, yet when it comes to your own children and easily verifiable facts (not even officially disputed), I think many parents should make more of an effort. I don't see what is even remotely controversial about this view.
With few exceptions, no parent will do anything on purpose to harm their children.

The culprits of this happening are others.
If it is a question of responsibility for you, parents are certainly responsible as well - maybe even more than the 'outside culprits'. Though it may different if both parents are OPs and do not have the capacity to wake up even to a slight degree.
If it is a question of responsibility for you, parents are certainly responsible as well - maybe even more than the 'outside culprits'. Though it may different if both parents are OPs and do not have the capacity to wake up even to a slight degree.
Your answers can only come from two situations.

You don't have children.


You have never made a mistake in any of the situations that arise from raising and caring for a child.

I don't think you have the audacity to give lessons about something you don't know about (raising and caring for a child), so it can only be the second option, then once again, you are the luckiest person to have always had the precise knowledge to take impeccable care of your children.
You have never made a mistake in any of the situations that arise from raising and caring for a child.
Of course everyone makes mistakes, but we also need to take responsibility for our mistakes instead of only blaming outside forces. That includes very big mistakes like giving small children chemical cocktails that can damage them for life.

I also do not see why it is necessary to use thinly-veiled personal attacks in your replies. If something like an emotional charge gets triggered by what someone else says, it is also our responsibility to heal that internally as a part of the Work.
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