Strange sounds In The Sky: Trumpets - Groaning - Scraping

Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

Laura said:
Regulattor, how did you determine that the ones you say are faked were, in fact, faked?

At least for this one:

The sound turns suddenly off in 00:52-00:53 and then changes to another "melody" that was recorded from somewhere in Canada if my ears are not fooling me. And then in the video pops up the statement that he made it in 15mins and with a don't be afraid message, you create the world you live in…
Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

here is the updated map.

there are now 27 locales plotted on it.

Conklin, Alberta, Canada
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Manitoba, Canada
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Colorado, U.S.
Oklahoma, U.S.
Chicago, U.S.
St. Petersburg, Florida, U.S.
Virginia, U.S.
Maryland, U.S.
New Jersey, U.S.
Pennsylvania, U.S.
Costa Rica
Santiago, Chile
Glasgow, Scotland
Sth. Sweden
Czek Republic
Budapest, Hungary
Kiev, Ukraine
Moscow, Russia
Taipei, Taiwan
Borneo, Indonesia


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Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

Laura said:
Regulattor, how did you determine that the ones you say are faked were, in fact, faked?

In the 1. video from London at 3:00 min marker there is this note "If you bothered to watch until end of the clip..., You would get this massage and see that this is Fake..."
I'm not saying that acctual recording is fake, but with such a massage it raises question of autenthicity at least. That's why I'm wondering if damage control is kicking in to mud the water.
Regarding video from L.A. after replay I must correct myself from faked to suspicious. Those big flying objects hovering above scrapers looked to me at first like borwed scenes from Skyline movie, of course I could be wrong it was just gut feeling. (It was very poor movie so my memory is a bit foggy)

However there is interesting one from Spain uploaded Jan. 17th 2012. _
and Chicago IL, uploaded Jan. 15th 2012. _

Edit: fixed some typos.
Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

Thanks, TP for the map update. The only thing we can really notice is that there are more reports from densely populated areas. Not a surprise.
Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

Regulattor said:
Laura said:
Regulattor, how did you determine that the ones you say are faked were, in fact, faked?

In the 1. video from London at 3:00 min marker there is this note "If you bothered to watch until end of the clip..., You would get this massage and see that this is Fake..."
I'm not saying that acctual recording is fake, but with such a massage it raises question of autenthicity at least. That's why I'm wondering if damage control is kicking in to mud the water.
Regarding video from L.A. after replay I must correct myself from faked to suspicious. Those big flying objects hovering above scrapers looked to me at first like borwed scenes from Skyline movie, of course I could be wrong it was just gut feeling. (It was very poor movie so my memory is a bit foggy)

However there is interesting one from Spain uploaded Jan. 17th 2012. _
and Chicago IL, uploaded Jan. 15th 2012. _

Edit: fixed some typos.

Symboliclly sounding: some very big doors are being opened :D At least sounds like that ;)
Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

Thanks, TP for the map update. The only thing we can really notice is that there are more reports from densely populated areas. Not a surprise.

my pleasure.

i was thinking the same thing.
the proverbial "tree" might be falling in many places with no man to hear it.
Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

Here`s one comparing the sky sounds to some that NASA has recorded from various planets and moons.
Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

I think I've heard the "hum" and it sounded like when you put a microphone too near to a big speaker...very deep feedback.
Strange sounds heard worldwide

I tried to look this from search but didn't find any topic. Does anybody have any information about reliability of this phenomenon? This eerie, kind of trumpet like sound has been heard at several places on earth, according to these videos. I noticed that sometimes the sound jumps in certain interval patterns: octave (8), fifth (5), and prime (1). The first and last video sounds quite similar (Chicago IL, and Kiev, Russia).
Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

Hi Seppo, I merged your thread with the ongoing thread that is already discussing the topic.
Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

Seppo Ilmarinen said:
I tried to look this from search but didn't find any topic. Does anybody have any information about reliability of this phenomenon? This eerie, kind of trumpet like sound has been heard at several places on earth, according to these videos.

There are several articles on SOTT as well.
Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

Guardian said:
I think I've heard the "hum" and it sounded like when you put a microphone too near to a big speaker...very deep feedback.

Yes that is spot what we hearing here in the Midlands U.K and was heard on the 12 of Jan To,industrial area so noise is more apparent in the early morning when things are quieter.
Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

I've noticed in a couple of the videos one can see High voltage power lines, is it possible for the lines to be generating a noise with interaction from an outside electrical field? whether the wires are vibrating due to opposing magnetic fields or resonating with a like electrical field? If one had giant hands and fingers I suspect they could play them like a big Violin or Harp and the noise would be incredible due to the sheer size of the wires.

Q: (Psyche) I wanted to ask about the strange sounds around the world, especially in Kiev? (L) Oh yeah, the strange sounds like a trumpet in the sky.

A: Mostly radio type waves due to increase of solar system energy input.

Q: (L) How can you hear radio waves? Why are people hearing these things?

A: Interaction with other EM factors on planet similar to amplification and wave conversion.

I did a little searching around and found something interesting in this video _ the people seem to need some acoustic equipment to help us "hear" the electricity and though they don't sound the same there is a similarity between them.

I did some research but I couldn't find anything with direct evidence of power lines generating noises from interaction with outside fields and complex physics sends me :nuts:
Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

I would like to mention that dutchsinse is desinfo. you can make a search about him here.

he just made the compilation (OSIT) of those sounds but I kind of dislike to see him mentioned on SOTT.
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