Strange sounds In The Sky: Trumpets - Groaning - Scraping

Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

Aloha, All!

Well, I haven't heard any "trumpet" sounds. (I have been hearing a constant humming since earlier this year, which I've written about in other threads.)

I was curious about this:
mugatea said:
It sounds very similar to whale song, to me! I listened to a random video here:

I can hear some similarities, but overall, I'd say they are not directly related.

I wonder if the trumpet sounds are related to this, from's a list of possible effects that can occur months and years before the actual close passage of a Planet-X-type object, summarized from McCanney's supplement pamphlet Surviving Planet X Passage (2003, pp. 20 - 25):


Colorful auroras, trumpet- and whistle-like sounds caused by discharging


I appreciate this reminder and wonder if this relates to what McCanney was referring to:
Gandalf said:
From the last session :

Laura said:
Q: (Psyche) I wanted to ask about the strange sounds around the world, especially in Kiev? (L) Oh yeah, the strange sounds like a trumpet in the sky.

A: Mostly radio type waves due to increase of solar system energy input.

Q: (L) How can you hear radio waves? Why are people hearing these things?

A: Interaction with other EM factors on planet similar to amplification and wave conversion.

Incidentally, the Cs said that humming was from:
reborn said:
A: Increased EM waves in preparation for oncoming wave perhaps that is connected, too...

Still listening :)
Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

The sounds on this video are very similar - apparently in many different global locations:
Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

The sounds on this video are very similar - apparently in many different global locations:

Not sure about the above video. Maybe just nit-picking but at 7:54 '2nd week of January 2012, Montreal', for example, was definitely taken in the summer, not January.

Not to dismiss the importance though. The biblical trumpet analogy sounds about right. Punningly.
Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

Can we pin down the actual dates for each example?

You know, this must have happened at various times in the past and gave rise to the ancients idea of the Earth harboring giant dragons or being a giant dragon itself.

Seems to me that the sounds are electrical - plasma discharges on a very large scale - because I've heard sounds like this before - in the few moments BEFORE lightning struck a giant transformer and blew it up.

It could also be related to deep earth movements (which would possibly relate to electrical events, or generate same).

I'd also like a list of the locations where this is occurring... I'm wondering if those are particularly vulnerable places?
Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

Some interesting videos.





Southern Sweden:


Poland: (this one is kinda fishy to me)



St. Pete FL:

New Jersey:


Santiago Chile:



Kiev and Windsor Ontario with news clips:

Tropicana field before the earthquake - news clip:

It would be REALLY nice to have a compilation that was accurate as to location and date.
Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

The sounds remind me to older videos to sound in our space.



Our Sun:


By some sounds from dutchsince video my boxes are swinging and my glasses in the cabinet vibrate. The same thing happend with the sound of our sun.
Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

cholas said:
The sounds on this video are very similar - apparently in many different global locations:

Not sure about the above video. Maybe just nit-picking but at 7:54 '2nd week of January 2012, Montreal', for example, was definitely taken in the summer, not January.

Kiev is also out of date. There isn't leafs on trees there currently. And Kiev is in Ukraine not in Russia. Whole video is kind of 2012 end of the world colored. I'm not saying that recordings are not authentic, maybe just put together with agenda. Sounds are also interesting. Reminds me of trumpet sounds from the movie War of the Worlds, when tripods are rising out of ground just before starting rampage.

cholas said:
Not to dismiss the importance though. The biblical trumpet analogy sounds about right. Punningly.

Yes, it cross my mind too.
Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

These ones as well

Brussels 21 November 2009 (or 2011 ? - seems to be a mistake in the date )

France 14 August 2011
Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

Hi everyone, I came across a couple of recent news items about mysterious sounds in Alberta and in Manitoba. I haven't listened to the Kiev sounds yet, but here is a link to the Alberta video:
Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

granite_duckling said:
Hi everyone, I came across a couple of recent news items about mysterious sounds in Alberta and in Manitoba. I haven't listened to the Kiev sounds yet, but here is a link to the Alberta video:

Yeah, I caught that one too. Pretty creepy.
Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

This last one just sounds like a very angry bear, to me anyway!
Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

super strange.

it almost sounds like human voices, yet has a mechanical overtone.

at any rate, whatever is causing them does sound very similar to space related sounds, as nofretete1969 has pointed out.

it's also interesting that the sounds seem to fade in and out on a more or less regular interval, which is what happens when waves hit the shoreline for instance.
Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

i've plotted the locations from Laura's post on a map and have attached the result below.

a few things right off the bat;

- out of the 11 plotted locales, half are in or very near the U.S.

- there are no reports / less willingness to report / unobserved occurrences in Africa, Australia,
the Middle East, Japan and most of Russia.

- there seem to be two major "patches" which are the 1) U.S. (notably the eastern shore) and 2) Europe,
comprising 11 out of 16 plotted locales. [if Windsor, Ont. is also included since it is more inland.]


  • map_sounds_18-01-2011.jpg
    162.5 KB · Views: 71
Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

there seems to be a correlation between most of the locales and Geomagnetics.

image attached is a composite from; from today's date.


  • map_sounds_GeoMag_18-01-2011.jpg
    148.7 KB · Views: 70
Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

transientP said:
i've plotted the locations from Laura's post on a map and have attached the result below.

a few things right off the bat;

- out of the 16 plotted locales, half are in or very near the U.S.

- there are no reports / less willingness to report / unobserved occurrences in Africa, Australia,
the Middle East, Japan and most of Russia.

- there seem to be two major "patches" which are the 1) eastern U.S. shore and 2) Europe,
comprising 13 out of 16 plotted locales.

Most of that can be attributed to English language news reports - we simply don't know where else it is happening on the planet and no published report doesn't mean it's not happening. The geomagnetic information you posted is interesting, but since there are reports outside of those areas, it's not strongly compelling. We need more data!
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