Found this general description:I'm surprised why we can't find any information or pictures. I think it will be the same with these sculptures you posted.
EDIT: Bolding textHuman Figural Sculpture in Architecture
Half-human figural sculptures, such as those depicting centaurs, have been used in architecture and decorative arts for centuries. Centaurs, in Greek mythology, are creatures composed of part human and part horse, often depicted with the torso of a human joined at the waist to the horse’s withers, where the horse’s neck would be.1
These sculptures can be found in various architectural contexts, from public spaces to private collections. For example, the Mustangs by Robert Glen, an impressive bronze sculpture depicting nine wild mustangs galloping through a fountain, was commissioned by the city of Las Colinas, Texas.6 While not half-human, this example shows how large-scale bronze sculptures can be integrated into architectural settings.
In addition to centaurs, other half-human figures like mermaids or sphinxes are also commonly used in architectural decoration. These sculptures often serve both decorative and symbolic purposes, reflecting cultural and mythological narratives.16
For contemporary artists, the human figure in sculpture can be abstracted or combined with other elements, creating unique and thought-provoking works that can be integrated into architectural designs. For instance, Marine de Soos creates bronze sculptures that offer an unprecedented perspective on general and emotional subjects, such as motherhood and memories of the past, which can inspire contemplation and discussion.5
These sculptures can enhance the aesthetic appeal of buildings and public spaces while also adding layers of meaning and narrative to the architecture.
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