Streamed text - is it inter-dimensional?


Jedi Master

I rarely post on this forum, mostly my poetry for your entertainment.

Although, I have a serious side too :) For the last several years I was running with the idea of text streaming. AFAIK, for some reasons, this has not been implemented anywhere by anyone. It is not that the method that I use doesn't work for streaming of texts - it does. And it is so simple. Yet, no one came with that idea... So, I created a free little app for iPhones & iPads. It is being approved by Apple and should be available in a week or so. The app converts written information into a streamed text. In order to retain the cohesiveness, the letters within words shift-shape into each other. Shown at a rate of 24 shapes per second or higher, that creates a cinematic effect and you perceive the letters as if they are connected into words... It is entertaining to watch and there multiple applications. For starters, this is an ultimately human readable only output. Any information sent this way can not be indexed, filtered or censored.

Then, I realized that there is a strong esoteric component to that. Similarly to rotating praying wheels or waving praying flags, there is an extra dimension to the otherwise flat text...

Can the Cassiopaeans be asked about the merits of that method? Will it be beneficial to the humankind? What will it be used for?


PS. An animated .gif file is attached for illustration.


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Hi SlavaOn. I'm curious about something and was wondering if you had some feedback on it.

I've seen this style of text used to help retain children's interest in learning the sequential alphabet and phonetically sounding out letters and letter combinations, but I don't see an esoteric component, so I may be missing something. Can you explain the one-to-one relationships that you see between the streaming text example and any example of a rotating praying wheel or waving praying flag? I am familiar with those.

Hello Buddy.

The earliest forms of recordings found were pictograms drawn on clay tablets, hieroglyphs painted on papyrus scrolls, alphabetic writings on animal skins. They all were the embodiments of speech. Characters embodied sounds of speech. Words embodied objects of speech.

In alphabetic writings, evidently, shapes of written characters evolved in such ways as to facilitate the ease and speed of handwriting. Although, a common notation exists, the individual differences between various hand writings make such texts hard to understand, yet the way the letters are connected turns arabesques into readable messages.

Now, let's imagine, that the writing was "invented" by humans as a way to capture the information shown to them by higher beings! If the "Logos" of the Gods were 3-dimensional informational holograms, the only way to capture the meanings from 3D to 2D form is to use a photo camera, or draw the sequence of forms, representing dynamic 3D object instances. Once, in the "altered state of consciousness", I perceived something that looked like complicated snowflakes...

Then, in order to play that message back, going from 2D to 3D, this is where rotating wheels or waving flags come into picture. The moving 2D letters can form a pattern in 3D space that the higher beings can sense...
With computer assisted output, it would be much easier to accomplish. First, as a virutal 3D image on a flat screen, and, in the near future as a 3D hologram projection.

Buddy said:
I've seen this style of text used to help retain children's interest in learning the sequential alphabet and phonetically sounding out letters and letter combinations

As a matter of fact, I thought about one of the uses of this output method in helping children to do the above. Especially, for dyslexic children, who have a problem with the directionality and can easily read the text backwards.
I released an app for iPhone called "Alphabet Transmuter" several years ago, but it didn't find much demand (less than a dozen downloads) and I pulled it off Apple app store for now.

SlavaOn said:
Now, let's imagine, that the writing was "invented" by humans as a way to capture the information shown to them by higher beings! If the "Logos" of the Gods were 3-dimensional informational holograms, the only way to capture the meanings from 3D to 2D form is to use a photo camera, or draw the sequence of forms, representing dynamic 3D object instances. Once, in the "altered state of consciousness", I perceived something that looked like complicated snowflakes...

Then, in order to play that message back, going from 2D to 3D, this is where rotating wheels or waving flags come into picture. The moving 2D letters can form a pattern in 3D space that the higher beings can sense...
With computer assisted output, it would be much easier to accomplish. First, as a virutal 3D image on a flat screen, and, in the near future as a 3D hologram projection.

What would you like to communicate, automated prayer? Have you read 'the Wave'?
Hello Buddy.

Why prayers? Instead, I would try to start some meaningful dialogue! Ouiji board is such a crude tool...

Maybe, that would be a sign that human civilazation came out of age when it is capable to produce Logos of their own :)

I did read 'the Wave' series. In fact, I inhaled it.

This is how 3D streamed text looks like:
With a camera fly overs it shows the text from different angles.
Although, the morphing/twisting itself is far from optical, it is still readable...

How is this streamed text an improvement? It seems awkwardly slow to me, with only 1 letter shown at a time. I don't think the fact that the bits of each letter break-up and then reassemble into the next letter makes it any easier to read any of the letters either.

In reading conventional words on paper, the brain takes in multiple words at a time, probably even scanning subconsciously to lines farther down the page to help extract the meaning.

What am I missing?
SlavaOn said:
Why prayers? Instead, I would try to start some meaningful dialogue! Ouiji board is such a crude tool...
If streaming letters are supposed to replace the Ouija board, what exactly is the interface? Where do you get the inputs from? (And if that problem is solved, wouldn't it be easier just to plug my computer or printer directly into the fourth dimension with a USB cable?)
SlavaOn said:
Maybe, that would be a sign that human civilazation came out of age when it is capable to produce Logos of their own :)
How do you define Logos? Humans have produced plenty of words of their own, a great overgrown garden of verbiage.
Mal7 said:
How is this streamed text an improvement? It seems awkwardly slow to me, with only 1 letter shown at a time.

I never said that the streamed text is going to replace the conventional 'static' text as a delivery. But, it could be useful in many applications where there is no room for the rows of letters to fit. I am thinking buttons would be a good place for it. It will also hinder censors and snoopers that capture and read your texts in transit with automated scanning tools...

Does it seem to slow to you when you hear one sound at a time?
I was playing with this technology for several years and my 'reading' skills are quite improved.

The idea was not to break letters into pieces, but rather morph letters shapes to cinematically connect letters into words. That is the necessary 'glue'. If you start flashing letters one by one, they will not connect into words (in your mind).

Mal7 said:
If streaming letters are supposed to replace the Ouija board, what exactly is the interface? Where do you get the inputs from?

I hope that the community will help to answer these questions?
If, in fact, the streamed text reaches the intended recipients (higher beings) you will get your answers one way or another. The current app is only a transmitter :)

Thank you, Mal7

SlavaOn, I think you miss the important connection that Ouija communication is through the nervous system; an immediate bi-directional system. What you are proposing would be something akin to sigils or similar messing in wishful 'magick' thinking, OSIT.

SlavaOn said:
I did read 'the Wave' series. In fact, I inhaled it.
Perhaps you didn't really digest the material, given your selective and subjective approach to the basic concepts?
Hello Parallel.

Of course Oujia uses humans as part of the communication loop. I have never discounted that. It doesn't mean that other ways don't exist. If Cs are able to get into the brains of the humans without Ouji board and read their intentions, why not?

Sorry, but that is just me. I always try to mess everything.
When I had come across and to, I gulped the Waves and ther published material over the course of several weeks. I can't tell what happens with the information after I read it.

SlavaOn said:
Of course Oujia uses humans as part of the communication loop. I have never discounted that. It doesn't mean that other ways don't exist. If Cs are able to get into the brains of the humans without Ouji board and read their intentions, why not?

I'm not discounting there may be other safe ways to communicate with higher density beings, but it would take quite some objective knowledge collection to construct such. The Ouija board seems to offer a protection, by both being physically connected with it yet mentally apart from it, so one has a chance in discerning what is being fed back.

Q: (L) What about people who talk about having played with a Ouija board or spirit board and they had some sort of bad experience and they felt like there was something evil there and they got scared away or creeped out? What about those kinds of stories?
A: Some of them are true, but most of them are just made up.
Q: (L) What about the ones that are true?
A: That is what we mean about a "warning system."
Q: (L) What do you mean that's what you mean by a warning system?
A: Those kinds of entities are around a lot of people, they just don't know it unless they interact in a way that removes the veil and exposes the fact.
Q: (L) And does that also mean that if such people were to try some other form of channeling, that they would be interacting with something that their conscious mind would not perceive as yucky or unpleasant?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And why is that?
A: When an invitation to "come in" is given, the entity can produce pleasant sensations that override the conscious warning system. When a board type device is used, it gives a distance and a layer of protection. You then can choose if you wish to continue the contact or not. You don't have that choice when the entity has already been invited "in".
Q: (L) So it's kind of like the vampire movie! The vampire says, "Enter freely and of your own free will!" And if you do, you're screwed. And if you say, "Come in and talk to me, you're my higher self!" you're screwed! Very interesting. So in other words, when people are using the board and they have an unpleasant experience, it's actually a good thing because it's warning them to not proceed and to have no further contact with that entity. They can choose to send that entity on down the road. Is that basically it?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And can they then ask for another entity - well, I don't want to say that... Will that entity go away if they tell them to go?
A: Yes, normally: and they also have their full body sensorium to warn in the event that the entity does not. But having said that, it is also important to remember that most entities that are encountered this way are already "in residence." A person who has a direct personal encounter with a repellent entity is usually only meeting the "neighbors".
Q: (L) So you're saying that what people most often encounter in these exercises will be attached entities that they don't even know are in residence in their space? Is that it?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, anybody who encounters something really yucky and wants to throw the board away has just thrown away probably one of the best methods for finding out about this entity and helping to get rid of it. Is that it?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Because, just because they have thrown the board away, that doesn't mean the entity they've encountered has gone away. He has just been enticed to speak, and once the board is gone, he goes back to lurking. Is that it?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Most unpleasant. (J) Is there ever a case where using a board could attract an entity that wasn't there beforehand? That seems to be the key question...
A: Yes, if the individual is knowledgeable and the entity needs help. Also it must be made plain that young people, because of their natural tendency to dissociate, ought not to be around such activity.
Q: (Ark) Well, we still have the question about what happens to passive participants. (L) Passive participants in what respect? (Ark) I mean because we were talking about people who do the session, and they are so to say "active" at the board, but there are usually observers and a lot of entities attach to them...
A: That can present problems in some cases. Ideally all participants and attendees ought to be "clean."

By the way have you seen the Knowledge and Being series?

SlavaOn said:
Sorry, but that is just me. I always try to mess everything.
When I had come across and to, I gulped the Waves and ther published material over the course of several weeks. I can't tell what happens with the information after I read it.

This is in part why the forum exists, so that we may clean our subjective perceptions by engaging in discussion and then working on correcting our mistakes. Our subjective reality tunnels are mechanical prisons and serves no one, not even ourselves, so we must seek (if we wish) to objectively see reality. See also the Psychology & Cognitive Science board on just how difficult that is. But maybe if you haven't yet read anything related to 'the Work' then reading P.D Ouspensky's 'In search of the miraculous' would be a great introduction.
Buddy said:
... rotating praying wheel or waving praying flag? I am familiar with those.

Hello Buddy.

Can we circle back to rotating praying wheels and praying flags, please?
So far, I was not able to find and argumentation on the Internet on why would these olden technologies work for prayers?
What is your opinion?

SlavaOn said:
Buddy said:
... rotating praying wheel or waving praying flag? I am familiar with those.

Hello Buddy.

Can we circle back to rotating praying wheels and praying flags, please?

Ok, but I was just interested in what specifically is the 'extra dimension' to the text that is like rotating praying wheels and praying flags.

SlavaOn said:
So far, I was not able to find and argumentation on the Internet on why would these olden technologies work for prayers?
What is your opinion?

I also don't see why the technologies would work for prayers. The rotating praying wheels seem mainly or originally designed for illiterate people. About the praying flags I can't say. I only know about them what anyone else can find by googling the phrases.

SlavaOn said:
...this is an ultimately human readable only output. Any information sent this way can not be indexed, filtered or censored.

For me, that was the most thought provoking feature. I imagined small groups of people working some kind of project or mission and using a texting communication that would be difficult or impossible to index, filter or censor; assuming I'm understanding what you meant by that and that I'm not just imagining things.

"Twist a Tweet" app is available for free from Apple store! Install it on your iPhone or iPad and check out inter-dimensional text streaming:


It still would have been great to know Cs point of view on that..

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