Tactical nukes now in use?


Dagobah Resident
FOTCM Member
On May 28, Veterans Today posted a story about an explosion in Yemen that allegedly had the signature of a small neutron bomb, complete with photos and video. _http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/05/28/nuclear-war-has-begun-in-yemen/

The questions for the Cs:

Was this in fact a nuclear warhead?
If so, has this type of weapon been used before in other recent conflicts (Kosovo, Iraq, etc.), or the terror bombing in Bali, as claimed by Joe Vialls?
If so, what is their country of origin? The most likely suspects being the US or Israel.
I just stumbled upon a few videos of alleged nukes over Yemen, just type "israel yemen neutron bomb" on Youtube (without quotes)

example :


Thierry Meyssan from the Voltaire Network also said that Israel used nukes over yemen (article in french, also available in german / portuguese / spanish)


Worthy questions from Rabelais, I think
Given the geopolitical economic turmoil surrounding the rejection of the Chinese Yuan from the SDR currencies list and China's retaliation by devaluing the Yuan... followed immediately by the Tianjin explosion and its eerie similarity to the Yemen blast, both possessing characteristic nuclear blast signatures, might not preclude the possibility of a secret team operation in China. The space rock theory is certainly plausible, but there may be a much less cosmic factor involved.

Will WW III be fought not by armies on the field of battle, but by cities' exploding refineries, chemical warehouses and ammunition storage facilities - all with plausible deniability. I have little doubt that the Chinese radiological warfare experts are at the scene in Tianjin, but if neutron bombs are being used would there be any radioactive evidence left a few hours after the event?

I would love to know the C's take on this Tianjin explosion- and the Yemen blast. Are we already in a stealth nuclear war?
A neutron bomb may well leave a clean area within half an hour of the blast, after all the neutrons have dissipated.
A space-based laser may well leave no trace at all.
It will be interesting to see what the p t b produce in the way of evidence.
Bill Holter, a writer and observer of commodities markets and hard money wrote an article published yesterday in which he also speculated about the possibility of a nuke in Tianjin. He consulted an acquaintance who happens to be nuclear physicist. This was her reply:

“Bill, the blast is hard to see because a text box is right over the explosion on my screen. In my opinion, from what I can see, the blast does not look nuclear. It resembles more an explosion of a large fuel/oil storage tank, as would be found at a port. Also, there is no info in English on how far the filmers were from the blast, which would help in scale.”
No need for nuclear weapons.

Probably just the USAF using chance to try some new bombs. Like this one (aerosol or vacuum bomb)

Notorious sinophobe, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger) has another plausible theory. I read about our deployment in orbit of these tungsten shooting Rods from God weapons many years ago when it was theorized that they were being tested on targets in Afghanistan. Their ability to destroy deep cave bases was their stated raison d'être.

You might want to read this thread, where Adams' article comes up. In short, it's disinfo:

Niall said:
You might want to read this thread, where Adams' article comes up. In short, it's disinfo:


I agree about Adams. He has gone off the rails and it began when he drifted into the Alex Jones camp. He veered away from health related news which used to be fairly reliable, and off into the political. We pulled our advertising from his site when his credibility went south. His recent readers 2016 presidential poll wherein over 70% chose Trump marked this as a demographic that we have no interest in prolonging the lives of :-)

Gordon Duff, Veterans Today, is another one that is beginning to look like he might be being fed disinfo, but he just published an interesting and thorough assessment of the Tianjin explosion that is worthy of critical consideration, or so I think.

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