Tales of infanticide have stoked hatred of Jews for centuries. They echo still today


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
The author of the article is basically saying that it's antisemitic for news outlets to continuously show the murder of Palestinian children by Israel, and that it somehow plays into a false-narrative that the Jews have a thing for infanticide. He basically shoots himself and Israel in the foot all the way through the article, especially last paragraph. Asks at one point why the news doesn't show all the murdered Ukrainian babies killed by Russian bombs (because there aren't any). Possibly an article worth truthifying and publishing, but possibly not actually worth the time and effort:

Tales of infanticide have stoked hatred of Jews for centuries. They echo still today​

A year after the 7 October attack, the myth of ‘blood libel’ persists in the media coverage of Gaza violence

It says something for the conscience of the Church of England that, in 1955, it put up a plaque alongside the former shrine of Little Hugh in Lincoln Cathedral, apologising for the harm it had done by falsely accusing Jews of the ritual slaughter of the boy in 1255.

That Jews habitually murdered gentile children for blood with which to make Passover matzoh, was a popular superstition throughout Britain and Europe in the middle ages. “These fictions cost many innocent Jews their lives,” the plaque reads, “[and] do not redound to the credit of Christendom, and so we pray: Lord, forgive what we have been, amend what we are, and direct what we shall be.”

That it took the Church of England 700 years to amend “what [it] had been” should not detract from the honesty of that amendment, particularly if we remember that the “blood libel”, as it has become known, was still alive and kicking in the modern era, with occurrences of it recorded in Russia and even America as recently as 1928.

Ask wherein the appeal of this libel lies and the answer has to be the necessity for Christians not just to defame Jews and make a clear distinction between Old and New Testament morality, but to set the Jews apart from the entire human family; depraved, accomplices of the devil. And, of course, to justify hunting them down and massacring them.

Victim-blaming is a crime to so many progressives. Except when it comes to Jews
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It has been said often enough that there could hardly have been a more unlikely crime to charge Jews with, given the strict taboo on blood sacrifice and the extreme laws against blood contact and consumption laid down in the Torah. But there lies the further efficacy of the libel – it denies Jews their beliefs, their culture and their nature. It is hateful to be accused of what you haven’t done, but more hateful still to be accused of what you would never dream of doing and what you cannot bear to see done.

Hence the hurt, the anger and the fear that Jewish people have been experiencing in the year since Hamas’s barbaric massacre of Israelis on 7 October and the no less barbaric denials, not to mention celebrations of it, as night after night our televisions have told the story of the war in Gaza through the death of Palestinian children. Night after night, a recital of the numbers dead. Night after night, the unbearable footage of their parents’ agony. The savagery of war. The savagery of the Israeli onslaught. But for many, writing or marching against Israeli action, the savagery of the Jews as told for hundreds of years in literature and art and church sermons.

Here we were again, the same merciless infanticides inscribed in the imaginations of medieval Christians. Only this time, instead of operating on the midnight streets of Lincoln and Norwich, they target Palestinian schools, the paediatric wards of hospitals, the tiny fragile bodies of children themselves. Even when there are other explanations for the devastation, no one really believes them. Reporters whose reports are proved wrong see no reason to apologise. No amendment of their calumnies. What is there to apologise for? It could have been true.

Ask how Israel is able to target innocent children with such deadly accuracy and no one can tell you. Ask why they would want to target innocent children and make themselves despised among the nations of the Earth and no one can tell you that either. Hate on this scale seeks no rational explanation. Hate feeds off the superstitions that fed it last time round. The narrative of these events requires a heartless villainy and who more heartlessly villainous than those who severed the arteries of Little Hugh of Lincoln?

Events don’t make it on to television through a camera lens alone. What we see is what an editor chooses for us to see

I don’t accuse the BBC and other news outlets of wilfully stirring race-memory of the child-killing Jew of the middle ages. But we don’t have to mean harm to do it. We can wreak havoc just as well by being lazy, by letting our unconscious do the work of thought, by dipping into the communal pile of prejudice and superstition and letting it pepper up our reports.

Events don’t make it on to television through a camera lens alone. What we see is only what an editor chooses for us to see. Yes, somewhere under the rubble is a truth, but closer to the surface is drama.

And if the aim of editors has been to horrify, they have succeeded. Who has been able to watch the evening news on television three nights running without wanting to scream? Scream for those beautiful and broken children, the innocent victims of war, maimed, orphaned, wandering lost through their ruined cities. Scream if you’re a Palestinian, scream if you’re a Christian, scream if you’re a Jew.

A mistake or misascription here, an over-credulousness there, do not a conspiracy make. And I do not minimise the tragedy that has befallen Palestinian children. But when television becomes another mourner by their graveside it can feel as much like propaganda as news. Only compare reporting from Gaza with reporting from Ukraine. Bombs have fallen there, too, but how often is the burial of Ukrainian children the lead story?

Such bias as I have described – conscious or not – has contributed not just to the anxiety level of Jews but to the atmosphere of hostility and fear in which they now live. If you are one of those who believe there is no smoke without fire – Roald Dahl, remember, said there had to be some reason no one liked the Jews – these pictures from Gaza will confirm your conviction that Jews are the devil’s confederates. The litany of dead children corroborates all those stories of their insatiable lust for blood. Maybe the Church of England was wrong to apologise.
The author of the article is basically saying that it's antisemitic for news outlets to continuously show the murder of Palestinian children by Israel, and that it somehow plays into a false-narrative that the Jews have a thing for infanticide. He basically shoots himself and Israel in the foot all the way through the article, especially last paragraph. Asks at one point why the news doesn't show all the murdered Ukrainian babies killed by Russian bombs (because there aren't any). Possibly an article worth truthifying and publishing, but possibly not actually worth the time and effort:

Journalist Jonathan Cook replied to it on X:

His text:

Why is the 'liberal' media peddling the vilest genocide apologism?

I can't put this strongly enough. Howard Jacobson's article in today’s Observer newspaper may be one the vilest pieces of journalism published in Britain in living memory, arguing that any reporting of Israel's documented slaughter of many thousands of Palestinian children in Gaza is a "blood libel" and antisemitic. It is pure genocide apologism.

But far worse is the fact that the Guardian Media Group signed off his column. This isn't the work of one Zionist loon. A whole army of journalists brought it to print.

And note: Jacobson, odious as he is, isn't responsible for the choice of photo. That is entirely down to the Observer newsroom.

I worked at both the Guardian and the Observer, its Sunday sister paper, for many years. The comment editor, the photo editor, the revise sub-editor, the Observer's chief editor and all the section heads would have approved not only Jacobson's text but that photo too.

What on earth did they all imagine that "illustrative" photo of a blood-smeared doll suggested?

* That the many thousands of children blown to pieces by Israeli bombs are a fiction.
* That all the children decomposing under rubble are made up.
* That all the unidentified children buried in Gaza's sands are a lie.
* That all the children dying of epidemics like polio or starving to death from Israel's aid blockade are an invention.

That any single journalist imagined for a moment that this was an acceptable article or photo in the midst of a genocide is astounding enough.

But that a whole phalanx of the most influential and “liberal” journalists in the country backed it without a second thought tells us something about the depraved culture that passes for journalism in the western establishment media.

These elite journalists are completely divorced from reality. They have no moral core, they live and work as fanatical ideologues for western supremacism. They are as racist as their forebears who cheerled Britain's subjugation and colonisation of the rest of the globe.

There is no hope of ever having a healthy world as long as these war-mongers and genocide apologists are allowed to remain in charge of shaping our consciousness.

This article is twisted, not particularly surprising though. The only way to stop the damage that is being done to Israel's reputation is to prevent the evidence from spreading. That, or stopping the massacring of people, which seems to have been entirely discounted as an option because they like doing it so much.

An interesting point was raised by Darryl Cooper in his podcast series on the Israeli-Palestine conflict. One of the oldest accusations against Jews, referred to as 'blood libels', was that they poisoned water supplies. Zionist terrorists, he pointed out, must have known about these popular superstitions when they literally did that to Palestinian wells. They even used biological contaminants like Tetanus strains in some cases.

It's part of a pattern of deliberate Zionist actions making the larger Jewish community less safe. It furthers their cause, they literally have to create anti-Semitism when it isn't naturally present.
Yes, they are beginning to see that the images of dead children, the children they murder almost daily and have been doing for over half a century, are turning global public opinion against them. It's a new era, people carry cell phones and post what they experience on X, despite the IDF having specifically targeted and killed most of the Palestinian journalists.

How dare they show their crimes to the entire world? How dare those dead mutilated children ruin their image as the "most moral army", the "beacon of civilization and democracy" in the ME? Must bring on Hasbara tactics and throw a few more rounds of "antisemitism" darts around to remind the statemen in their blackmailing lists that they let things go too far.

Even those of us who have been following the oppression and crimes of Israel against Palestinians all our lives, I think we have been shocked - I certainly have - by the EVIL (such an inadequate word) we witnessed this last year being perpetrated by human-looking demons with such delight (de-light, interesting word).

I was reading the comments below the above-mentioned Cook's post on X, when someone referred to a similar text written in The Times of Israel in 2014, which illustrates how these people think and operate since always:

When I was a 14 year old girl becoming acquainted with modern Zionist history, I came across the epic letter of 1898 by Emile Zola, “J’accuse”, in which he condemned the institutional anti-Semitism in France that falsely convicted Alfred Dreyfus of espionage. This letter had an intense effect on me, and in the last few weeks all I could think about as I watched in frustration the world’s media assault on Israel, was the injustice that I felt as a young girl reading about the Dreyfus trial. Although admittedly I am no Zola, here goes my J’accuse:

I accuse the world media of arming Hamas with the weapon of the image that makes even intelligent people who rationally understand and defend Israel’s right to exist, talk in the next breath about disproportionality. I often wonder whether all it would take for everyone to feel a bit better is G-d forbid 1500 dead Israelis. Without the iron dome, this could well have been the scenario.

I accuse the world media of choosing -because let’s be clear here there is always a choice- to act in an outright dangerous and irresponsible way by being Hamas’s willing accomplices in using these images against Israel, and in so doing perpetuating the death and destruction Hamas is inflicting on their own people. If the media’s obsession with these images was not so intense, then pictures of dead children would not be an effective strategy for Hamas and there simply would have been fewer of these self-inflicted casualties.

I accuse the world media of drawing a moral equivalency between Israel, a democratic country governed by the highest standards of law, and a terrorist organization who only a few days ago announced the execution of 20 anti-war brave souls who saw the madness of their actions; the same organization that murders gays and lesbians, stifles women’s rights and freedom of speech and encourages institutional pedophilia. The world media has essentially become the mouthpiece of this tyrannical regime in Gaza while Israel is left fighting for its mere right to exist in the court of public opinion.

I accuse the world media of castigating the countries that provide freedom of the press and rewarding the ones that don’t. I accuse the world media of providing Hamas with the oxygen that only state sponsors of terrorism, Iran and Quatar, had given them when everyone else had abandoned their corrupt cause. I accuse the world media of standing by inert and not broadcasting outrage at Assad who has so far murdered 150,000 of his own people and counting, and caused a refugee problem the size of the population of Gaza.

I accuse the world media of not spreading the images of ISIS crucifying Christians and decapitating anyone with a different belief system, with the same zeal that they broadcast pictures from Gaza.

I accuse the world media of cherry picking their reports on ethnic cleansing perpetrated by radical Muslims every day around the world and not drawing the correct parallels. Do they see it and ignore it or is their blind spot merely with Israel?

I accuse the world media of fanning the flames of anti-Semitism in Europe with their one-sided coverage and those oh so powerful images that make people take to the streets and hate anything and everything Jewish. I accuse the world media of making every Jew in Europe vulnerable and scared to levels that we have not seen since before the Second World War.

And finally, I accuse the Israeli government past and present of not seeing the weapon of the image as a strategic threat, the way tunnels and rockets are, causing people to question the legitimacy of our existence. I accuse the Israeli government of not taking the best “generals” of hasbara for this mammoth yet not insurmountable task and instead using convenient political appointees and well-meaning nonprofits to do the job. I accuse them of a lack of vision for not laying the infrastructure of our own hasbara offensive strategy and for seeing it as a lost cause.

As a people we have the power, talent and resources to craft our own compelling narrative and deliver it to the world with pride and conviction. What are we waiting for?

At the end truth is spoken.

The rest is punctuated by so many paramoralisms, which bring to mind another, attributed to one of Israel's first PMs, Golda Meir:

"We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children. But we can never forgive them for forcing us to kill their children."

Clearly, there are way more human species than anyone lets on: Homo sapiens, Homo moronius, Zionistos deaemonicus, Zionistos accomplistis, etc.
An interesting point was raised by Darryl Cooper in his podcast series on the Israeli-Palestine conflict. One of the oldest accusations against Jews, referred to as 'blood libels', was that they poisoned water supplies. Zionist terrorists, he pointed out, must have known about these popular superstitions when they literally did that to Palestinian wells. They even used biological contaminants like Tetanus strains in some cases.
Interestingly, this tweet shows a Jewish young man in Ukraine bathing in a well just last week and he had to receive a telling off from a Ukrainian woman before he got out. :wow: Apparently, many Jews are now on a pilgrimage in Uman, Ukraine. Would these people know about these popular superstitions, too or is it not really a superstition?
It's part of a pattern of deliberate Zionist actions making the larger Jewish community less safe. It furthers their cause, they literally have to create anti-Semitism when it isn't naturally present.
Yep! That is one of the many things Reed discusses in his book Controversy of Zion. When the Jewish people have spread out to other countries, are doing well, are fitting in with the societies they are living in, the Zionists do something to make the Jewish people look bad. And when the rest of society starts to react to the things being done, the Zionists say to the Jews, "See, we told you nobody likes Jewish people. You need to come and live in Israel where we can protect you. And so it goes.
I was reading this thread, when in X, the following post appeared. I really don't know if it is as the research says it is, and I think it would be a good question to ask the C's. But it would seem that things are being revealed....

This is the face of the world's most infamous serial killer according to an author who has been studying the Jack the Ripper case for close to 30 years.

Ripper researcher Russell Edwards has used new facial remodelling technology to create this CGI black and white image of how the killer would have looked at the time.

It was after Mr Edwards used DNA evidence from the shawl of one of his victims to "prove" that Jack the Ripper was actually Aaron Kosminski, a Jewish immigrant from Poland who was one of the key suspects at the time of the horrific Whitechapel murders. [...]

A request to exhume Kosminski’s body was declined, however, the DNA found in the semen stains was also a match for one of Kosminski's sister’s descendants.

This, says Mr Edwards, is conclusive proof as to the identity of Jack the Ripper - a case that remained unsolved since 1888.

Kosminski was born on September 11, 1865, making him 22 and 23 at the time of the murders. He grew up in Klodawa, near Warsaw, the youngest of seven children, with his father dying when he was aged just eight. [...]

His mother remarried and records suggest he may have been sexually abused by his stepfather. In 1882, six years before the murders, the family fled to the East End of London to escape anti-Semitism that was spreading across eastern Europe after the death of Tsar Alexander II a year earlier.

During the murders investigation, the Dr Robert Anderson, head of the London Criminal Investigation Department, had designated Kosminski as key suspect as the killer.

Previously confidential police reports, that were published in 1894 as the Macnaghten Memorandum, recorded that detectives believed he had a "great hatred of women, specially of the prostitute class, and had strong homicidal tendencies".

Butm even then political correctness made them reluctant to accuse a Jew, due to the potential fallout of antiSemitism. [...]

Further research by Mr Edwards has since uncovered how he believes the serial killer evaded justice due to his brother's involvement in freemasonry, and even why the mutilations took place.

In February 2023 he received several photographs, including one of 15 men all with handlebar moustaches and dressed the same in suits with an overgarment. They were revealed to be members of the Lodge of Israel, an order of Freemasonry set up for Jewish immigrants in Britain.

One of them was Kosminski’s eldest brother, Isaac, who was a wealthy tailor who had moved to London in 1870 and changed his last name to Abrahams. Remarkably, in an ancient Masonic Code, the "Master Mason", called Hiram Abiff, was murdered by three assassins, known as "The Juwes" for refusing to give up his secrets.

The fable led to the creation of thee Masonic blood oaths giving descriptions of mutilations, such as cutting throats, removing tongues, and "That my left breast had been torn open and my heart and vitals taken."

Mr Edwards is convinced that the Ripper was not a random mutilator, but was carrying out these Masonic instructions.

He also believes that the Masonic connections of his brother were probably what prevented his younger sibling's arrest, to avoid the fallout against the Jews.

More alarmingly, the Ripper left another clue at the Eddowes murder scene. Nearby scrawled in chalk was the mysterious phrase

"The Juwes are the men that will not be blamed for nothing."

With the word Juwes, spelt in the same Masonic way.

Kosminski was never arrested and in 1890, after suffering a suspected schizophrenic breakdown, in which he threatened his sister with a knife, he committed to Colney Hatch lunatic asylum in North London.

He died 28 years later in the Leavesden Asylum, Hertfordshire.
I was reading this thread, when in X, the following post appeared. I really don't know if it is as the research says it is, and I think it would be a good question to ask the C's. But it would seem that things are being revealed....
Here are the relevant segments about Jack the Ripper in the transcripts:
Q: (L) Who was Jack the Ripper?
A: Dr. Bates.

Q: (L) Did he commit suicide and is that why the Ripper killings stopped?
A: No.

Q: (L) Did he just stop doing it?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Why did he do it?
A: Experiment human organs; he was a mad surgeon.
Q: Let me ask one final question. I am reading this book about Jack the Ripper. The author claims that the real Jack was a "mad surgeon," which is what you suggested at one other time. This book also says that the murders were inspired by political considerations. Supposedly, the murders were designed to cover up the murder of one, specific person. It is even said that the Masons were involved, and the actual murders were symbolic Masonic statements. Is there any truth to this theory?

A: Maybe a little.

Q: The killer, as suggested by this author, was Dr. William Gull, physician to Queen Victoria. Now, this theory is so close to what you suggested, that I was sort of amazed to read this book. The refutation comes from people who say that, around the time of the Ripper murders, Dr. Gull had a stroke and was, therefore, unable to physically perform the murders, so must have had an assistant. Right after the murders ended, he retired from the practice of medicine, saying he didn't "feel like himself." Supposedly, he died but there are some who say he was really locked up in an asylum and a fake funeral was held. Well, the guy writing the book really did find some evidence of a cover-up, though whether or not it was THIS being covered up, I can't tell. It IS a compelling story. When this Dr. Gull had this stroke, and the supposed epileptic seizures that followed, was he, in fact, possessed? Is he even the one? Was Dr. William Gull the Ripper?

A: The theory is close, but the details are incorrect.
Bear in mind that Laura has commented in footnotes of that session that she believed the name ‘Bates’ was more likely to be an allusion to the character from Alfred Hitchcock’s Pyscho, and was probably more a descriptor of the killer’s nature rather than their name.
On the topic of the title, remember this session extract :
Session 2024-01-13 said:
Q: (Joe) Since we're on current affairs, was the official narrative about what the Jews in New York were doing in the tunnels under the Chabad centre, is that all they were doing? Just kids who were...

A: No.

Q: (Joe) The official story was that it was just young kids who had been messing around for six months wanting to build a tunnel between the actual centre and the old baths, or something like that. So that's not true. What were they tunnelling under their own building for?

A: Trafficking.

Q: (Joe) That's what people have been saying!

(Niall) Oh my god! Trafficking human organs?

(Joe) Human trafficking, organ trafficking?

A: Whatever you can think of but mainly children.

Q: (Joe) What's up with them Jews? I mean, is it just programming, or is it a genetic profile?

A: Hatred of humanity due to early infant programming

Q: (Joe) I.e. involving circumcision...

A: Yes.
NB : the Chabad / Loubavitch movement is a peculiar branch of Judaism, so it doesn't tell the general case.

Recently I've seen a video extract where French President Macron was told, reminded, or taught, by a female advisor that, according to the (French ?) Jewish community organisations, the legal charge of "crime against humanity" should be reserved to the WW2 Jewish genocide... (AKA Shoah / Holocaust -- BTW I strongly dislike this last term, because it means "(voluntary) sacrifice by fire"... one can guess for what intent !).
My first reaction was : what "chutzpah" to think that !

Then it looked logical to me (from their PoV) : if they think, according to their sacred texts, that they're (the Jews) the only "real" humans, and that the other human-looking people are mere "animals" created by their (psychopathic) God to serve them, then indeed the label "crime against humanity" should be reserve to judeocide...
(What's interesting here, is that according to the Cs in the session 2018-12-01, more than half the Ashkenazis Jews are psychopaths, and so not real empathic humans, but humanoids, it's then now an accusatory inversion ! And probably was when their texts were written.)

From the same PoV, if non-Jewish ("Gentile") children are mere animals to them, then that would explain how they're able to traffic (or kill) them...
It reminds me on when Macron declared that criticizing bankers was antisemitic... The accusations of infanticide in the past may have been fictional or maybe a gross generalization of one or two isolated cases to a whole people ("Ted Bundy is a serial killer, Ted Bundy is American, therefore all Americans are serial killers"). However, with Israel factually committing a genocide now, killing and torturing children now, this journalist (he isn't very bright isn't he) is kind of making those past accusations less implausible by linking the phenomena together. Irony is a powerful thing.
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