
Teleportation, there is a legend saying that some Pygmies (Bakas) from central Africa are capable of it, I would like to know if anyone on the forum has ever heard of this?
HI Pierre Alix,

Not personally, can you share some information about it? maybe a document or something along the lines so we can get acquainted with the information?
Bonjour Pierre Alix,

Pas personnellement, pouvez-vous partager quelques informations à ce sujet ? Peut-être un document ou quelque chose du genre pour que nous puissions prendre connaissance de ces informations ?
Ce qui se passe dans ces régions d'Afrique est rarement documenté, ce sont souvent des légendes transmises de bouche à oreille, il n'y a aucune documentation à ce sujet, désolé.
Teleportation, there is a legend saying that some Pygmies (Bakas) from central Africa are capable of it, I would like to know if anyone on the forum has ever heard of this?
Hi Pierre, we have a lot of stories like that all over the continent (I live in Senegal), teleportation, telepathy, transmutation in animals or others personns, necromancy, etc. There are sorcerers all over the countries as african peoples are fascinated and frightened by psychic capabilities and mystic interference. I have heard a lot of stories like that from trustworthy persons. Most of african people believe strongly in surnatural forces and mystics powers, thus, by their belief and lack of emotional control, they are giving a lot of energy to entities that play with them. But some of them are truly connected with spirits world, with modernity peoples are more and more disconnected from others realm but still use sorcerers for material and social benefits.
Bonjour Pierre, nous avons beaucoup d'histoires comme celle-là sur tout le continent (je vis au Sénégal), téléportation, télépathie, transmutation en animaux ou en autres personnes, nécromancie, etc. Il y a des sorciers partout dans les pays car les peuples africains sont fascinés et effrayés par les capacités psychiques et les interférences mystiques. J'ai entendu beaucoup d'histoires comme celle-là de la part de personnes dignes de confiance. La plupart des africains croient fermement aux forces surnaturelles et aux pouvoirs mystiques, ainsi, par leur croyance et leur manque de contrôle émotionnel, ils donnent beaucoup d'énergie aux entités qui jouent avec eux. Mais certains d'entre eux sont vraiment connectés au monde des esprits, avec la modernité les peuples sont de plus en plus déconnectés des autres royaumes mais utilisent toujours les sorciers pour des avantages matériels et sociaux.

Et oui ce genre de croyance, de fascination et de peur pour les capacités psychiques est aussi omniprésente en Haïti mon pays d'origine qui est composé (à 95%) de descendants africains dont je fais partie, j'ai pu voir de mes propres yeux des cas de possession de personnes par des "entités" portant le nom de "Loas" qui peuvent manifester des capacités psychiques telles que la prescience, l'invulnérabilité au feu et aux objets tranchants..., c'est effrayant mais c'est totalement ancré dans la culture haïtienne, je me suis toujours demandé si ces entités ces Loas sont des manifestations de quatrième densité ou peut-être d'autres dimensions ?!
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@Pierre Alix since this is an English speaking forum, please translate your posts into English. An online translator works fine.

And yes, this kind of belief, fascination and fear of psychic abilities is also ubiquitous in Haiti, my country of origin which is made up (95%) of African descendants, including myself. I've seen with my own eyes cases of people being possessed by “entities” bearing the name “Loas” who can manifest psychic abilities such as prescience, invulnerability to fire and sharp objects. ..., it's frightening, but it's totally rooted in Haitian culture, and I've always wondered whether these Loas entities are manifestations of fourth density or perhaps of other dimensions!

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Ce qui se passe dans ces régions d'Afrique est rarement documenté, ce sont souvent des légendes transmises de bouche à oreille, il n'y a aucune documentation à ce sujet, désolé.

What happens in these parts of Africa is rarely documented, it's often legends passed on by word of mouth, there's no documentation about it, sorry.

I see, can you give us a bit of what you have heard from the stories you remember?
Et oui ce genre de croyance, de fascination et de peur pour les capacités psychiques est aussi omniprésente en Haïti mon pays d'origine qui est composé (à 95%) de descendants africains dont je fais partie, j'ai pu voir de mes propres yeux des cas de possession de personnes par des "entités" portant le nom de "Loas" qui peuvent manifester des capacités psychiques telles que la prescience, l'invulnérabilité au feu et aux objets tranchants..., c'est effrayant mais c'est totalement ancré dans la culture haïtienne, je me suis toujours demandé si ces entités ces Loas sont des manifestations de quatrième densité ou peut-être d'autres dimensions ?!
Mystic bestiaries are huge, can't tell anything now, but I hope to learn more on it in the future. Those knowledges are not easy accessible.

I see, can you give us a bit of what you have heard from the stories you remember?
Since it is really difficult to cross the jungle of Central Africa, some Pygmies claim that they use teleportation to move from one point to another in the jungle, according to them it is an ancestral skill that must be transmitted in the greatest secrecy, an uninitiated person must not know the magic formulas allowing such a feat, this initiation lasts about 72 hours (3 days) and after the person will be able to use this kind of "power" himself.
Most of african people believe strongly in surnatural forces and mystics powers, thus, by their belief and lack of emotional control, they are giving a lot of energy to entities that play with them. But some of them are truly connected with spirits world, with modernity peoples are more and more disconnected from others realm but still use sorcerers for material and social benefits.
I found that with Sout Slavs too ... they are more like Africans than Slavic people, possibly they are more related to Africans than Slavic too, and just conquered by Slavs as by any others in the past ...
Since it is really difficult to cross the jungle of Central Africa, some Pygmies claim that they use teleportation to move from one point to another in the jungle, according to them it is an ancestral skill that must be transmitted in the greatest secrecy, an uninitiated person must not know the magic formulas allowing such a feat, this initiation lasts about 72 hours (3 days) and after the person will be able to use this kind of "power" himself.

Dear Pierre Alix, I really hope you are not thinking of going through the Central African jungle that way.
For your sake, don't even think about that shortcut.
What you have told sounds creepy!
There is no way such ancestral knowledge can be acquired in 72 hours.
I don't even want to imagine what they will do to people during that “hyperdimensional journey”.
Sounds like abduction to me.
I'm glad you asked about it.

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Dear Pierre Alix, I really hope you are not thinking of going through the Central African jungle that way.
For your sake, don't even think about that shortcut.
What you have told sounds creepy!
There is no way such ancestral knowledge can be acquired in 72 hours.
I don't even want to imagine what they will do to people during that “hyperdimensional journey”.
Sounds like abduction to me.
I'm glad you asked about it.

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I had found that there was something fishy in there, in the phenomenon itself I immediately said to myself that there must be hyperdimensional entities involved.
No, it has nothing to do with the kidnappings. You are more likely to be abducted if you have a fear of something mystical. Abductees who are distracted, upset about something, depressed if their attention is scattered. Here, on the contrary, you need concentration. This trick is really easy to learn. I think it's a 4D ability. There are many stories about the famous medium Wolf Messing and his meetings with Stalin. Back in Germany, Messing used this method when he was riding on a train without a ticket, he showed the controller an empty piece of paper he picked up off the floor and the controller composted this “ticket”. The mysterious story of Messing's escape from a German prison, he hypnotized the guards and locked them in a cell. Stalin tested Messing's abilities, he gave him the task of taking 100,000 rubles in a bank on a blank piece of paper. Messing did it. There is a legend about Messing meeting Stalin in the Kremlin. Stalin stood at the window and asked Messing - what he sees in the window, Messing described in detail. Stalin then instructed Messing to go through the entire Kremlin without a pass. Messing did so. Stalin asked - how! Messing replied - I have become you. The guards greeted Messing, mistaking him for Stalin. Of course, they are completely different, but people saw exactly what Messing was “showing” them. Even if these memories of Messing are a myth and a hoax, this phenomenon does exist. It's easy for me, I do it sometimes. For fun, practice, or if I'm too lazy to interact in 3D. But I give you my word of honor that I will never use these abilities to rob a bank. ))
Existence in 3D is like a frame of motion picture film. One moment - you exist, the next moment - there is nothing, everything exists in potential. (This is where dark matter needs to be studied). All the secrets, all the most important things are hidden exactly between the “frames”, in the moments of nothingness. That is where reality is formed.
If you know how to control your consciousness, you can become invisible to others. Or look like an animal.
Werewolf stories are the same phenomenon. Mentally unhealthy people imagine themselves as an animal so much that those around them actually see them as animals.
It is quite difficult for the average person to concentrate their attention. This can be called total cognitive impairment in most people. Brain researchers claim that a person is constantly “flying away”, “absent”, experiencing episodes of absence, and falling into microsleeps. There is an opinion that this is how the brain rests. Well, yes, it's a dangerous state. One must train oneself to be mindful and aware every moment. At least that. And being able to disappear, transform, move objects is a more advanced skill of concentration. No mysticism! It's physics! ;)

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