
I have not heard of this but looked up the word 'teleportation' just to see what I could find.

In Japan, there is shukuchi:

The cryptic DeepL translation (from Japanese) of the Fei Changfang page is this.

Then, on 'teleportation' itself, the wiki has this to say about it:

So I wonder, if the Baka are said to teleport, is the right question being asked?
The teleportation of the Bakas corresponds directly with the hypothetical transfer of matter or energy from one point to another without crossing the physical space that separates them, or it is a phenomenon that is quantum entanglement.
I've been ponitoring the Lwa (the word means “mystery”). Here's what Wiki says - Lwa means “spiritual guides,” mediators. As a result of the syncretic influence of other religions (mainly Catholicism), they were often worshipped in the form of Jesus, Mary, and Catholic saints.
Thus, Christian prayers addressed to saints are nothing more than a likeness of Voodoo. (Is it useful?)
Lwa maman Bridget is of Irish descent ))
Dambala and Ida Vedo - symbolize the Milky Way galaxy.
I am not religious, but I once turned on a sermon by an Orthodox priest and listened to an episode where the priest was explaining how to pray. He said - don't imagine any images when you pray! He didn't say the word “astral projections,” but he obviously knew what he was talking about. There is a similar instruction in all religions - don't make idols for yourself, don't make any images. We don't even realize how powerful our imagination is. This world is ruled by visualization. “The human mind creates monsters.” And gives them its power, gives them its energy.
The lwa family, plain and simple, is our Ancestors. Any monument to famous people is also a Lwa. C said that ancestors can give strength and vice versa, can have a negative impact. We can choose for ourselves which of the ancestors to honor and what qualities to choose for ourselves.
Examples -
Arcadia - episode 15 of season 6 of The X-Files series
Kaddish - 15th episode of the 4th season of the X-Files series
The Fourth Kind
The Thanatonauts. Bernard Werber

A while back we had a massive craze for conscious dreaming. It became so popular that people were going into the astral in groups to fight with all sorts of evil things. Well... and one of my acquaintances, a brave stalker, ended up catching the apps, his condition was terrible.

There is a saying in Russian - “If you don't know the ford, don't go into the water”. ;)

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