
The C's warned us ages ago not try to intentionally disconnection from our physical bodies and having out of body experiences.
I have never done anything on purpose, no psychoactive substances or stimulants, no special “practices”. My abilities are innate.
Body splitting started as a result of intensive research work.
Something similar was described in a session that talked about Reiki initiation.
(I didn't have to do that either, as I have been able to apply what is now called Reiki since childhood. Not only that...)
The capabilities of the human brain are still unexplored. The more powerful this device a person has, the stronger the radiation.
The resources of our body are directed to keep this computer running, the brain is the priority. If this transformer works too powerfully, the body may not be able to withstand it and shut down. In medicine, this is called “spontaneous death”. The examination will not show anything, there will be no external and internal signs of illness, but all the systems will shut down.

Here is an interesting article about the work of scientists in the USSR on teleportation and other superpowers. The author of the article mentions only three laboratories. I know about the fourth one, where my friend's father worked.
(You can use a translator from Russian.)
“The man's body went into convulsions, after which he died within seconds. The same Professor Semenov claimed that death was due to disproportionate energy consumption by the brain, which resulted in a lack of body energy for the functioning of other systems and organs.”(с)

There are also secret laboratories, one of which is still stirring minds. This place was very carefully blown up (for what?), now curious diggers are getting in there and trying to get to the main building. It's the most classified place. It's suspected to be a repeat of the Philadelphia Experiment. So far, it's just a legend. About other secret laboratories information leaked, but about this grandiose laboratory is impossible to learn something, very carefully hidden. People joke that they teleported tanks there. )) Or it's not a joke. Or the truth is somewhere near.
This facility is built in a mystical place.
Mukhina Balka, where the bunker is located, has been considered a cursed place for centuries. This is evidenced by quite reliable historical sources. A thousand years ago in the gully there was a temple of the Meotians, who found here a center of mystical energy.

Later, in the middle of the XV century, a noble Venetian merchant Josaphat Barbaro arrived here. Formally, he went to establish trade, but suspiciously quickly cooled down to commerce, instead of arranging in Mukhina gully grandiose excavations. What was the purpose of the search, Barbaro kept secret. However, upon returning home and writing his famous book about the journey, Don Barbaro mentioned in it: “We found everything as predicted, and we believed even more in what we had been told.”

Today it is already known: in his homeland, Barbaro was a member of a secret mystical society whose members studied occult mysteries. What did the Venetian unearth - an underground temple, a pre-flood artifact, a portal between worlds?
(I'm a bit interested in the topics of (body) levitation and teleportation because I dreamt of these "superpowers" many times. I read some stories of catholic nuns, saints or hinduist masters levitating... I'm still skeptical about the reality of such phenomena, even some part of me -- maybe childish -- is amused by it, and willing to try.)
Since it is really difficult to cross the jungle of Central Africa, some Pygmies claim that they use teleportation to move from one point to another in the jungle,
I'm skeptical about that, for some "physical" reason.

Now I'm sitting on a chair at my desk. Let's say that I would be able to teleport myself, and that I decide to do so, to a chair in another room. What if someone else is already sitting on this chair, that I don't have consciousness of ? :scared:

So imagine in the jungle ! How to be sure there is no other animal, fallen tree, etc. in the place one intends to teleport ?
Or do they first check by astral journey, before really teleporting ? :whistle:
according to them it is an ancestral skill that must be transmitted in the greatest secrecy, an uninitiated person must not know the magic formulas allowing such a feat, this initiation lasts about 72 hours (3 days) and after the person will be able to use this kind of "power" himself.
If such initiation exist, it's probably not about "magic formulas" ! :lol:
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(I'm a bit interested in the topics of (body) levitation and teleportation because I dreamt of these "superpowers" many times. I read some stories of catholic nuns, saints or hinduist masters levitating... I'm still skeptical about the reality of such phenomena, even some part of me -- maybe childish -- is amused by it, and willing to try.)

I'm skeptical about that, for some "physical" reason.

Now I'm sitting on a chair at my desk. Let's say that I would be able to teleport myself, and that I decide to do so, to a chair in another room. What if someone else is already sitting on this chair, that I don't have consciousness of ? :scared:

So imagine in the jungle ! How to be sure there is no other animal, fallen tree, etc. in the place one intends to teleport ?
Or do they first check by astral journey, before really teleporting ? :whistle:

If such initiation exist, it's probably not about "magic formulas" ! :lol:
Your questions are supposed to be about teleportation, like if we teleport, won't we land in a wall (because we don't know where we're going to land), but I have a hypothesis if this phenomenon really exists, it is the person's higher Consciousness that directs it in order to avoid any surprises in advance like rematerializing in another person's body for example, don't underestimate magic formulas, it works like the placebo effect in medicine (if you really believe it will work, it can work) or maybe they use other techniques, I don't know. I can tell you personally that some of these phenomena do indeed exist (I used to be skeptical about the existence of these phenomena, because my Haitian compatriots are very superstitious and really believe in the existence of mystical phenomena) such as out-of-body experiences in the astral for example (I sometimes do it but involuntarily), or telekinesis (for telekinesis we try to turn a pyramid made of aluminum foil on itself by thought, we put a medical mask on our face (so as not to blow the aluminum foil), sometimes we put our pyramid under glass to verify the veracity of the phenomenon and it works). There are YouTube videos to teach you how to train yourself to do it but they are in French.
Your questions are supposed to be about teleportation, like if we teleport, won't we land in a wall (because we don't know where we're going to land), but I have a hypothesis if this phenomenon really exists, it is the person's higher Consciousness that directs it in order to avoid any surprises in advance like rematerializing in another person's body for example, don't underestimate magic formulas, it works like the placebo effect in medicine (if you really believe it will work, it can work) or maybe they use other techniques, I don't know. I can tell you personally that some of these phenomena do indeed exist (I used to be skeptical about the existence of these phenomena, because my Haitian compatriots are very superstitious and really believe in the existence of mystical phenomena) such as out-of-body experiences in the astral for example (I sometimes do it but involuntarily), or telekinesis (for telekinesis we try to turn a pyramid made of aluminum foil on itself by thought, we put a medical mask on our face (so as not to blow the aluminum foil), sometimes we put our pyramid under glass to verify the veracity of the phenomenon and it works). There are YouTube videos to teach you how to train yourself to do it but they are in French.
Once, 15 years ago, I had fun teleporting. The usual stuff. )) You're standing in a traffic jam on the road and you want to go faster. Out of boredom I started moving these cars, they moved, but not as fast as I would have liked. Then I thought - we need to move large arrays. In the evening I asked my Source - was I doing the right thing? The answer was “The Word! In the beginning was the word.” What? What am I supposed to do with that? OK, I thought the answer meant stop doing nonsense, do something useful. Spoiler alert, researching “The Word” has led to some absolutely amazing results and discoveries. They are so extensive that it's impossible to summarize everything here.
So, what is “the word” and why did my Source direct me into this research.
Biblical teaching has been changed. For example, the Bible refers to Jesus as the Logos.
The translation was first distorted by Justin, who philosophically played with two possible meanings of the Greek word logos: “word” and “understanding.” In his view, Christians received the “word” in the form of Christ. However, logos in the sense of “reasoning” is in everyone, including Gentiles. Thus, Justin concluded that all who live in harmony with reason, even atheists and those considered as such, such as Socrates and others, are Christians.
Moreover, in seeking to establish a connection between Jesus and the logos from Greek philosophy, which was closely related to the person of God, apologists, including Tertullian, followed a path that eventually led to the dogma of the Trinity.
Here we see the meaning of the word “Word” as understanding, realization, meanings.

Also, “word” is the consciousness of Christ.
OK, with words you can kill, with words you can heal, with words you can indoctrinate (program) and vice versa, reprogram the mind.
Gurdjieff said that we should discover destructive programs in ourselves and get rid of them one by one. I managed to create such a program for diagnosing and detecting these programs, as well as for reprogramming them. These are linguistic formulas, codes of consciousness.
Here we touch upon another topic that S. pointed out. - the study of languages. Languages are the code of consciousness. (And consciousness controls reality).
I was able to discover an ancient language, I called it the language of the Atlanteans. This language is spoken by a small group of people in remote Siberia near Krasnoyarsk. I researched the construction of this language. Surprisingly, 75% of the language is made up of continuous verbs. And words are repeated several times all the time. For example, these people live on a riverbank deep in the taiga and their survival depends on fish. They sing - the fish are coming, coming, coming, already coming, the fish are coming, a lot of fish are already coming, coming, coming. What are they doing? Are they calling for fish? Nothing like that, they are self-programming. It's like autohypnosis, they put themselves into a state of belief that it's already happening. They visualize. That's how they affect reality. And therein lies the secret of all “miracles”. There are no miracles. Miracles are a degree of Knowledge. Teleportation is not about moving through space. It is changing one's consciousness and thus warping space. You don't have to jump across the desert. You just have to imagine that you are already there. And you are where your consciousness is. (Do your homework, meditate on unstable gravitational waves.) ;)

All right.

Strong's Concordance G3056 - logos - Strong's Greek Lexicon (kjv)

It's one of the authoritative Greek-English dictionaries, let's see--
3056. Logos - has many meanings - thought, mental faculty, reason, show, work.
The term has a double meaning! And it is unlikely that the first was the spoken word. not the thought. ;)
Logos - means a type of thinking! Bingo!
(And by the way, our thoughts make sounds, they create the electromagnetic field, they control.... gravity waves. They create all these things we see around us).

Translated with (free version)
Your questions are supposed to be about teleportation, like if we teleport, won't we land in a wall (because we don't know where we're going to land),
No, I haven't written that.
In the way I see it, I suppose that one can only "teleport" (her/his body) to a place that one knows already.
But the state of this place may have changed since the last time you were there (even by astral projection a few seconds before)...
but I have a hypothesis if this phenomenon really exists, it is the person's higher Consciousness that directs it in order to avoid any surprises in advance like rematerializing in another person's body for example,
Why not having this hypothesis, but how would you test it ?
don't underestimate magic formulas, it works like the placebo effect in medicine (if you really believe it will work, it can work)
To me, "magic formulas" are just a sign toward some real knowledge.
By itself, a "magic formula" is of no use for someone "not initiated", which means having not integrated such knowledge.
or maybe they use other techniques, I don't know.
Then, if you don't know, investigate more...
You can make some assumptions (if you're conscious of making them), or hypothesis, but you need to gather more data to check with reality and validate them.
I can tell you personally that some of these phenomena do indeed exist (...) such as out-of-body experiences in the astral for example (I sometimes do it but involuntarily), or telekinesis (...), sometimes we put our pyramid under glass to verify the veracity of the phenomenon and it works).
Yeah, I know that "paranormal" phenomena do exist. I wouldn't be here on this forum if the other case. ;-)
There are YouTube videos to teach you how to train yourself to do it but they are in French.
I know too. (And I'm French.)
Once, 15 years ago, I had fun teleporting.
Here you state that you practiced (and so are able to) teleport.
But the following doesn't match the common definition of teleporting !
The usual stuff. ))
IMHO, you should be conscious of your "spiritual" ego delighting in your (self-stated) "superpowers". ("Look, I'm so superior !")
You can get rid of it... ;-)
You're standing in a traffic jam on the road and you want to go faster.
"You", me ? No, you ! So : "I'm ...".
Out of boredom I started moving these cars, they moved, but not as fast as I would have liked. Then I thought - we need to move large arrays.
Cars moving in a traffic jam... that's common ! Why do you assume it's the consequence of your "wish", or action ?
In the evening I asked my Source - was I doing the right thing? The answer was “The Word! In the beginning was the word.” What? What am I supposed to do with that? OK, I thought the answer meant stop doing nonsense, do something useful. Spoiler alert, researching “The Word” has led to some absolutely amazing results and discoveries. They are so extensive that it's impossible to summarize everything here.
So, what is “the word” and why did my Source direct me into this research.
Is that an answer to my remark about "magic formulas" ?
OK, with words you can kill, with words you can heal, with words you can indoctrinate (program) and vice versa, reprogram the mind.
Can you give us examples of words able to kill, or heal, please ?
Gurdjieff said that we should discover destructive programs in ourselves and get rid of them one by one. I managed to create such a program for diagnosing and detecting these programs, as well as for reprogramming them. These are linguistic formulas, codes of consciousness.
Here we touch upon another topic that S. pointed out. - the study of languages. Languages are the code of consciousness. (And consciousness controls reality).
Languages are indeed frames for the ("linguistic") mind. But not for the complete mind, which includes also "non-linguistic" parts (for instance geometric/space intuitive mind, or the musical mind).
I was able to discover an ancient language, I called it the language of the Atlanteans. This language is spoken by a small group of people in remote Siberia near Krasnoyarsk. I researched the construction of this language. Surprisingly, 75% of the language is made up of continuous verbs. And words are repeated several times all the time. For example, these people live on a riverbank deep in the taiga and their survival depends on fish. They sing - ["] the fish are coming, coming, coming, already coming, the fish are coming, a lot of fish are already coming, coming, coming ["]. What are they doing? Are they calling for fish? Nothing like that, they are self-programming. It's like autohypnosis, they put themselves into a state of belief that it's already happening. They visualize. That's how they affect reality. And therein lies the secret of all “miracles”. There are no miracles. Miracles are a degree of Knowledge.
Teleportation is not about moving through space.
Yes, by definition...
It is changing one's consciousness and thus warping space. You don't have to jump across the desert. You just have to imagine that you are already there. And you are where your consciousness is.
Here I'm talking (only or mainly) about body teleportation.
Consciousness is out of space/time. It can gather informations remotely, or in the past and future. That's quite common.
And I'm neither talking about astral projection.
But "material" body (or object) teleportation.
(Do your homework, meditate on unstable gravitational waves.) ;)
Could you please explain a bit the link between teleportation and "unstable gravitational waves" ?
Logos - means a type of thinking! Bingo!
(And by the way, our thoughts make sounds, they create the electromagnetic field, they control.... gravity waves.
To me, it looks that you're mixing things happily...
They create all these things we see around us).
So "you're creating your own reality" (YCYOR) ?
No objective reality exists, then ?
Also, for @Pierre Alix :
Teleportation, there is a legend saying that some Pygmies (Bakas) from central Africa are capable of it, I would like to know if anyone on the forum has ever heard of this?
You created this thread in the "Questions for the Cs" subsection of the forum.
But do you have any questions for the Cs ?

If not, why not posting the "The Unexplained/PSI" subsection ?
(Even if teleportation is not pure PSI, depending on the definition.)
NB : I'm not confusing/mistaking teleportation and astral projection.

(I've read about Padre Pio's, or recently about some other catholic saint's, ability to "freeze" his body, and projects his astral body elsewhere, where he was able to be viewed and heard by someone else, sometimes animating "remotely" a mass.)

So please distinguish these different cases.
Don't you have a sense of humor?
Yes I have, why such a question ?

But probably not the same as yours.
You can't imagine that everybody has not the same sense of humor ?
You don't recognize jokes?
Indeed, I haven't recognized a joke in what you've written, the way it's written.
(BTW, you put no smiley : adding a smiley can help the readers discerning humor.)

Please notice that English is a foreign language for me (as stated in my signature), and for you IIRC, so it adds some difficulty.
Value Judgments.
No. I'm not interested in you.
You should : I'm exchanging with you.

Anyway... :rolleyes:
Thank you for sharing this. I did experience that when I am focused and in full attention, I can literary project and amplify talents into others and make them work their best with ease and in harmony with others like clockwork. It confused me for a long time how they couldn't keep on using their talents and work as they did when working with me when they worked alone or with other art directors, and that also led me to some similar research that can be summed as you nicely pointed out:

"Existence in 3D is like a frame of motion picture film. One moment - you exist, the next moment - there is nothing, everything exists in potential. (This is where dark matter needs to be studied). All the secrets, all the most important things are hidden exactly between the “frames”, in the moments of nothingness. That is where reality is formed."

And I also experienced that when I am not any more focused on that in full amplification, no matter if I am physically present or not, the viewers are also unable to see all that was there when I was "projecting" it into that experience from a higher source of consciousness.

You helped me now to realise why it is important to keep that mental and emotionally focused "attachment" positively, and not to get influenced to abandon that important part of 3D manifestation, even if not understood by any other, it is definitely the most important part that enables others to see all rich details by themself.
I really enjoy the highlighted paragraph however I’m having a hard time understanding it. Could you internet or rephrase it for those of us denser forum members?
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