
I really enjoy the highlighted paragraph however I’m having a hard time understanding it. Could you internet or rephrase it for those of us denser forum members?
The ancient aporia (Greek for “hopelessness, stalemate”) of Zeno of Eleia, “The Flying Arrow,” poses a riddle: what is moving in the flight of an arrow, if every elementary instant of time the flying arrow is at rest. Now, this can be demonstrated very well by filming the flight of the arrow on motion picture film moving at 24 frames per second, and then viewing the movie frames on the film separately. In each of the frames of the motion picture film, the arrow is at rest.

The great German thinker of the period of transition from the philosophy of the Middle Ages to the philosophy of the Renaissance revealed the unity of rest and movement wrapped up in it:
“The same unity is rest, insofar as movement is wrapped up in it, which, if we look closely, is rest arranged in a series. Accordingly, movement is the unfolding of rest"(c) Nicholas of Cusa, 15th century

This is the same unity as the coiled implicative level of order in the Bohm-Pribram holographic paradigm.

Physical time, a fundamental physical reality, which should not be confused with empirical time, which is shown by clocks, rotates the “film” of existence. This is Time with a capital letter, which serves as a source of all kinds of motion and energy, like an alternating current that varies in magnitude (and direction). The frequency of oscillation of physical time is approximately 10^43 quanta of time (Hertz) per second. It is at this frequency that the energy of physical time will change in magnitude from maximum to minimum in 1 second.

1 second divided by Planck time 5.4-10^^-44 sec = 1.85-10^43 quanta of time

For comparison: in terms of seconds, the 13.8 years of the Universe's existence from the Big Bang to the present day will be “only” about 5-10^17 seconds. And time quanta in one second are already about 10^43, i.e. 20 trillion trillion trillion times more than seconds in the life of the Universe. Not a bad frequency of “frames” of the Universal “movie projector”, isn't it!

Hypothetically, we could be different in every moment, a petite brunette in one moment, a tall blonde in another moment. )) But somehow it doesn't happen. It's possible that that's where the attachment programs are built in between the frames.

For reflection - look at what the 25th frame does to the consciousness. And compare it with the frame rate of our quantum movie film. Yeah...

(Does that make more sense now?)

Il appelle l’électricité statique.
Lors de la télékinésie sous un bocal en verre il n'y a pas d'électricité statique. Je vous conseille de ne pas regarder juste la petite vidéo et d'aller regarder ces vraies vidéos sur YouTube et d'entendre ses explications. Je sais que certains utilisent l'électricité statique pour tricher, voire souffler sur l'objet très discrètement pour le faire bouger. Comme je l'ai moi-même essayé en suivant ses explications cela m'a pris plus d'une semaine, mais un jour ma pyramide normale en papier (ce n'était pas en aluminium) s'est mise à tourner je pensais que c'était dû à mon souffle ou à un courant d'air (je mets un masque sur mon visage, l'objet tourne, puis je le mets sous un bocal en verre l'objet se met à tourner dès que je pense à le faire tourner). -En cas de frottement entre certains matériaux, les électrons, mobiles car en orbite autour du noyau, peuvent être arrachés à certains atomes et attirés par d'autres, ce qui change la charge électrique de la matière : on parle d'électricité statique. Pour avoir de l'électricité statique il faut frotter fort les mains pour la générer, elle ne fera bouger que de très petits objets et vos mains doivent être extrêmement proches de l'objet. Lorsque j'ai obtenu un résultat, je fixe simplement l'objet avec mes yeux, sans aucune imposition des mains.
Se llama electricidad estática.
When telekinesis under a glass jar there is no static electricity. I advise you not to just watch the short video and go watch these real videos on YouTube and hear his explanations. I know that some use static electricity to cheat, or even blow on the object very discreetly to make it move. Since I tried it myself following his explanations it took me more than a week, but one day my normal paper pyramid (it was not aluminum) started to turn I thought it was due to my breath or a draft (I put a mask on my face, the object turns, then I put it under a glass jar the object starts to turn as soon as I think about making it turn). -In the event of friction between certain materials, electrons, mobile because they orbit the nucleus, can be torn from certain atoms and attracted by others, which changes the electrical charge of the matter: we are talking about static electricity. To have static electricity you have to rub your hands hard to generate it, it will only move very small objects and your hands must be extremely close to the object. When I have achieved a result I just stare at the object with my eyes, without any laying on of hands.
I looked for mentions of teleportation (teleport, teleporting, teleported) in the sessions transcripts, and I was able to find only a few :

January 21 said:
Q: (D) I have a question. Transdimensional atomic remolecularization, is this teleportation?

A: Close.

Q: (D) Okay, so this is the way we will transfer from 3rd to 4th?

A: Technology for this purpose.

Q: (D) Well, is this the way they're going to move the new bodies to the ancient earth?

A: No. That is a natural process.

Q: (T) They're creating the bodies now with the genetic engineering. (D) Yeah, I know, but...

A: TDARM is tech.

Q: (T) What was that? Was it a word? (J) I have no idea. Please repeat the entire...

A: Abbreviation

Q: (L) Trans Dimensional Atomic ReMolecularization! Got it. (T) It's on the tip of everybody's tongue these days! (...)

May 31st said:
Q: In the information I now have on the Canaries, I found that a strange icon appeared on the island long before the conquest, long before any missionaries or Europeans arrived. The natives were the big, blond types. They said that they knew this icon was divine because following its appearance, there were processions of angels, or divine beings, up and down the beach where it appeared, lights, smells, chanting and singing and so forth. How did the statue of the Virgin of Candelaria arrive on the beach at Tenerife?

A: Teleportation.

Q: Who teleported it there?

A: The "Celts."

Q: Celts in the sense of the Druids?

A: Or in the sense of Atlanteans. (...)

July 4th 2009 said:
Q: (L) Okay, enough on that. Next? (A**) I was gonna ask about Chaco Canyon. What was it built for?

A: Gathering place for those of unusual abilities.

Q: (A***) Did anybody actually live there?

A: More like a "conference center."

Q: (A**) So what happened to the people that used it?

A: Change of cosmic environment followed by earthly difficulties such as famine, climate etc.

Q: (J) What kind of things did those people with unusual abilities do when they gathered together?

A: Well, levitate, for one; direct manifestation for another; and "travel".

Q: (Allen) So, could they travel from one spot on the planet to another?

A: Yes.

Q: (A*l) Could they teleport?

A: Yes.

Q: (J) Teleport... These weren't your average human beings then. (laughter)

A: No not exactly, but it wasn't the same environment you currently enjoy either.

Q: (A**) Where did these people come from?

A: Remnant Atlanteans. Descendants for the word sticklers.

Q: (L) I think that's because once, somebody made a big deal out of them saying "remnants of Atlantis" and they meant descendants. (A*l) Do they mean that if our environment wasn't so polluted that we could have super powers? (L) They said "cosmic environment".

A: Gravity is different now.

Q: (A*l) What happened to gravity? How'd it change?

A: Travels of the solar system through space. You are heading for another such changes soon.

Q: (A*l) Are we going to become super again?

A: Some will.

Q: (A*l) Me? (J) Is A*l going to become super again? (laughter)

A: If you are prepared.

Q: (A*l) So I need to like load up? Lock and load? (A**) Eat your spinach! (L) Seriously, the spinach is the main thing! (laughter) (J) It's part of the acclimatization. (Allen) At Chaco Canyon, they ate lots of spinach. (A*l) So I'll be able to like teleport? And you guys will be able to, too? (C) We don't know. (A*l) We can like teleport and visit each other in our rooms?

A: Wait and see!

Q: (A**) Will we have superpowers like this idiot savant guy... (Allen) He's not an idiot savant, just a savant. (A**) Okay, the savant guy... (C) Daniel Tammet.

A: Some will. That is much like 4D experience.

Q: (A**) So we'll be able to like feel and see numbers?

A: Hear colors...

Q: (A**) That's cool! (C) So does that mean that he's kind of an advanced person or...

A: Not necessarily advanced, but just the luck of the genes so to say. That sort of thing, and much else, is coded in many and now and then it activates.

Q: (A**) So, it was activated by his seizure? It did something to his brain?

A: Partly, yes.

Q: (A**) Cool, I want some of that man! (C) Yeah... (A*l) You want a seizure?! (A**) He can learn a language in a week!

A: So will you one day.

Q: (A**) I will?? I need that!

A: Patience pays.

Q: (C) Can similar abilities be gained by practicing?

A: Not really.

Q: (DD) I've been practicing my French for five years! (laughter) (A*l) When is this gravity change going to occur? (L) Read the transcripts. (A**) The next five years. (...)

April 26th 2014 said:
Q: (L) Next? (Menrva) [To trendsetter37] Do you want to ask about the stuff we were talking about earlier, about teleportation and your other ideas?

A: Wait for 4D for that!

Q: (Perceval) We didn't even hear what you were talking about. We didn't even know what the question was, and that was the answer. (Chu) We didn't hear you. (L) What was the question? (Menrva) We had an interesting discussion around the breakfast table this morning involving really interesting questions... This guy [trendsetter37] is really brilliant. We were just talking about if we should post on the forum for feedback and sharing ideas and stuff, so... That's what that was about. (trendsetter37) I'll make a post about the conversation. Is it safe to discuss the topics we discussed this morning on the forum, or in a more private nature in person?

A: Wait for communications system to be installed and group environment that erects a barrier of safety.

Q: (L) In short, be circumspect, I think.
Also this story is of interest :
Douchan Gersi in his book 'Faces In The Smoke' wrote of his witnessing an actual case of teleportation where a shaman disappeared in front of him to reappear at a location selected by Gersi to retrieve an object at that location and return it to Gersi. Soon the shaman reappeared with the object to return it to Gersi. The Shaman was among a small group of shamans who specialized in this who called themselves 'The Flying Men'.

As the shaman disappeared he noticed a trail of smoke and heat left behind that resembled a witches broom and he speculated that this may have been the cause of the legends of the witches broom associated with witches in modern literature. He asked the shaman how he did this and the shaman replied that (under the control of a 'spiritual intelligence') the atoms in his physical body increased in vibration to the astral level and when he reached the remote location after the "transmission" his astral body lowered in frequency and was reassembled to the physical where he retrieved the object and returned to Gersi using the same method.

Prior to teleporting the shaman asked him what the directions were to the remote location!
So it may be that teleportation is indeed possible and we may be seeing this more and more as The Wave increases. FWIW.
When telekinesis under a glass jar there is no static electricity. (...) I know that some use static electricity to cheat, or even blow on the object very discreetly to make it move.
If you're interested in telekinesis (TK) or psychokinesis (PK), then you should check this conference by a physicist who studied TK through sophisticated experiments :

Also this one :

and the videos from the LAPDC (the lab this physicist created to study rationally these phenomena) :

But we're drifting from the initial topic : teleportation. (There may have link between them... who knows ?)
When telekinesis under a glass jar there is no static electricity. I advise you not to just watch the short video and go watch these real videos on YouTube and hear his explanations. I know that some use static electricity to cheat, or even blow on the object very discreetly to make it move. Since I tried it myself following his explanations it took me more than a week, but one day my normal paper pyramid (it was not aluminum) started to turn I thought it was due to my breath or a draft (I put a mask on my face, the object turns, then I put it under a glass jar the object starts to turn as soon as I think about making it turn). -In the event of friction between certain materials, electrons, mobile because they orbit the nucleus, can be torn from certain atoms and attracted by others, which changes the electrical charge of the matter: we are talking about static electricity. To have static electricity you have to rub your hands hard to generate it, it will only move very small objects and your hands must be extremely close to the object. When I have achieved a result I just stare at the object with my eyes, without any laying on of hands.
Your questions are supposed to be about teleportation, like if we teleport, won't we land in a wall (because we don't know where we're going to land), but I have a hypothesis if this phenomenon really exists, it is the person's higher Consciousness that directs it in order to avoid any surprises in advance like rematerializing in another person's body for example, don't underestimate magic formulas, it works like the placebo effect in medicine (if you really believe it will work, it can work) or maybe they use other techniques, I don't know. I can tell you personally that some of these phenomena do indeed exist (I used to be skeptical about the existence of these phenomena, because my Haitian compatriots are very superstitious and really believe in the existence of mystical phenomena) such as out-of-body experiences in the astral for example (I sometimes do it but involuntarily), or telekinesis (for telekinesis we try to turn a pyramid made of aluminum foil on itself by thought, we put a medical mask on our face (so as not to blow the aluminum foil), sometimes we put our pyramid under glass to verify the veracity of the phenomenon and it works). There are YouTube videos to teach you how to train yourself to do it but they are in French.
In one of the Cs sessions it is mentioned that the Kantekians, before their planet exploded, came to Earth thanks to the Grail which teleported them.
This suggests that teleportation served to transport many people from the planet Kantek to Earth.
In the animated series they also illustrate teleportation.
I wonder if it's also true about fusion to create a super warrior.
Hok, The fusion thing is true. I didn't have time to prepare a piece on that. It'll be about ants and termites teleporting their queen.
Session 31 May 1997 :

Q: Let's back up here. You said that the Celts came from Kantek. They were transported by the Lizzies... brought here, correct?

A: Yes.
yet to find an explicit grail mention in this regard though
I think transport in this case means by spaceships, if it was by teleportation the Cassiopaeans would have said instead that the Kantekkians were teleported by the Lizzies.
I don't remember seeing that in the sessions. Can you find that and post it here?
February 26, 2002:

A: Multiple. In ancient times this object was called the Gift of God. It was used to aid in the manifestation of all things needful for existence.

Q: (A) Manifestation? (R) That sounds like Merkabah. The Matriarch Stone. The Mother Stone. (A) So it can do all kinds of things ... (R) Is this the Merkabah?

A: Mother Stone, yes.

Q: (R) So that's it! This is the real meaning of the Merkabah. Pretty neat. And there is only one of these available. This puts a very strange aspect on all this. (L) Where was it created?

A: Kantek.

Q: Was this what was used to help transport the Kantekkians to Earth at the time of the destruction of their planet?

A: Some of them. Others transported by Lizards.
Well, you could integrate the information yourself. Or just quote word for word like the Scribes and Pharisees. (I didn't look it up because it's obvious to me that this is psychic technology). It was said somewhere that the Grail is a technology. Not a machine, not a device, but a technology. Also, it was said that the Grail does every possible thing. EVERYTHING. Including teleportation.
In Ra's materials I also see the word "technology" applied to human superpowers. Then Hok, in the Grail thread, voices his hypothesis that perhaps the Grail is human. Bingo! In ancient legends, the Grail is associated with bloodlines, with special genetics (hence, with special abilities, possessing special technologies).
Obviously, Pierre thought the same way - "the 4th way Obviously Castaneda, Gurdjieff, Mouravieff propose the same Graal : fully developing our physical, intellectual and emotional capacities and then harmonizing / uniting them. Then something greater than the addition of the different elements appears the "I"......"(с)Pierre
MJF is thinking along the same lines here - ://

Q: (R) I was wondering about the possible positive uses of the device?
A: Multiple. In ancient times this object was called the Gift of God. It was used to aid in the manifestation of all things needful for existence.

Q: (A) Manifestation? (R) That sounds like Merkabah. The Matriarch Stone. The Mother Stone. (A) So it can do all kinds of things... (R ) Is this the Merkabah?
A: Mother Stone, yes.

Q: (R) So that's it! This is the real meaning of the Merkabah. Pretty neat. And there is only one of these available. This puts a very strange aspect on all this. (L) Where was it created?
A: Kantek.

Q: Was this what was used to help transport the Kantekkians to Earth at the time of the destruction of their planet?
A: Some of them. Others transported by Lizards.

Q: (L) When did that planet break apart into the asteroid belt?
A: 79 thousand years ago approximately.

Q: (L) The planet that was destroyed between Jupiter and Mars, you said was destroyed by psychic energy?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) What was the source of this psychic energy?
A: Beings inhabiting the planet.

Q: (L) Do beings in this area of the galaxy just sort of destroy their planets from time to time? Is this getting to be a habit?
A: Close. Has been.

Q: (L) Did any of those beings leave that planet and come to earth?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Who were they? Were they humans like us?
A: Blond and blue eyed descendants.

Q: (L) Was that a colder planet?
A: No.

Q: (L) Was that planet much like earth?
A: Yes. Blue eyes. Eye pigment was because planet was farther from Sol.

Q: (L) How did the people of that planet come to earth? Did they know it was going to be destroyed?
A: Some knew and were taken by Lizzies and they are the Anunnaki.


The lizards only delivered some.

Others could move on their own, using some kind of psychic technology they possessed.
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