termite dream


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Had this dream this morning. I am at my sister's apartment where termites are crawling around out in the open. Her place seems messy, with food left out on plates that are scattered about. The food that's left looks moldy, the termites maybe getting into the rest. I think she tells me in the dream that the bugs are termites, or somehow I already know this. I'm actually not that familiar with what termites look like. After looking them up online, they do resemble the insect in my dream.

Anyway, before seeing the termites at her place, my nephew (who lives with his mother) appears to say or do something kind of troubling. Afterwards, my sister and nephew seem to downplay it.

As an aside, both my sister and nephew have had some health issues. Had a bit of a scare about a month ago because of some symptoms she was having but were advised by the doctor that her condition isn't precancerous. When she visits my parents place, she'll often comment on how tired she is and look depressed.

I've been looking up more info on termites and what termites might be symbolic of. The book I usually go to, to find out more info about dream symbols is 'Earthway' by Mary Summer Rain. In it, she writes: 'Termites symbolize those aspects of life that serve to undermine an individual's moral, ethical, or spiritual foundation.' Find it interesting that in the dream, the termites are out in the open crawling around when they otherwise live underground. Apparently, it can also be really difficult to spot the signs of them.

Appreciate any insight into this dream.
Well, termites eat wood - in a house, the termites will be inside the walls, infesting the interior support beams, floor and ceiling joists, etc., essentially damaging the structure of the house. They typically infest houses that have water damage in the wooden beams, like from a leak in the roof which, over time, softens the wood and it begins to decay. Once the house becomes infested you will usually see them around places where the decay is bad enough and the infestation is high.

Flying ants are like termites and they're hard to tell apart from termites except that they only fly for one day (a mating ritual) and then their one wing falls off and they're like ants. Flying ants also eat into the wood of the structure, damaging the structure of the house and you will see them in various places, like ants.

I don't know if this helps in any way. I don't know much about dream symbolism but I'm hoping to learn.

Cleo said:
The book I usually go to, to find out more info about dream symbols is 'Earthway' by Mary Summer Rain. In it, she writes: 'Termites symbolize those aspects of life that serve to undermine an individual's moral, ethical, or spiritual foundation.' Find it interesting that in the dream, the termites are out in the open crawling around when they otherwise live underground. Apparently, it can also be really difficult to spot the signs of them.

Fascinating stuff, because in 'real life' termites eat away at the structure of one's house, or the wooden beams or floor which, I suppose get weakened and eventually collapse. I was going to ask whether your sister's house, place of residence or family structure was under some threat or pressure (financial or emotional) at all, perhaps from another family member? I noticed you didn't mention your brother in law, here either, so hopefully he's not a negative influence. It seems also that your nephew is aware of the problem too, but choses to 'down play' it like your sister does.

I would guess that you are connecting a physical problem she has with food and perhaps an inattention to the mess all around. It could be a sign that there is something that she has over looked or considers normal which is now causing her quite a problem.

Anyway, consider that my guess at any rate. I think there's more to this than meets the eye. Perhaps she, or your nephew, will confide in you about it soon.
I found only this link.It is Islamic interpreter of dreams, I do not know ... :( :huh:
Cleo, did you read the latest C's session before having the dream?

It's likely then that it may be related to the parasites mentioned.
Houses (and vehicles) usually symbolize ourselves, and the people in the dream elements of our psyche.
It's possible the dream is about those in it, but most of the time it's about ourselves.

So some thing to consider:
Are you underweight/skinny/lacking energy/have poor wound healing (parasites and mold 'eating your food')?
Have you suffered from (or are still suffering from) persistent health issues?
Just like a house being eaten by termites, do you feel sometimes like your 'just going to collapse' - or perhaps have suffered burnout and/or depression?

I can't say for sure if you fit the profile discussed in the autoimmune thread, but the symbols potentially suggest that.

Ruth's and ARC's interpretations should be considered too I think, as they also fit.
'Parasites' can be physical and/or our about our beliefs and emotional issues.
Thanks everyone for the feedback.

Ruth said:
Cleo said:
The book I usually go to, to find out more info about dream symbols is 'Earthway' by Mary Summer Rain. In it, she writes: 'Termites symbolize those aspects of life that serve to undermine an individual's moral, ethical, or spiritual foundation.' Find it interesting that in the dream, the termites are out in the open crawling around when they otherwise live underground. Apparently, it can also be really difficult to spot the signs of them.

Fascinating stuff, because in 'real life' termites eat away at the structure of one's house, or the wooden beams or floor which, I suppose get weakened and eventually collapse. I was going to ask whether your sister's house, place of residence or family structure was under some threat or pressure (financial or emotional) at all, perhaps from another family member? I noticed you didn't mention your brother in law, here either, so hopefully he's not a negative influence. It seems also that your nephew is aware of the problem too, but choses to 'down play' it like your sister does.

It is concerning that the termites might reflect this in my dream. A warning maybe about the state of ill health within my family, I don't know. I was told by my sister today that my niece went into the ER last night (my niece has idiopathic intracranial hypertension). She was diagnosed in 2011. Today, the doctor told her she will need surgery because there is a kink in the tubing of her shunt. My niece is living in another state right now and will likely be moving back to live here after her surgery. She called us crying today from the hospital after a spinal tap, which was a scare. I am more hyper vigilant anymore it seems, since the loss of my brother last year. Maybe I need to write more about this in the Swamp. Anyway, I still don't think I fully comprehend the severity of her condition.
Have found out since my last post that my niece may not undergo surgery after all. Very confusing, but it sounds like they are questioning whether it is necessary and will be doing more scans. My sister also mentioned today something about my niece having contracted bacterial meningitis some time ago (possibly from the shunt). Will need to talk to her more to verify.

RedFox said:
Cleo, did you read the latest C's session before having the dream?

It's likely then that it may be related to the parasites mentioned.
Houses (and vehicles) usually symbolize ourselves, and the people in the dream elements of our psyche.
It's possible the dream is about those in it, but most of the time it's about ourselves.

So some thing to consider:
Are you underweight/skinny/lacking energy/have poor wound healing (parasites and mold 'eating your food')?
Have you suffered from (or are still suffering from) persistent health issues?
Just like a house being eaten by termites, do you feel sometimes like your 'just going to collapse' - or perhaps have suffered burnout and/or depression?

I can't say for sure if you fit the profile discussed in the autoimmune thread, but the symbols potentially suggest that.

Ruth's and ARC's interpretations should be considered too I think, as they also fit.
'Parasites' can be physical and/or our about our beliefs and emotional issues.

Yeah, I had read the latest C's session several days prior to the dream and also part of the autoimmune thread (so thinking about parasites more in general). Both could have very likely influenced the dream content.

I have experienced several of the conditions mentioned above in varying degrees but I'm not sure how severe or debilitating they have ever been. I'm only a couple pages in of the Autoimmune thread so a lot more to read and find out on the topic. Wondering whether I might find information there that might also shed some light on her condition.
Hello Cleo,

Today I had a termit (ant) dream as well. Strange indeed, because few days before I did start to read your post and than have been distracted by other activities. So haven't finished it till today.
Do not remember in details. From what is still present in my memory. I had these creatures crawling all over my body leaving red, pimple-like wounds which were itching. I've received them from sleeping in my previous bed in a flat I spent all my childhood and teenage years. Flat in general as well as bed was a mess. Because of this mess these insect appear.
Ants were of the red color/type/kind. In a dream I do not have any sensation regarding them eating some sort of objects (like furniture, wood, floor etc...) As if their occupation was to crawl, bite & disturb people after direct contact with an object these creatures occupy.
Usually in my dreams insect on body are cause of concern and anxiety... and not a good sign.
Zee Ley-the type of ant you mentioned in your dream, makes me think of a fire ant. They are a stinging ant and after they sting they leave small red welts that itch.

The thing is, these wounds looked exactly like a teenage pimples with disgusting white points on top. Out of curiosity I googled the possible reasons of teenage pimples to appear. And guess what?! One of them is consumption of wheat, sugar and milk products.
Before having this dream I was aware about last transcript too.
Regarding so called dream structure

Cleo said:
Had this dream this morning. I am at my sister's apartment where termites are crawling around out in the open. Her place seems messy, with food left out on plates that are scattered about. The food that's left looks moldy, the termites maybe getting into the rest. I think she tells me in the dream that the bugs are termites, or somehow I already know this. I'm actually not that familiar with what termites look like. After looking them up online, they do resemble the insect in my dream.

Anyway, before seeing the termites at her place, my nephew (who lives with his mother) appears to say or do something kind of troubling. Afterwards, my sister and nephew seem to downplay it.

I am at the flat were I used to live before. The place is mess. No food though: only rags, dust & dirty garments scattered all over the place. I look at the bed I used to sleep till 20 years or so. Later on still living in the same place I've changed the bed though this other one (which is infested with insects in the dream) is still in that flat till today. Now I am 29.

While looking at the bed with termit like bugs crawling all over it my sight is moving to my left arm (from palm till elbow). The hand is covered with itching pimples. On my righthand side I feel a presence of my mother. No visual contact. I speak with her regarding these wounds. I realize that wounds appeared from bugs and my contact with infested bed.
Zee Ley said:

The thing is, these wounds looked exactly like a teenage pimples with disgusting white points on top. Out of curiosity I googled the possible reasons of teenage pimples to appear. And guess what?! One of them is consumption of wheat, sugar and milk products.
Before having this dream I was aware about last transcript too.

Ah ok, quite different than what a sting by a fire ant would cause. Interesting that your place in the dream was also messy when you saw the creepy crawly bugs.

FWIW, I found another interesting interpretation for termites at the website: _http://www.mydreamvisions.com/dreamdictionary/. Similar to the other I originally posted but with a bit more detail:


Sabotage or subterfuge, or stealthy activity. An eroding of structure, foundation, beliefs, morals, etc. Gradual change made through very small changes over time. Dreaming of this insect can represent:
  • Having too much of one of these qualities, or that you could benefit by being less this way
  • Not having enough of one of these qualities, or that you could benefit by being more like this
  • Someone or something in your real life with whom you associate one of these qualities (an event, situation, threat, etc.)
For more clues, pay attention to what the animal was doing or any particular characteristic that stood out.

At the site, there is also a dream symbol interpretation for insects and bugs in general.

Cleo said:
Ah ok, quite different than what a sting by a fire ant would cause. Interesting that your place in the dream was also messy when you saw the creepy crawly bugs.
As well as family members presented in one way or another.

Maybe I am trying to reinvent the wheel here but I avoid to use dream dictionaries.

This snippet from "Important Info on Dreams" works for me. It is very similar to the way I usualy work with dreams:

Zadius Sky said:
Now, onto a basic interpretation:
The following quote that was posted by Prodigal Son several times across the board (the word in "quotes" below often been replaced with whatever word in a person's dream - i.e., "food"), which proved to be helpful towards a dream analysis. It's from a book entitled Living Your Dreams (Gayle Delaney)

Dream action is about the dynamics of your own life (hopes, fears, questions, conflicts, way out of difficulties, possibilities, etc.) The dream action may use images from experiences of the previous day or so before, as well as others. The dream symbols may be both literal and symbolic interpretations – be curious and naïve in your interpretation.

Here are some questions to ask yourself, they may help. Or not.
When you re-experience the experiences in the dream, do they remind you of anything in life?

The setting, what does it feel like there? Does it remind you of anything in current life, any situation in life?

What is ‘food’ (tell me on the basis that I don’t know ‘food’), what is ‘food’ like in your dream? What does ‘food’ mean to you? How does it 'work'? How do you feel about it? What is it used for? (ask on the basis that I know nothing about it)

Does ‘food’ in your dream remind you of anything, any part of you, or anyone in your life? How?

Ask similar questions about ‘celebrations’.

What are ‘family members’? What is 'family members' like in your dream? What kind of personalities? What does 'family members' mean to you? What are ‘family members’’ doing in your dream? How do you feel about 'family members'?

What is your working, etc., relationship with ‘family members’’ like?

Is there some part of you that is like ‘family members’’?

Ask similar questions about ‘your dad'.

Positive characters are about strengths and achievements.

Negative characters represent conflicts in life (personification of attitudes, beliefs, habits, etc)

Imagery is often idiosyncratic yet culturally moulded, for example Victorian houses suggest attitudes held are Victorian, and might be those of the dreamer.

Rooms suggest areas of concern.

The action, events in the dream, what do they remind you of in your waking life?

Think about the dream as you go through the day, and test insights and ideas gained. Understand obvious metaphors. Keep using language and images of dream whenever possible. Interpretations may spring to light. String descriptions together to bridge dream experience to any situation in life.

(Ref: adapted from Living Your Dreams by Gayle Delaney)
Zee Ley said:
Hello Cleo,

Today I had a termit (ant) dream as well. Strange indeed, because few days before I did start to read your post and than have been distracted by other activities. So haven't finished it till today.
Do not remember in details. From what is still present in my memory. I had these creatures crawling all over my body leaving red, pimple-like wounds which were itching. I've received them from sleeping in my previous bed in a flat I spent all my childhood and teenage years. Flat in general as well as bed was a mess. Because of this mess these insect appear.
Ants were of the red color/type/kind. In a dream I do not have any sensation regarding them eating some sort of objects (like furniture, wood, floor etc...) As if their occupation was to crawl, bite & disturb people after direct contact with an object these creatures occupy.
Usually in my dreams insect on body are cause of concern and anxiety... and not a good sign.

Looks like this 'mess' or infestation stems from your childhood and teenage years? Did you bring or take it with you when you moved or left, maybe only subconsciously?

When I think of beds, I think of the English expression: "You make your bed, you lie on it".
Not sure if that would apply to people from different cultures though. They may have other expressions or sayings using beds.
Zee Ley said:
This snippet from "Important Info on Dreams" works for me. It is very similar to the way I usualy work with dreams:

Zee Ley-snippet looks interesting. I've only read a bit of the 'Important Info on Dreams' thread but plan to go back and read more. Btw, thought I'd point out that when clicking on the link above to the thread it comes up as a blank page.
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