The Book Meme

The book closest to me... errrr.. ummm... this was the closest:

arrGameField(objNetPillars(i).Location.X, objNetPillars(i).Location.Y) = enGameObjects.NetPillar
Case enGameObjects.Mushroom
' Decrement the number of Mushrooms
.NET Game Programming
Alexandre Santos Lobao and Ellen Hatton
The ritual takes the novice back to the deepest level of original mother-child identity or ego-Self identity, thus forcing him to experience a symbolic death. In other words, his identity is temporarily dismembered or dissolved in the collective unconscious. From this state he is then ceremonially rescued by the rite of the new birth. This is the first act of true consolidation of the ego with the larger group, expressed as totem, clan, or tribe, or all three combined.
Man and His Symbols, edited by Carl Jung.
Still the Mossad knew about the bank account, and Rabin knew they knew, but he didn't take it seriously. He should have.
When the time was right, Margalit was tipped off that Rabin had a foreign account.
From ' By way of deception. The making of a Mossad officer', by Victor Ostrovsky.
From "The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri"

Three spirits, running swift. They towards us came, and each one cried aloud, "Oh! do thou stay, whom, by the fashion of thy garb, we deem to be some inmate of our evil land."

Ah me! what wounds I mark'd upon their limbs, recent and old, inflicted by the flames.
Mr Ouspensky: Maybe, but ideas can be written down in different forms; they may be written down so that nobody can read them without explanation from those who know or without change of being. Take the Gospels - they are written in different cipers.
One must know the key to dicipher them.

The Psychology of Man`s Possible Evolution P.D Ouspensky
Jorge Bucay
Je suis né aujourd'hui au lever du jour

Pendant tout ce temps, il ne laissa jamais s'éteindre la flamme qui éclairait l'autel.
Le sixième jour, Jorma se rendit compte qu'il était temps de continuer son chemin et, avant de partir, il voulut laisser une offrande à Gotzu en signe de gratitude.
"Une flamme éternelle, pensa-t-il."

Jorge Bucay
I was born today at dawn

During this time, he never let the flame go out that lit the altar.
On the sixth day, Jorma realized it was time to continue his journey, and before leaving he wanted to leave an offering in gratitude Gotzu.
"An eternal flame," thought he. "

Very strange... Really "in touch". I am grateful.
Always nice when people dig up old funny threads. :)

The Myth of Sanity by Martha Stout, Ph.D.
Her father is sullen, which is not unusual. Laura thinks he has been drinking again. She notices that her mother designates herself as the driver for the ride home.

I have already finished this book, and I recommend it to anybody.
The closest one:

"Renouncers were among the first to achieve the internalization of religion that was one of the hallmarks of the Axial Age. The ritualists had long claimed that the sacrificial rites created the divine, eternal self; that the sacrifice was the atman; and that the rituals contained the power of the brahman. The renouncer took this a step further."

Karen Armstrong - The Great Transformation. The World in the Time of Buddha, Socrates, Confucius and Jeremiah
Hildegarda said:
My book is "The Myth of Sanity" by Martha Stout:
She has been contentedly studying during the trip, but as the plane begins to land, she puts away her books and notices that her stomach has started to hurt, and that she feels unaccountably tired.
and boy, isn't it right about me, spot on!

The very same for me. Quelle coincidence. The other book lying next to it is Transcripts of Gurdjieff's Teachings 1941 - 1946:

I am absorbed inwardly watching this exercise, and can no longer see it as a whole.

This is from page 123 of Mark Hedsel's "The Zelator" which is on a shelf at head level at my desk. The closest to me but not the most recently read by any means.

As an initiate who was charged with preparing the life of the north for the spread of esoteric Christianity, he recognized that the key to such expansion lay in education.
We were reflecting on the little history of Prague we knew, when Adriano arrived, wringing his hands humorously, in sign of apology for being so late. However, the planet Mercury would be in retrograde for at least another 24 hours, and we were not expecting punctuality from anyone.
Plenty of evidence has emerged, including documents concerning a military operation known as Plan Dalet, to suggest that it was probably always the intention of the Jewish leadership to cleanse the Jewish state of its Arab inhabitants. Even if it was not their intention at the start of the fighting, it quickly became their goal when they sensed their military superiority. Further proof is provided by the fact that the Israeli army demolished in wholesale fashion all the villages from which the refugees were forced to flee, to ensure that they could never return.

The other side of Israel. My journey across the Jewish-Arab divide by Susan Nathan
I Ching, Richard Wilhelm translation, Penguin Books 2003:

From the attractions they exert we can learn the nature of all beings in heaven and on earth.

A lake on the mountain:
The image of influence.
Thus the superior man encourages people to approach him
By his readiness to receive them.
Mechanic said:
Always nice when people dig up old funny threads. :)

Yes it is :) Here's me:

Dave Grossman, On Killing

Numerous accounts of American Civil War battles indicate the same resistance to use of the bayonet on the part of the vast majority of soldiers on both sides.
In melees both Yank and Reb preferred to use the butt of the weapon, or to swing their muskets by the barrel like a club, rather than gut the enemy with their bayonets.
Some writers have concluded that a specific characteristic of this brother-against-brother civil war must have been the cause of the soldier's reluctance to bayonet his
enemy, but wound statistic from nearly two centuries of battles indicate that what is revealed here is a basic, profound, and universal insight into human nature.

Actually haven't started reading it yet, it's waiting its turn.
3. "Therefore this vision is hard to describe. For how can one describe, as other than oneself, that which, when one saw it, seemed to be one with oneself?"
This is an attempt not only to affirm but to give an explanation of the oft-asserted "ineffability" of the mystical consciousness.

-The teaching of the mystics
Walter T. Stace.
Meetings with Remarkable Men - Gurdjieff

Near me romping about was Jack. (Jack was the prince's fox-terrier, who accompanied him everywhere.) A pretty girl passed and patted Jack.
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