The Book Meme

My last post in this thread was from three years ago. Wow, alot of books that I've read since then. :cool2:

Here's the closest book to me that I'm currently reading:

Robert Lanza, Biocentrism

Indeed, how do we see things when in fact the brain is locked inside the cranium, inside a sealed vault of bone? That this whole rich and brilliant universe comes from a quarter-inch opening of the pupil, and the faint bit of light that gains entry thereby? How does it turn some electrochemical impulses into an order, a sequence, and a unity?
Anders said:
Still the Mossad knew about the bank account, and Rabin knew they knew, but he didn't take it seriously. He should have.
When the time was right, Margalit was tipped off that Rabin had a foreign account.
From ' By way of deception. The making of a Mossad officer', by Victor Ostrovsky.

I noticed in a recent SoTT article, reference to this book by quoted paragraph. This got me thinking about the copy i had purchased when it came out in 1990, or soon thereafter. Anyway, i read it back then and threw it on a shelf to collect dust, never recycling it when the opportunity arose thinking i should really read it again. So the SoTT quoted passage moved me to find this book and pull it out again. Immediately i noticed, not recalled at all originally, is that in my copy there is an "Erratum" submission (can happen) at the very start saying:

Circumstances subsequent to the printing of BY WAY OF DECEPTION have caused us to remove certain passages within pages 309-312 and 319-320, including the whole of page 311. Those pages have been removed and are reprinted along with this erratum statement, with the passages deleted.

Behind this erratum statement are the amended pages (Accordion-like) as described, glued onto the cover page; without of course page 311. Inside the book at the given numerical locations of these missing pages, one sees that they were physically cutout in an haphazard way (like with serrated box-cutter).

Kind of curious what passages were removed, including the whole of page 311. The title on page 302 in my copy is "Harbor Insurance" through to and including page 309 (the one in the erratum). Page 310 (in the erratum) is titled "Beirut", which continues to the "Epilogue" page of 332.

I know this may be for many reasons, and knowing is likely not possible, yet thought i would mention it in case people have newer copies that don't describe what was done.
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