The Carnivore Diet

Is this the famous Korean hotpot or a variety of same? Afaik the original is made with a soup stock without oil.
So, it's a funny story. I have never really tried fondue, the french/swiss dish. We were out for dinner last night, we thought we were going to a seafood restaurant because that's what the reviews said. We turned up, and the place had recently changed its menu, it was basically specialising in cheese dishes. So, I was like, I'll go with it, I'll use the opportunity to try fondue.

The menu was all in french and there was many different types of fondue. One in particular caught my eye, the only word I could understand under the different variations was mix... something. The mix to me made it appear like it was a mix of different cheeses. I was like, great, I can get to try the different possible cheeses too. So I check that my understanding is correct with the waiter who can barely speak any English, and I can not speak any French. A couple of nods and a couple of smiles and she took my order and I was sat there thinking this was it, I was going to try my first proper fondue. She said something about it having meat and I was like, great.. even better!

Anyways, this is what I got... all I know is it's some variation of fondue. Minus the cheese in the big pot that you dip into. The big pot had the oil to essentially cook the meat. I'm not sure it was your typical oil, some variation of.

I'll accept it as an experience... from going out expecting seafood, to getting over that and expecting fondue, to finally having to cook my own food. 😖
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