The Codex Alimentarius -- the Beginning of the End?


Jedi Council Member
I have just watched a Google video of a lecture given in 2005 about the hideous montrosity that is the Codex Alimentarius. I had never even heard of it until today (and most people are also seemingly ignorant of it, to the great benefit of Codex). I did a search on these forums and found only a few pages mentioning it, one of which was quite extensive.

However, despite the lecture occuring in 2005, no one seems to have mentioned one of the most chilling aspects of it. Let's just say that it's very much in keeping with the plan of global population reduction. While watching, I was nothing less than mortified by the things I was hearing. Below I have included an extremely disturbing quote from the lecture, to say the very least:

"According to the World Trade Organization and the Food and Agricultural Organization's joint epidemiological projections, it is estimated that just the vitamin and mineral guideline of Codex alone (not including the draconian mandates on food), when it goes into global implementation on December 31st, 2009, will result in a minimum of THREE BILLION DEATHS."

You can find the Google video here.
Third_Density_Resident said:
I have just watched a Google video of a lecture given in 2005 about the hideous montrosity that is the Codex Alimentarius. I had never even heard of it until today (and most people are also seemingly ignorant of it, to the great benefit of Codex).
I am also ignorant of it so can you tell us briefly what it is?
It's another ptb threat scum, like vaccination, and everything ptb do, any program they approve, they make sure, they do it for our own best. Codex is just one more egg in that basket. Ptb's Codex 'takes care' and 'regulates' food supplements market., codex docs here

How proposals for EU, US and Codex regulation could destroy natural healthcare: the critical need for a new regulatory paradigm
Presentation by Robert Verkerk PhD, executive director, Alliance for Natural Health
American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM) Conference,
Sheraton Hotel and Marina, San Diego, California, 18 November 2004

Supplement Regulation: Who's Behind It, and Why Should You Oppose It? here


Leading US doctors endorse Alliance for Natural Health

NO more cheap and effective allium!
Third density resident, thanks so much. The video clearly explains what this Codex Alimentarius is all about. All countries that are members of the World Trade Organization have to abide by this Codex. It's a real threat to our health.

You can watch the video and/or go to the below link:

1) Started in 1962 by UN, Imposed by WTO Sanctions
Codex Alimentarius was created in 1962 as a trade Commission by the UN to control the international trade of food. Its initial intentions may have been altruistic but it has been taken over by corporate interests, most notably the pharmaceutical, pesticide, biotechnology and chemical industries.

Codex Alimentarius is backed up by the crippling trade sanctions of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Any non Codex-compliant nation would face huge economic punishment since they would automatically lose in any food-trade dispute with a Codex compliant country.

2) “Nutrients are Toxins
DonaldJHunt said:
But what is the Codex Alimentarius?
FAO said:
compendium of international guidelines and standards related to food safety, production, processing, etc. Joint venture of UN-FAO-WHO
WOW !!!!!! That is just amazing and horrible!!! Look how many of us on the forum did not know about it. I am going to spread the website around, and post the info around town and to the places I get my supplies. Thank you so much for finding this for us. Tarri
Thanks for the video-url, will check it. I´m so glad that i am able to network and learn new things, even if its horrible things.
Here is a link to an article on the website. It clearly explains the clever mechanism behind global depopulation, using Codex Alimentarius as the driving force. The article, along with the video I linked to in my first post, crystalizes in no uncertain terms the reality that global depopulation is just around the corner. A very telling excerpt of the article I have included below: said:
Help Me Out Here

Tell me if you believe:

* That the permission to market spectacularly toxic drugs long after their dangers are know is caused by simple incompetence and greed.
* That the policies which support regulators who consistently protect drugs and pesticides and GM "FrankenFoods" which are killing the American population are the simple results of corruption.
* That the CDC's decision to hide the harm being done to our young while protecting the vaccine industry's profits is mere corruption or whether somewhere, at some level, the real impact of treatments and procedures which are destroying our population through completely preventable disasters is simply a grave error of judgment and that the scientists who try to correct these problems in the regulatory agencies are intimidated and harassed as random acts of administrative error.
* That a multi-trillion dollar business which treats people with chemotherapy agents which the industry supported American Cancer Society admits provides any benefit for a mere 3-4% of people suffering from cancer while the US government ruthlessly suppresses effective, inexpensive and safe cancer treatments is simply a result of unalloyed greed.

If so, then you can buy the notion that the disastrous (and wildly profitable) deaths by pharmaceuticals which account for huge numbers of preventable deaths in the developed world (according to journals like the Journal of the American Medical Association, the Lancet, etc.) could be due to corrupt regulators alone.

It also means that you buy the story that degraded and depleted food laced with poisons is regulated onto our tables and shelves by accident. That Donald Rumsfeld’s statement (as the CEO of Searle) that he wanted Aspartame approved by the FDA and he did "not care how many people it killed" was just a poor turn of phrase.

That means that you are comfortable that the depopulation agenda being so vigorously pursued elsewhere in the world does not touch the shores of the US.

Are You Disposable?
I remember that there are 1 or 2 years ago, a petition was circulating in Europe against the projects of the Codex A. for a strict reglementation of natural supplements which -if applied- means the end of the dietetical shops ( as we find in France) and laboratories who product this kind of things and the impossibility to get them for the people who need it. What we could find yet, would be under-measured and lead to unavoidable deficiencies.
It seems that only the date was defered...
This is very disturbing, no doubt about it. However, I have a few doubts about Dr. Rima Laibow, who is married to retired General Albert Stubblebine. Over the years, Stubblebine's name...and that of his wife...came up during my research into why the world was so messed up.

Some of the mind control sites had him listed as a disinfo agent of the PTB. According to one site, Stubblebine was the commanding officer of the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command, (INSCOM) a division known for having ties to CIA mind control programs, and has reportedly worked with retired Colonel John Alexander, (do an internet search on this guy!) Dr. Stephen Greer, and others attached to elite-sponsored Foundations on many projects involving psi and UFOs.

I did a search of his name on this website and came up with 3 hits. On one thread, Laura wrote a response to Stubblebine's interesting public comment that he didn't believe a 747 hit the Pentagon on 9/11, along with the General's choice of people he hung out with. (ie: Interview with Alex Jones) Laura wrote: "On the other hand, Stubblebine and Laibow could be perfectly legit. But something about them is niggling at the back of my mind and I can't remember what it is."

Go here for the thread:

I, too, have something niggling at the back of my mind regarding him and his wife. (The website appears to be run by the two.) Now, I never thoroughly researched Stubblebine, nor did I look into all of his and his wife's network of friends, associates, and accomplishments (ie: as in fruit) from various sources...just some mind control forums, lists, etc.. Looks like I may have to. I want to make sure, or, at the very least, get a better idea of where this couple is coming from.

This is not to say that I believe they are COINTELPRO and the Codex Alimentarius is false. I just want some peace of mind that Dr. Laibow's path is the right one to pursue the matter further.
I put an article up on SOTT and while reading it over, something really stunning occurred to me:

if they are trying to kill people off - and it is clear they are - WHY are they so anti-smoking if smoking is supposed to kill people, cause all these evil diseases and so on?

Just think about that for a minute or two.
It seems to me the underlying message is, 'you are not capable of making correct choices, therefore we will choose for you.' The sad thing is that a lot of people believe it. So many experts in lab coats, suits and ties, official uniforms that know what's best for us, no need to listen to our own inner voice.

My mother listened to her doctor and did hormone therapy for menopause, and ended up with breast cancer. She later found out that her doctor knew there was significantly increased risk of breast cancer linked to synthetic hormone treatment, but said nothing to my mother. Fortunately, my mom got a clue when the next doctor suggested chemotherapy.

As for tobacco, after eliminating the chemically treated paper/filters, it's just another natural remedy as far as I can see. Can't have that, especially when it enhances one's ability to think!
Laura said:
I put an article up on SOTT and while reading it over, something really stunning occurred to me:

if they are trying to kill people off - and it is clear they are - WHY are they so anti-smoking if smoking is supposed to kill people, cause all these evil diseases and so on?

Just think about that for a minute or two.
I am also wondering at the "Why now" ?
Why so much pressure against smoking at this point in time ?
What's the urgency ?

Is there also a strong urge to quit smoking in third world countries ??
I haven't found something that equals the non-smoking campaign in developing countries,

On the contrary :

DISPLAYING ABSTRACT - Investors react exuberantly to news that Altria Group, company once known as Philip Morris, will spin off its Kraft Foods division and become primarily tobacco company; Kraft Foods has stagnated in rapidly changing marketplace; cigarettes have advantages over other consumer products: are addictive, inexpensive to make and there is global market for them; future prospects for cigarette makers are very attractive in developing countries, where smoking has not declined; recent court decisions favorable to Altria have caused its stock to soar; some health advocates say that dwindling social acceptability of cigarettes will hurt long-term prospects of companies like Altria; analysts question future of independent Kraft Foods, which faces formidable challenges; lawyer has threatened to file injunction to stop divestiture but several analysts dismiss chances of injunction's successs of Altria Group's stock prices over decade
Source : NY Times archive January 2007

Is it to add insult to injury as Africa (for example) is already crippled by Aids, war and famine ?

I am thinking that when people stops smoking they need to compensate (I am making a huge generalization there.), with what will it be replaced ?
Food ? Drugs ?

Sorry, I have a lot more questions than answers.
Laura said:
if they are trying to kill people off - and it is clear they are - WHY are they so anti-smoking if smoking is supposed to kill people, cause all these evil diseases and so on?
1) "Because aliens to not like to eat people who smoke".
2) Nicotine has a property the controls the metabolism of some people.
3) Nicotine enhances the brain
4) Nicotine is a stimulant
5) Nicotine enhances Psychic abilities
6) Nicotine is produced naturally by the body, in small amounts (so says my daughter)
7) Perhaps there is more....

daughter's comment said:
Hi, sorry, this is the daughter speaking - I was wrong about it being produced in the body... that is actually acetylcholine, although there is a receptor (the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor) that receives nicotine just as it would acetylcholine. So, the effects of nicotine on your body are similar to that of acetylcholine, which your body produces naturally.
Just wanted to clarify that. big_smile
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