The Curse of Oak Island (History Channel)

Yes, reality can sometimes be stranger than fiction.

Dan Brown spends a long time researching his ideas for his books with the intent to write a fictional story that some readers may believe to be the truth.
I on the other hand have spent 20 years researching my theory with the desire to proven that it is reality.
As you stated, this theory of "The Oak Island Money Pit" may have contributed in a huge way to the history of America.

If you were willing for me to post my proof on your thread, I would very much like to lay out my evidence piece by piece over time.
This could lead up to the final piece of evidence which would be the showing of the Free Masons' calculations as to where the treasure cavern at Oak Island is located.

I would enjoy to have your knowledgeable forum members challenge my evidence and have no problems with skeptics!

I believe if mankind had not challenged the desires to search out and solve the mysteries in front of him, then the great discoveries of our world would not have taken place.
The “Wheel” may not have been invented, now found in everything from clocks to vehicles to turbines.
"The World is Flat", would have discouraged Columbus from discovering America, and "The Earth being the Center of the Universe", could have halted space exploration.
“Ask a child to name an ancient Egyptian ruler and they will either say Cleopatra or Tutankhamen.
The reason for this is the excavation of the latter’s tomb by Howard Carter in 1922 in the Valley of the Kings. Such was the wealth of treasures and objects in the tomb, and Carter’s meticulousness, it took eight years to empty the tomb and transport its contents to Cairo.”
“Heinrich Schliemann would not have discovered Troy, along with the Mycenaean sites Mycenae and Tiryns from his idea that Homer's Iliad and Virgil's Aeneid, actually reflected historical events”
No, skepticism only pushes on true discoverers to find the real truth to mysteries.
They realize the logical evidence discovered will weigh in their favor, and one day prove that something of great importance is or was buried at “Oak Island”.
Why - was the treasure recovered so fast (1762-1795)?

After the American Revolution (1776) many Loyalists either left the U.S. on their own accord or were compelled to leave by the Patriots.
Most settled in 1792 to Nova Scotia.

The Free Masons believed that with the influx of 100,000 settlers, it would be only a matter of time before the area around Oak Island would be
settled and their treasure jeopardized.

A new War between England and France (1793) had also broken out and it was not certain who would be the victors.

Once the Free Masons under Benjamin Franklin and George Washington had established the Masonic Organization in the New World, it was
time to remove the treasure to a safer spot.

In 1795, just prior to the original Discover, Daniel McGinnis, who stated he was drawn to the island when he noticed strange lights appearing on the island prior to his discovery.
These lights were made by the Free Masons when they returned for their treasure.

This Masonic party was headed up by George Washington, President of the United States – acting Grand Master of the Washington DC Masons using a fleet of American ships protected under the Treaty of Amity (1794)

I believe the treasure was removed to Washington DC., which was designed and built by the Free Masons.

The below ground Cavern containing the treasure was located by cross locating it with the aid of:
1 large triangle or more precisely a crude Sextant
2 drilled holed stones
1 large stone cross
These combined markers left behind at Oak Island and a known set degree used on the Sextant - point to the “X” where the cavern is located

Once the cavern’s location underground was cross located they dug a small entry down 20 feet and removed it.

All evidence of this small entry was camouflaged with rocks and vegetation and the treasure was whisked away to its new home and purpose.
In new aeon English qabala I found that the words jesus, the greys, Israel, doomsday , tarot and orthon all have the same numeric value as Oak island.
Interesting correlation!
The original name for Oak Island was "Gloucester Isle" after the Duke of Gloucester, King George III's brother and the first English patron of masonry.
The name "Oak Island" stuck in the 19th century for the oak trees found on the island.
The Curse of Oak Island (History Channel) "New Season"

Quote today from: Evan Perry - Traverse Magazine

Hi all,

Thanks for keeping this forum alive. I wanted to give a little follow up about the show:

The Curse of Oak Island has resumed filming as of early 2014—the show was picked up for another season by the History Channel. I’m not sure how many episodes will be broadcast for the second season, and I also don’t know when it will be televised. However, it’s a conservative guess that the next season will run from 8 to 13 episodes (based on my assuming the History Channel would want to expand the length of the season) and that it will be broadcast in the winter, as most of the filming and excavation/exploration work will take place in the summer of 2014.

I also want to say that the Laginas and those attached to the Oak Island excavation do not review the contents of this page; Marty, Craig and Shari were very nice to do the interview, but they are very busy will other, notably more pedestrian projects. I wouldn't recommend attempting to contact them.

I can say with certainty that the Laginas, Testers, and all involved with this project are motivated by discovery and transparency—the very notion of their having a TV show evinces their willingness to share their results with the public. So speculate as you please; just be aware that their work is framed as a TV show, so of course certain information that one might expect to be obvious may be withheld for dramatic purposes. Those participating in this forum are likely to be the most interested in actively learning about Oak Island and its history, but the TV show is designed to appeal to a much wider audience. While I would love to personally discover more about the goings-on at Oak Island by speaking with the Laginas et al., I prefer to allow the show to speak for itself. Ultimately: In Rick I Trust.


Evan Perry

[Mod note: Removed email address to protect privacy]
Could the Freemason's Treasure Map be in Cassiopeia?

Unlike a Pirate’s Map written on a piece of paper with trees and rocks for markers, my research shows that the 18th Century Freemason were far too intelligent to rely on man made or natural markers to relocate their Treasure Vault.

The treasure they buried was far too precious to be subject to the possible destruction from the actions of man or nature.

These Freemasons were navigators, astronomers, and mathematicians who I believe used indestructible Celestial Markers for their map.

I believe from my research that they used such a map for their Treasure Vault at Oak Island.

This Celestial Map was derived from their esteemed past Grand Master of Freemasonry and member of their Royal Society of London, Sir Francis Bacon.

Francis Bacon left many clues to where this treasure would be located and on following these I believe I have located where the Treasure Vault at Oak Island is.

I used my computer’s 18th Century’s Celestial Program with the time and dates supplied by Bacon’s clues to reconstruct the markers they left behind, the location of the Money Pit and the final destination of the Treasure Vault.

I am showing this map first on this forum, as I believe my fellow members here may have some insight as to why Francis Bacon would have chosen the Star “ Gamma Cassiopeia” as the final location for the treasure.


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Celestial Map

Freemason's Celestial map


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Francis Bacon's Clue lies in Rebis within Azoth

Francis Bacon's Clue lies in Rebis within Azoth


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50 Billion Dollar Treasure's location has been solved in Cassiopaea and with no forum members responding.
One of the 10 mysteries of the world
Are you asleep!

Wake up!
How to view the Freemason’s Celestial Map for the Oak Island Treasure Vault
Stellarium at:
Click on left lower side to open menu
Click on first window – location
Set up information:
Latitude: N44 deg. 5’ 13.00”
Longitude: W64 deg. 28’ 9.01”
Altitude: 38m
Name/City: Oak Island
Country: Canada
Planet: Earth
Click on second window – Date/Time window
Set up information:
Year: 1762
Month: 9th month
Day: 21st day
Time: 0 – 0 - 0
The Oak Island Money pit was built by the Freemasons in 1762 ad
Bacon left clues as to month, day, and time.
Lower Menu:
Click on Constellation Lines
Click on:
Constellation Labels

Turn the Star Map so you are facing North and adjust it so Vega can just be seen on the lower horizon.
You are now viewing the Celestial Night Sky from where their Triangle was located as the Freemasons did in 1762 ad.
They used (which we can too) a Mercury Trough to set each marker leading up to where I show their Treasure Vault to be located on Oak Island.
Hello Robot.

I was fascinated by the story of Oak island that I discovered back in 1970s. It was published in multiple issues of a well known Soviet magazine "Around the world". I hunted for copies of that magazine to get the whole story. After I have moved to the US in mid-90s, I tracked somebody over Internet that worked or brought tourists to the island and emailed that person. Apparently, back then you could visit that island as a tourist... But I never made that trip :(

Thank you for doing the research. Would it be possible to get a permit/concession to start digging in the location that you calculated at all? What are your plans in that regard?

Hi SlavaOn

Time is of the essence that we move ahead to try and solve this mystery before nature by the threat of global warming with rising ocean waters, destructive storms, lost existing markers, or encroaching land developments all hinder future possibilities.

My fear would be that after this season's History Channel presentation the Lagina brothers may continue the encroaching building developments on this part of the island.
This could totally hinder excavation on the part of the island where I believe the Treasure Vault is located.

Or with last week's announcement - The Government of Canada!

With Government involvement, I can speak from experience the encumbrance they may cause to future treasure seekers.
My lakeside property located in British Columbia has First Nation's archaeology conditions placed on it and although nothing has ever been found, I am required to have an archaeologist's clearance ( at $500.00 per day) every time I require a building permit.

From my Theory on Oak Island I have stated that the Treasure Vault will be found empty.
Still as Sir Francis Bacon once stated " their are far greater riches than silver and gold and that being knowledge"

I agree that finding the Treasure Vault (full of the 10 ship's treasure or empty) would prove how Oak Island may have changed the course of History.

The action required now would be to convince the Lagina brothers or Fred Nolan ( if this location is on his North West property) to dig a 20 foot hole to hit the roof of the Vault.
Hello Robot.

Would you happen to have a contact information for Fred Nolan? It would be worthwhile to ask him for a permission...
I am willing to discuss with you a potential course of actions and participate in any kind of action committee. Evidently, if the permission is granted, it will require to spend time and money to dig that 20' hole.

Although, it could be done cheaply! I was investigating a way to drill for water in my backyard and bought a DVD from these guys a few years ago: No heavy equipment is required (a gas powered electrical generator would be the biggest piece of equipment). This method could be used to probe for the Vault.

Hi SlavaOn
I am not sure how to contact Fred Nolan.
My theory would not make a good presentation to any treasure hunter as I still believe the material wealth of gold and silver was removed by the Freemasons in 1795.
The knowledgeable wealth of an empty Treasure Vault would probably appeal more to the Lagina brothers who presently hold a treasure trove license with Nova Scotia's Government.
Maybe we could persuade them to do a TV special and show them where to drill?
Like you say it would not cost much!
There is a Norwegian who for years has advocated the idea that Shakespeare's writings (written by Francis Bacon, he argues) holds the key to this treasure. He is named Petter Amundsen and is organist at Holmenkollen chapel in Oslo.

Link: _
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