The Dot Connector Magazine Joins Forces With!

Re: NEW SOTT.NET/FOTCM Publication - "The Dot Connector Magazine!"

Mine arrived yesterday as well! I like the format. I cannot stop smiling when I hold it. I already read a few articles and find them very informative, easy to read and enlightening (ofcourse!). Although I am familiar with some topics, I like the idea reading them in analog format (call me old fashioned :whlchair:). Showing DCM to me wife, she even surprised me by saying she wants to read it as well. I might have to fight her for it ;D

After reading it completely, I will "show it off" on our coffee table. I will even keep the dust off of it, so it will keep on shining :cool:

Thank you all for this wonderful collaboration and speedy delivery! :thup:
My copy of the magazine was waiting for me when I got back from my Lughnasadh break. Thanks, it's a great read. :rockon:
Re: NEW SOTT.NET/FOTCM Publication - "The Dot Connector Magazine!"

Gertrudes said:
It was a great surprise having found the first DOT magazine in my mailbox today!
I echo what everyone said here, I'm seriously impressed!

Thank you! :wow:

Ditto, it's a great read - thanks. :rockon:
Re: NEW SOTT.NET/FOTCM Publication - "The Dot Connector Magazine!"

This may sound daft, but where do you think are good places to leave these?? I can easily cover a reasonably large geographic area (most of the east of England) if needed, but would need to know where to aim....

Ailén said:
Wow! Glad to know they arrived to quickly to the UK!

If you cannot afford to buy more copies, but you are interested and willing to leave some in strategic places (bookstores, doctors' offices, etc), please send us a PM with your name and address, and we will save some to ship to you. If you CAN afford an extra copy or two, that would be great, but still, let us know how many you think you could distribute.

Thanks, and enjoy your reading! :D
Re: NEW SOTT.NET/FOTCM Publication - "The Dot Connector Magazine!"

I subscribed today. :)
Dot Connector Distrubution

Ok, thought it would be better to start a new thread on this.
Having received the DCM magazine and seen a few peoples reactions, I think their will be a lot of people who would pick this up and read it in the right situation.
So thought it would be a good idea to brain storm the best way to distribute a few copies (I think I can afford to pay for 10-20 more of these if needed - do they come at a discount price for bulk orders?). But want to make sure that where ever I leave them its not likely to get ignored or thrown out to quickly.

Doctors waiting rooms seem to be one of the most obvious places, that and some job centres in the UK (you can walk in and use the PC to search for a job, and there is usually a place to they get you to sit around a lot). I'm not sure how weird it would look walking into a doctors waiting room, not going to reception, leaving a magazine and leaving again however.
Busy central coffee shops 'may' work....but would get thrown out at the end of the day if no one picked it up.
So I'm not quite sure where else it would be good to leave a copy that won't be noticed by the staff and removed.......or am I being to closed in my thinking here?

Would a better approach be to target a few places, then just travel around and go with the flow after judging a setting??

Is there any way to target news agents?

*edit* would this be better in the Projects section?
Re: Dot Connector Distrubution

Make a donation to local libraries. My local library accepts donations, so I assume others do. It has a newspaper and magazine section. Then donate the next issue and so on.

RedFox said:
Having received the DCM magazine and seen a few peoples reactions, I think their will be a lot of people who would pick this up and read it in the right situation.

It is beautifully designed and very well written :) not to mention that the content is real food for the soul.
Re: Dot Connector Distrubution

Libraries sounds like a good idea. There is a discount for bulk orders, but if you can come up with some other good ideas as to where to leave them where they will not just be thrown away, then they would be 'review' copies.
Re: Dot Connector Distrubution

Yes, those are very good ideas. You can also go to local bookstores or shops that carry magazines (7-11s, gas stations, convenience stores, grocery stores...), tell them about this wonderful magazine you just found and ordered, and that you'd like to see if other people are interested. Tell them you can leave a copy with them for a month, and if they like it and sell it, you will put them in touch with the publisher.

And thanks for helping us promote it!
Re: Dot Connector Distrubution

I haven't gotten my magazine yet, but I was wondering the same thing about distributing copies around. I don't think I would be comfortable going into random doctor's offices and dropping magazines. I was thinking I might however intentionally schedule appointments that I might not otherwise schedule (I should really get a physical soon ;) or try to leave them in an area I will already be. Some ideas I had ... car repair shop, some rental cabins already have books/magazines in the unit, or a therapist office. Some therapists offer a free initial consultation, and wasting the therapists time just to drop a magazine doesn't seem fair, but if you were already seriously interested in the therapy, hey why not? Part of it is, I think, having a reason to be there already and being there for long enough that people don't notice that you left the magazine you took out of your back pocket on the table as you leave.

I don't know how successful we would be getting places like 7-11, Barnes and Nobles, etc to carry Dot Connector. I had a small stint working for a magazine vendor and those corporations will go through a single distributor usually, and in some cases leave it up to the vendor to track sales and decide what and how much to stock. So DCM would have to work something out with distributors (good luck) to get places like those to carry it. Seems like the ideas discussed in the promoting Laura's book thread is relevant here, probably need to aim for small mom and pop type stores.

Advertising is of course very expensive, but there are similar magazines out there that might be good places to advertise in.

Looking forward to getting my copy :)
Re: Dot Connector Distrubution

Thanks for bringing this up, Redfox. Even though I haven't received my copy yet, I was wondering a good way to promote it after I finish reading it. I was thinking of just randomly leaving it on a subway in case someone comes by and reads it (I often pick up random reading material in the subway when bored), but it's just as likely to be thrown in the garbage.

At least the library idea, my copy will have a safe home and multiple people can come by to read and possibly order Dot Connector.

Redfox said:
Doctors waiting rooms seem to be one of the most obvious places, that and some job centres in the UK (you can walk in and use the PC to search for a job, and there is usually a place to they get you to sit around a lot). I'm not sure how weird it would look walking into a doctors waiting room, not going to reception, leaving a magazine and leaving again however.

Aaron said:
I don't think I would be comfortable going into random doctor's offices and dropping magazines. I was thinking I might however intentionally schedule appointments that I might not otherwise schedule (I should really get a physical soon or try to leave them in an area I will already be. Some ideas I had ... car repair shop, some rental cabins already have books/magazines in the unit, or a therapist office. Some therapists offer a free initial consultation, and wasting the therapists time just to drop a magazine doesn't seem fair, but if you were already seriously interested in the therapy, hey why not? Part of it is, I think, having a reason to be there already and being there for long enough that people don't notice that you left the magazine you took out of your back pocket on the table as you leave.

Next time going into waiting rooms, maybe telling reception "Hey, I have some copies of an interesting magazine and don't want to throw it out, you interested in taking them off my hands?" Not sure if a lot of places will say yes as some places have a theme of what type of magazines they have available to read, but to those that do, there's possible free advertising and the more people at least seeing or skimming through, the better.
Re: Dot Connector Distrubution

DanielS said:
Next time going into waiting rooms, maybe telling reception "Hey, I have some copies of an interesting magazine and don't want to throw it out, you interested in taking them off my hands?" Not sure if a lot of places will say yes as some places have a theme of what type of magazines they have available to read, but to those that do, there's possible free advertising and the more people at least seeing or skimming through, the better.

I was thinking this too - no harm in actually talking to the receptionist and asking if you can leave a magazine for people to read. I think it unlikely many places would object - free reading material is free reading material. Maybe singling out more "holistic" type practitioners offices like chiropractors, acupuncturists, naturopaths, homeopaths or holistic nutritionists would be a good way to go since you're probably more likely to find a receptive audience in these places...
Re: NEW SOTT.NET/FOTCM Publication - "The Dot Connector Magazine!"

Received mine today. Thank you team. :thup: Any chance of having the picture on the inside cover page as flyers?
Re: NEW SOTT.NET/FOTCM Publication - "The Dot Connector Magazine!"

I received mine on Saturday :clap:, so very fast shipment to Germany too. :D

And it looks fantastic and I enjoyed so far: "dear dot..." and the crossword.
Re: NEW SOTT.NET/FOTCM Publication - "The Dot Connector Magazine!"

We received ours today! What a great magazine! Congratulations!
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