The Endless Mystery of Existence Itself


The Living Force
Existence itself (as opposed to nothing existing at all) seems to be the biggest mystery of them all. Nothing existing at all seems to be absurd, just like existence arising out of complete non-existence.

This seems to imply that some form of existence (maybe ultimately in the form of consciousness) must have "always been there".

This in turn implies that everything that can happen has already happened an infinite number of times in every possible permutation - and will continue to happen an infinite number of times.

It is then difficult to see what purpose (if any) existence itself might have, except repeating everything that is possible over and over again. Or if there is no time, everything that is possible just exists in the now, maybe an infinite number of times?

To even try to answer a question like this seems to be a fool's errand. Even our concept of time does not apply to the eternal now beyond physicality.

Maybe existence "just is" and has ultimately no purpose? Or who knows, the purpose of existence might be totally incomprehensible to us.

I'm not sure if the C's have been asked about the purpose of existence itself. The closest is probably this here:

October 18, 1994

Q: (L) Is there only one ultimate creator of the universe

A: All is one. And one is all.

Q: (L) From the one what was the first division?

A: Mass division and disbursement.

Q: (L) Was this simultaneous?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Was this what we refer to as the "Big Bang?"

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is there any reference to this event in terms of time?

A: Always.

Q: (L) Can we say that all that exists in the material universe is, say, "x" number of years old?

A: No. It is the eternal now. Not only did happen, is happening and going to happen. The expanded presence.

December 12, 1995

A: The point is: stop filling your consciousness with monotheistic philosophies planted long ago to imprison your being. Can't you see it by now, after all you have learned, that there is no source, there is no leader, there is no basis, there is no overseer, etc... You literally possess, within your consciousness profile, all the power that exists within all of creation!?! You absolutely have all that exists, ever has, or ever will, contained within your mind. All you have to do is learn how to use it, and at that moment, you will literally, literally, be all that is, was, and ever will be!!!!!!!!

(L) That is all fine and dandy and sounds wonderful, except for one little item. You also say that the monotheistic concepts were IMPOSED on us to prevent us from knowing this. So, if we are all that is, how can something exist that can impose something so unpleasant on us?

A: Choices follow desire based imbalances.

Q: (L) If that is the case, why can't any one just turn off the lights, end the illusion, and everything becomes nothing?

A: Well, first of all, everything does not become nothing. Secondly, some have already become everything.
The eternal now is the key, I think. Funny enough Clif High, for the past month or so, maybe more, has been returning to the continuous present or the eternal now almost in every talk. It seems that humans have been applying measurements with too much enthusiasm, quantifying everything up to 'discovering' the 'linear time'. Talk about all material thinking. Talk about obsession with control and lack of trust. I wonder what happened.
The eternal now is actually another good question - and more practical as well, since we do seem to go back beyond time and space to the eternal now between incarnations (5D).

Taken at face value, the eternal now implies that everything that can exist already exists in the now.

Which means there would be no change, just everything existing simultaneously in the now. But is that really the case or are there changes happening in the eternal now as well? Is there something similar to time in the eternal now?

For exampe, 6D beings exist in the eternal now and yet they are working towards going to 7D, which implies that there are changes happening in the eternal now. But how is change possible without some sort of time?
The C's have said that "time", as we perceive it, does not exist.
We perceive it because we learned to process memories, that is create, store and recall and allocate a subjective duration of ... what we call time, to the memories proportional both in extent and intensity with the impression or perception of what the memory represented. Complicated stuff. If you think how screwed up we all are, busy functioning our awake state either for recalling perceptions, aka the past, or for making up perceptions about something that doesn't exist, aka, the future. What on earth are we doing the whole day, actually?
The eternal now is actually another good question - and more practical as well, since we do seem to go back beyond time and space to the eternal now between incarnations (5D).

Taken at face value, the eternal now implies that everything that can exist already exists in the now.

Which means there would be no change, just everything existing simultaneously in the now. But is that really the case or are there changes happening in the eternal now as well? Is there something similar to time in the eternal now?

For exampe, 6D beings exist in the eternal now and yet they are working towards going to 7D, which implies that there are changes happening in the eternal now. But how is change possible without some sort of time?
Change is possible and happens when you 'do' stuff. Everything does stuff.
This in turn implies that everything that can happen has already happened an infinite number of times in every possible permutation - and will continue to happen an infinite number of times.

The problem is that the concept of "infinite" also implies the ability to create something new. It's a paradox, which usually happens with these questions, at least when we try to understand them. When we run into a paradox, it usually means we're thinking about something in the wrong terms, or we lack the ability to think about them in the correct terms, at least for now.

It is then difficult to see what purpose (if any) existence itself might have, except repeating everything that is possible over and over again. Or if there is no time, everything that is possible just exists in the now, maybe an infinite number of times?

I was actually thinking about this last night. It seems that the idea of learning lessons is at odds with the idea of all things already having happened or having been experienced.
The problem is that the concept of "infinite" also implies the ability to create something new. It's a paradox, which usually happens with these questions, at least when we try to understand them. When we run into a paradox, it usually means we're thinking about something in the wrong terms, or we lack the ability to think about them in the correct terms, at least for now.
It does seem to be quite a paradox. True infinity seems just as impossible as there being any kind of limit or border to existence itself. In a way, it is similar to the question of "what lies beyond the universe", but on a more profound level.
The problem is that the concept of "infinite" also implies the ability to create something new. It's a paradox, which usually happens with these questions, at least when we try to understand them. When we run into a paradox, it usually means we're thinking about something in the wrong terms, or we lack the ability to think about them in the correct terms, at least for now.

I was actually thinking about this last night. It seems that the idea of learning lessons is at odds with the idea of all things already having happened or having been experienced.
unless everything has already happened or been experienced, except the subject wasn't aware of it due to... what? Narrow frequency vibration? Restricted consciousness? So can it be similar to reading the same book every year and getting something extra out of it each time?
I was actually thinking about this last night. It seems that the idea of learning lessons is at odds with the idea of all things already having happened or having been experienced.

Not that I can solve this paradox, but one analogy I came up with a while ago is this: imagine a general on a hill observing a battle. He knows exactly what's going on, has the big picture, has a plan etc. Now imagine the same scene from the perspective of an ordinary soldier: he sees the same thing going on as the general, but he doesn't know the big picture, plan, and so on - instead he's in the thick of it. Point being, the experience of the soldier is different, and even though the general knows everything (God, higher perspective), he doesn't know the experience of the soldier. This experience brings new information. So one way of looking at it would be that all the lessons have been learned already in a sense, but learning them again from different perspectives still adds something to the picture. The picture keeps evolving, because new perspectives are added constantly, even though the basic picture, principles and outlines are already there because they have been "learned" before many times. In other words, infinite variations of learning the same thing, which are still meaningful. (Now don't bring free will into my neat little analogy, just don't :lol:)
Not that I can solve this paradox, but one analogy I came up with a while ago is this: imagine a general on a hill observing a battle. He knows exactly what's going on, has the big picture, has a plan etc. Now imagine the same scene from the perspective of an ordinary soldier: he sees the same thing going on as the general, but he doesn't know the big picture, plan, and so on - instead he's in the thick of it. Point being, the experience of the soldier is different, and even though the general knows everything (God, higher perspective), he doesn't know the experience of the soldier. This experience brings new information. So one way of looking at it would be that all the lessons have been learned already in a sense, but learning them again from different perspectives still adds something to the picture. The picture keeps evolving, because new perspectives are added constantly, even though the basic picture, principles and outlines are already there because they have been "learned" before many times. In other words, infinite variations of learning the same thing, which are still meaningful. (Now don't bring free will into my neat little analogy, just don't :lol:)

That's more or less my thinking too. I mean, how many times have you brushed your teeth? Is the experience the same very time? You know how to cook a steak, but is the experience the same every time? Are YOU the same every time? Granted, given enough time (i.e. limitless) you could claim that every possible way to brush your teeth (including changes in your teeth etc.) has already been experienced, including all the different personal subjective perspectives when doing so. But, given an unlimited amount of time, surely that includes room for new experiences of such?

Anyway, my brain hurts already, so I ain't going any further!
unless everything has already happened or been experienced, except the subject wasn't aware of it due to... what? Narrow frequency vibration? Restricted consciousness? So can it be similar to reading the same book every year and getting something extra out of it each time?

Exactly! What if all possible experiences have already been had, but then someone hits the 'delete' button. Then what? But maybe that has also been done an infinite number of times? You see the problem here!
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