The Endless Mystery of Existence Itself

And here is a most interesting and provoking statement from Maharaj about "darkness" and "unknown":

Maharaj said:
The source of light is dark, unknown is the source of knowledge.

Talk about yin-yang :lol:
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If we had the opportunity to query the Supreme Creator “Why did you do it” and the answer was “No clue, what was I thinking?” yeah, that would be a bit much to handle.
One other thing- I notice you refer to god as “he” -no judgment mind you, I have always wondered at the need for our god to have a gender. One would think the Creator would be a perfect blend of the male and female energies, which is why duality was brought into existence in all things that are not the One and seek to achieve equality yadayadayada. When I was a practicing Catholic, I tried arguing that point with my fellow believers and it didn’t go well. Needless to say I am no longer a practicing Catholic, but I am not an atheist either. The DCM fills the void nicely and brings clarity and comfort. Along with all of you on this Forum.
But I just remembered- there are some creatures that are hermaphroditic or can reproduce asexually- no other gender needed! So are they superior lifeforms? The universe is mysterious indeed!
Yes, I had the same reaction to Ra's statement about "mystery". But I'm not sure now.

I think one of the reasons for why 7D could be mysterious is because it's said to be the "unmanifested". Yes, the entire existence 1D thru 6D is somehow the manifestation of 7D, but there's some "infinite potentiality" thing about 7D. That's the source of the issue of "creativity", I think (God/Logos = Creator). This is also about "freedom". If everything was too specifically known and prescribed, that would be lacking in terms of freedom, I suppose.

I also suspect that the black dot in the white part of yin-yang might be related to this, among other things. The need for darkness and silence for meditation also comes to mind.
Speaking of darkness and silence during meditation, it makes me think of the need for randomness + subconscious for divination. Tarot cards, tea leaves, dowsing sticks, throwing dice, etc. It’s all doing a thing that is “random” but via a person who initiates or influences the action. Probably because the subconscious mind needs to be involved, in connection with the “cosmic information field”, which makes the outcome anything but random. It seems that for true meaning - whether from meditation or divination (which is just different forms of channeling in a sense), we must connect to the universe at large.

Which makes me wonder - do we actually discover or figure out stuff ourselves, or is every moment of inspiration a form of channeling the information from the ether? But how did that information get there in the first place - didn’t someone have to invent it at some point to put it there?

Sorta like Rupert Sheldrake and his morphic resonance. One group of mice learning a skill on one side of the world can make it easier for the same species to learn that skill on another side by tapping into this morphic field. Fair enough, but what about the infinite mice throughout existence that have already “been there done that”? Or does space/time play a role? Why don’t mice tap into the cosmic information field that mice from a trillion years ago in another galaxy contributed to? Somehow being on the same planet and close to the same timeframe makes a difference.

Maybe it’s the same reason the C’s are us from the future rather than any random 6D beings. Having some kind of connection or association seems to be important. Which is why it probably is more effective to ask your ancestors for help than the ancestors of some other person, or even from a being that was alive a trillion years ago in another galaxy that could be very smart but very far removed from “you”.

Also, I suppose if there is no time it wouldn’t make sense that anyone could ever be “the first” to have any idea in terms of all existence. But if proximity or association matters, then your ability to “access” inspiration may be limited to those that have some kind of connection with you - be it a soul group, ancestors or future selves, etc. Does that mean that all ideas in an infinite universe are ultimately just getting an existing thing from the ether, and can’t be original or truly unique? I suppose in the grand scheme of things, but certainly if access is limited in some ways, then it can be original or unique within some limited space/time etc.

If that was the case ultimately though, how can we enrich God via our experiences and choices if they’re a rehash? Why would God want to experience the same thing over and over? Unless there truly is no limit to variety of experience, so none of it ever perfectly repeats.

This may be a weird way to think about it but - if the idea is new to me, in a way isn’t it new to God? Maybe 7D doesn’t experience novelty like we do, but since we are God, and he created us with amnesia so we can experience novelty, then he can experience it through us. Yes ultimately it was done many times before, but you and I are only aware of our single time, and we somehow provide that feeling of novelty to God who experiences through us. Maybe that’s why densities 1 through 6 exist, so God can know what it’s like to not know everything, and be excited, scared, surprised, sad, happy, etc. Maybe it doesn’t get boring because he is not consciously aware of himself as God each time he repeats something - cuz he’s you. So since you’re not bored, neither is he? It’s not a repeat to you, and so in this instance, it’s not a repeat to him?
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If we had the opportunity to query the Supreme Creator “Why did you do it” and the answer was “No clue, what was I thinking?” yeah, that would be a bit much to handle.
One other thing- I notice you refer to god as “he” -no judgment mind you, I have always wondered at the need for our god to have a gender. One would think the Creator would be a perfect blend of the male and female energies, which is why duality was brought into existence in all things that are not the One and seek to achieve equality yadayadayada. When I was a practicing Catholic, I tried arguing that point with my fellow believers and it didn’t go well. Needless to say I am no longer a practicing Catholic, but I am not an atheist either. The DCM fills the void nicely and brings clarity and comfort. Along with all of you on this Forum.
I did it just out of convenience when writing. But to your point, what I find interesting is that every near death experience (including channeled books from 5D) I am aware of refers to all the beings there as male or female. They have beautiful garments appropriate to their gender too. Which is weird in a way because we incarnate as different genders. So why would we stick to a gender in 5D? Is it part of our 3D limitations that follow us to 5D in some way and bias our awareness of others as having a gender even when discarnate? Or are genders a thing to some extent or another at higher levels? Maybe they’re not just for reproduction, and represent eternal cosmic energies that express themselves at all levels somehow?

And honestly, maybe it’s cuz I’m just your basic 3D denizen, but it’s hard for me to imagine a genderless being. Maybe DCM, being all things, is such. It just seems more “personable” and comfortable for me, when interacting with a person or a being, if it was more masculine or feminine. I even tend to imagine the C’s, beings of light, as male or female. Like a lot of the names they give sound female to me, I don’t know why! This could be a personal problem tho lol.
Speaking of darkness and silence during meditation, it makes me think of the need for randomness + subconscious for divination. Tarot cards, tea leaves, dowsing sticks, throwing dice, etc. It’s all doing a thing that is “random” but via a person who initiates or influences the action. Probably because the subconscious mind needs to be involved, in connection with the “cosmic information field”, which makes the outcome anything but random. It seems that for true meaning - whether from meditation or divination (which is just different forms of channeling in a sense), we must connect to the universe at large.

Which makes me wonder - do we actually discover or figure out stuff ourselves, or is every moment of inspiration a form of channeling the information from the ether? But how did that information get there in the first place - didn’t someone have to invent it at some point to put it there?

Sorta like Rupert Sheldrake and his morphic resonance. One group of mice learning a skill on one side of the world can make it easier for the same species to learn that skill on another side by tapping into this morphic field. Fair enough, but what about the infinite mice throughout existence that have already “been there done that”? Or does space/time play a role? Why don’t mice tap into the cosmic information field that mice from a trillion years ago in another galaxy contributed to? Somehow being on the same planet and close to the same timeframe makes a difference.

Maybe it’s the same reason the C’s are us from the future rather than any random 6D beings. Having some kind of connection or association seems to be important. Which is why it probably is more effective to ask your ancestors for help than the ancestors of some other person, or even from a being that was alive a trillion years ago in another galaxy that could be very smart but very far removed from “you”.

Also, I suppose if there is no time it wouldn’t make sense that anyone could ever be “the first” to have any idea in terms of all existence. But if proximity or association matters, then your ability to “access” inspiration may be limited to those that have some kind of connection with you - be it a soul group, ancestors or future selves, etc. Does that mean that all ideas in an infinite universe are ultimately just getting an existing thing from the ether, and can’t be original or truly unique? I suppose in the grand scheme of things, but certainly if access is limited in some ways, then it can be original or unique within some limited space/time etc.

If that was the case ultimately though, how can we enrich God via our experiences and choices if they’re a rehash? Why would God want to experience the same thing over and over? Unless there truly is no limit to variety of experience, so none of it ever perfectly repeats.

This may be a weird way to think about it but - if the idea is new to me, in a way isn’t it new to God? Maybe 7D doesn’t experience novelty like we do, but since we are God, and he created us with amnesia so we can experience novelty, then he can experience it through us. Yes ultimately it was done many times before, but you and I are only aware of our single time, and we somehow provide that feeling of novelty to God who experiences through us. Maybe that’s why densities 1 through 6 exist, so God can know what it’s like to not know everything, and be excited, scared, surprised, sad, happy, etc. Maybe it doesn’t get boring because he is not consciously aware of himself as God each time he repeats something - cuz he’s you. So since you’re not bored, neither is he? It’s not a repeat to you, and so in this instance, it’s not a repeat to him?
To be honest, I feel that questions about 7D and "the mind of God' stretch so far beyond the limits of our own puny minds that it just isn't worth asking them, unless you want to get your mind tied up in knots. Hell, we have enough trouble trying to figure out 3D! :-D
To be honest, I feel that questions about 7D and "the mind of God' stretch so far beyond the limits of our own puny minds that it just isn't worth asking them, unless you want to get your mind tied up in knots. Hell, we have enough trouble trying to figure out 3D! :-D
I have to agree with you, as I had to agree with what Cosmos suggested a few posts back. I don't consider such questions necessarily detrimental and in fact I like pondering on them to see if I can figure out possible answers, but I think such questions will easily be answered when we become STO, whereas we can potentially be obsessed with them now, unnecessarily.

To repeat, the difficulty we experience in answering such questions is closely related to the difficulty we experience in work on self, which should be the top priority, as the C's explained.
I did it just out of convenience when writing. But to your point, what I find interesting is that every near death experience (including channeled books from 5D) I am aware of refers to all the beings there as male or female. They have beautiful garments appropriate to their gender too. Which is weird in a way because we incarnate as different genders. So why would we stick to a gender in 5D? Is it part of our 3D limitations that follow us to 5D in some way and bias our awareness of others as having a gender even when discarnate? Or are genders a thing to some extent or another at higher levels? Maybe they’re not just for reproduction, and represent eternal cosmic energies that express themselves at all levels somehow?

And honestly, maybe it’s cuz I’m just your basic 3D denizen, but it’s hard for me to imagine a genderless being. Maybe DCM, being all things, is such. It just seems more “personable” and comfortable for me, when interacting with a person or a being, if it was more masculine or feminine. I even tend to imagine the C’s, beings of light, as male or female. Like a lot of the names they give sound female to me, I don’t know why! This could be a personal problem tho lol.

The C's have clearly said about 6th density:
Q: (DM) Are you male or female?

A: There is no gender here.
A: In your density, masculinism/feminish is essentially a roll of "the dice." Remember, at higher levels gender is nonexistent.

About levels 5 through 7:

Q: (RC) Is the "I Am The One" a feminine force?

A: My Dear, you seem to be stuck upon gender classifications. Now this is understandable, but prepare yourself for a long winded explanation here, since there appears to be no other way. On density levels 5 through 7 there is no duality. The "God Force" emanates "down" from 7th density and permeates all densities. It recognizes no classifications related to duality, since it is perfectly blended, thus in permanent balance.

I think that appearances in 5D are related to the function of that realm as a place of contemplation and experience processing. The duality would also seem to be an important part of that place, because it is related to the cycle of incarnations and learning about sts/sto. Things are presented in understandable, relatable terms, or something like that. It doesn't mean they are what they present themselves as.
The more NDE experiences I hear about, the more I think that things are representations to the temporary 'visitor' rather than exactly what they are perceived to be.
But to your point, what I find interesting is that every near death experience (including channeled books from 5D) I am aware of refers to all the beings there as male or female.
I included myself in the assigning gender to the “big guy” once upon a time- and was only teasing a bit.
I wonder if the NDE thing is because the experiencers are 3D and still tethered to 3D- they are not fully 5D. As far as channeled sources from 5D they also are probably still 3D, not sure there would be a way to tell? This an interesting discussion, looking forward to seeing what others have to say.
The more NDE experiences I hear about, the more I think that things are representations to the temporary 'visitor' rather than exactly what they are perceived to be.
I think you are right, these people are not fully 5D as you say, and are possibly presented with images and sensations that are familiar to them, that they can understand to help them cope with their experience. Fascinating subject.
Another mind-blowing thread! A lot of cool concepts covered here.

I'll share a few visions I once had, back in the days when I did some recreational drugs/beer while I was reading the Carlos Castaneda and Jane Roberts books and listening to Pink Floyd.

Someone here mentioned CD's. I had just gotten my first CD player when I had a vision of all realities/worlds etc. being basically an infinite stack of CD's, each a novel program ready to be run. I saw myself (and each of us) as a laser light that can enter any program my current FRV allows and follow a "track"/life that already exists on one of those CD's; but that "track" will be altered by my individual passage through it due to my past experiences being different from anyone who had gone that way before.

Every single individual soul who passes through that "track"/lifetime will have a different experience based on who they are in that moment. And if they are really ready, they can while passing through that lifetime "unlock" higher experiences available to that character that will elevate the being in that program - and ALL THOSE WHO HAD PASSED THAT WAY BEFORE (and in the future!) - to a higher level of existence. (And: those who have gone that way before, help those who come along after from higher dimensions.)

(BTW: I also saw that all previous versions of any programs/realities always exist too; so that even *if* one version were to be eventually perfected, others have the option of trying previous "saved games".)

The program evolves along with every being progressing among every track simultaneously depending on what each individual soul passing through adds to that program, and that program (usually!) eventually evolves towards the highest possible permutation for completion (e.g. moving all who experienced that program eventually towards 7D). (But...sometimes the opposite could happen, though rarely. Shrug.) And: individual souls could choose to re-experience that same program if they desire, trying for better and better outcomes. It really presented to me that reality truly may be in some sense like a video game.

I also saw that each and every single one of us may actually be a future universe in training. Each and every single spark of the infinite beings that we all are has the capacity to eventually gain enough knowledge and experience to create our own separate realities, complete with all new "CD's" and characters to be experienced by each and every other infinite being that wishes to engage with our creations. Also: we each have a finger in each other's pies, helping each other perfect our creations by playing within them as "lesser" beings - and, we each and every single one of us take in these experiences to eventually manifest even greater and greater realities for others to experience. It truly IS infinite!

All of this is complete conjecture on my part of course. Be careful when you imbibe that Funky Cold Medina. You might just see things you aren't quite ready for...
Somehow, at least in a number of such experiences, there is no time and no materiality as we know it, yet that doesn’t seem to be a problem at all while there still can be experiences and a lot of meaningful things happening without any need for time as we know it.
The thing is that even beyond "time as we know it", for any kind of change to happen in the eternal now, there needs to be a "before" and "after", or some kind of time.

The C's even hinted at that by saying that the eternal now is the "expanded present", which is "the real measure of time". Would they have said that if there was nothing similar to time in the eternal now?

I suppose another possibility is that without any time or any change in the eternal now, the beings there could be "all versions of themselves at once (1D to 6D)". But since 6D beings apparently work towards entering 7D, it does look like there is change in 6D too - and therefore something like time.
To be honest, I feel that questions about 7D and "the mind of God' stretch so far beyond the limits of our own puny minds that it just isn't worth asking them, unless you want to get your mind tied up in knots. Hell, we have enough trouble trying to figure out 3D! :-D
I think that trying to get closer to answers of the big questions can be beneficial on any level from 3D to 6D - even though our answers will necessarily be preliminary and evolve with us.

Such deep questions can also be a good practice to try to see more from the eyes of the soul, connecting to the more cosmic perspective and the higher centers in deep meditation.

Just using our lower mental (rational mind) for such questions seems less helpful, even though logic can also give some preliminary answers, eg. by ruling out some possibilities.
I suppose another possibility is that without any time or any change in the eternal now, the beings there could be "all versions of themselves at once (1D to 6D)".
Maybe 6D is truly timeless and the beings there do not change, only helping everyone else to get to the 6D level. Once everyone is at 6D then everyone enters 7D together and the cycle ends or restarts.
I'm wondering if even 7D beings have an absolute complete cognition of ALL the universe/universes at any given moment of time themselves. If 7D beings are aware of all things within this single universe at any given moment, does that mean they also know everything about all other universes in that very same moment? Are there levels above 7D that even they can't see; or that they aren't telling us about because we here in 3D can't even see everything within our current local universe, so there's no point in sharing that information with us?

We're dealing with infinity here. I would personally think that any being trying to tell us about "all that is" in any given moment would miss all other developments in ALL realities occurring in the very moment that they are speaking about them. Anyone trying to present information about existence at any one "time" will only be able to present a snapshot of their local reality, and not the whole enchilada even if that includes entire universes of information, because that is impossible due to the infinite quality of existence. The truly Infinite can't ever be completely seen or related in any one moment, ever.

So in one sense, this discussion is meaningless. And yet it is also everything worth exploring, IMHO. And no, I'm not on drugs. Currently.
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