The Endless Mystery of Existence Itself

The basics of existence/being never change. For example, the number of densities and their respective curricula (lessons) never change. But no experience is "repeated" as a replica (like "copy & paste"). 7D is "infinite potentiality", which also means continuous creation/novelty (in all densities). So, I think there's a balance between constancy and change.
You absolutely have all that exists, ever has, or ever will, contained within your mind. All you have to do is learn how to use it, and at that moment, you will literally, literally, be all that is, was, and ever will be!!!!!!!!

I was thinking about this phrase just recently when I sat down for a remote viewing session. I experienced this. We are one little part of the whole and when we tune into the Mind of God, Divine Consciousness, the Information Field, In the Now, we have access to it all. Awesome.
If all the infinite cycles occur right now, then there is no "before" at all. But in that case there is also no change, the infinity of everything just sort of statically exists in the now?

But can true neverending infinity be "static" and unchanging at all? Isn't infinity by its nature always bringing something new and isn't that neverending novelty a sort of constant supply of change?
The basics of existence/being never change. For example, the number of densities and their respective curricula (lessons) never change. But no experience is "repeated" as a replica (like "copy & paste").
Is there time and change at all at the most fundamental level of existence?
Q: (A) 1 2 3 are the first three prime numbers...

A: Yes, thank you Arkadiusz!!!! Laura is dancing around in wonderland, meanwhile all of creation, of existence, is contained in 1, 2, 3!!! Look for this when you are trying to find the keys to the hidden secrets of all existence... They dwell within. 11, 22, 33, 1/2, 1/3, 1, 2, 3, 121, 11, 111, 222, 333, and so on! Get it?!?!

Q: When you say that the secrets of all existence dwell within 1 2 3 or variations thereof, what kind of secrets are we talking about here?

A: All.
Q: (T) The illusion is that there is not a link. In third density... (L) I got it! (T) Don't disappear on me now! [Laughter] The relationship is that consciousness is matter.

A: Close. What about vice versa?

Q: (L) Just reverse everything. Light is gravity. Optics are atomic particles, matter is anti-matter... just reverse everything to understand the next level... it can't be that easy. (J) Wait a second: gravity equals light, atomic particles equals optics, anti-matter equals matter? It is all about balance. (L) And the answer must always be zero.

A: And zero is infinity.
I have always wondered if there was a way to "sing the song of creation" by following a number sequence.

For all infinity (0), there is one (1) grand cycle combining two (2) sides whose allegiance is determined by the context (3) in which they express themselves.

The One splits into two parts, so there are now three parts (STO, STS, and their container: the One) which together give birth to free will, i.e. the context (or the universal judge, if you will) that interprets every possible action (whether STO or STS).
Mathematically, it also fits: 0 + 1 + 2 = 3.

But how do we continue?

4 = 2 x 2 = 2^2 (two squared). The base (2) is reused to create a new entity.
Q: Okay, one interesting thing that we just discovered was that Hyakatuke and Hale Bopp both crossed the eye of Medusa, the star Algol, on April 11th exactly one year apart. What is the significance of this?

A: You must remember mosaic, matrix... When you are on the verge of quantum changes or discovery, the realities begin to reveal their perfectly squared nature to you.
Since the number 4 derived from the number 2 using the 'squaring' operation, it is balanced.
Q: What do you mean? I don't understand.
A: Both times 2 is your square, my dear. In other words, perfect balance.
Q: (L) Do the beings in 4th density manifest in an antimatter state?
A: Both.

Q: (L) Is 4th density a density where both matter and antimatter are in balance?
A: Not in balance, in evidence.

Q: (L) So matter and antimatter are both available for utilization by individuals according to will and awareness?
A: Close. Antimatter and matter are balanced everywhere.
So, by default, creation is balanced... until it has the possibility to imbalance itself.
Q: Okay, what is the distinction? You say that objectivity is the ATTEMPT on the part of the observer to leave prejudice at the door.
A: Without consciousness, there is neither objective or subjective!!

Q: So the crux is the attempt to leave prejudice at the door in the same manner as one would be non-anticipatory in order to create?
A: Yes.

Q: Well, that is a VERY tricky... (A) Is consciousness objective?
A: Consciousness is objective, until it has the capacity to choose to be otherwise.
Q: (T) Is STO a means to an end for STS?
A: No. STO is balance. STS is imbalance.

Q: (T) How can you be STS through STO if STS is imbalance?
A: STO flows outward and touches all including point of origin, STS flows inward and touches only origin point.
Therefore, there must be something special, something 'balanced' about the 'doubling' sequence 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, etc. Each number in that sequence represents a different balanced perspective! And there are infinitely many of them! So balance can manifest itself in a variety of ways. The task of gravity, the great equalizer, is to balance whatever consciousness has decided to do. There are infinite ways of reaching balance, and infinite ways of maintaining balance! The task is never-ending because consciousness always seeks new experiences, many of which can derail the natural order of things. In other words, if consciousness can open a can of worms, it will do it!
If all the infinite cycles occur right now, then there is no "before" at all. But in that case there is also no change, the infinity of everything just sort of statically exists in the now?

But can true neverending infinity be "static" and unchanging at all? Isn't infinity by its nature always bringing something new and isn't that neverending novelty a sort of constant supply of change?
Yes, there can be one structure, and infinitely many ways of expressing it. For example, you can split an apple pie in infinitely many ways, but you'll still have the same quantity of food: an apple pie.
Q: (L) You said that EM was the same as gravity. Does an increase in EM, the collection of EM or the production of an EM wave, does this increase gravity on those things or objects or persons subjected to it?
A: Gravity does not ever get increased or decreased, it is merely collected and dispersed.
Q: (L) Well, I am just trying to get a grip on some ideas here...
A: Then change the thought pattern. Gravity is the "stuff" of all existence, therefore it has an unchanging property of quantity.
For example, you can split an apple pie in infinitely many ways, but you'll still have the same quantity of food: an apple pie.
If existence is a true infinity, then the "quantity" of what exists is also infinite.

However, the C's only confirmed that existence has no starting point, not that it is truly infinite in "extent" or "quantity", I think.

I also think that there cannot be a truly infinite number ways of slicing a finite object like an apple pie.
Is there time and change at all at the most fundamental level of existence?
Maharaj's teaching of advaita (nondualism) is my best companion to the Ra-Cassiopaean cosmology. He says/explains that the supreme state (the absolute being/awareness) does not contain a trace of time or change.
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Honestly I feel like the densities are like an infinite number line. 7D is the infinity, the "end" (so to speak). You can't have an infinite number line if you don't have all the numbers along the way. And yet infinity is also greater than the sum of all the parts - no matter how many numbers you add together, infinity is always infinitely greater than the sum you get. But the parts are essential - they need to be there, or there can't be the infinity. No number can be skipped or you don't even have a number line anymore.

And then it gets weird. Like if you start at infinity, no mathematical operation can get you to any of the numbers that make it up. Infinity / infinity, infinity - infinity, the answer is always infinity. So if you are at 7D, there are no other densities - all is One, there are no "parts", there are no individual numbers. Yet paradoxically, there HAVE to be parts, or numbers, or else there can't be 7D to begin with.

So one thing I've always wondered is how 6D can become 7D, using this analogy (which may be flawed). I can understand how you can go up the number line, which I guess is like moving through the densities. But 7D seems fundamentally different from the rest of the journey so far - you have to make a quantum leap into infinity itself. It's like you can reach 1,000,000 or any big number, but reaching infinity is a completely different ball game. It just seems like everything that's not 7D pales in comparison to it, like all the numbers no matter how big pale in comparison to infinity, and are always an infinity away from it. So how can 6D be closer to infinity than 3D? It's probably because the analogy isn't accurate.

But as others have already mentioned, this and other paradoxes are probably not meant for 3D to fully understand given the limitations of our awareness, and we may have to be patient and wait for 4D or higher. I mean, us asking such questions is like a dog or a monkey trying to solve the mysteries of the universe - why should a monkey expect to have the capability to grasp the proper answer at all? Yet we humans often think that we are capable of understanding if someone was to simply tell us how things really are - because we don't see the limits of our own ability to understand the way we see a monkey's limitations. Just cuz we can ask a question doesn't always mean we can understand the answer.

In fact, the C's said we will stop asking certain questions at 4D - like they said that we wouldn't even attempt to contemplate a "beginning" to all things at that point because the concept will be non-sensical anymore. I'm sure there's lots of things that will become self-explanatory and no longer paradoxical once we are not limited by our 3D perspective. It's fun to entertain these things and have such discussions, as long as we keep in mind that we may simply have to wait for the answers to be useful or meaningful, and not be frustrated that we can't properly grasp things now.
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I have always wondered if there was a way to "sing the song of creation" by following a number sequence.

For all infinity (0), there is one (1) grand cycle combining two (2) sides whose allegiance is determined by the context (3) in which they express themselves.

That makes sense to me, the discussions on change in a timeless realm really got me thinking too. It's a fascinating paradox, and I appreciate you bringing this sequence up. It's got me pondering the nature of time, consciousness, in relation to those four worlds I brought up earlier too. I've been wondering how time in those higher densities is different from how we experience it here in 3d.

Gurdjieff, perhaps described the universe as a hierarchy of worlds too, each with its own unique characteristics. The Absolute (0), the World of Ideas (1), the Astral World (2), and finally, our familiar Physical World (3).
But even with this hierarchy, there's an underlying interconnectedness, a fifth element that binds everything and permeates all of creation. Maybe it's related to that primordial being idea, Adam Kadmon, the blueprint that holds the potential for all that we are and can be.

But, maybe it's not a linear progression, but relationship, like can be mapped out with a tetrahedron? And perhaps this blueprint, is how change happens with timelessness. Maybe it's the bridge between the eternal now and the ever-changing present, the link between the Absolute and the individual soul consciousness unit and the temporary / spatial world.

And maybe, as we expand our consciousness, we incorporate more of this blueprint and start to experience time differently. It's like our present moment becomes wider, encompassing more and more of the past and future, until it merges with that eternal now, which is all part of the every existing blueprint.

So, learning in this timeless state might not be about accumulating new knowledge, but about expanding our awareness, our present moment, until it encompasses all of time.

It's a mind-bending concept, but it makes a certain kind of sense. Anyway, just some thoughts I wanted to share. And thanks axj again for sparking this fascinating conversation!
The thing is that even beyond "time as we know it", for any kind of change to happen in the eternal now, there needs to be a "before" and "after", or some kind of time.
Consider a sequence of events (let's call it them "sequence A"), some of which have occurred in the past and some of which will occur in the future. Now, imagine that you have the ability to change any event in this sequence and that doing so can, in fact, change the entire sequence to accord with principals unknown and known. If you change the sequence in such a way it becomes completely new and original (let's call it "sequence B"), the only record of the previous sequence you have is in your mind.

Now, suppose this takes place in the "expanded present". Does the fact that "sequence A" 'precededed' "sequence B" imply the existence of time? Or are they simply two distinct, interchangeable (variable) states? If you chose to 'forget' sequence A, how could A be 'first' if it no longer existed?

A big part of the problem, or so I think, is that we don't really grok the concept of a mind that can exist with no dependency on, or requirement for, materiality whatsoever. An eternal, immortal mind without the need for sleep, food, or input of any kind whatsoever. To a mind obsessed with entropy/STS, such a state of existence is utterly incomprehensible.

Yet suppose such a state of existence is, in fact, real for certain minds. The idea of 'time' becomes nonsensical and irrelevant, except as a "lesson" for minds exploring specific forms of illusion.

One idea I liked in this thread is @Joe pointing out that true infinity implies that there is always something new to experience and learn, never ending. Yet the C's answer that all possible lessons have already been learned seems to contradict that idea.
I don't think the C's said that, at least, not in reference to us. They did say, however:

C's Session 13th Nov 1999 said:
Q: The reason I have gone into these lines of thought are that I want to understand a bit of the BIG picture. Understanding motives goes a long way to understanding our world/reality. I would like to try to understand our motives for being here. So, he wants the big picture: why are we here? Why does ANYTHING exist?
A: This cannot be understood from your perspective. But no need. Patience, please. Lessons are learned sequentially.
And, of course we can make errors. After all, we are still learning too, Ken!
Personally, I'm quite comfortable with this idea. I guess those who aren't are the sorts of people who want "all the knowledge of God right now" and thus wish to put themselves on the level of the Creator. Which is the very definition, passed down to us from sources modern and ancient, of hubris.
I don't think the C's said that, at least, not in reference to us.
True, they said that all lessons have already been learned by someone:

January 21, 1995

Q: (D) Okay, then, are there certain abilities needed to do this connection into the collective consciousness?

A: You all have all you need.

Q: (D) Well then, if this.. (T) By sitting here, we tap into them and they tap into us. (D) If this collective consciousness is a collection, haven't all lessons been learned by someone at some time?

A: Yes.

(D) Then can we tune into the collective consciousness to find how our same lessons have been solved before?

A: Yes. But what is "before?"

Q: (D) Before? No, I didn't ask... (J) Before, during, after, these are all time concepts. (D) Oh, yeah.

A: Yes.

Q: (D) Well, my real question is if all the answers are there, and we can get there, why are we going through the lessons again? I mean, why do we have to go through these lessons if the solutions are already there?

A: Its all just lessons.

Q: (D) I know, that's what made me ask... I just.. I can't understand this.. we already have the answers, and we're going through the lessons again... (T) Not all of us have learned all the answers, that's why we're all going through the lessons again.... (D) But, you see, all the answers are there...

A: Who said "again" ?

(J) Is it more like "still" ? (D) But if all the answers are there...

A: You are still thinking at 3rd level.

Q: (D) Yeah, but I'm still trying to understand.. Sorry, guys

A: Don't "try" so much, just go with it.

Q: (T) It's like Master Yoda said in Star Wars, "Don't try, do" .... Just do it.

A: Yes.

Q: (T) See, I knew Star Wars had a redeeming social value. (J) So did Relationships. The how is to do it. (D) But if the answers are there, and we can find the answers, to our lessons... (T) We don't have to find the answers, we have the answers. The answers are within all of us. (D) It seems so redundant... (T) Most of the lessons are to find the right answers... (D) actually go through the doing of the lessons....

A: No. Not correct idea.

Q: (T) Where were we going with this? (D) Oh, it was just a wonder of mine, it's just like, if we have the answers, I didn't understand why we do it. (J) We're not supposed to know. (T) Well, if we have all the answers, they're all in us, and we all know the correct solutions to the lessons, we should always be able to do it right, but we're doing it wrong, that means we haven't learned it right yet.

A: Retrieval.

Q: (L) I know what she's hanging up on here - what's the point? (D) Yeah! (L) That's the whole question, what's the point? And I guess the point is, is that it's just...

A: Lessons.

Q: (L) In other words, just to have something to do.
This conversation seems to imply that even though "all the lessons have already been learned by someone", all consciousness units need to learn the same lessons. Maybe the different perspective of each being is what makes "learning the same lesson" a unique experience.

And thanks for finding this quote on exactly the topics discussed here (I expanded it to include some of the previous discussion, which is also relevant):

November 13, 1999

Q: It would seem as though we are caught in an endless loop, which is ultimately futile.

It would seem that way if one is transposing 3rd density linear thought from a physicalized standpoint upon that which is infinitely more complex.

Q: On the other hand, if there is free will then, as time does not exist, we should not even be here as all would have happened in an instant as everything progressed to 7th density in a single moment of thought!

A: See previous answer.

Q: The reason I have gone into these lines of thought are that I want to understand a bit of the BIG picture. Understanding motives goes a long way to understanding our world/reality. I would like to try to understand our motives for being here. So, he wants the big picture: why are we here? Why does ANYTHING exist?

A: This cannot be understood from your perspective. But no need. Patience, please. Lessons are learned sequentially.
And, of course we can make errors. After all, we are still learning too, Ken!
Answers to big questions like "why anything exists" being incomprehensible to us or "infinitely more complex" than 3rd density linear thought at least seems to rule out that there is no purpose to existence.

Personally, I'm quite comfortable with this idea. I guess those who aren't are the sorts of people who want "all the knowledge of God right now" and thus wish to put themselves on the level of the Creator. Which is the very definition, passed down to us from sources modern and ancient, of hubris.
I think that asking the big questions is not necesarily hybris, as long as we are aware of our limitations and the fact that any kind of answers or ideas we came up with must necessarily be preliminary and open to revision as we learn more.

As to "putting yourself on the level of the Creator", I see what you mean. Yet the C's also say that All is One and that we are in a way all the Creator. There is nobody "above" us:

December 12, 1995

A: The point is: stop filling your consciousness with monotheistic philosophies planted long ago to imprison your being. Can't you see it by now, after all you have learned, that there is no source, there is no leader, there is no basis, there is no overseer, etc... You literally possess, within your consciousness profile, all the power that exists within all of creation!?! You absolutely have all that exists, ever has, or ever will, contained within your mind. All you have to do is learn how to use it, and at that moment, you will literally, literally, be all that is, was, and ever will be!!!!!!!!
I think that asking the big questions is not necesarily hybris, as long as we are aware of our limitations and the fact that any kind of answers or ideas we came up with must necessarily be preliminary and open to revision as we learn more.
Yes, I agree.

As to "putting yourself on the level of the Creator", I see what you mean. Yet the C's also say that All is One and that we are in a way all the Creator. There is nobody "above" us:
In the context of monotheistic philosophies, that's correct, however there's also a difference between assuming one is already at 7D while still in 3D, and recognising one's intrinsic connection to 7D while exploring a different level of reality. I think as long as that distinction is kept in mind, hubris can be avoided.
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Honestly I feel like the densities are like an infinite number line.
Not necessarily wrong, but I think this might also be implying "linear thinking" ;-)

Yes, there's the issue of "octaves" of densities, of musical notes, of colors, etc. But as it's explained in the sessions, it's "spherical" or "spiral", rather than a flat line. "The snake eating its tail" (the ouroboros) is an example about this, I believe.

Honestly I feel like the densities are like an infinite number line. 7D is the infinity, the "end" (so to speak). You can't have an infinite number line if you don't have all the numbers along the way. And yet infinity is also greater than the sum of all the parts - no matter how many numbers you add together, infinity is always infinitely greater than the sum you get. But the parts are essential - they need to be there, or there can't be the infinity. No number can be skipped or you don't even have a number line anymore.

And then it gets weird. Like if you start at infinity, no mathematical operation can get you to any of the numbers that make it up. Infinity / infinity, infinity - infinity, the answer is always infinity. So if you are at 7D, there are no other densities - all is One, there are no "parts", there are no individual numbers. Yet paradoxically, there HAVE to be parts, or numbers, or else there can't be 7D to begin with.

Apparently, infinity is more about number 1 than 7:

Ra said:
That which is infinite cannot be many, for many-ness is a finite concept. To have infinity you must identify or define that infinity as unity; otherwise, the term does not have any referent or meaning. In an Infinite Creator there is only unity. You have seen simple examples of unity. You have seen the prism which shows all colors stemming from the sunlight. This is a simplistic example of unity.

I believe that 7D is actually "the first and the last" (alfa and omega) density. The sequence in which 1D denotes "matter" is used for convenience, I think, but it's not necessarily the only way of looking at it.

An interesting statement by the C's:
Session 16 November 1994 said:
Light is first density and unifies all densities.
I'm not sure but I suppose "light" means 7D here.

So one thing I've always wondered is how 6D can become 7D

Remember that 7D is "union with the One". 6D is so close to 7D. They already experience being one with entire existence to some extent:

Ra said:
Ra: (...) Thus by the sixth density the sun may be visited and inhabited by those dwelling in time/space and may even be partially created from moment to moment by the processes of sixth-density entities in their evolution.

Questioner: In your last statement did you mean that the sixth-density entities are actually creating the manifestation of the sun in their density? Could you explain what you meant by that?

Ra: I am Ra. In this density some entities whose means of reproduction is fusion may choose to perform this portion of experience as part of the beingness of the sun body. Thus you may think of portions of the light that you receive as offspring of the generative expression of sixth-density love.

Questioner: Then could you say that sixth-density entities are using that mechanism to be more closely co-Creators with the Infinite Creator?

Ra: I am Ra. This is precisely correct as seen in the latter portions of sixth density seeking the experiences of the gateway density.

As mentioned earlier, the C's say there's no duality in 5D, 6D, 7D. So, beginning from 5D, beings begin to "clearly see" that the entire being/existence is "really one". This awareness is increased much more in 6D, and it becomes absolute in 7D, and at the big bang phase of 7D, souls "actually" become one with entire existence. So, 7D is just the completion of a process of incremental awareness/being.
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While out on my walk this morning I was thinking about all this again. Two things actually.

The first is about 5th density. I have read that once the past life review is complete, some souls that love physical materialism can't wait to jump back into the ring and start a new life. Others might take a long time before returning to 3D. But what does that even mean when the concept of time is non-existent in the upper densities? That just confounds the problem for my understanding. I assume that if one is on the path of ascending the ladder, that one will ultimately choose going into another 3D life to progress. But can you hang out in 5D indefinitely? And if there is no time then what would define indefinitely?

The second thing is this. If it is a possibility that there are an infinite amount of experiences to be had forever in our universe, and we just continually cycle through all the densities for this reason, is it possible for us at some point to traverse to another one of the infinite universes and cycle through all the densities in a different life form other than the human body?

That to me sounds interesting and MAYBE more appealing than going round and round in our current universe. Or maybe I'm just stuck on not liking 3rd density so much. Anyway, just my thoughts.
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