The Great Reset

In terms of this, it is likely that those behind Biden have some awareness of what is happening to the underlying economic systems of the US and world as described by me above. [...]

I actually meant that it was curious considering the rise in fireballs and earth change events. He could have used a number of other metaphors but that he chose that one, i thought, was interesting. Not sure if that was clear.
Thanks to another thread on the forum, The mention of the Sheep Farm Podcast, struck my interest.

To to find more out more about the producers of this podcast, maybe I was drawn because I was recently reminded of a life long friend from Yorkshire, lost last year. I can relate to the humor, and the Yorkshire dialect I am reminded of the Yorkshire phrase. Choose your Battle and Which Hill You Will fall On.

It gives the background and investigations from I suppose a UK perspective, some of which to my knowledge is not available in North America. Just two brothers chewing the cud, discussing the world as they see it and the information they have discovered, as they say, it is all publicly available.

The video, which is long over 3 hours, I found the introduction images interesting, It shows the inferred image of Schawb, on a beach, he is naked, has some kind of bands, strapped to both thighs, and also the right forearm, I thought this was strange, it reminded me of the the Opus Diem, and a self flagelation.

Just started to listen, thought it might be of interest.
Thanks to another thread on the forum, The mention of the Sheep Farm Podcast, struck my interest.

To to find more out more about the producers of this podcast, maybe I was drawn because I was recently reminded of a life long friend from Yorkshire, lost last year. I can relate to the humor, and the Yorkshire dialect I am reminded of the Yorkshire phrase. Choose your Battle and Which Hill You Will fall On.

It gives the background and investigations from I suppose a UK perspective, some of which to my knowledge is not available in North America. Just two brothers chewing the cud, discussing the world as they see it and the information they have discovered, as they say, it is all publicly available.

The video, which is long over 3 hours, I found the introduction images interesting, It shows the inferred image of Schawb, on a beach, he is naked, has some kind of bands, strapped to both thighs, and also the right forearm, I thought this was strange, it reminded me of the the Opus Diem, and a self flagelation.

Just started to listen, thought it might be of interest.
For those interested in listening to this podcast and may find the English dialect difficult to understand it is CC in English, thought this maybe helpful to some forum members that may want to listen to this podcast. but have difficulty understanding the dialogue.
Paradigm shift is ongoing:

If you are in the US (and likely most places), looks like the supply chain is not being fixed by current actions. No surprise and pretty obvious. And the Covid Vaxx mandates and Green Pass type things are likely to make things worse and aggravate the situation, such as what is likely taking place in Italy in terms of port strikes and such things and in the US where the medical system looks like it may cease to effectively function at some point, since who knows how many people are going to quit due to the mandates and some of those that do comply, but don’t want to, and keep their jobs could lose a lot of morale and desire to perform a decent job. And there is a feedback loop of degraded morale and performance and realization from normal people about the current situation as talked about below that is going to feed into problems in terms of things degrading and functioning properly.

Empty Christmas Stockings? Don't Blame COVID, Blame California | ZeroHedge

Here's The Truth Behind Biden's 24/7 Port Operations Pledge | ZeroHedge

So I'm continuing to prepare and plan accordingly.

Imo, what we are seeing is in part deliberate agenda and actions to cause a crisis in order to enact agenda driven financial, economic, societal changes at the worldwide scale - huge system wide changes that might be termed as the 'Great Reset' as a catch all. But another part that I think we are seeing is what happens when the morally compromised or deficient sit in all positions of power, authority, and leadership. That the corrupted system has negatively selected for these individuals and/or put them in place against the will of the people and the people who do have leadership qualities and moral qualities. Those with positive qualities have or are to a good extent been purged from the system, unable to impact events, are marginalized at an increasing rate to make a positive impact on events, or are throwing up their hands and saying “to hell with this”. As an example and explained to some extent in and by ‘Political Ponerology’. So no surprise there.

As a person like Biden and his administration (and this may apply up the chain of command to the levels of the Consortium), you can make statements and proclamations all you want, but SOMEONE (and many such people working together) actually has to have the moral being, knowledge, desire, competence, leadership ability, and work ethic to help facilitate actions to alleviate the problem. Reality isn’t going to just form around and in-line with your proclamations, as if you are a reality creator (Karl Rove to Suskin during the Bush year), especially if most or all of those with positive and leadership qualities don’t respect you, actually despises you, and realize what and who you are. Even if you throw more and more money that is becoming more and more worthless at it.

So those in the positions to actually impact and try to fix things aren’t going to be able to do it given their personality and moral composition, since their inherent being and makeup won’t allow them to be able to fill that role (and they may actually be working against it toward an agenda or just acting in self-interest and aggrandizement and being uncaring what actually happens with the situation). And the system of finance itself reflects the current people in positions of power. That reflection being corruption, lies, manipulation, greed, and distortion. And so to me all this is a recipe for things to degrade at an ever increasing rate as reality quickens all aspects of all current crises that are starting to meld together. The supply chain being one of them.

This all seems to me like a very big miscalculation and wishful thinking to the extreme coming into play.

These seem like the biggest factors to me, but there may be other important factors, such as those the are marginalized from the system actually start to take action, even if it is in their day to day life, or act against the system they hold in contempt or are moving toward that feeling.

I’m not too worried right now about the grand plan or scheme like the ‘Great Reset’ coming to pass, since to me the system will cease to function effectively in most or all areas since a lot of the competent people needed to fix and help run the system, a highly industrialized and technological system, have or are being purged from taking any action or having any ability to impact the course of events. I’m more worried about how bad things get in terms of the social, economic, and financial systems seizing up and grinding together possibly to a halt and collapsing and where the bottom of the collapse will be with all of this.
Remember the great toilet paper run of 2020 in the US? I think what we will see sometime from now to early 2022 is the great run on everything of value in the US. Meaning that the local grocery store (or any store that sells things that people normally need to live and conduct day to day life) might be pretty well stocked right now or have almost everything that you might need, but once the masses catch a good whiff of what is really going on with supply issues, inflation, and that no help is on the way in terms of the current leadership doing anything to help with the situation, then the local grocery store, etc is likely to be emptied in short order of the most valuable goods in terms of what is needed and then almost everything else. And then who knows how long it would take to resupply the store.
What I gathered from the last session is that all of this supply chain business is a cover for food shortages due to climate change. Some of it is due to negligence and some of it is intentional to make the Great Reset seem like a more viable solution. There seems to be something of a hasty controlled demolition going on to give the PTB a bit of breathing room via rationing and the elimination of certain undesirables which conveniently starve due to the supply chain issues. They almost need an economic crash as a distraction from the ecological one. If they can get every one riled up over the incompetence of the minion class, they can sacrifice said minions and replace them with the Great Reset crowd, thereby retaining their control over the world. The alternative is that the populace realizes that they are impotent when it comes to solving the problems the world actually faces, which causes the elite to lose most of their legitimacy and the Consortium is pretty much done.

Of course this is only a temporary bait and switch, as the Great Reset doesn't really address the underlying problem and eventually the true state of affairs becomes so obvious that it can't be ignored. This leads into their obsession with vaccination. Since the vaccines contain these "obedience sequences," the hope is to get everyone vaccinated so that they can turn on HAARP or whatever their central mind control array is, and turn them into mindless borg drones who will unquestioningly obey the collective identity being crafted for them by the Consortium. If a certain number of drones must commit suicide in one form or another for the greater good, then they will unquestioningly do so; thereby neatly resolving the impending famine situation. The unvaxxed represent a perpetual thorn in the side of the PTB going forward, as they will have a much greater propensity to see things as they are and be able to exploit the desperation of the PTB. The solution is to activate the vaxxed "zombies" to go and kill all of the unvaxxed in one way or another, which should be a fairly simple matter as the unvaxxed are becoming a tiny minority. We can already see the MSM trying to advance this mentality amongst the vaxxed body politic. They seem to be having issues with the vaccines however, as the mind control obedience sequences don't always seem to "take" in the vaxxed, making them somewhat unreliable in ultimately being able to carry out the Consortium's agenda. Thus there is a frantic push for booster shots to correct this problem. In this timeline, the success of the Consortium's agenda going forward seems to hinge on how well the vaccine rollout goes; there is really no Plan B and they're all-in. Propaganda relies on things still being somewhat normal in order to work When the real calamities begin, they will need a more effective mind control modality in order to maintain power.

As far as Cthulhu showing up, well...when the PTB finally irreparably screw all of this up, perhaps he will come along and show them the true meaning of power. And that's a whole 'nother can of worms.
I constantly see all kind of headlines related to this topic. In your opinion how much does the establishment know?
Are those headlines designed to let everyone know or are they fear mongering as usual (but don't know themselves it's going to get much worse)?


" Computer chips. Exercise equipment. Breakfast cereal. By now, you’ve probably heard: the world has run short of a great many products.

In an era in which we’ve become accustomed to clicking and waiting for whatever we desire to arrive at our doors, we have experienced the shock of not being able to buy toilet paper, having to wait months for curtains and needing to compromise on the color of our new cars.

Of far greater importance, however, we have suffered a pandemic without adequate protective gear. Doctors cannot obtain needed medicines. In Alaska, people are struggling to find enough winter coats. Airplanes are delayed while crews wait for food deliveries.

Why is this happening?
The pandemic has disrupted nearly every aspect of the global supply chain — that’s the usually invisible pathway of manufacturing, transportation and logistics that gets goods from where they are manufactured, mined or grown to where they are going. At the end of the chain is another company or a consumer who has paid for the finished product. Scarcity has caused the prices of many things to rise.

When did this start?
The disruptions go back to early last year, to the beginning stages of the pandemic. Factories in parts of the world where a lot of the globe’s manufacturing capacity sits — countries like China, South Korea and Taiwan as well as Southeast Asian nations like Vietnam and European industrial giants like Germany — were hit hard by the spread of coronavirus cases. Many factories shut down or were forced to reduce production because workers were sick or in lockdown. In response, shipping companies cut their schedules in anticipation of a drop in demand for moving goods around the world.

That proved to be a terrible mistake. Demand for some things — restaurant meals, trips to vacation destinations, spa services — indeed cratered.

But Americans took the money they used to spend on such experiences and redirected it to goods for their homes, which were suddenly doubling as offices and classrooms. They put office chairs and new printers in their bedrooms, while adding gym equipment and video game consoles to their basements. They bought paint and lumber for projects that added space or made their existing confines more comfortable. They added mixers and blenders to their kitchens, as parents became short-order cooks for cooped-up children. The timing and quantity of consumer purchases swamped the system. Factories whose production tends to be fairly predictable ramped up to satisfy a surge of orders."
I constantly see all kind of headlines related to this topic. In your opinion how much does the establishment know?
Are those headlines designed to let everyone know or are they fear mongering as usual (but don't know themselves it's going to get much worse)?

Having worked in supply chain for the last year and half here’s my take:

Are establishment in the know or are they just following the narrative handlers? Probably a little of both.

This article had pretty balanced (with data points not mentioned to msm) take on the strain affecting the global supply chain or as the MSM refer to it as “container-geddon” (side note: they need the fear that a catchy phrase induced to lure people into their narrative).

Supply chain-mageddon? Economist Miller says, ‘Relax!’

In response to the surge, retailers began buying and receiving large quantities of goods; retailer purchases, which again excluded motor vehicles and parts, rose an inflation-adjusted 14.8% for January through August 2021 relative to the same period in 2019. The typical increase in retailer purchases over a two-year period is 4.5%, Miller said.

Between March and August 2021, purchasing volumes exceeded peak-season levels of 2018 and 2019 (see graph above). Retailer buying during 2021 has been earmarked almost exclusively for inventory replenishment, Miller said.

If the import supply chain was broken, retailers would have trouble getting products to sell and move into inventory, Miller reckoned. Instead, he said, “retailers are getting in products, lots of products.” Besides, consumers wouldn’t still be buying furiously if shelves were empty, he added.

Then there is the volume of waterborne containerized imports entering U.S. commerce from the rest of the world save Canada and Mexico. Through August, volumes were on pace to hit all-time records — and were way ahead of levels reported during the same periods in 2018, 2019 and 2020. Through August, the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach processed 21.3% more inbound containers than during the same period in 2019, leading to high utilization rates that would explain the large number of ships queuing at the ports, Miller said.

Taken in aggregate, Miller said the data conveys a clear message: “Systems that are broken can’t accomplish this.”

I did notice that once the MSM picked up the supply chain strain (especially on the west coast of California) right on cue came government officials looking like they have a plan such as Newsome now means business with his executive order for people to do something soon.

Apparently as a quick win the Port of LA has eased restrictions on how high containers can be stacked in warehouse yards after being off loaded from 2 to 4 high. I’ll be interested to see where this goes for an area that only a few weeks ago saw a swarm of earthquakes off the coast and then an oil line break shortly after. Even dutchsinse noted at the time it was more than coincidence.

Anyway much of the noise is meant to be a distraction — people will watch and advertisers will pay. The other side is the gears of disaster capitalism via COVID lockdowns as a means for economic extortion along side the desire for shippers to keep container rates high. In this way they can fund green initiatives (the 4IR aka great reset) and comply with carbon foot print goals they signed themselves up for.
I saw this on FB today and wondered if this is a new slogan to run alongside the "Build Back Better" propaganda. It is from the COP26 summit being held in Glasgow, Scotland, from Oct. 31 to Nov. 12. It almost sounds like some weird mantra that is meant to be uttered repeatedly.
The NO NEW WORLDS lights sculpture in Govan for COP26 will be followed by a year-long stakeholder and community engagement programme - to share the climate message with the communities of the Clyde.
We need volunteers to help run the engagement programme so please get in touch if you'd like to get involved.

I saw this on FB today and wondered if this is a new slogan to run alongside the "Build Back Better" propaganda. It is from the COP26 summit being held in Glasgow, Scotland, from Oct. 31 to Nov. 12. It almost sounds like some weird mantra that is meant to be uttered repeatedly.
I would check CGTN ( for any, maybe different, views.
This is just a theory based on all the info here and constant headlines I keep seeing.

C's said food shortage its because of weather. Some players also seem to be hoarding and storing product unnecessarily. I recall reading about grocery stores buying product well in advance to get ahead of inflation. Also the whole port situation in California. (Thanks @maxwell1110 ) Another part of the equation is ordinary people hoarding because of ignorance and greed.

One example I can think of is when lumber started going up considerably. I don't know if this happened in other parts of the world though...A few players bought extreme quantities of lumber and stashed them in wearhouses. To the point where lumber was stacked all the way to the ceiling. Meanwhile prices kept going up. They were hopping to sell their at higher prices. At the same because of shortages and greedy suppliers, very low quality product flooded the market.

On the general public side there were a few cases of people who filled their garages with toilet paper. Others made thrones of toilet paper and posted online. After all the commotion settled, they saw to return their product. However they were denied and got stuck with mountains of toilet paper.

I can see some parallels here with the current situation. They probably plan on making a quick buck. However the situation is going to get out control at some point, and disaster is going to strike. Of course the general population is the one suffering the consequences.

Again all of this because of greed of a few and the fear of missing out of others.

My 2 cents. 🙃
Again all of this because of greed of a few and the fear of missing out of others.
That is the msm version to cover up the true nature of the situation: That the shortages are due to the weather and the societal disruption caused by government actions in the last 2 years. It is obvious that you fell for the msm narrative and blamed the people who wisely tried to prepare for the coming storm.
That is the msm version to cover up the true nature of the situation: That the shortages are due to the weather and the societal disruption caused by government actions in the last 2 years. It is obvious that you fell for the msm narrative and blamed the people who wisely tried to prepare for the coming storm.
I don't think companies hoarding product to sell at a higher price are wisely trying to prepare, and neither are the people filling their garages with toilet paper.

I'm not saying it's not happening, I'm just saying there's an artificial element here. Also fear of missing out and panic from the population side.

Once again shortages are real and some wisely prepare for the coming storm. Others want to make a quick buck.
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