The Great Reset

Not just AT&T/Verizon and not just cellphone lines.

The Sun had been active in the last 24 hrs with two X flares in a row, but I could not say if it is a real cause or not

I posted this in another thread, but I'll put it here, too - the Spaceweather dudes showed twin X-class solar flares, and one M-class flare prior to the outage. Apparently the X flares did not create coronal mass ejections. Non-CME flares can still ionize the ionosphere and cause radio blackouts. The first and second flare ionization zones can be seen in the video. Looks like the flares didn't really impact the USA, more like the Pacific Ocean for #1, and then India for #2. So I don't think this is a space weather phenomena.

If it was space weather, I see no reason why only AT&T would be affected anyways. That Twitter post above makes the claim it was a widespread outage across all networks, but is there any more evidence of that beyond the Tweet? This report calls the full-network outage into question:

Users of Verizon, T-Mobile, Cricket and UScellular also reported disruptions, though the outage with the services was much smaller than AT&T, according to Downdetector. Verizon and T-Mobile tweeted that the outage had not affected their own customers except when attempting to reach customers of another carrier.

T-Mobile said in a statement: “We did not experience an outage.” Verizon’s statement read: “Verizon’s network is operating normally.”

It definitely could be a cyber attack by secret actors. They may be using space weather as the cover for their actions, and perhaps priming the population for more outages and grid failure when the sun really starts swinging. It could also be that certain cell phone companies are just disintegrating and incompetent and messed up during some upgrade. Or it's something else, like 5G just got turned on, or turned up.

Or the mysterious information field did something?! Who knows.
If it was space weather, I see no reason why only AT&T would be affected anyways. That Twitter post above makes the claim it was a widespread outage across all networks, but is there any more evidence of that beyond the Tweet? This report calls the full-network outage into question:
I checked it
Downdetector, many, several have similar graph since 4 am.

Issues just - so far? at US
The Solar flare sounds a bit of a stretch but plausible....
Yes really strange. Not sure if it may have just been the outage interpreted in your dream, but any kind of ammonia or sulfur smell = shields/protection protocol in place.
I was aware of Sulfur but not Ammonia being associated with possible STS meddling. As far as I know, no one pees in my house, not even the dogs. Even if one did, the smell would linger until cleaned. The smell is no longer in the house. Good to know
It definitely could be a cyber attack by secret actors. They may be using space weather as the cover for their actions, and perhaps priming the population for more outages and grid failure when the sun really starts swinging. It could also be that certain cell phone companies are just disintegrating and incompetent and messed up during some upgrade. Or it's something else, like 5G just got turned on, or turned up.

Or the mysterious information field did something?! Who knows.
I was thinking that this may be a test run in advance of bringing down the internet, working out the bugs. possibly. The internet and cell phones are used for surveillance, so would they really be willing to crash that system, thinking they can bring it back up under their control? wishful thinking?
Hi all,

I was wondering if it would be useful to open a new thread on the incoming Virus-X and discuss this specific topic ?

This could be, in a couple of months, if they really activate their plan this year (as C's hinted at the last session), a thread that will be as active as the covid thread was active (at least when they'll start the show ...). The difference here is that we are warned about and thus, the thread will start with discussion on worlwide actualities regarding how the PTB (i mainly think about OMS & WEF as the visible actors of this show) is preparing the crowds to this major incoming event (even if there is still a possibility that it makes "pshhhhhht")

Here's one recent news about, and this remains in accordance with the topic of this thread (and which could be also added in the eventual X-Disease thread) :

Now here are some thoughts about -considering it'll happen :
- If they well "add" some ebola features, which means high fevers and haemorrhaging, the last one will be shocking for people and we can bet that the media will emphasize the topic a maximum
- If i well read, they speak about a 20% mortality rate, which I think is their objective, but let's say that they'll only arrive à 25% of it, which means a 5% mortality rate, this will represent 1 person on 20 who is gonna go to 5D => again, much shocking for the common people.

With these 2 elements, panic among population will be great and this will bring chaos and havoc among people.
Result will be that many people will forget they promise they made to themselves that they'll never get jabbed again and run to the recently opened "Jab party center" the authorities will quickly put in place.
Here, i do not mention the ones who are already condemned and who will anyway run to take their jab (if not in 5D already), but there are many people who are on the fence, and best preparation for them, but also for the ones who resisted the "covid jabs", is to know before and to prepare about.

We learnt how to prepare and protect about this incoming thread and i was thinking that writing some articles and spreading them would be a good thing to do. Articles which would spare at least 2 main messages, one for the practical/physical preparation and one for the emotionnal preparation. There are probably more sub-topic to debate about, but these are the 2 ones that came to my mind.
Here's a kind of summary of the 2 main messages that could be spread to the populations :

1. In the optic that the PTB will release a deadly virus this year, based on some various researches, we recommend the population to acquire "such medicines" + perform various adjustements in their diet and activities in order to prepare for it.

2. It has a good "chance" that this virus X contains some Ebola genetics which means high mortality and, within the symptoms there is the scary one which is "haemorrhages". We can count on all the mainstream media to emphasize this virus and images showed on TV may be the most scariest ever seen for many (mainly also because it'll happen next door to them). And the factor that will amplify the panic is if there is a good and real pourcentage of deaths and people start to see some of their relatives passing away. But the second trap in this evil plan will be, as for covid, the vaccines. They'll strongly promote them and they are already preparing population to make them accept that they are able to prepare a vaccine in a few weeks (which is pure mockery to the intelligence). If you are among the ones who were already jabbed for the covid and who said that you'll never be jabbed again, or for those who resisted to the covid vaccines : keep this information in mind ! And if you want to give yourself the best possible chance, read again the first advise.

I tried to write some articles but i do not feel much good compared to some, and as this would require some medical knowledge to write it, i would not dare to try - that's why i posted here in case of someone here feels it and has the knowledge and time to write one. All i can say is that I felt the need to write this post and spread my thoughts here on the forum.

More personal ... but hey, aren't we a big family ? Let's open a little bit more myself :
To be complete, one "detail" that helped me to write this post is the recent astrological review @Artemis made on me, inviting me to trust more in my intuitions and higher connections. In practice i noticed that i'm doing it from more to more since a good couple of years (15y+), and i noticed that when an "idea" (i name them ideas) repetitively comes back into my mind this usually means that i'm on something relevant, and/or important, and this was the case here. But i always have this small little "voice" that tells me to delete my post, that i miss some points and that i'll be ridiculized here on the forum and other small negative thoughts like this - I think that it's my programmation which is running its code to prevent me to do good things and sometimes it succeeds to, i regularly delete a whole post i took 1h+ to write ... but not here this time ! Now you know all ! :-D

Again, to the mods : if you want to move this post in another thread please go on.
I was thinking that this may be a test run in advance of bringing down the internet, working out the bugs. possibly. The internet and cell phones are used for surveillance, so would they really be willing to crash that system, thinking they can bring it back up under their control? wishful thinking?
I have also thought about it in a similar way, maybe also they are monitoring the reaction of the people through the social networks and an imminent attack on their own citizens soon, who knows exactly.
I am about 40 min from Cape Canaveral Space Force and last year was an incredible amount of rocket launches, I found this article about it. [SpaceX sets new rocket record with 96 successful launches in 2023].
I get the impression that all these rockets are also destined to offer their services to the billionaires in their race to survive whatever is about to happen.
Also in my area, there have been frequent reports of drones, helicopters or loud sounds within the late evening or early morning hours reported in the internet chat community Ring from people in my area who have this surveillance system at home.
It could be different causes, or isolated things, but if you look at everything as a whole it seems clearer that something is going on and it makes sense.
I was thinking that this may be a test run in advance of bringing down the internet, working out the bugs. possibly. The internet and cell phones are used for surveillance, so would they really be willing to crash that system, thinking they can bring it back up under their control? wishful thinking?
I'm also thinking that turning off one of their main brainwashing and surveillance tools would be counter-productive to them. Except if they want to do the "cyberpandemic" false flag that takes out electricity and/or financial institutions.

Taking out electricity for a prolonged time seems to be one of the few ways they could cause mass casualties, if that is what they are after.

Taking out banks and maybe stock markets seems more likely, especially since "the solution" that would be presented is already obvious - the blockchain-based and "secure" totalitarian CBDCs like the digital dollar.
I was wondering if it would be useful to open a new thread on the incoming Virus-X and discuss this specific topic ?

This could be, in a couple of months, if they really activate their plan this year (as C's hinted at the last session)
Disease X this year seems more likely if the WHO "worldwide pandemic treaty" goes through in May. There is apparently quite a lot of resistance to it, especially from African countries. A new pandemic (real or not) would also make the stealing of the US election easier again with mail-in votes.
Could be a head fake too. If they really don’t want us to see what’s really coming so we’ll react like a bunch of deer in the headlights saying “wha? SRSLY?” As we stand dumbfounded ready to be mowed down like bowling pins. But, it would seem people have been counting cards and can imagine all the tricks that might be laid down and so the cat and mouse game continues.
I'm also thinking that turning off one of their main brainwashing and surveillance tools would be counter-productive to them. Except if they want to do the "cyberpandemic" false flag that takes out electricity and/or financial institutions.

Taking out electricity for a prolonged time seems to be one of the few ways they could cause mass casualties, if that is what they are after.

Taking out banks and maybe stock markets seems more likely, especially since "the solution" that would be presented is already obvious - the blockchain-based and "secure" totalitarian CBDCs like the digital dollar.

It could be an attack on American critical infrastructure that keeps the internet intact. I think they'd wanna maintain their shiny new military-industrial scale frequency fence exposed by Mike Benz in the recent Tucker interview.

I'm guessing there are lots of camps who want different things to happen - like those who want to do a controlled demolition, while trying to protect their own interests. It's mind boggling to think of what the negotiated destruction of America actually looks like. I think the C's mentioned many agendas that can conflict during corona, and it probably applies to US downfall, too.

On the foreign interests note, Whitney Webb has been highlighting certain Mossad-linked NGOs that have been given oversight on a number of American utilities. Cybereason has been running election-doomsday simulations of catastrophic hacking of US Presidential elections; the group now has access to some of America's most sensitive military infrastructure.

In 2020, just prior to COVID, the Israeli 'non-profit' outfit CTIL offered to 'take care' of a ton of American critical infrastructure: health infrastructure, dams, water infrastructure, power grid, election infrastructure, and nuclear reactors and were allegedly granted access to all of it.

So the PTB has Mossad assets in place for a 'cyber attack' on any number of these bits of American infrastructure with no crash of the internet grid necessary. I alays associated cyber attacks with attacks on cyber infrastructure like the power grid, but that isn't necessarily the case. It could be an attack on America's water systems, for instance, or elections. Webb thinks that this whatever it is, it will be blamed on Iran.

On the other hand, the C's have said all this economic collapse stuff may be interrupted by something cosmic, so the future looks like it is quite open.

March 14, 2015

(Perceval) Is it likely that this kind of social chaos as a result of the economic collapse or whatever would be predominantly in the USA?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) The US is a powder keg. It just needs the right spark.

(Perceval) It’s got all the right ingredients right now. You’ve got so many people in big cities dependent on supermarkets and stuff. And then you have the police state well-trained to deal with uprisings. In other countries, they don’t have quite so well-organized police state to put down social unrest.

(Andromeda) And the people aren’t quite as helpless either, at least in areas like this one.

(Perceval) In urban centers in the US, there are a lot of people who are just completely dependent on supermarkets and the system in general from one day to the next.

A: Notice that the USA is exhibiting all the symptoms of a “Color Revolution”.

Q: (Perceval) So, someone in a position of power somewhere in the US is planning to sort of stagemanage the social unrest or revolution after an economic collapse?

A: More or less. However all may not go as planned.

Q: (Perceval) Well, the whole Ferguson, Missouri shooting last year…

A: Outside influences may intervene.

Q: (L) What do you mean “outside”?

A: Cosmic.
it seems clearer that something is going on and it makes sense.
Likely a coincidence, but it's not unusual for helicopters to fly near or over my house as well as commercial passenger jets. If close, they are very loud and I mostly see and hear them when outside. Yesterday though, I heard a very loud noise that I immediately thought must be a helicopter approaching my house. I went out front to see, and sure enough as the sound got closer and louder, a helicopter came into view. What I wasn't expecting, however, was to see a black helicopter that appeared to be armed! It was heading in a western direction either toward Columbus or perhaps an airfield in the metropolitan area. I was astounded to see that kind of helicopter as that was a first. The only other association I had was from the organic farmer I had a herd-share with. He had observed cloud forming spraying over the area of his farm. He and a friend did research and built a device that dissipated the clouds which soon prompted the appearance of black helicopters - not armed though. Really not sure how much longer the spraying went on after that.

Well, it certainly is getting interesting. Didn't the Cs say times will be "shocking and unstable" in the last session? Plus, obvious desperation becoming evident.
Likely a coincidence, but it's not unusual for helicopters to fly near or over my house as well as commercial passenger jets. If close, they are very loud and I mostly see and hear them when outside.
Ever since the plandemic, the number of helicopters I've noticed in the sky has... skyrocketed! Once every year or so, black helicopters fly in a 'diamond' formation to 'show off' their skills, but I think they do that just to scare people. Gotta keep them masses terrified! 🚁🚁🚁
I've heard a lot about de-dollarization, but I've never really known what that means in terms of how life on earth will change. The economist Michael Hudson laid it out pretty clearly, and he makes mention of the fall of the dollar being a major impetus for an economic reset. He's not much of a conspiracy guy, but I found it to be pretty interesting:

K: Yeah, the US dollar system, the greenback, is it going to continue to be the trading platform for international trade if energy inputs fell? Looks like the system is contingent on increasing fossil fuel use. What’s the relationship to the dollar?

M: Certainly the US oil companies, the oil majors along with French, English and Dutch companies have been a major factor in the balance of payments. But now you’re getting oil from Russia. Iran will be back in the market, the Near East. They’re all shifting as rapidly as they can out of the dollar. They still hold a lot of dollars in their savings and the real issue isn’t what currency they’re going to use to denominate their trade. Obviously it’s going to be each other’s currencies.

The question is, what are the oil exporting countries going to do with the almost trillion dollars they’re already holding in US treasury securities and American stocks and bonds as the result of all of the past oil and gas that they’ve sold? How is this dollar overhang going to be resolved? How is there going to be musical chairs who gets to jump on the chair first with the chair being take your money out and convert it into gold or convert it into some kind of property outside of the range of US grabbers to appropriate it and do to the Near Eastern countries, what it did to Iran or Venezuela or Russia and just simply grab their money.

You’re having a phased slow walk out of the dollar. They’re afraid of doing it very fast or the United States will simply wipe out all of its debt in which case these countries would wipe out all of their debt to US bond holders and US corporations. And in a way you’d have a vast clean slate. And in a way that is probably the only legal way of resolving all of this process, just a whole new beginning debt-free with new relationships among different countries. That will mean that there will have to be a whole new set of banks in the West and also throughout Asia. So I think the countries that are discussing what the future will be realize the need to decide what kind of a financial system do we want? What kind of a property system do we want?

Who’s going to own the oil and the gas and the mines that in the past were privately owned
and who paid out all of their profits to France, and Euros or to the United States in dollars. All of this is going to be a whole restructuring of property ownerships and finance throughout the entire world. That’s really what de-dollarization is, not just using a different currency for trade. The big thing is the capital account much more than the trade account.

Still not sure if I fully understand de-dollarization, but it sounds intense.
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