The horrific situation / the place of "pleasure"

I once read a sentence of the psychologist Jorge Bucay that I remain forever engraved, It was:
Tales are used to sleep children and awake to adults.

And it is truth that tales have a special power, allow us to make contact with the internal world, with this part within each and every of us, from which we all participate even if in some cases this happens unconsciously.
So As I see it, the main goal of tales and also parables, poems..., is to awake essence, what we really are, through a language that some define as ambiguous, but in fact is the language of truth because in this way is not relativized but expressed in all its glory.

There is a tale I found that seems appropriate to shed a little more light on everything commented, it was in Spanish and I have transalted it so please apologies for the possible errors...

sufi tale said:
On the plains of Mesopotamia lived a beautiful princess, the sole heir of the Bizdari sultanate.
Her name was Zoraida, She was smart and skillful; carefully educated by his father, the late sultan, who mastered various arts and skills which made his palace a major center of civilization where flocked scientists and artists , astrologers and wizards, masters in various disciplines.

The vizier who ruled on behalf of Zoraida, the sultana, he insisted to choose a husband suitable to their rank and value, but She was in love with Rashid, the dervish.

Concerned with the reputation for good musician and dancer of the man called him to the palace to get up close, and since that time She has been fascinated by the intelligence and the light emanating from his eyes transparent goodness and nobility of his heart.

From that day visits were frequent because Zoraida was interested in the teachings and wisdom of Rashid.
After a while the dervish disappeared from the city without saying a word, Zoraida sent to seek him throughout the territory.
Not found anywhere.The girl lost the desire to eat and joy. A gloomy veil seemed darken his face and the shine of his eyes.
In their rooms, alone, crying and called in a low voice to the beloved and disappeared Rashid, until one night, Almost at dawn, when she conciliate the sleep, he appeared.

"Where are you? Zoraida-asked- I have commanded to find you and have not found."
"I am and I'm not, my lady."

What do you mean?

"That I am visible when the desires are asleep, and I am invisible when the desires are awake. This falcon my sultana, can not stand anything more than in the arms of his Lord, and you want to put in a cage, that is why it lifted the flight and returned to his rest and protection"

"Who will instruct me in the rhythms of the blessed circle ?"

"Your heart, oh my queen, has the key of the dance. Let it fly and you will dance with the cosmos. If you manage to dance in this sacred freedom, you will always be with me, but if you try to use dance as an excuse to hold me near you, you will not learn to dance and will never see me with you. "

"How to learn if you don't teach me?"

You don't want my teaching, You are Looking for the shell, not the food of the fruit and the shell is very poor.
You will stay hungry and will not learn to dance because you will be tied to me, and the dance requires freedom of movement that the chains of attachment do not allow.
Moreover, the weight of my shadow on your heart will not let you fly in the stream of the music of the soul.

Zoraida awoke at that moment. She Had comprehend

I don't no other way of expressing better what I see here. Does it make sense for you?
After reading through the thread, PepperFritz (reply #74) seemed to sum it up wonderfully. I have printed the paragraph out so I may read it as needed.

"I think this is the most common misconception we see with those relatively new to the Laura's work and the Cassiopaea material: The idea that we can "become STO" by doing (or not doing!) this, that, and the other. When in fact, all we can do is consistently attend to our 3rd-density lessons and strive for objectivity through the Work, without expectation of the outcome -- not with the motivation of "becoming STO" or graduating to 4th density, but by simply doing what we need to do in order to grow and develop and expand. Becoming an "STO candidate" is something that will happen naturally in tandem with with that growth and development. Whether it happens "in time" (i.e .to coincide with the Wave and the transition to 4th-density), or in one of our next 3rd-density incarnations, is beyond our control, because we can only do what is in us to do -- no matter how much we may WANT and DESIRE otherwise."
I would like to enthusiastically reiterate the last post, re PepperFritz's post. And, I would like to further quote PepperFritz (from the same post);

"... One is motivated primarily by becoming the best ... he can be, ... Therefore, his daily training discipline is relatively free of distractions and he is able to apply himself 100% to the task at hand. ... the ability to focus on the "now" and on the immediately relevant tasks at hand, are what will determine their long term success ..."

Anything else is just self-importance, or wishful thinking. Remember what the C's said in session 990828,

A: You are all STS. If you were not, you would not be where you are now.
A: ... You are STS, and you simply cannot be otherwise, until you either reincarnate or transform at realm border crossing.
Also, PepperFritz's earlier comment that she was "off to the Lawson trail, ..." reminded me of another couple of quotes.

The Afterdeath Journal of an American Philosopher: The World View of William James by Jane Roberts (Chapter on Faith's vision) said:
He realizes that he is also "more" than he thought he was. As he really understands this, something else happens, and a new motion comes into his world. He feels the natural world with all its splendor and variety forever coming-into-existence from a super-nature or from a Natural source that gives it birth. And he can sense, though dimly, that same motion in himself: energy rushing into his being, washing into him like a tide so that his existence is not tied to the bubbles of thought with which he was familiar, but filled with depths and swirling power beneath.

That energy takes the form of nature! ... He sees that at each point in his life he is present at the birth of the universe. The beginning of the road and his present position and the end all exist now. Only his focus prevented him seeing this earlier.

and from the C's session 941124
A: ... Each individual possesses all of creation within their minds. ... Your mind represents all that exists. It is "fun" to see how much you can access.
PepperFritz is no longer here and so cannot partake of more discussion. However, I still think it'd be worthwhile to finally make a reply.

This is the third attempt. The first - a number of days after all those responses - was lost after I had come quite far in writing one. It was however in hindsight worse as my perspective had not yet grown as much as it would. As noted in that lost writeup, when I made my previous post in this thread I was bubbling under the surface with feelings of impending doom regarding my forum membership, fearing that the conversation between me and PF was on its way to escalating into an irrecoverable situation with me being ultimately banned as some sort of baked noodle or some such. It was a bit of a challenge - and as such the situation in hindsight a useful opportunity - to keep writing. I was surprised the next day upon seeing that a meaningful and involved discussion had erupted. :lol:

anart said:
I think I understand what you're getting at Csayeursost - the point is that want/desire is STS, which you are directly linking to pleasure for the self, which is STS - and we, as human beings existing on 3D planet earth in 2009 are STS. Perhaps the distinction you are missing is that Pepperfritz is discussing appreciation as opposed to desire? (If that is what she intends - if she intends the pursuit of pleasure just to feel good or better, then that idea might fall flat.)

I also think it's important to remember that imposing a lack of desire/want upon oneself is counterproductive - it should be a natural byproduct of development - not something imposed because you think it might quicken development. I think that deep appreciation of beauty, wherever one finds it, is more akin to Love than pleasure seeking or desire - it is more of an acknowledgment of the Creative face of the Universe - and being able to perceive that face, and appreciate it, is part of awakening and balance - but that's just my take on it.

When PF wrote of seeking out and enjoying pleasurable activities I associated it with pleasure-seeking, and then thought much like go2 with the idea that "seeking pleasure" is based on desire (and ultimately STS) while "experiencing pleasure" can be free from desire (and so free from STS, provided no such reactions occur).

I was missing (which I came to recognize re-reading your post some time after "breathing out" the remnants of the formerly buried fearful old emotions that had surfaced) what you were later to write above about genuine appreciation of beauty - and how it fit in the context, suggesting that something different might have been meant.

When I wrote that previous post, I was looking - with tunnel vision - for something to demonstrate my reasoning, trying and abandoning several trails of thought - including beginning to write something about the connection of Work to the elimination of "wants" and "desires" (how it follows from Work and so is ideally accomplished as a result), though failing to explain myself. What I finally settled on does not really correspond to my wider understanding, then or now, when taken plainly - giving the idea of deliberately "reducing" want in itself somehow taken apart from all else. What I generally have in mind (I did not give a single thought to the how when I wrote, it falling outside the scope of my tunnel vision) for reducing want is disillusionment (which causes it to successively fade, in my experience thus far), proceeding from contemplation and Thinking with a Hammer.

Taking some want connected to pleasant dreams and showing myself what it really means - nasty STS business in its raw, coarse details - so building a deeper perspective in establishing these mental links - has several times gradually rid me of desires and allowed me to snap out of a specific bubble of wishful thinking.

Finally, as things have and continue to go, my practice is not in the first place immediately connected to my theory. "In the moment", I nearly always do things by feel. As such, hardly any long-term considerations enter into moment-to-moment Work (except for when I lose focus and dissociate), the theory being sort-of held and processed separately from the practice, though influencing its general direction (sort-of like a map).

PepperFritz said:
I think this is the most common misconception we see with those relatively new to the Laura's work and the Cassiopaea material: The idea that we can "become STO" by doing (or not doing!) this, that, and the other. When in fact, all we can do is consistently attend to our 3rd-density lessons and strive for objectivity through the Work, without expectation of the outcome -- not with the motivation of "becoming STO" or graduating to 4th density, but by simply doing what we need to do in order to grow and develop and expand. Becoming an "STO candidate" is something that will happen naturally in tandem with with that growth and development. Whether it happens "in time" (i.e .to coincide with the Wave and the transition to 4th-density), or in one of our next 3rd-density incarnations, is beyond our control, because we can only do what is in us to do -- no matter how much we may WANT and DESIRE otherwise.

Before when I read this, my mental tunnel vision had me focusing specifically on the issue discussed in this thread and concluding that this does not apply to me. But looking a bit more widely, I can see that for me, while practice is OK regarding this - though too narrowly focused on working within at the cost of not making much of my life's wider opportunities, like "coming out of my shell" and interacting more with people and working with the related 3D lessons - my theoretical thinking is in part tainted. It contains some muddy garbage - thinking subjectively of and dreaming about my future and future accomplishments - that I haven't removed.

The above message should at any rate be much clearer than the previous, abandoned effort (attempt 2). Whether that's enough remains to be seen.
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