The horrific situation / the place of "pleasure"

E said:
For me personally, the intent / driving force behind the pleasure is pertinent to polarization, since I doubt we can't escape the need for it in physical form with our 5 senses. (need and want being STS / we being STS)

ra material said:
Questioner: Can you tell me what bias creates the momentum towards the chosen path of service to self?

Ra: I am Ra. We can speak only in metaphor. Some love the light. Some love the darkness. It is a matter of the unique and infinitely various Creator choosing and playing among its experiences as a child upon a picnic. Some enjoy the picnic and find the sun beautiful, the food delicious, the games refreshing, and glow with the joy of creation. Some find the night delicious, their picnic being pain, difficulty, sufferings of others, and the examination of the perversities of nature. These enjoy a different picnic.

All these experiences are available. It is the free will of each entity which chooses the form of play, the form of pleasure.

Maybe what matters is the results. Is the "pleasure" resulting in a being having more time and energy to live and learn or are they becoming more and more deeply involved in self-gratification?
Re: The horrific situation

anart said:
I think that deep appreciation of beauty, wherever one finds it, is more akin to Love than pleasure seeking or desire - it is more of an acknowledgment of the Creative face of the Universe - and being able to perceive that face, and appreciate it, is part of awakening and balance - but that's just my take on it.

That is also how I see it.

Maybe the problem comprehending begins when we generalize,

We are in a STS world, wich means there is imbalance, because sts side is manifested in a in a higher percentage in us.
But it does not mean, we are not able of experience some instances of glorious joy, of non anticipatory experience, where we find ourselves in harmony, vividly vibrating when we find something that resembles the ideal aspired we perceive inside ourselves.

So eg, I do experience it when interacting with some of you here, listening to some music while dancing, when receiving confirmation of a truth perceived before, or while reading something like this:

Laura said:
We need to identify all the threads and tendrils of pathology that wind their way through our thinking, strangling and twisting and
distorting our vision and our emotions. It's difficult because it's been a part of our Western culture for over 2000 years. We cut our teeth on those ideas and it's hard to get outside of them. But it can be done. We can open our eyes and see, open our ears and hear, and
have our hearts cleansed so that we can truly love and BE individuals who all see the same Truth.

Laura said:
United we stand, divided we fall. All for One and One for All.
Re: The horrific situation

Patience said:
Maybe what matters is the results. Is the "pleasure" resulting in a being having more time and energy to live and learn or are they becoming more and more deeply involved in self-gratification?

Yeah, deriving pleasure from the beauty of creation and my interaction with it with my 5 senses is for me a solace from the 'other face of God' so to speak, thus creating balance inside.

For me looking at the ocean or swimming in it brings up so many emotions. Awe, fear, sorrow, pleasure, love, joy... I become like a child when we drive to the sea and I start smelling the salt.

[quote author=Pryf]
[quote author=anart]
I think that deep appreciation of beauty, wherever one finds it, is more akin to Love than pleasure seeking or desire - it is more of an acknowledgment of the Creative face of the Universe - and being able to perceive that face, and appreciate it, is part of awakening and balance - but that's just my take on it.

That is also how I see it.

Me too.
anart said:
Buddy said:
In other words, in the scenario I'm envisioning, following that logic, one could potentially reduce the level of STS-mentality to the point of sitting and doing nothing until one dies of starvation, but how would the FRV of a person who did that, compare with the FRV of a person who risked their life to gather, assimilate, connect and disseminate life-giving information on a day-to-day basis, using a cognitive feedback loop to measure, quantify results and change, learn and grow from the experience moment-by-moment?

Just for the sake of discussion, here is a snippet of the session on August 28th, 1999

990828 said:
Q: Why? What makes STO unavailable or 'inedible?'
A: Frequency resonance not in sync.
Q: (A) But then, that would mean that all these people who
are saying that we need just to love everything and
everybody, are right. They just be, and love, don't do
anything, just give everything to the Lizzies... they are right!
A: No, because motivation is STS.
Q: How is the motivation to love everything and everybody,
and to just give, STS?
A: Feels good.
Q: So, they want to do it because it feels good?
A: Want is an STS concept.
Q: So, you seem to be suggesting that the real trick is to just
become non-attached to anything and anybody, do nothing,
and just dissolve into nothing? No thought, no want, no do,
no be, no anything!

A: If you are STS, that does not fit, but, if you did exactly
that, you would reincarnate in an STO realm, where such
energy does fit.

After contemplating this for awhile, it seems that there is a deeper structure/context that includes both examples as special cases of individuals aligned with their particular lesson profile and 'doing what is in them to do'. I don't see any conflict because concepts such as 'fairness', 'equality', objective 3D metrics and so forth, don't apply as drivers of FRV. Rather FRV is a frequency whose makeup is all the frequencies of an individual interacting in that same being and no one is likely to be on the same point in his/her development, or have the same lesson profile, capabilities, etc.

It seems likely that a persons emotional energies (especially a fixated state) are also units of FRV since the biological capability is built-in, but I don't know of any way to measure or judge the value or appropriateness of subjectively perceived states of pleasure. It does seem likely that the more 'negative' emotions one transmutes, the more emotional energy is available for a given experience, so a possible issue here is how we define or describe the 'quantity' of pleasure (what word we use for it) that we experience in a given situation and whether the emotion is a means to and end, a result from 'life-affirming' behavior or an end in itself.

I noted that the C's didn't say that the 'no want, no do' scenario was desirable, possible, attainable, teachable or good for everyone/anyone to do, just that a direct relationship exists that results in the reincarnation into STO realm if one should do that. (of course, the C's didn't say it was not-desirable, etc. - I know it's important to be aware of what we 'read-into' a statement).

As Patience said:
Patience said:
Maybe what matters is the results. Is the "pleasure" resulting in a being having more time and energy to live and learn or are they becoming more and more deeply involved in self-gratification?

Maybe whatever we choose to do, the important thing is to know how this activity is linked to our Work and what results we are looking to achieve (so that our feedback loop serves a useful purpose)?
Buddy said:
After contemplating this for awhile, it seems that there is a deeper structure/context that includes both examples as special cases of individuals aligned with their particular lesson profile and 'doing what is in them to do'.

Buddy, just a note that a few of your posts lately have wandered into the word salad category. What, exactly, does the above mean - in simple speak?

buddy said:
I don't see any conflict because concepts such as 'fairness', 'equality', objective 3D metrics and so forth, don't apply as drivers of FRV.

Could you provide some data to back that up? I'm not saying it's not true, but I see no reason to be sure that it is true either.

buddy said:
Rather FRV is a frequency whose makeup is all the frequencies of an individual interacting in that same being and no one is likely to be on the same point in his/her development, or have the same lesson profile, capabilities, etc.

Again, the way you've written this is a bit convoluted - could you explain what you mean by 'frequencies interacting in that same being'?

buddy said:
It seems likely that a persons emotional energies (especially a fixated state) are also units of FRV since the biological capability is built-in, but I don't know of any way to measure or judge the value or appropriateness of subjectively perceived states of pleasure.

What is a unit of FRV?

buddy said:
It does seem likely that the more 'negative' emotions one transmutes, the more emotional energy is available for a given experience, so a possible issue here is how we define or describe the 'quantity' of pleasure (what word we use for it) that we experience in a given situation and whether the emotion is a means to and end, a result from 'life-affirming' behavior or an end in itself.

I think I get your point here, though, again you seem to have taken the long way around.

buddy said:
I noted that the C's didn't say that the 'no want, no do' scenario was desirable, possible, attainable, teachable or good for everyone/anyone to do, just that a direct relationship exists that results in the reincarnation into STO realm if one should do that. (of course, the C's didn't say it was not-desirable, etc. - I know it's important to be aware of what we 'read-into' a statement).

It is not typical of the C's to say what one should do - they were simply commenting - in context - on what Laura had suggested. The reason I posted it and brought it up is that it seems that there is a tendency in this thread to take one's own perception as reality. If 'I' think this is 'good', it must be 'good' - when our perception is almost infinitely limited - and it benefits us to stretch our minds a bit and challenge our own understanding on the things we hold as self-evident - especially when it pains us to do so - since, as we know - until there is a Self there, nothing is evident.

In short, we cannot think about the way we think with the way we think - so it's beneficial to deeply consider that everything we think/feel/perceive is wrong, or at least not quite what it seems. That's what the C's comment might bring to this discussion.

buddy said:
Maybe whatever we choose to do, the important thing is to know how this activity is linked to our Work and what results we are looking to achieve (so that our feedback loop serves a useful purpose)?

Self-observation and being conscious of what one is doing and why they are doing it at all times is the point, or so it seems to me. That, of course, can include positive, appreciative, life affirming things - it necessarily has to, I would think, else we'd all go stark-raving mad. It's when one dwells there or utilizes such things as buffers or to avoid the suffering which prompts objective growth, that it leads away from the Aim (assuming one has an Aim) - but I think that might be what you (and many others) have been trying to get at...
anart, I appreciate the feedback and the opportunity to learn.

anart said:
Buddy said:
After contemplating this for awhile, it seems that there is a deeper structure/context that includes both examples as special cases of individuals aligned with their particular lesson profile and 'doing what is in them to do'.

Buddy, just a note that a few of your posts lately have wandered into the word salad category. What, exactly, does the above mean - in simple speak?

I meant that instead of originally seeing the two mentioned examples as opposed to each other and therefore, in conflict, I now see them existing as two examples of the same thing - individuals aligned with their particular lesson profile and 'doing what is in them to do'.

[quote author=anart]
buddy said:
I don't see any conflict because concepts such as 'fairness', 'equality', objective 3D metrics and so forth, don't apply as drivers of FRV.

Could you provide some data to back that up? I'm not saying it's not true, but I see no reason to be sure that it is true either.[/quote]

My reasoning was that 3rd density concepts such as 'fairness', 'equality' don't directly relate to FRV, otherwise one could say that it's not 'fair' for one individual to make the transition to 4th Density by doing nothing and another to make it by working non-stop to try to wake people up. In other words, I was referring to my own initial thoughts on the matter and now revealing what I see as the absurdity. I have no other data to offer.

[quote author=anart]
buddy said:
Rather FRV is a frequency whose makeup is all the frequencies of an individual interacting in that same being and no one is likely to be on the same point in his/her development, or have the same lesson profile, capabilities, etc.

Again, the way you've written this is a bit convoluted - could you explain what you mean by 'frequencies interacting in that same being'?[/quote]

I meant that FRV is not a 'thing itself', rather a result of other energy frequencies taken together - like the C7 chord on the piano is a combination of individual notes.

[quote author=anart]
buddy said:
It seems likely that a persons emotional energies (especially a fixated state) are also units of FRV since the biological capability is built-in, but I don't know of any way to measure or judge the value or appropriateness of subjectively perceived states of pleasure.

What is a unit of FRV? [/quote]

I meant one of the frequencies that constitute FRV.

If there is any other word salad I could clear up, I'd be happy to give it a shot. :)
anart said:
Self-observation and being conscious of what one is doing and why they are doing it at all times is the point, or so it seems to me. That, of course, can include positive, appreciative, life affirming things - it necessarily has to, I would think, else we'd all go stark-raving mad. It's when one dwells there or utilizes such things as buffers or to avoid the suffering which prompts objective growth, that it leads away from the Aim (assuming one has an Aim) - but I think that might be what you (and many others) have been trying to get at...

As I was composing this post on a similar idea as above, anart posted hers. :) Briefly, what I was going to say was that this seems like a good opportunity to remember oneself, to observe in oneself when there is an inclination to step back from "the horror of the situation" in pursuit of another perspective and what one "does" in order to accomplish it. Seems like this would likely build knowledge of oneself and one's machine, OSIT.

[Edit Added] And an opportunity to practice non-attachment as well.
It certainly appears that I have not been clearly understanding and responding to Csayeursost's posts in this thread. Thanks to Anart and everyone else for their additional input, feedback, and perspective.

anart said:
You have not really clarified the difference between pleasure and 'pleasure for the self' in your posts thus far. Could you, perhaps, try to clarify that as it applies to your particular situation?

Well, I think the point you are trying to make is that it is only at the 4th-density STO level that entities are capable of experiencing pleasure purely, without any want, desire, or attachment. As explained by the C's, as third-density humans we are not capable of seeking out pleasure in a way that does not involve "pleasure for the self" to some degree. And I guess we need to be constantly aware of that when considering our own perceived motivations and intents.

From what I have taken away in this interesting thread could almost be summed up as "...might as well enjoy it!".

A relevant example for me, would be a a school-course. I have chosen to take it, and reading for a test that might be viewed by me as boring or interesting/fun, so instead of feeling bored and maybe sorry for myself having to experience it that way - its up to me to find it enjoyable, see it as a challenge.

Does that resonate with anyone else?
I don't know if I my thought gets across with this paragraph, if not then I will try to expand on it.
PepperFritz said:
anart said:
Unless it is pleasure for the self - that is an important distinction that you seem to be glossing over a bit. The introduction of 'pleasure for the self' - as in 'only for the self' was one of the key components of 'the fall' ... so it might be worthwhile to consider that aspect and its ramifications/manifestations.

No, I'm not "glossing over" the distinction at all. It was my intent to highlight the distinction. My point is that when considering the word "pleasure", a distinction must be made. It should not automatically be translated as meaning "pleasure for the self". The devil is in the details.

Interesting discussion. I find that I can enjoy doing stuff that needs to be done. Like the song "Taking care of business." I'm doing something that will make my surroundings more pleasant and functional for me and all others sharing the same space.

Also learning about something I find interesting, because it might benefit me as well as others. And they might be grateful, and tell me how smart I am. I don't mind a pat on the back once in a while :)

But there could never be enough pats on the back to make up for the tragedy all around us. So, perspective and hope and doing something for someone because it makes their day a little better. And personally, I want to see what's going to happen. But the C's said something that I've already considered for long time now. We might just discover that checking out early might not have been such a bad thing.

But I still got to see it. And who knows, maybe I can help. Not just myself, but others too.

Anart said:
Self-observation and being conscious of what one is doing and why they are doing it at all times is the point, or so it seems to me. That, of course, can include positive, appreciative, life affirming things - it necessarily has to, I would think, else we'd all go stark-raving mad. It's when one dwells there or utilizes such things as buffers or to avoid the suffering which prompts objective growth, that it leads away from the Aim (assuming one has an Aim) - but I think that might be what you (and many others) have been trying to get at...

The Aim of a child is to seek pleasure and escape pain. This is a program designed by life to guide an animal being in making decisions necessary to grow in the earth world. I have had this as the controlling Aim most of my life. We can call seeking pleasure the “feel good” program. I could be fairly described as an infant in an adult body.

The personality go2 is well designed to achieve the “feel good” Aim by two methods. I can be a good boy by acting helpful, kind, and cooperative and I “feel good” as people applaud and pat my back. The other method is the bad boy technique of taking what I want when I want it, of course people don’t approve, but the animal sensations are satisfied. This direct method was my favored “feel good” tactic. It seemed more honest than the deception inherent in pretending to be a good boy. That buffer has been dismantled. LOL

Needless to say, the two tactics to achieve the “feel good” Aim were in conflict. This life guided by an Aim to “feel good” led to considerable inner and outer conflict. Eventually I began to wonder if I really knew what I was doing on the earth world. It has taken several years of self-observation to discover and struggle to change this hidden Aim to one more worthy of a man. The sensation seeking animal has to be tamed and removed from the driver’s seat and harnessed to an Aim worthy of a man. This is an on going struggle. The struggle illuminates the hidden corners and the cunning personality which seeks pleasure and avoids suffering and fights to maintain control of go2. I experience some progress once I established a new Aim to become conscious no matter the pain or work as I do not wish to die like a dog as Gurdjieff describes the end of a sensation seeking being.

It is a struggle to remember a conscious Aim and now I see the personality beginning to identify with the new Aim and to subtly take control of the work Aim. I see the devil will eat flies when he is hungry.

Anart, thank you for bringing up the importance of Aim in understanding our reactions to the horror around us. Interestingly, I no longer experience the fear and anger which characterized earlier explorations of reality. I find understanding my own hidden motives and Aim and establishing a new Aim has mysteriously removed the emotional response to the horror of an STS world. I cannot hate or fear what I understand.
GRiM said:
From what I have taken away in this interesting thread could almost be summed up as "...might as well enjoy it!".

A relevant example for me, would be a a school-course. I have chosen to take it, and reading for a test that might be viewed by me as boring or interesting/fun, so instead of feeling bored and maybe sorry for myself having to experience it that way - its up to me to find it enjoyable, see it as a challenge.

Does that resonate with anyone else?
I don't know if I my thought gets across with this paragraph, if not then I will try to expand on it.

Yes....learning is fun. I bought a cheap bamboo flute and took ages to get a note out of it. When I finally got that wonderful mellow tone out of it, the heavens opened, than angels danced and all was good for a moment.

Useful exercise fro the Eíriú-Eolas breathing with the diaphragm too. ;D
PepperFritz said:
That is not my understanding of the Cassiopaea material, either in letter or in spirit. Again, context is all. Obviously, there is pleasure-seeking that is detrimental to one's spiritual health and growth. However, it is one's purpose/intent in seeking out that pleasure (one's actual purpose, not one's stated purpose) that determines its detrimental quality, not the pleasure itself. Any behaviour (whether pleasure-seeking or suffering) that is mechanical in nature is detrimental, as it is not conscious and therefore can never be purposeful (which is not synonymous with "useful"). The aim of the Work is to replace mechanical behaviour with conscious willful action. It is a given that a pleasure (or suffering) that one must partake in and cannot "give up" involves detrimental attachment and identification; it is also a given that some pleasures lend themselves to such attachment more than others. However, the fact that a mechanical man is attached to and mechanically pursues a given pleasure does not mean that a more awake and aware man cannot consciously seek out and experience the same pleasure, not only without detrimental effect but in a way that is wholly consistent with the Work and his aim to become an STO candidate. Once again, the devil is in the details.

I found this bit from the C's session. It would seem that possessing and wanting are two key elements in the "self-gratification" scenario.

Also, what has been already mentioned here, and what we need to keep in mind is that we are STS at this point in time. And we will do what is in us to do.

Session 990828 said:
Q: I really fail to understand - and I know it is a big issue that
has been hinted at and alluded to, and outright claims have
been made regarding sex in all religions and mythologies - but
I fail to understand the mechanics of how this can be the
engineering of a 'fall.' What, precisely, are the mechanics of it?
What energy is generated? How is it generated? What is the
conceptualization of the misuse of this energy, or the use of
the energy?
A: It is simply the introduction of the concept of
self-gratification of a physical sort.
Q: On many occasions you have said that the ideal thing is to
have perfect balance of physicality and ethereality. This has
been said on a number of occasions. Now, I don't understand
how it can be that gratification of a physical body can be the
mechanics by which one is entrapped? Is it not gratifying to
look at something beautiful? Is it wrong, sinful, or a form of a
fall, to look at beauty, to hear something beautiful such as
music, or to touch something that is sensually delightful such
as a piece of silk or the skin of a loved one? These various
things that the human being derives pleasure from very often
elevate them to a spiritual state.
A: Possession is the key.
Q: What do you mean?
A: In STS, you possess.
Q: That's what I am saying here...
A: If you move through the beautiful flowers, the silk, the skin
of another, but do not seek to possess...
Q: It seems to me that it is possible to experience all of these
things, including sex, without the need or desire to possess;
only to give. In which case, I still don't understand how it can
be a mechanism for a 'fall.'
A: If it is desired, then the mechanism is not to give. Do you
eat a piece of chocolate cake because it is good to give to the
Q: Well, you could!
A: No, in STS, which is your realm do not forget, one gives
because of the pleasant sensation which results.
Q: Could it not be said that, if everything that exists is part of
God, including the flesh, that if one gives to the flesh, without
being attached to the giving, that it could be considered a
giving to the 'All?'
A: Explain the process.
Q: For example: there are some people who like to suffer,
because they believe that the flesh is sinful. That is a big thing
that the Lizzies have instituted. For centuries they have
wanted people to suffer, and they have made this big deal
about sex and anything that might be considered pleasant or
desirable should be denied, and that a person should suffer,
and revel in their suffering. And, actually, making a person...
A: If one seeks to suffer, they do so in expectation of future
reward. They desire to possess something in the end
Q: What I am saying is: if a person can simply BE, in the
doing and being of who and what they are, in simplicity; to
become involved in doing everything as a meditation, or as a
consecration, whether they are walking down the street and
being at one with the air, the sunshine, the birds and trees and
other people; in this state of oneness, doesn't that constitute a
giving to the universe as giving oneself up as a channel for the
universe to experience all these things?
A: Not if one is "feeling this oneness."
Q: We are what we are. Nature is nature. Progression is
progression. And if people would just relax and be who and
what they are in honesty, and do what is according to their
nature without violating the Free Will of others, that this is a
more pure form of being than doing things out of any feeling of
expectation, or desire; to just BE, not want... just BE?
A: Yes, but STS does not do that.
Q: (A) From which I draw conclusions: if there STS around
us, we cannot just...
A: You are all STS. If you were not, you would not be where
you are.
Q: (A) There are those who are happy in the STS mode; and
there are those who are trying to get out of the STS mode...
A: STO candidate.
Q: (A) These STO candidates cannot just simply BE, even
theoretically, because then, STS would eat them.
A: No.
Q: Why not?
A: STS does not eat according to protocol.
Q: What does that mean?
A: What do you suppose?
Q: I have no idea!
A: STS "eats" whatever it wants to, if it is able.
Q: That's what we said. If you are STO in an STS world, you
are basically defenseless and they eat you.
A: No.
Q: Why? What makes STO unavailable or 'inedible?'
A: Frequency resonance not in sync.
Q: (A) But then, that would mean that all these people who
are saying that we need just to love everything and
everybody, are right. They just be, and love, don't do
anything, just give everything to the Lizzies... they are right!
A: No, because motivation is STS.
Q: How is the motivation to love everything and everybody,
and to just give, STS?

A: Feels good.
Q: So, they want to do it because it feels good?
A: Want is an STS concept.
Q: So, you seem to be suggesting that the real trick is to just
become non-attached to anything and anybody, do nothing,
and just dissolve into nothing? No thought, no want, no do,
no be, no anything!

A: If you are STS, that does not fit, but, if you did exactly
that, you would reincarnate in an STO realm, where such
energy does fit.
Q: But, if you have become nothing, how do you reincarnate?
And, when you say 'reincarnate,' that implies being in a body!
A: You do not become nothingness.
Q: But, being incarnated means being in a body?
A: No.
Q: You mean moving into a realm that does not necessarily
mean being in a body?
A: Close. But 4th density is partially physical. Does not
consume nor possess.
Q: (A) This is contradictory to what we are doing. (L) Why
write a book or do anything? There is no point. We should
just sit around, do nothing but contemplate our navels and do
nothing. (F) Why do you say that? (L) Because doing
anything at all constitutes wanting, needing, possessing,
having, and so on. (F) Of course, because this is an STS
realm. (L) So, therefore, we should do nothing. We should
contemplate our navels and try to get out of it and to heck
with everybody else! (F) I disagree. (L) Otherwise, it is
contradictory. If you try to help anyone else, or do for anyone
else, you are desiring to help them. Therefore, you are
desiring to change something... (F) Well, sure, but this is an
STS realm. (L) Anyway, I would like to know who and what
this Marcia Schafer is channelling. She seems to be
channelling several sources, or claims to be. Could you tell me
who and what?
A: Not yet, because this issue is not yet resolved. You are
confused because you seem to think you must be STO to be
an STO candidate.
You are STS, and you simply cannot be
otherwise, until you either reincarnate or transform at realm
border crossing.

Q: Alright, I got that.
A: But, did Ark?
Q: We are here, we are what we are, and until the realm
border comes, we can't be anything else. (F) So, don't worry
about being STS. That is what we all are. As long as we eat
food, that's what we are. It's that simple. You can be moving
toward STO, but you aren't there yet, and there is nothing
wrong with that. (A) We ask a question, and you answer this
question, and this answer can be interpreted in different ways.
I am not sure which way this answer was meant. The answer
was: if you are STS, the answer does not fit. I mean, sitting
and doing nothing. If you are STS that does not fit. But, if you
do exactly that, you will reincarnate in an STO realm where
such an energy does fit. There are several interpretations. One
is that, if we do exactly that, we reincarnate in an STO realm
where the energy does fit, and it would be just the right thing
to do, because we WANT to be in an STO realm. So, one
sure way to go to an STO realm is to sit under the tree and
do nothing and contemplate your navel, but not having too
much fun... eat nothing, desire nothing... typical Zen. There is
another possible interpretation: if you would do exactly that,
then you would reincarnate in an STO realm where such
energy does fit, but there may be other STO realms that do
NOT consist of such energies. So, maybe there is a way to
another way to another STO realm, to which this energy does
NOT go, but other ways would go. (L) And, there is another
problem here: the very fact that one would do this is
DESIRING to go to an STO realm! Which precludes the
going. If you desire to be STO, you are screwed!
(A) Not
being, that is what some teachers teach. Nirvana. Is this
something that is supposed to be the only way, and is it
something that we are being encouraged to follow because it
is no desire, no anything. Or, are there different STO realms?
A: Not different realms, as such, but different ways of getting
there. Your respective developments have led you to where
you are.
Q: So, you seem to be suggesting that the real trick is to just
become non-attached to anything and anybody, do nothing,
and just dissolve into nothing? No thought, no want, no do,
no be, no anything!
A: If you are STS, that does not fit, but, if you did exactly
that, you would reincarnate in an STO realm, where such
energy does fit.

I can see how if someone were to read the above, they could interpret it as meaning that the C's are suggesting that we should work towards eliminating all want, desire, and attachment from our motivations and actions. But they are in fact clearly stating (simply as a matter of fact) that we are not capable of achieving that within our current nature and density, and that the very act of WANTING and DESIRING to achieve that, is antithetical to achieving that.

A: ...You are confused because
you seem to think you must be STO to be
an STO candidate. You are STS, and you simply cannot be
otherwise, until you either reincarnate or transform at realm
border crossing.

It seems to me that when we try to impose certain artificial behaviours on ourselves because we perceive them as "STO", we are in danger of deceiving ourselves into thinking that by doing so we are capable of being "STO" in this density. When in fact, the very DESIRE and WANT behind the imposition of those restrictions is highly STS -- we may be "denying" ourselves in the moment, but it is with the expectation of a long-term reward. I think that we cannot remind ourselves enough of the simple fact that we are STS by nature and everything we think and do will involve an element of STS motivation to some degree, and to believe otherwise is wishful thinking.

I think this is the most common misconception we see with those relatively new to the Laura's work and the Cassiopaea material: The idea that we can "become STO" by doing (or not doing!) this, that, and the other. When in fact, all we can do is consistently attend to our 3rd-density lessons and strive for objectivity through the Work, without expectation of the outcome -- not with the motivation of "becoming STO" or graduating to 4th density, but by simply doing what we need to do in order to grow and develop and expand. Becoming an "STO candidate" is something that will happen naturally in tandem with with that growth and development. Whether it happens "in time" (i.e .to coincide with the Wave and the transition to 4th-density), or in one of our next 3rd-density incarnations, is beyond our control, because we can only do what is in us to do -- no matter how much we may WANT and DESIRE otherwise.

An analogy is two athletes training as runners. One is motivated primarily by becoming the best and strongest runner he can be, and if he wins his races, that's just icing on the cake. Therefore, his daily training discipline is relatively free of distractions and he is able to apply himself 100% to the task at hand. The other runner is motivated primarily with winning races. Because of that, he is often mentally distracted by worrying about what his competitors are doing; and the pressure of "needing to win" affects him psychologically. If he loses a race, the disappointment of not reaching his goal affects his confidence and he must work twice as hard to regain it. Between these two runners, the ability to focus in the "now" and on the immediately relevant tasks at hand, are what will determine their long-term success as athletes....
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