The man is a robot


The Force is Strong With This One

I was reading one more time the Tome 1 of wave series.

Gurdjieff is talking about the man is a robot, that he doesn't have the immortality and that he needs to work to build the 4 bodies.
What does it mean actually?
Don't people, who don't have the 4 built bodies, reincarnate?
What is the difference with the soul?

I'm sorry i'm asking a lot of questions... but i'm curious and i don't want to talk about something that i don't understand.

Thanks in advance for your help,
I think he is talking about organic portal. When you are operating in your lower 3 cakras, you are basically in state of fear that blocked your awareness and learning ability due to your fixation on your fears creating a loop of victim and aggressor cycle creation. In this state you mostly think in term of physicality/ mortality. Once you are awakened you choose a polarity thus starting to work on your purification/blockage in your upper cakras enabling you to receive energy from ether better thus the creation of energy body. All creation is basically energy in motion (in astrology: body, spirit, mind and emotion). Example if you learn to purify your emotion/love you will start forming your astral body. It surround your physical body. Yes, people still reincarnate whether they are pure or not. Your soul is basically your vibration at the moment or your accumulation of all ideas and attitude you hold which changes as your soul matured (think of your energy body as the hardware/vessel, your soul is the operating system software since the purpose of incarnation is to experience ideas). If you are pure and balance that mean all of your cakra work in harmony enabling you to be a powerful creator in the state of unity with others (in 3D we are still in chaotic state). I hope this help clarify things a bit.

I was reading one more time the Tome 1 of wave series.

Gurdjieff is talking about the man is a robot, that he doesn't have the immortality and that he needs to work to build the 4 bodies.
What does it mean actually?
Don't people, who don't have the 4 built bodies, reincarnate?
What is the difference with the soul?

I'm sorry i'm asking a lot of questions... but i'm curious and i don't want to talk about something that i don't understand.

Thanks in advance for your help,
No worries,

I think this is actually explored further on in The Wave, so I don't want to sound dismissive, but the answer truly is to carry on as some of these answers will become apparent later on.

I think Gurdjieff has a very particular view of the world, and as such it shouldn't be read as explicit gospel, but I think Laura goes in depth later on, as he does have a lot of value to offer, but not the entire picture which only gets more detailed and broader as more ideas are added.

But I personally understood the automaton/robot remarks as, most of us are mostly reactive and as such have nothing permanent within us, and G would posit that if there's nothing permanent, then nothing would survive after death and as such it was a worthy endeavor to strive to create something permanent within us via the Work. does that make sense?

I understand your curiosity, and I think it's healthy, so I would carry on as you are. Happy reading!
@Alejo @Curious Beagle

Thank you to both of your return. You explained my 2 different perspectives with which I'm still struggling 😂😂 but i will find the answer.


I don't understand that's why i asked.
If someone would asked me this exactly same question, i couldn't answer. And if this is something i can't answer this is something that i can't talk 🙏
There is a lot of things we are doing automatically as soon as we learned it, e.g. walking, riding a bike, also when you are learning a new sports activity you are programming yourself to do certain movements without thinking anymore. As soon as you learned them you are doing these movements more or less automatically.

But this kind of programming yourself or being programmed by others is not restricted to movements. We are having an historic example how people respond e.g. to the Corona narrative - do they "automatically" believe what is told by the mass media or do they dig deeper, inform themselves and make their own decisions.

There are also decisions done by our subconscious versus by our conscious. Many of our reactions, decisions, etc. are done by our subconscious and we are not even aware of it.

I found this book very interesting: "The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion" by Jonathan Haidt. For me it explained what Gurdjieff may have meant about our "mechanic nature".

You could also check the books in "Recommended Books: List and Guide" - "3. Cognitive and Social Science" etc or the appropriate threads in the forum.
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