Covid Tyranny: New Zealand Government Strikes Again

I don't think they are worried or really care what we do. The damage they wanted to inflict has been achieved to a large degree. They'll probably take their lifelong salaries and resign, laughing all the way to the bank.
Yes I agree, the objective was achieved—get (nearly) everyone jabbed.
For me the process of accounting for the injuries may be beneficial to wake others up. That’s what I think is important about it, the information becoming more accessible to the masses.for people to fully comprehend what is going on with the PTB. There are still people being red pilled as more information gets exposed in various avenues, in particular when people suffer more then the information becomes important.
I agree with stellar that they don’t really care.

What is helping their side is the apathy and lack of knowledge of the general population. As long as that doesn’t change massively, they can continue to feel safe and smug.

And honestly, I am not sure if the general consensus is ever going to change enough to get things rolling (as much as I might fantasise about justice being served on our BBM) - more likely to me seems that this sh%t show is just going to be replaced by another one that will take center stage, and the whole Covid episode will fade away as an example of history, when the crowds inexplicably fell pray to some strange collective madness.

And people will smile at the stupidity of the people living through all of that thinking that they would not have fallen prey to that.

Like I used to myself … until I got that lesson shoved into my face!
Massive change in NZ Government. The shift towards the other major party-National ,was hoped for but not a give in.
I think there are a lot of people waking up to the news this morning saying ‘oh thank god’.
The blue wave swept the country with National winning 39.1 percent of the vote equaling 45 electorate seats and five party seats – 16 seats more than the last election.

National's coalition party ACT also had a good night winning 9 percent of the vote and 11 seats in total based on two electorate seats and 9 party seats.

New Zealand voters have delivered a forceful rejection of the Labour government as a surge in support for the National party delivered what analysts described as a “bloodbath” for the government and a new right-leaning era for politics in the country.
The result marked a dramatic change in fortunes for the Labour party, which three years earlier – led by Jacinda Ardern - secured a historic mandate, but saw its support dwindle in the face of rising living costs and the Covid pandemic.

Another interesting October event.
Ardern is no She-devil and there’s nothing inherently untoward about the stratospheric Ardern Ambition. But neither is she remotely the paragon of virtue she’d have us believe she is. She’s hard to gauge, nigh on unfathomable, operating on such a level of scripted performance that it’s almost impossible to discern the Real Ardern. Perhaps the only time she has said anything in public that was brazenly sincere was when she called ACT Party Leader David Seymour an “arrogant prick”.
with the recent election result being reminded of this cracks me up!
And this from the article:
Ardern craves adoration and surrounds herself with sycophants. When a majority of New Zealanders came to see through her, she immediately quit. But while it’s tempting to conclude that Ardern is too loopy and dumb to know her limitations, she does exhibit an uncanny, reptilian knack of knowing exactly where her self-interest lies.

Ardern is a creature of our times, from her very own Outer Space.
This election result is certainly also indicative of the backlash to the lefts insanity causing a political swing to the right that’s predicted around the world. Remains to be seen what new version of insanity we get dished up to us all.

North, people are :knitting: in anticipation of a similar result, although the opposition party does not look refreshing while the coalition is dug in.

Current and ex PM's mutual appreciation club, aka two peas in a pod.

PM Justin Trudeau and former New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern meet in Montreal – September 16, 2023​

North, people are :knitting: in anticipation of a similar result, although the opposition party does not look refreshing while the coalition is dug in.

Current and ex PM's mutual appreciation club, aka two peas in a pod.

PM Justin Trudeau and former New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern meet in Montreal – September 16, 2023​

They likely snorted coke together. Not kidding that’s what some people here think.
She made a big show of saying to her supposed partner “let’s finally get married” when she got dumped by the controllers because the NZ public basically despised her. This woman wants us to believe she is a paragon of virtue when the father of her baby is a drug dealing tv celebrity creep got their nanny pregnant and shipped her back to the Phillipines.
As for her lies and manipulations ,I still can’t stomach the sight of her because of the covid mandates. I have a similar visceral response to Trudeau. They have been buddies for a long time, cut from the same Klaus Schwab cloth.
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I should probably say that the new priminister will be Chris Luxon and I strongly suspect he will be as much of a nightmare as Ardern. The man is a bully and I just hope he can be kept in check or better still natural events around the world intervene.

Kim Dotcom lays it out here:
From Kim Dotcom - wonder how Blue Chris will treat him?

Thank goodness? @elonmusk

How would you feel if I congratulated the corrupt political party that raided your home like you’re a terrorist? They sent 72 cops including an anti-terror with military rifles to my home, scaring my kids and my heavily pregnant wife at the time. All this for a novel copyright case.

They did this for something that isn’t even a crime in New Zealand. The copyright expert Judge in New Zealand who wrote several books on copyright law said that this is a civil and not a criminal case. The National government removed him from my case.

They kept me as a political prisoner for almost 12 years and counting. I have been on bail ever since. The longest term of bail ever in New Zealand. I’m not allowed to travel and I’m facing 186 years in jail if I get extradited to the United States for false allegations that Megaupload was some kind of copyright mafia. Outrageous.

My best friend and co-defendant Finn who simple sold advertising on our website died of cancer last year. He came to visit me from Germany on my birthday and they destroyed his life and kept him here for over decade away from his girlfriend, family and friends. The stress destroyed his health.

I wasn’t allowed to visit my mother who died of dementia in Germany, alone. The National government has harassed my family for many years, spying on me illegally, for which the last crooked leader of the National Party, Prime Minister John Key, had to apologize. And then he just changed the laws to make the illegal spying legal.

They seized all my assets so I couldn’t defend myself and even seized shares in new businesses I created after the raid. Those people you are congratulating are the worst and corrupt to the core.

The new guy, Mr Luxon was picked by former Prime Minister and US puppet John Key. Now the puppet has a puppet.

My family was mostly left alone while Labour was in government. But now the harassment gang is back in power. Let’s see how long it takes until they challenge my bail in Court for the 7th time.

Joe Biden did this to my family. He placed his personal lawyer, a copyright lobbyist, into the DOJ to bring this bullshit case against me for his Hollywood donors. Have a read:

Jacinda Ardern fucked up with her Covid mandates and her delusions that only her Government is the arbiter of truth. But the National Party agreed with all of her Covid policies and draconian measures.

Labour wasn’t perfect but the National Party is literally an arm of the US empire. They shit on their own laws and manipulate the judiciary to please the US government, to be part of the club, to earn brownie points from the evil empire that has turned our world to absolute shit.

Want to know the main reason why the US Govt wants to destroy me? Because I was the biggest donor to Wikileaks. I made it onto the target list of a Pentagon task force that was setup to destroy Wikileaks and its supporters. And the National Party was their willing accomplice.

When I asked you to do an opinion poll about pardoning Julian Assange and Edward Snowden you did that for them and I was grateful. I’m also grateful that I can write freely on your platform.

I stood with you when you were taking heat for TwitterFiles. You know first hand how corrupt Joe Biden is. His administration is persecuting you on several fronts despite all of the good things you have done in the United States. And why? Because you allow the truth to exist on your platform.

Please understand who you are congratulating here. The National Party has sold the soul of New Zealand. They are evil and they destroy lives with a smile even when they know it’s wrong.

Stay safe. Your friend, Kim
This is a little terrifying, part of the new Gene Technology Bill being ushered through parliament:

Subpart 5​



This section applies if the Regulator becomes aware that 2 or more recognised overseas authorities have authorised a class of persons or all persons (group A) to carry out a medical activity in relation to another class of persons or all persons (group B) for a particular purpose, except if the authorisation is—


for an activity involving the administration of a regulated organism or gene technology to—


an animal for a therapeutic or veterinary purpose; or


enable the use of medical devices for animals; or


enable the undertaking of clinical trials on humans or animals; or


equivalent to an emergency authorisation.

The Regulator must, in accordance with any timetable prescribed by regulations, grant an authorisation (a mandatory medical authorisation) to persons who are equivalent to group A to carry out the medical activity in relation to persons who are equivalent to group B for that particular purpose.

However, subsection (2) does not apply if the Regulator considers that granting the authorisation would result in an imminent risk of death, serious illness, or serious injury to people or serious damage to the environment.

The Regulator may impose any conditions on a mandatory medical authorisation that the Regulator considers necessary or desirable.

For the purposes of exercising its discretion under subsection (4), the Regulator must have particular regard to the conditions subject to which the recognised overseas authorities have granted the authorisations referred to in subsection (1).

The Regulator must notify the Director-General of Health in writing as soon as is reasonably practicable if the Regulator proposes to grant a mandatory medical authorisation.

See also section 16 (authorisation of medical activities does not count as approval for other purposes).

A mandatory medical authorisation is secondary legislation (see Part 3 of the Legislation Act 2019 for publication requirements).
well I wrote this email to our MP:
Dear Mr. Mc CLay,
I am writing to you as a resident of Rotorua.
I am appalled at the new Gene Technology Bill that allows gene therapies to be mandated medical treatments. I can tell you this will be the hill I die on because over my dead body will I allow the New Zealand Government to inject mandatory medical treatments in the form of genetic therapies. Are you people insane, do you actually think that the New Zealand public will go along as sheep with this if it is ever realised.

This must be opposed for the good of our nation.

Yours faithfully,

I have to admit that this triggered me, raised my stress levels again. So would like feedback and to network about this. I worry about New Zealand being such a small country and it’s attraction for PTB to use the country as their oasis. As well as basically using the population as lab rats.
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I can tell you this will be the hill I die on because over my dead body will I allow the New Zealand Government to inject mandatory medical treatments in the form of genetic therapies.
You mean the hill of dead mosquitoes that were zapped by your energy bubble? 😉
Soon people will ask you to stand in front of their house to repel the glowing invaders!
Keep fighting, sister, we're all in this together, the Kiwis, the Kangaroos... and the Kanadians!
A: Now, we would like to say something of interest to all: Soon things in your realm will become very chaotic and strange. It will give chills to many. Be not alarmed! It will pass and there will be a new reality to explore. Cosmic forces will be displayed and there will be many searching for answers. Be prepared to give the help that is needed. Be together in love and peace. Goodbye.
It makes me mad how push over the NZ "Government" is. This new law is probably being put through by a directive from the WEF or whatever abc monsters are out there.

I wish they would all grow a pair and actually stand up for the people who "voted" them in, and reject any more orders from anyone outside the voter base.
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