Very interesting interview by Dr Heiko Schöning.
Dr Schöning had more or less seen the false pandemic coming in 2019.
You can read all the interview or listen to it here : Heiko Schöning warns: The next attack are bioweapons and bacteria! (AUF1-Interview, shortened version)
Another good one from 2021: Organised crime: COVID-19 and ANTHRAX-01 – Interview with Heiko Schöning
For those who can read French, has already published them :
Dr Schöning had more or less seen the false pandemic coming in 2019.
According to physician and analyst Heiko Schöning, Big Pharma and secret services are currently combining forces in bioweapons research. After months of investigation, Schöning is certain: “This time, it will be bacteria!” The physician had already predicted a staged state-of-health-emergency months before Corona started. Now, in the AUF1-interview with Stefan Magnet, he reveals specific names and companies and asks for them to be disclosed. According to Heiko Schöning, if the actors are made known, a pre-planned crime could be overthrown.
They have much bigger plans in mind, and it's really very, very threatening. [...] The company today that produces the so-called antidotes against bioweapons, against the new pathogens, and also mRNA vaccines, is called National Resilience. And the directors originate from banks with a connection to the mafia, and also directly from the CIA. [...] And now, in the summer/autumn of 2023, we have the chance to tackle, perhaps even stop the new crime that will be connected with National Resilience.
You can read all the interview or listen to it here : Heiko Schöning warns: The next attack are bioweapons and bacteria! (AUF1-Interview, shortened version)
Another good one from 2021: Organised crime: COVID-19 and ANTHRAX-01 – Interview with Heiko Schöning
For those who can read French, has already published them :
La prochaine pandémie pourrait bien être une arme biologique bactérienne --
Un médecin et lanceur d'alerte allemand renommé attire l'attention sur un réseau d'usines pharmaceutiques constitué par la CIA. Révélations exclusives sur un scénario inquiétant. « Pourquoi le gouvernement américain constitue-t-il un réseau...
Le crime organisé : COVID-19 et ANTHRAX-01 - Interview avec Heiko Schöning --
Le médecin et officier de réserve Heiko Schöning prouve dans son nouveau livre « GAME OVER » les machinations criminelles autour du COVID-19. Comme dans un copier-coller, dix-huit ans plus tôt, les auteurs d'aujourd'hui ont commis un crime...