Laura said:
I agree that the "missile theory" is not promoting divisiveness. In fact, based on the evidence, it seems pretty clear that something penetrated the building in a "guided direction". There probably was an explosion as well - of some sort.
Actually that's the point.
There is zero independent evidence for this.
The security video is not independent or valid evidence. It was controlled and provided for solely by the suspect -- the same entity who first interjected the notion of a missile at all -- as it was first uttered from Rumsfeld himself.
Yes it is clear that the staged damage was staged in a directional manner, but there is zero evidence that it was a from a flying object since we know that the single flying object seen by the witnesses was a large airliner that could not have hit the building.
Nobody saw a missile and the very small amount of people who described the plane as "small" have extremely dubious or unreliable accounts as outlined by Kesdjan.
A theory that NOTHING penetrated the Pentagon, that it was JUST an internal explosion with a "flyover" to help fake some sort of object flying into the building, is not likely to receive wide acceptance even if it WAS true - which I doubt. You might even say that this is an extension of the "blue screen - no planes hit the WTC" theory.
You might say that but it would be an entirely faulty analogy that likely plays right into the very purpose of the ridiculous NPT at the WTC in the first place.
The Pentagon attack was not broadcast world wide on live tv on 9/11.
Quite the contrary, all the surrounding video footage was quickly confiscated and only few dubious and ambiguous clips were released after they were under complete and sole control of the suspect.
No "blue screen" was required because there is no valid or independent footage.
We believe the NPT at the WTC theories were born from counter-intelligence to make no plane impact talk at the Pentagon and Shanksville seem just as ridiculous and you just played right into it.
We appreciate the work that Craig Ranke is doing and we have perused it carefully along with piles of other material. The problem is, even a "final theory" will never accommodate all the factors brought to light by different "citizen investigation teams" and that is by design.
We aren't asking you to accept a theory. We are asking you to hyper-focus on evidence while rejecting all theory.
We don't care about a pre-planted explosives hypothesis.
We do care about the conclusive hard evidence proving the plane flew on the north side and did not hit the light poles or the building.
Since there is zero independent verifiable evidence for a anything on the south side of the gas station the logical course of action is that we focus on the evidence that we DO have.
Making up theories for something on the south side when there is no evidence for it is not very logical.
If there were any other "citizen investigation teams" out there uncovering independent verifiable evidence we would embrace it wholeheartedly.
Unfortunately there are none.
I suggest you read L. Fletcher Prouty's book "JFK" and his other book "The Secret Team" to get an idea of how these organizations work, how much money they have to spend on creating cover stories and fake evidence, all the while carting away the real evidence, and how all of that is by design.
Which is exactly what they did with the missile.
They used Rumsfeld and the fraudulent security video to get everyone to keep focusing on a missile hitting the building.
But all the witnesses saw a large plane on the north side and some saw it flying away after the explosion. This was ignored because nobody bothered trying to talk to the witnesses.
Therefore the honest eyewitnesses who saw the plane all thought we were nuts for talking about missiles, and the official story supporters were able to trot out dozens of quotes from people who all saw this plane.
Some no doubt liars, but plenty honest ones as well.
This made the truth movement shy away from Pentagon research while focusing only on the WTC for years while many even participated in a very aggressive campaign to get people to ignore the Pentagon and label all people who question the official narrative there as "disinfo". THAT is the "divisiveness" we are talking about and it's undeniable. You guys should know this better than anyone.
Bottom line there is enough evidence now that some of the old theories most certainly CAN be ruled out.
Forget about a pre-planted explosive theory. We don't care about that.
But the massive amount of independent verifiable evidence uncovered in the past 3 years rules out the notion of a missile or small plane.