The Peoples Trust

Re: The One People's Public Trust

For more info on The One People's Public Trust I can recommend reading:


Basically, OPPT is the New-Age "we are all one" and "create your own reality"-philosophy applied big time to law and politics. The movement seems to be more and more popular, and they are getting themselves into big trouble with the authorities. Recently, 40 adherents to this ideas were detained in Austria during a meeting of over 200 followers. The authorities call them a "cult". German Sott article:

On the one hand, they are totally new agey, anti-law and anti-state, but on the other hand they create their own laws by self-issuing warrants and orders to "seize assets" of popular politicians (see article). No wonder they were raided and detained. It is a good example that the "you create your own reality" philosophy does NOT work.
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