The Politics of Climate Change: Green New Deal And Other Madness

I still don't understand that governments comply or are about to comply, we already knew there are psycopaths taking control, though. Still, I'm surprised.
The World Bank has issued a notice to western nations that they must completely abolish farming in order to achieve ‘net zero emissions’ by the year 2030.
The plan involves closing down the world’s farms and placing them all under the control of a handful of WEF Young Global Leaders, such as Bill Gates, who will then ‘radically alter the way food is grown.’
According to the memo, the elimination of the traditional farming industry and the drastic reduction in food will help save the planet from ‘global boiling.’
“While the food on your table may taste good, it is also a hefty slice of the climate change emissions pie,” claims World Bank’s Axel van Trostenburg.
nstead of promoting diverse agricultural practices that local family farmers have been honing for centuries – such practices are good for the environment rather than bad – the World Bank wants to throw the baby out with the bathwater by getting rid of agriculture entirely in some areas.
We are seeing that push in the Netherlands and other parts of Western Europe. And now the World Bank is proposing even more agriculture reductions because it claims the climate is warming from all the food people are growing.
“Action should happen across all countries to get to net zero, through a comprehensive approach to reducing emissions in food systems, including in fertilizers and energy, crop and livestock production, and packaging and distribution across the value chain from farm to table,” the World Bank says.

As usual, the globalists are proposing a one-size-fits-all solution to standardize farming practices even though local ecosystems vary widely from place to place. It does not matter to them, though, because the investment returns from their proposal are massive.

“Annual investments will need to increase to $260 billion a year to cut in half agrifood emissions by 2030 and to reach net zero emissions by 2050,” the World Bank says.

I still don't understand that governments comply or are about to comply, we already knew there are psycopaths taking control, though. Still, I'm surprised.
Is this source reliable? The title and the "completely abolish farming" sounds sketchy/dubious. (douteux in French)
Could we find an official source of this treaty? I searched a bit online, but I can't find anything on it except this site:

Major Livestock Producing Countries Commit to Mitigate Methane in Agriculture - Global Methane Hub

MAY 17, 2023
Major Livestock Producing Countries Commit to Mitigate Methane in Agriculture

Today, the Global Methane Hub announced that agriculture and environment ministers and ambassadors from 13 countries, including the United States, have issued a commitment to reduce methane emissions in agriculture. Last month, the Global Methane Hub collaborated with the Ministries of Agriculture of Chile and Spain to convene the first-ever global ministerial on agricultural practices to reduce methane emissions. The ministerial brought together high-ranking government members to share global perspectives on methane reduction and low-emission food systems.
Is this source reliable? The title and the "completely abolish farming" sounds sketchy/dubious. (douteux in French)
Could we find an official source of this treaty? I searched a bit online, but I can't find anything on it except this site:
I understand that you may consider it too dobious, but they are basing it on the report of reaching zero emissions in the agri-food industry, that is like abolishing it totally.
The source is this one:
World Bank Signs Treaty With Western Nations To Completely Abolish Farming

From the World Bank Press Release
Changes in Farm and Food Production Can Cut Greenhouse Emissions by a Third

Affordable, readily available actions can make food supplies more secure and resilient, especially for vulnerable and poor people

WASHINGTON, May 6, 2024 –The global agrifood system presents a huge opportunity to cut almost a third of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions through affordable and readily available actions, while continuing to feed a growing population, according to a new World Bank report.

Recipe for a Livable Planet: Achieving Net Zero Emissions in the Agrifood System outlines actions that every country can take. These will make food supplies more secure, help the food system better withstand climate change, and protect vulnerable people during this transition.
bla, bla ...
Publication: Recipe for a Livable Planet: Achieving Net Zero Emissions in the Agrifood System
The global agrifood system has been largely overlooked in the fight against climate change. Yet, greenhouse gas emissions from the agrifood system are so big that they alone could cause the world to miss the goal of keeping global average temperatures from rising above 1.5 centigrade compared to preindustrial levels. Greenhouse gas emissions from agrifood must be cut to net zero by 2050 to achieve this goal. Recipe for a Livable Planet: Achieving Net Zero Emissions in the Agrifood System offers the first comprehensive global strategic framework to mitigate the agrifood system’s contributions to climate change, detailing affordable and readily available measures that can cut nearly a third of the world’s planet heating emissions while ensuring global food security. These actions, which are urgently needed, offer three additional benefits: improving food supply reliability, strengthening the global food system’s resilience to climate change, and safeguarding vulnerable populations. This practical guide outlines global actions and specific steps that countries at all income levels can take starting now, focusing on six key areas: investments, incentives, information, innovation, institutions, and inclusion. Calling for collaboration among governments, businesses, citizens, and international organizations, it maps a pathway to making agrifood a significant contributor to addressing climate change and healing the planet.
I understand that you may consider it too dobious, but they are basing it on the report of reaching zero emissions in the agri-food industry, that is like abolishing it totally.
The source quoted, "The people's voice", seems dubious because of the title used and the wording of their article.
Also, this statement they made is false: "The World Bank has issued a notice to Western nations that they must completely abolish farming in order to achieve ‘net zero emissions’ by the year 2030."

The official source states: "(...) cut agrifood emissions by a third by 2030."
Their book published stating "Greenhouse gas emissions from agrifood must be cut to net zero by 2050 to achieve this goal", is an abstract. It's not yet done and a lot of things may happen in between those dates.

Personally, I wouldn't rely on "The people's voice" as a valid source. There seem to be a lot of assumptions and the writing quality is not there.

They cited NaturalNews as one source for their info. I prefer the way this subject is exposed by NaturalNews even if they tend to be a little extreme sometimes in their views.
World Bank launches plan to decimate global farming under excuse of cutting carbon emissions –
The official source states: "(...) cut agrifood emissions by a third by 2030."
Their book published stating "Greenhouse gas emissions from agrifood must be cut to net zero by 2050 to achieve this goal", is an abstract. It's not yet done and a lot of things may happen in between those dates.
I also hope things happen in between those years and in between 2024-2030, those things don't happen overnight, the problem is that they are preparing the ground.
UN's Summit of the Future and the Pact for the Future Will Rapidly Expand the Technocratic Takeover
Here is how German police deals with climate activists on the road: :lol:
German police demonstrate the correct way deal with Just Stop Oil climate activists. Meanwhile, UK police act as their personal bodyguards, facilitating their illegal roadblocks as frustrated motorists attempt to get to work—in many cases even arresting the frustrated motorists, instead of the climate activists blocking the road.

In the mean time, the Oscar for the "climate hysteria" goes to:
Canadian MP Laurel Collins claims "climate emergencies are not gender neutral" while being "wildly emotional."
Things are just going downhill here in Montreal, Qc, Canada. It's so infuriating!

They are wasting millions to create permanent bike paths everywhere, when they used to have them seasonal (from 1 April to 1 Nov, more or less). All they needed to do was to paint the line and screw some plastic stick. Then winter comes, sticks are removed and stored, people get the street parking back and that's it.

They are also busy removing as many car parking as they can:
by replacing them with permanent cement flower containers stitched in a curve to the sidewalk (more roadwork), handicapped parking, electric charging stations, temporary 30 or 1h short duration parking, or simply no parking at all, or hundreds of free parking that have been transformed into paid parking.

here's an example of the flower containers:

Meanwhile, there is no money left to repair the roads, some of them in such bad shape you might brake you car if you drive more than 30 km/h.

And this new one, fresh from 3 days ago:

Motorists in greater Montreal will have to dig deep to pay their registration tax, which will increase from $59 to $150 to help finance public transportation in the region.
The price will thus more than double for motorists who have a “passenger vehicle” in the region compared to the amount paid in 2024.
This increase was voted in order to absorb the residual of $361 million which is not covered after the government contribution of $200 million to finance public transport, explained the elected officials.

“It looks big like that, but there’s still going to be a lot of money missing.” There will be no choice to have other measures like this in the next four years, especially to be able to absorb the commissioning of the REM in particular or the cost increases,” estimates Jean-Philippe Meloche, professor at the School of Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture at the University of Montreal.

The REM is that stupid new electric train that keeps failing and breaking down all the time, with people being stuck for more than 3h inside of it...

Another article from LE DEVOIR mentions this:
La taxe sur l’immatriculation passera à 150$ dans la région de Montréal
"Gathered Thursday morning in an extraordinary meeting, the mayors of the Metropolitan Community of Montreal (CMM) adopted by 24 to 4 votes the resolution increasing the registration tax in order to make up part of the shortfalls of transport companies."

And that Montreal Mayor Nutcase saying:
"This decision to increase the registration tax was not taken lightly. According to her, this is a “responsible way” to deal with the crisis that public transport is going through."


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Things are just going downhill here in Montreal, Qc, Canada. It's so infuriating!

They are wasting millions to create permanent bike paths everywhere, when they used to have them seasonal (from 1 April to 1 Nov, more or less). All they needed to do was to paint the line and screw some plastic stick. Then winter comes, sticks are removed and stored, people get the street parking back and that's it.

They are also busy removing as many car parking as they can:
by replacing them with permanent cement flower containers stitched in a curve to the sidewalk (more roadwork), handicapped parking, electric charging stations, temporary 30 or 1h short duration parking, or simply no parking at all, or hundreds of free parking that have been transformed into paid parking.

here's an example of the flower containers:
View attachment 96660

Meanwhile, there is no money left to repair the roads, some of them in such bad shape you might brake you car if you drive more than 30 km/h.

And this new one, fresh from 3 days ago:

Motorists in greater Montreal will have to dig deep to pay their registration tax, which will increase from $59 to $150 to help finance public transportation in the region.
The price will thus more than double for motorists who have a “passenger vehicle” in the region compared to the amount paid in 2024.
This increase was voted in order to absorb the residual of $361 million which is not covered after the government contribution of $200 million to finance public transport, explained the elected officials.

“It looks big like that, but there’s still going to be a lot of money missing.” There will be no choice to have other measures like this in the next four years, especially to be able to absorb the commissioning of the REM in particular or the cost increases,” estimates Jean-Philippe Meloche, professor at the School of Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture at the University of Montreal.

The REM is that stupid new electric train that keeps failing and breaking down all the time, with people being stuck for more than 3h inside of it...

Another article from LE DEVOIR mentions this:
La taxe sur l’immatriculation passera à 150$ dans la région de Montréal
"Gathered Thursday morning in an extraordinary meeting, the mayors of the Metropolitan Community of Montreal (CMM) adopted by 24 to 4 votes the resolution increasing the registration tax in order to make up part of the shortfalls of transport companies."

And that Montreal Mayor Nutcase saying:
"This decision to increase the registration tax was not taken lightly. According to her, this is a “responsible way” to deal with the crisis that public transport is going through."
The same thing is happening in towns and cities throughout New Zealand. Cycle paths in, car parks out.
I still don't understand that governments comply or are about to comply, we already knew there are psycopaths taking control, though. Still, I'm surprised.

how hypocrite and stupid can you get??? why change a system which works = present day farming, to a centrally controlled approach costing billions paid by whom??? and Who elected the world bank???
WHERE IS "the science" justifying this intrusion ??? and expenditure??? we should push for the NET ZERO" of all these nefarious UN institutions and the CRIMINALS directing them behind the screen: the consortium mentioned by the cass??? how far will their absurdity go??? it is easier to abolish the arrogant 1% rather than us 6 billion!!! and HOW did the1% get their billions ?????? by taking advantage and screwing the 6 billion...
Is this source reliable? The title and the "completely abolish farming" sounds sketchy/dubious. (douteux in French)
Could we find an official source of this treaty? I searched a bit online, but I can't find anything on it except this site:

Major Livestock Producing Countries Commit to Mitigate Methane in Agriculture - Global Methane Hub

MAY 17, 2023
Major Livestock Producing Countries Commit to Mitigate Methane in Agriculture

Today, the Global Methane Hub announced that agriculture and environment ministers and ambassadors from 13 countries, including the United States, have issued a commitment to reduce methane emissions in agriculture. Last month, the Global Methane Hub collaborated with the Ministries of Agriculture of Chile and Spain to convene the first-ever global ministerial on agricultural practices to reduce methane emissions. The ministerial brought together high-ranking government members to share global perspectives on methane reduction and low-emission food systems.
METHANE IS A NEGLIGEABLE GREENHOUSE GAS, and you should let cows belch as much as they can and rather determine the damages caused by the zillions tons of explosives detonated. what is THEIR damage footprint???? mon dieu, and they jetted to all these meetings...
Here is how German police deals with climate activists on the road: :lol:

In the mean time, the Oscar for the "climate hysteria" goes to:
The fossil kids are just plain stupid and should be forced to follow a REAL SCIENCE education: oil is not fossil but a natural process, and the so called green house effect of CO2 IS ALREADY saturated. NET ZERO IS UTTER NONSENSE !!!
Things are just going downhill here in Montreal, Qc, Canada. It's so infuriating!

They are wasting millions to create permanent bike paths everywhere, when they used to have them seasonal (from 1 April to 1 Nov, more or less). All they needed to do was to paint the line and screw some plastic stick. Then winter comes, sticks are removed and stored, people get the street parking back and that's it.

They are also busy removing as many car parking as they can:
by replacing them with permanent cement flower containers stitched in a curve to the sidewalk (more roadwork), handicapped parking, electric charging stations, temporary 30 or 1h short duration parking, or simply no parking at all, or hundreds of free parking that have been transformed into paid parking.

here's an example of the flower containers:
View attachment 96660

Meanwhile, there is no money left to repair the roads, some of them in such bad shape you might brake you car if you drive more than 30 km/h.

And this new one, fresh from 3 days ago:

Motorists in greater Montreal will have to dig deep to pay their registration tax, which will increase from $59 to $150 to help finance public transportation in the region.
The price will thus more than double for motorists who have a “passenger vehicle” in the region compared to the amount paid in 2024.
This increase was voted in order to absorb the residual of $361 million which is not covered after the government contribution of $200 million to finance public transport, explained the elected officials.

“It looks big like that, but there’s still going to be a lot of money missing.” There will be no choice to have other measures like this in the next four years, especially to be able to absorb the commissioning of the REM in particular or the cost increases,” estimates Jean-Philippe Meloche, professor at the School of Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture at the University of Montreal.

The REM is that stupid new electric train that keeps failing and breaking down all the time, with people being stuck for more than 3h inside of it...

Another article from LE DEVOIR mentions this:
La taxe sur l’immatriculation passera à 150$ dans la région de Montréal
"Gathered Thursday morning in an extraordinary meeting, the mayors of the Metropolitan Community of Montreal (CMM) adopted by 24 to 4 votes the resolution increasing the registration tax in order to make up part of the shortfalls of transport companies."

And that Montreal Mayor Nutcase saying:
"This decision to increase the registration tax was not taken lightly. According to her, this is a “responsible way” to deal with the crisis that public transport is going through."
yes, i have already stated that the
canadian gov IS UTTERLY STUPID.
yes, i have already stated that the
canadian gov IS UTTERLY STUPID.
We know at what temp water boils. The only remaining question is, what is the boiling point of humanity?

Some molecules are in denial, others are ignorant; or brainwashed that water shouldn’t boil and even calling for more logs on the fire, or saying the temp in the pot is not really rising etc etc. A hundred things until that one thing. What will it be? Hockey and Curling are proven to be detrimental to the environment and get banned? I think that would make Canadians snap. But I’m really just guessing. Obviously they wouldn’t dare go that far. Or would they? Just to see.
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